171 research outputs found

    Highly efficient computer oriented octree data structure and neighbors search in 3D GIS spatial

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    Three Dimensional (3D) have given new perspective in various field such as urban planning, hydrology, infrastructure modeling, geology etc due to its capability of handling real world object in more realistic manners, rather than two-dimensional (2D) approach. However, implementation of 3D spatial analysis in the real world has proven difficult due to the complexity of algorithm, computational power and time consuming. Existing GIS system enables 2D and two-and-a-half dimensional (2.5D) spatial datasets, but less capable of supporting 3D data structures. Recent development in Octree see more effort to improve weakness of octree in finding neighbor node by using various address encoding scheme with specific rule to eliminate the need of tree traversal. This paper proposed a new method to speed up neighbor searching and eliminating the needs of complex operation to extract spatial information from octree by preserving 3D spatial information directly from Octree data structure. This new method able to achieve O(1) complexity and utilizing Bit Manipulation Instruction 2 (BMI2) to speedup address encoding, extraction and voxel search 700% compared with generic implementation

    Efficient Point-Cloud Processing with Primitive Shapes

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    This thesis presents methods for efficient processing of point-clouds based on primitive shapes. The set of considered simple parametric shapes consists of planes, spheres, cylinders, cones and tori. The algorithms developed in this work are targeted at scenarios in which the occurring surfaces can be well represented by this set of shape primitives which is the case in many man-made environments such as e.g. industrial compounds, cities or building interiors. A primitive subsumes a set of corresponding points in the point-cloud and serves as a proxy for them. Therefore primitives are well suited to directly address the unavoidable oversampling of large point-clouds and lay the foundation for efficient point-cloud processing algorithms. The first contribution of this thesis is a novel shape primitive detection method that is efficient even on very large and noisy point-clouds. Several applications for the detected primitives are subsequently explored, resulting in a set of novel algorithms for primitive-based point-cloud processing in the areas of compression, recognition and completion. Each of these application directly exploits and benefits from one or more of the detected primitives' properties such as approximation, abstraction, segmentation and continuability

    Semantic Visual Localization

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    Robust visual localization under a wide range of viewing conditions is a fundamental problem in computer vision. Handling the difficult cases of this problem is not only very challenging but also of high practical relevance, e.g., in the context of life-long localization for augmented reality or autonomous robots. In this paper, we propose a novel approach based on a joint 3D geometric and semantic understanding of the world, enabling it to succeed under conditions where previous approaches failed. Our method leverages a novel generative model for descriptor learning, trained on semantic scene completion as an auxiliary task. The resulting 3D descriptors are robust to missing observations by encoding high-level 3D geometric and semantic information. Experiments on several challenging large-scale localization datasets demonstrate reliable localization under extreme viewpoint, illumination, and geometry changes

    Matrixfreie voxelbasierte Finite-Elemente-Methode für Materialien mit komplizierter Mikrostruktur

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    Modern image detection techniques such as micro computer tomography (μCT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) provide us with high resolution images of the microstructure of materials in a non-invasive and convenient way. They form the basis for the geometrical models of high-resolution analysis, so called image-based analysis. However especially in 3D, discretizations of these models reach easily the size of 100 Mill. degrees of freedoms and require extensive hardware resources in terms of main memory and computing power to solve the numerical model. Consequently, the focus of this work is to combine and adapt numerical solution methods to reduce the memory demand first and then the computation time and therewith enable an execution of the image-based analysis on modern computer desktops. Hence, the numerical model is a straightforward grid discretization of the voxel-based (pixels with a third dimension) geometry which omits the boundary detection algorithms and allows reduced storage of the finite element data structure and a matrix-free solution algorithm. This in turn reduce the effort of almost all applied grid-based solution techniques and results in memory efficient and numerically stable algorithms for the microstructural models. Two variants of the matrix-free algorithm are presented. The efficient iterative solution method of conjugate gradients is used with matrix-free applicable preconditioners such as the Jacobi and the especially suited multigrid method. The jagged material boundaries of the voxel-based mesh are smoothed through embedded boundary elements which contain different material information at the integration point and are integrated sub-cell wise though without additional boundary detection. The efficiency of the matrix-free methods can be retained.Moderne bildgebende Verfahren wie Mikro-Computertomographie (μCT), Magnetresonanztomographie (MRT) und Rasterelektronenmikroskopie (SEM) liefern nicht-invasiv hochauflösende Bilder der Mikrostruktur von Materialien. Sie bilden die Grundlage der geometrischen Modelle der hochauflösenden bildbasierten Analysis. Allerdings erreichen vor allem in 3D die Diskretisierungen dieser Modelle leicht die Größe von 100 Mill. Freiheitsgraden und erfordern umfangreiche Hardware-Ressourcen in Bezug auf Hauptspeicher und Rechenleistung, um das numerische Modell zu lösen. Der Fokus dieser Arbeit liegt daher darin, numerische Lösungsmethoden zu kombinieren und anzupassen, um den Speicherplatzbedarf und die Rechenzeit zu reduzieren und damit eine Ausführung der bildbasierten Analyse auf modernen Computer-Desktops zu ermöglichen. Daher ist als numerisches Modell eine einfache Gitterdiskretisierung der voxelbasierten (Pixel mit der Tiefe als dritten Dimension) Geometrie gewählt, die die Oberflächenerstellung weglässt und eine reduzierte Speicherung der finiten Elementen und einen matrixfreien Lösungsalgorithmus ermöglicht. Dies wiederum verringert den Aufwand von fast allen angewandten gitterbasierten Lösungsverfahren und führt zu Speichereffizienz und numerisch stabilen Algorithmen für die Mikrostrukturmodelle. Es werden zwei Varianten der Anpassung der matrixfreien Lösung präsentiert, die Element-für-Element Methode und eine Knoten-Kanten-Variante. Die Methode der konjugierten Gradienten in Kombination mit dem Mehrgitterverfahren als sehr effizienten Vorkonditionierer wird für den matrixfreien Lösungsalgorithmus adaptiert. Der stufige Verlauf der Materialgrenzen durch die voxelbasierte Diskretisierung wird durch Elemente geglättet, die am Integrationspunkt unterschiedliche Materialinformationen enthalten und über Teilzellen integriert werden (embedded boundary elements). Die Effizienz der matrixfreien Verfahren bleibt erhalten


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    CAD-Based Porous Scaffold Design of Intervertebral Discs in Tissue Engineering

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    With the development and maturity of three-dimensional (3D) printing technology over the past decade, 3D printing has been widely investigated and applied in the field of tissue engineering to repair damaged tissues or organs, such as muscles, skin, and bones, Although a number of automated fabrication methods have been developed to create superior bio-scaffolds with specific surface properties and porosity, the major challenges still focus on how to fabricate 3D natural biodegradable scaffolds that have tailor properties such as intricate architecture, porosity, and interconnectivity in order to provide the needed structural integrity, strength, transport, and ideal microenvironment for cell- and tissue-growth. In this dissertation, a robust pipeline of fabricating bio-functional porous scaffolds of intervertebral discs based on different innovative porous design methodologies is illustrated. Firstly, a triply periodic minimal surface (TPMS) based parameterization method, which has overcome the integrity problem of traditional TPMS method, is presented in Chapter 3. Then, an implicit surface modeling (ISM) approach using tetrahedral implicit surface (TIS) is demonstrated and compared with the TPMS method in Chapter 4. In Chapter 5, we present an advanced porous design method with higher flexibility using anisotropic radial basis function (ARBF) and volumetric meshes. Based on all these advanced porous design methods, the 3D model of a bio-functional porous intervertebral disc scaffold can be easily designed and its physical model can also be manufactured through 3D printing. However, due to the unique shape of each intervertebral disc and the intricate topological relationship between the intervertebral discs and the spine, the accurate localization and segmentation of dysfunctional discs are regarded as another obstacle to fabricating porous 3D disc models. To that end, we discuss in Chapter 6 a segmentation technique of intervertebral discs from CT-scanned medical images by using deep convolutional neural networks. Additionally, some examples of applying different porous designs on the segmented intervertebral disc models are demonstrated in Chapter 6