5,915 research outputs found

    Toward a Net-Zero Carbon Planet: A Policy Proposal

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    The effort to address climate change is global in scale and increasingly urgent, yet it lacks an effective policy framework. President Obama\u27s determination to elevate clean energy to a national policy priority, Congress\u27s consideration of a federal cap-and-trade regime for greenhouse gases, and the upcoming revisions to the Kyoto Protocol all provide an opportunity to move toward adopting a globally balanced carbon budget. A balanced carbon budget could replace the current, somewhat arbitrary greenhouse gas reduction targets with a scientifically derived calibration limiting global carbon emissions to the rate of carbon absorption. Carbon sub-budgets could then be allocated to each nation or region, which could choose its own measures to meet its carbon budget through a carbon-management plan. These measures will likely fall into four broad categories: reduction of carbon emissions through demand reduction and greater efficiency; increased carbon absorption through reforestation and carbon capture; substitution of non-carbon-based fuels; and, because of the lag time in achieving carbon equilibrium through implementing these measures, adaptation to climate change. Such a balanced carbon budget approach has the virtues not only of long-term safety, but also of clarity, comprehensiveness, and choice. Recent experience shows that choice-allowing units of government and industry flexibility in meeting budget targets-is the key to gaining and retaining public support and to harnessing ingenuity and innovation. This overall approach requires an unprecedented level of monitoring, reporting, and adjustment to achieve the desired result. It may also require some departures from current environmental orthodoxies favoring smart growth and opposing nuclear power

    Methodological bases and practice of sustainable development implementation

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    У монографії досліджено актуальні питання формування методології сталого розвитку. Проаналзіровано основні чинники сталого розвитку. Розглянуто економічні інструменти забезпечення сталого розвитку на різних рівнях управління. Запропоновано науково-методичні підходи до забезпечення сталого розвитку. Особливу увагу приділено науково-прикладним аспектам забезпечення сталого розвитку в галузевому та територіальному розрізах. Адресовано фахівцям з питань економіки природокористування, макроекономічного регулювання, регіонального розвитку, економіки підприємства, інноваційного менеджменту та маркетингу, а також науково-педагогічним працівникам, аспірантам і студентам галузі наук економічних і дисципліни наук про управління.В монографии исследованы актуальные вопросы формирования методологии устойчивого развития. Проаналзированы основные факторы устойчивого развития. Рассмотрены экономические инструменты обеспечения устойчивого развития на различных уровнях управления. Предложены научно-методические подходы к обеспечению устойчивого развития. Особое внимание уделено научно-прикладным аспектам обеспечения устойчивого развития в отраслевом и территориальном разрезах. Адресовано специалистам по вопросам экономики природопользования, макроэкономического регулирования, регионального развития, экономики предприятия, инновационного менеджмента и маркетинга, а также научно-педагогическим работникам, аспирантам и студентам области экономических наук и дисцтплины наук об управлении.The monograph deals with new approaches and urgent questions to create methodology of sustainable development. There is suggested usage of economic instruments for sustainable development on different management levels. Authors analyze and suggest scientific and methodological approaches to sustainable development. Special attention is paid to scientific and applied aspects of sustainable development into regional and territorial levels. It can be useful for specialists on environmental economics, innovative management and marketing, business economics, regional development, macro-economic regulation, and also for lecturers, post-graduates and students of HEIs economic specialties

    Strategic plan of the program Generación +1

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    El presente documento se basa en la elaboración de un plan estratégico para el Programa Generación +1 que es parte de la empresa Libélula y que se llevará a cabo a partir del año 2015 al 2020. El plan fue elaborado utilizando como base el Proceso Estratégico propuesto por D´Alessio (2013). A través de la utilización del plan, una visión fue desarrollada con el propósito de llevar a Generación +1, un programa que busca educar sobre la problemática y el impacto del cambio climático en los jóvenes, a ser un programa competitivo, atractivo, que sea sostenible financieramente y que se encuentre en un posición única dentro de las organizaciones enfocadas al cambio climático. Actualmente, Generación +1 está enfocada en el desarrollo de un programa de educación gratuita para crear conocimiento y educar sobre los cambios climáticos. En la actualidad la organización cuenta con dos empleados y un número variable de 3 a 4 participantes, durante la realización de los programas tanto de Embajadores +1, así también como de Talento +1 para el apoyo y las coordinaciones necesarias. Estos participantes no solamente donan su tiempo, si no que se comprometen a la realización exitosa de transferencia de conocimientos. El programa aún no ha podido hacerle frente al poco involucramiento y participación de los jóvenes dentro de la agenda política, así como tampoco al impacto que está creando el cambio climático debido a la poca consciencia y cuidado de los recursos naturales. Como resultado, este plan estratégico ha desarrollado cuatro objetivos a largo plazo para mejorar la sostenibilidad financiera a través de relaciones con otras organizaciones, mejorar la fuerza de trabajo, aumentar el conocimiento público creando consciencia y a través del desarrollo de proyectos que disminuyan el impacto de la huella de carbono. Los objetivos a largo plazo se alcanzarán mediante la implementación de cinco estrategias claves propuestas para la organización. Asimismo, se propone la implementación del Tablero de Control Balanceado que supervisará el logro y medirá los resultados de los objetivos a corto plazo, ayudando a la empresa a alcanzar sus objetivos de largo plazo y visión y hacer las mejoras correspondientes en los objetivos que no se estén logrando. La realización de todos los objetivos y las estrategias propuestas será un esfuerzo conjunto entre todos los miembros interesados en lograr un cambio y que, servirán para el beneficio de la sociedad.Generación +1 is a program which is part of the company Libélula. The scope of this strategic plan is for five years (2015 to 2020). The plan was developed using the strategic process theory proposed in D'Alessio (2013). Through the use of the plan, a vision was developed with the purpose of bringing Generación +1—a program that seeks to educate the youth about the impacts of climate change—a strategy to become more sustainable. They are in a unique position within the popular global climate change industry, and needs to seize the growing opportunities available. Nowadays, Generación +1 is focused on the development of a free educational program for students, funded by scholarships. Currently the organization has two employees and three to four non-permanent participants during the implementation of both the Ambassadors +1 program and the Talento +1 program as for the support and the necessary coordination. These participants not only donate their time, but are committed to the successful completion of knowledge transfers. The program has not yet been able to cope with the lack of involvement and participation of young people in the political agenda, nor the impact that climate change is creating due to the lack of awareness and care of natural resources. As a result, this strategic plan developed four long-term goals to improve financial sustainability through relationships with other organizations, to improve the workforce, and increase public awareness and knowledge creating development projects that reduce the carbon footprint impacts. The long-term goals will be achieved by implementing five key strategies proposed for the organization. Also, the implementation of Balanced Score Card to monitor achievement and measure the results of short-term goals, helping the company achieve its long term goals and vision and make corresponding improvements in the proposed objectives that are not being achieve. The realization of all the objectives and strategies proposed will be a joint effort between all members of the organization that are interested in created a change.Tesi

    Catalog of Approaches to Impact Measurement: Assessing Social Impact in Private Ventures

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    To inform action impact investors could take to measure impact in a coordinated manner, The Rockefeller Foundation commissioned the study of impact assessment approaches presented here.It is natural to hope to find a single, turnkey solution that can address all measurement needs. In this study we conducted a survey of impact investors and complemented it with seven years of experience in the field of impact investing to discover what these investors want from impact measurement, and conducted in-depth interviews with over twenty entities that have developed and implemented approaches to measuring impact. Our survey of existing approaches was thorough but surely is not comprehensive; however the approaches are a good representation of the current state of play. What we found is that there is not one single measurement answer. Instead the answer depends on what solution is most appropriate for a particular investor's "impact profile" defined as the investor's level of risk tolerance and desired financial return, the particular sector in which the investor operates, geography, and credibility level of information about impact that the investor requires

    A Green Information Technology governance model for large Mauritian companies

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    Green Information Technology (IT) has emerged as a vital IT governance concern to promote environmentally-friendly IT use and ecologically responsible business processes. Organisational adoption of Green IT is growing in strategic importance, but remains a concern in developing countries, particularly Small Island Developing States (SIDS) such as Mauritius. Despite a strong economic dependence on IT and growing challenges resulting from their environmental vulnerability, the governance of IT and Green IT in SIDS such as Mauritius remains uncharted in existing literature. This study examines IT Governance (ITG) and Green IT in Mauritius by exploring the ITG and Green IT accountabilities, practices and drivers of large Mauritian businesses pertaining to the prime pillars of the Mauritian economy. 109 companies from the population of 192 responded, leading to a response rate of 56.8%. Findings resulting from the exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis of responses were used to develop an IT Governance and Green IT model (ITGM) representing ITG and Green IT accountabilities, mechanisms and drivers among the businesses studied. It is envisaged that the ITGM and its resulting recommendations will provide both Mauritian and other SIDS' companies with a baseline for IT Governance and Green IT practice for improved business IT strategic value

    IT Governance and Green IT Model for Large Mauritian Organisations

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    This study explores IT governance and Green IT in large companies from the five main pillars of the Mauritian economy. An IT Governance and Green IT model comprising of IT Governance and Green IT decision archetypes, mechanisms and influencers is developed from company executive interviews, analysis of organisation and government documents as well as a survey of firms. Recommendations are then provided to improve the governance of IT and Green IT in large Mauritian enterprises

    The European Green Deal. An Analysis of how the European Commission promises to Manage Climate Change

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    Màster de Ciutadania i Drets Humans: Ètica i Política, Facultat Filosofia, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2019-2020, Tutor: José Antonio Estévez AraujoClimate Change is the defining challenge of the 21st century. Measures taken today by politicians, companies, consumers, and society in general will directly influence earth's habitability in the decades to come. Through the complex interaction between GHG emissions, global warming, loss of biodiversity, human health and well-being are at risk. While countries of the global north will proportionally suffer less consequences than those of the global South, the projected damages will still be grave. In recent decades, as a result, environmental protection gained an increasing relevance in international treaties, as well as national policies and legislature

    Building Services Engineering July/August 2021

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    Sustainable development : fourth annual assessment of progress by the Scottish Government

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    SDC Scotland’s annual assessment is based on a review of government policy across a range of topics from economy and energy to education, health, waste and biodiversity. The conclusions and recommendations are also based on discussions with expert groups in each policy area, government civil servants and a stakeholder survey.Publisher PD

    Programme of Prime Minister Antti Rinne’s Government 6 June 2019: Inclusive and competent Finland – A socially, economically and ecologically sustainable society

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    Climate change, globalisation, urbanisation, the ageing of the population and technological development may be transforming Finland and the world faster than ever before. This transformation offers great opportunities for the development of our country, but it also creates insecurity and concerns about what lies ahead. To face this transformation, we need policy measures that offer people a sense of security and hope for a better future. The aim of the first Government of the new decade is a socially, economically and ecologically sustainable Finland by 2030. The Nordic welfare state and its key pillars, income security, well-functioning health and social services and solid education as well as high expertise create a robust and just platform for the work on reforms. In the socially, economically and ecologically sustainable Finland the economy is managed for the people, not the other way round. Sustainable economic growth is built on a high rate of employment and strong public finances. The Government of Antti Rinne aims to create 60,000 new jobs, which will be achieved by measures that boost the demand and supply of work. Besides a higher employment rate, sustainable growth also builds on more robust work productivity. The new Government rates education and research very highly. Education and culture are an important part of our value system and are considered to be a means of guaranteeing individual freedom. In the 2020s, wellbeing will continue to draw on knowledge and skills and on work and entrepreneurship. We must bring Finland’s level of education and competence back up to the top of the world league. We aim to boast the best working life in the world; to be a nation with happy and competent professionals where every person’s knowledge and skills are put to good use. Social responsibility means that we take responsibility for each other and our common future. This means a sense of trust that we will all be looked after when we are no longer able to do so ourselves. It means taking care of the whole of the nation and ensuring that our country develops equitably. Not a single senior citizen should be afraid of getting old; not a single young person should be at risk of exclusion. We will build a Finland that is child-friendly, a country where families and their opportunities to make choices are supported and where parents contribute equally to caring for their children. The world of the 2020s needs trailblazers. An ecologically sustainable Finland shows the way in mitigating climate change and protecting biodiversity. The Government is drawing a roadmap for an emissions-free Finland. The Nordic welfare model, combined with responsible and decreasing use of natural resources, is a model that will guarantee the future competitiveness of our country