1,018 research outputs found

    Moderating role of leadership behaviour among entrepreneurial orientation, social capital, global mindset and firm international performance

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    Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) play an important role to strengthen the total exports of developing countries. These exports depend on firm international performance. This study empirically examined the major factors of firm international performance which attained researcher’s attention in previous studies. Among those factors include entrepreneurial orientation, social capital, and global mindset. This study also investigated the moderating role of leadership behavior on the relationship between entrepreneurial orientation, social capital, global mindset and firm international performance in the sports industry of Pakistan. A structured questionnaire representing dimensions related to entrepreneurial orientation, social capital, global mind set, leadership behavior and firm international performance was designed. Data were collected using a cross-sectional study, whereby 550 questionnaires were randomly distributed and 320 were successfully collected through personal administered method. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) was used to test six hypotheses. This study found that entrepreneurial orientation, social capital, and global mindset are high impacting independent variables in a relationship with firm international performance. Furthermore, leadership behavior has a strong moderating effect on the paths between entrepreneurial orientation, social capital, global mindset and firm international performance. The study also contributed to the theory as it extended Resource Based View (RBV) and Contingency Theory perspective. Policy-makers should encourage firms to improve their entrepreneurial orientation, social capital and global mindset which may increase exports of Pakistan sports industry to all over the world. Lastly, the scope of the study is limited to moderating effect of leadership behavior on entrepreneurial orientation, social capital, and global mindset in sports industry only. Future research are suggested to select the data from other exporting industries by applying longitudinal study and undertake other moderators such as competitive structure, absorptive capacity, or environmental dynamism

    Virtual currency: a cointegration analysis between bitcoin prices and economic and financial data

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    The cryptocurrencies development around the world has been studied and published by the media, speculating on its continuity, applicability and security. The Bitcoin stands out as the virtual currency that has achieved the highest market value to date and for being in circulation for more than 5 years. This study intends to investigate the existence of a dynamic relationship between Bitcoin prices and economic and financial data whose relationship with physical currencies is known or it has been showed in previous studies. This data includes the Crude and Gold prices, the 6-month and 1-year U.S. Treasury Yields and the S&P 500 Index prices. The results of the study suggests that only the 6-month U.S. Treasury Yields presents a long-term relationship with the Bitcoin prices.A criação e crescimento de moedas virtuais pelo mundo têm sido alvo de vários estudos e notícias divulgadas pelos media, especulando-se quanto à sua continuidade, aplicabilidade e segurança. Dessas moedas, destaca-se a Bitcoin, a moeda virtual que apresentou até hoje o maior valor de mercado e que se tem mantido em circulação há mais de 5 anos. O presente estudo tem como objetivo investigar a existência de uma relação dinâmica entre os preços da Bitcoin e indicadores económico-financeiros cuja relação com as moedas físicas é conhecida ou foi demonstrada em estudos anteriores. Esses indicadores são os preços do petróleo e do ouro, as taxas de juro a 6 meses e a 1 ano das obrigações do Tesouro americanas e os valores de fecho do índice S&P 500. Os resultados deste estudo demonstram que apenas as taxas de juro a 6 meses de obrigações do Tesouro americanas apresentam uma relação de longo prazo com as cotações da Bitcoin


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    Purpose: The purpose of this current paper is to underline the importance of social media prospects on enhancing purchase intentions, particularly in the automobile industry. The paper caters to highlighting how social media advertising, brand imaging and brand equity developed through social media can enhance purchase intentions. Design/Methodology/Approach:  The paper caters to critical appraisal of literature available on the topics and the predictor and outcome variables studied in this regard. Automobile business is very lucrative and it has been noticed that such practices make a major impact in boosting buying intentions of customers. Findings:  The finding of the paper is a development of a conceptual framework highlighting the potential of brand image, social media advertising and brand equity towards boosting purchase intentions. The paper has concluded with a framework for future scholars to energize on the concept of social media prospects for the achievement of organizational goals and objectives. Originality/Value: The current study is based mainly on critical review of the prominent literature and offer detailed understanding on the undertaken variables

    The behavioral intention to adopt Proptech services in Vietnam real estate market

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    One of the main stages for achieving success is the adoption of new technology by its users. Several studies show that Property technology is advantageous for real estate stakeholders. Hence, the purpose of this paper is to investigate the users' engagement behavior to adopt Property technology in the Vietnamese real estate market. To that end, a purposive sample of 142 participants was recruited to complete an online quantitative approach based survey. The survey consisted of a modified and previously validated measure of acceptance based on the extended demographic version of the unified theory of acceptance and use of technology), as well as usage scale items. The empirical findings confirm that participants were generally accepting of Property technology in the Vietnamese real estate market. The highest mean values were associated with the subscales of effort expectancy and performance expectancy, while we can easily identify the lowest mean value in the social influence subscale. The usage of Property technology was slightly more concerned with the gathering of information on properties and markets than transactions or portfolio management. This study provides an in depth understanding of Property technology for firms' managers and marketers. Online social interactions might be either harmful or fruitful for firms depending on the type of interaction and engagement behavior. This is especially true of property portals and social media forums that would help investors to connect, communicate and learn. Findings can help users to improve their strategies for digital marketing. By providing robust findings by addressing issues like omitted variables and endogeneity, the findings of this study are promising for developing new hypotheses and theoretical models in the context of the Vietnamese real estate market.Comment: PhD thesis, 127 pages, 14 figure

    Analisis Tingkat Kesadaran Adopsi Komputasi Hijau dengan Kerangka Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA)

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    Dampak teknologi informasi yang disingkat dengan TI terhadap kerusakan lingkungan menjadi perhatian di berbagai sektor dan menjadi semakin penting. Banyak usaha dilakukan dalam adopsi TI,salah satunnya ialah penerapan komputasi hijau / green IT yang nantinya disebut Green IT yang dapat meminimalisir dampak buruk TI terhadap lingkungan. Salah satu cara pengukuran kesuksesan adopsi komputasi hijau ialah mengukur tingkat kesadaran para stakeholder yang merasakan dampak langsung terhadap adopsi teknologi ini. Hal ini dilakukan agar adopsi teknologi ini dapat dijalankan dengan baik dan dapat diterima oleh seluruh stakeholder pada suatu organisasi tersebut Untuk mengukur tingkat kesadaran dari penerimaan adopsi komputasi hijau , maka digunakan kerangka kerja Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) yang dimana teori ini mempelajari bagaimana oleh tingkah laku, sikap dan motivasi dari subyek yang akan diteliti. Selain menggunakan faktor – faktor yang ada pada TRA, digunakan pula faktor – faktor eksternal seperti person related beliefs, sector of respondents ==================================================================================================== Impact of information technology, which is abbreviated by IT to the environmental damage of concern in various sectors and is becoming increasingly important. Many attempts were made in the adoption of IT, one is the application of green computing / green IT will be called Green IT to minimize the adverse impacts of IT on the environment. One way of measuring the success of the adoption of green computing is to measure the level of awareness of stakeholders who felt the direct impact of the adoption of this technology. This is done so that the adoption of this technology can be run well and can be accepted by all stakeholder in organization. To measure the level of awareness of the receipt of the adoption of green computing, then used the framework of the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) which is where this theory by studying how the behavior, attitudes and motivations of the subjects to be studied. In addition to using factors - factors that exist in the TRA, use is also a factor - external factors such as the person related beliefs, sector of respondents, and the level of awareness which is the addition of other factors affecting the level of awareness of the perpetrators of the adoption of green computing in an agency. The case study used in this final project is Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember Surabaya

    Factors influencing undergraduate use of e-books: A mixed methods study

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    Academic libraries invest millions of dollars to make electronic resources available to students for free. However, free access might not necessarily result in students’ sustained interest in and use of e-books. This interdisciplinary, mixed methods research investigates the factors influencing the intention of 279 undergraduate students to use e-books at a land-grant university in the southern US. Structural equation modeling of the survey responses suggests that organizational environment for information technology, external locus of control, subjective norm, perceived enjoyment (i.e., joyfulness), and information technology features play a significant role in influencing the intention of students to use e-books. Based on a combination of quantitative results and qualitative findings, this study identifies eight activities that libraries need to undertake in order to increase the use of e-books by undergraduate students


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    The number of e-commerce in Indonesia allows consumers to make purchases, simply by selecting and putting the desired item in the online shopping cart and proceed with the payment process then the consumer just waiting for the item he wants to arrive at home. This study aims to determine the influence of online shopping cart use motivation to the frequency of online shopping cart use with the frequency of online buying. This research was conducted by distributing the questionnaire online to 120 respondents. From the results of this study conducted data processing with AMOS 23.0 to prove the influence of each research variable. The result of research shows that current purchase intent, taking advantage of price promotion has positive and significant effect of frequency of online shopping cart use and current purchase intent have a positive and significant effect of frequency of online buying. While entertainment purpose, organizational intent, and research and information search have no significant effect on the frequency of online shopping cart use

    Intended Continued Use Social Networking Sites: Effects on Job Satisfaction and Performance

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    Hedonic information systems are those that are used primarily for pleasure. Previous research has established that the intention to use hedonic information systems is explained mainly by perceived ease of use and perceived enjoyment, with perceived usefulness to one’s job being given less importance. Facebook could be seen as a hedonic information system. This paper employs a cross-sectional survey of 178 professionals who used Facebook to various degrees. Predictably, the authors’ empirical results show that perceived enjoyment is indeed a much stronger determinant of intended continued Facebook use than ease of use or usefulness to one’s job, explaining a considerable proportion of variance in continued use behavior. The authors also find that ease of use is a strong determinant of perceived enjoyment. Interestingly, their results suggest that intended continued Facebook use is significantly and positively associated with job performance, both directly and indirectly via job satisfaction
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