19 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Internet Addiction and Mental Health Conditions

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    Internet addiction is a relatively new phenomenon which can have similar impacts as substance dependence on one’s cognitive and behavioral functioning. This type of addiction is a growing problem, and is constantly being researched to try to address what causes this addiction, who is affected by it, and how it can be treated. By understanding these issues, it will be easier to put an end to internet addiction and the negative consequences that may result from it. It has been found that internet addiction can have serious impacts on one’s mental health and may cause conditions such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. This paper will discuss some of the recent literature regarding internet addiction, and the research that has been previously conducted on it. The discussion of the previous research will include the results and conclusions which have been made in regards to the impacts which internet addiction can have on one’s mental health

    The Relationship Between Internet Addiction and Mental Health Conditions

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    Internet addiction is a relatively new phenomenon which can have similar impacts as substance dependence on one’s cognitive and behavioral functioning. This type of addiction is a growing problem, and is constantly being researched to try to address what causes this addiction, who is affected by it, and how it can be treated. By understanding these issues, it will be easier to put an end to internet addiction and the negative consequences that may result from it. It has been found that internet addiction can have serious impacts on one’s mental health and may cause conditions such as depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. This paper will discuss some of the recent literature regarding internet addiction, and the research that has been previously conducted on it. The discussion of the previous research will include the results and conclusions which have been made in regards to the impacts which internet addiction can have on one’s mental health

    Self-Regulated Learning and Academic Procrastination as Predictors of Smartphone Addiction among Second Year-Middle School Learning Disabled Students

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    This study aimed to investigate the combined effects of Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) and Academic Procrastination (AP) on Smartphone Addiction (SA). It also aimed at investigating the relative contribution of SRL and academic procrastination to SA among second year- middle school learning disabled students. Moreover, it sought to explore if there were correlations between and among SRL and AP on SA. Quantitative survey research was employed. 68 students from the four schools were selected. The results  revealed that there were correlations between and among SRL, AP and SA. Both  SRL and  AP contributed to the prediction of SA. AP is a more potential predictor than SRL. The results raise our awareness of the negative impact of SA upon students as students who are supposed to be of no risk for SA could use high SRL strategies. Additionally, students who are used to using smartphone  excessively are rarely able to attain high academic achievement, and may delay doing their assigned homework

    Internet and Video Games Addiction

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    Dok većina ljudi internet koristi bez značajnih teškoća za zdravlje, u određenog broja osoba dolazi do razvoja disfunkcionalne upotrebe interneta i prekomjernog igranja (online) igrica. Osobe s disfunkcionalnim korištenjem interneta pokazuju obrasce ponašanja koji ukazuju na moguću ovisnost o korištenju interneta što može negativno utjecati na njihove svakodnevne aktivnosti, međuljudske odnose i psihološku dobrobit. Simptomi pretjeranog korištenja, odnosno ovisnosti o internetu variraju u broju i frekvenciji, a sve je više dokaza da su psihološki i biološki mehanizmi u podlozi ove ovisnosti slični onima kod ovisnosti o psihoaktivnim supstancijama. Istraživanja pokazuju da se kod odraslih uz prekomjerno korištenje interneta veže niz problema mentalnog zdravlja i psihosocijalnog funkcioniranja kao što su apstinencijski sindrom, socijalno povlačenje, akademski neuspjeh, financijski problemi, gubitak posla, teškoće u braku i dr. Također, javljaju se i tjelesni problemi kao što su bol u leđima, naprezanje očiju i sindrom karpalnog kanala. Pretjerano i potencijalno ovisničko korištenje interneta među djecom i adolescentima u zadnje vrijeme pokazalo se kao rastući razlog za brigu. Klinički primjeri te rezultati istraživanja u vezu dovode ovisnost o internetu i igricama s razvojem i održavanjem depresije, socijalne anksioznosti te općenito negativnim utjecajem na mentalno zdravlje u toj populaciji. U liječenju ovisnosti o internetu primjenjuje se kognitivno-bihevioralni pristup kao tretman izbora, te u određenim slučajevima kombinacija psihofarmaka i obiteljskog savjetovanja.While most people use the Internet without significant hardship to their health, particular people develop dysfunctional Internet use and excessive playing of (online) video games. People with dysfunctional Internet use show behaviour patterns that indicate possible Internet addiction, which can have a negative influence on their everyday activities, interpersonal relations and psychological well-being. Symptoms of Internet overuse and Internet addiction vary in number and frequency, and there are growing amounts of evidence that some psychological and biological mechanisms are in the background of this problem, similarly to those regarding substance abuse. Research show that among adults Internet overuse is associated with a series of mental health and psychosocial problems such as: abstinence syndrome, social withdrawal, academic failure, financial problems, marital problems, etc. Physical problems such as back pain, eyestrain and carpal tunnel syndrome are also present. Overuse and potentially addictive use of the Internet among children and adolescents recently proved to be a growing cause for concern. Clinical cases and research results connect Internet and gaming addiction with the development and maintenance of depression, social anxiety and generally negative impact on mental health in this population. In the treatment of Internet addiction, the cognitive-behavioural approach is applied as the treatment of choice, and in some cases a combination of psychopharmacological drugs and family counselling

    Internet and Video Games Addiction

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    The relationship between personality traits, psychopathological symptoms, and problematic internet use: a complex mediation model

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    Background: There are many empirical studies that demonstrate the associations between problematic internet use, psychopathological symptoms, and personality traits. However, complex models are scarce. Objective: The aim of this study was to build and test a mediation model based on problematic internet use, psychopathological symptoms, and personality traits. Methods: Data were collected from a medical addiction center (43 internet addicts) and internet cafés (222 customers) in Beijing (Mean age = 22.45 years, SD = 4.96; 90.2% males). Path analysis was applied to test the mediation models using structural equation modelling. Results: Based on the preliminary analyses (correlations and linear regression), two different models were built. In the first model, low conscientiousness and depression had a direct significant influence on problematic internet use. The indirect effect of conscientiousness – via depression – was non-significant. Emotional stability only affected problematic internet use indirectly, via depressive symptoms. In the second model, low conscientiousness also had a direct influence on problematic internet use, while the indirect path via the Global Severity Index was again non-significant. Emotional stability impacted problematic internet use indirectly via the Global Severity Index, while it had no direct effect on it, as in the first model. Conclusion: Personality traits (i.e., conscientiousness as a protective factor and neuroticism as a risk factor) play a significant role in problematic internet use, both directly and indirectly (via distress level)

    Burnout and Psychopathological Symptoms in Argentine Mental Health Professionals

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer el grado de sintomatología psicopatológica que tienen los psicólogos y psiquiatras con niveles elevados de Burnout (BO) y determinar si existen diferencias con aquellos que presentan niveles bajos de BO. Se evaluó a su vez la relación entre las dimensiones del Inventario Burnout de Maslach (MBI-HSS) y del Listado de Síntomas de Derogatis (SCL-90-R), y si existen diferencias en los niveles de BO de acuerdo a variables sociodemográficas, tales como sexo, edad, antigüedad laboral, tipo de institución, cantidad de pacientes y horas trabajadas por semana. Se utilizó un diseño retrospectivo de grupo único y prospectivo simple, para lo cual se administró la adaptación argentina del MBI-HSS y el SCL-90-R a una muestra (n = 544) de psicólogos y psiquiatras de entre 23 y 71 años de edad. Se examinó la relación entre el BO y los síntomas mediante el coeficiente de Pearson, y para analizar la existencia de diferencias se realizaron análisis multivariados de la varianza (MANOVA) y una prueba t. Se observaron relaciones significativas entre todas las dimensiones de sintomatología y del BO, y diferencias significativas en las dimensiones somatización, obsesiones y compulsiones, sensitividad interpersonal, y en el Índice de Severidad Global (IGS). Se discuten los resultados y sus posibles aplicaciones prácticas.The aim of this study was to determine if there are differences in psychopathological symptomatology between mental health professionals with high and low Burnout (BO) and to determine if there are differences with those who present low levels of BO. Likewise, it was evaluated the relationship between the dimensions of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI-HSS) and the Symptom Checklist (SCL-90-R), and if there are differences in the BO levels according to sociodemographic variables, such as sex, age, labor antiquity, type of institution, number of patients and hours worked per week. We carried out a retrospective and prospective design and applied the Argentinian adaptation of the MBI-HSS and of the SCL-90-R to a sample (n = 544) of psychologists and psychiatrists aged between 23 to 71 years. We estimated Pearson’s coefficient to determine associations between BO and symptoms, and performed a multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) and a t-test to analyze the differences. We observed significant relationships between all dimensions of symptomatology and BO, and significant differences in the following dimensions: somatization, obsessions and compulsions, interpersonal sensitivity, and in the GSI (Global Severity Index). We discuss the results and their possible practical applications.Fil: Gimenez, Silvina Belen. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Psicología; ArgentinaFil: Gilla, Maria Antonella. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Psicología; ArgentinaFil: Moran, Valeria Estefania. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas. - Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba. Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas; ArgentinaFil: Olaz, Fabian Orlando. Universidad Nacional de Córdoba. Facultad de Psicología; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentin