6 research outputs found

    Event Marketing sebagai Upaya untuk Memaksimalkan Akuisisi Pelanggan: Studi Kasus pada Perusahaan E-commerce X

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    Event marketing activities involve the use of a certain time, layout, management, and the participation of various parties. Event marketing is a strategy to introduce products and attract customers. The purpose of this study is to explain event marketing strategies to maximize customer acquisition in e-commerce X. Qualitative research with case studies has been implemented in one of the e-commerce in Indonesia. Interviews were conducted with five informants who were employees at the City Y Branch Office. The results showed that the form of event marketing from e-commerce X was divided into two activities, namely offline events and online events. Offline and online event marketing activities basically have the same form of events including roadshows, bazaars, seminars, and sponsoring other activities. Marketing events are held in schools or strategic places. The impact of the event marketing strategy carried out by e-commerce X has been positive on customer acquisition. The company's success in acquiring customers can be seen from the fulfillment of targets set by the company

    A Design Model for Information Dissemination on the Pulo Traditional Village Tourism Area in the Booklets and Leaflets

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    This study aims to design and construct information dissemination of the Pulo Indigenous village tourism area in Garut Regency, West Java Province. The communication media used in information dissemination activities are in the form of booklets and leaflets. The method used in this study uses the action research method. The primary data sources in this study were the traditional head of Kampung Pulo and tourists who came to Kampung Pulo. The secondary data was obtained from literature studies and the tourism office of Garut Regency. The data collection technique is done through observation, interviews, and literature study. Based on the results of the study, it is known that from the identification stage it is known that one of the factors is the lack of recognition of the Pulo Traditional Village tourist area because tourism promotion has not been optimally carried out so far, therefore it is necessary to create a promotional media in the form of disseminating information on the Pulo traditional village tourism area. The communication media used are booklets and leaflets. From the design results, the information dissemination consists of a cover, a preface, a table of contents, and the content or contents of the promotion. From the results of trials and improvements to the design of information dissemination. After disseminating information, it shows that the existence of promotional media for the Kampung Pulo tourist area in the form of booklets and leaflets is beneficial in promoting the Kampung Pulo tourist area, especially for people living outside Garut Regency

    Connect the dots: sketching out microbiome interactions through networking approaches

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    Microbiome networking analysis has emerged as a powerful tool for studying the complex interactions among microorganisms in various ecological niches, including the human body and several environments. This analysis has been used extensively in both human and environmental studies, revealing key taxa and functional units peculiar to the ecosystem considered. In particular, it has been mainly used to investigate the effects of environmental stressors, such as pollution, climate change or therapies, on host-associated microbial communities and ecosystem function. In this review, we discuss the latest advances in microbiome networking analysis, including methods for constructing and analyzing microbiome networks, and provide a case study on how to use these tools. These analyses typically involve constructing a network that represents interactions among microbial taxa or functional units, such as genes or metabolic pathways. Such networks can be based on a variety of data sources, including 16S rRNA sequencing, metagenomic sequencing, and metabolomics data. Once constructed, these networks can be analyzed to identify key nodes or modules important for the stability and function of the microbiome. By providing insights into essential ecological features of microbial communities, microbiome networking analysis has the potential to transform our understanding of the microbial world and its impact on human health and the environment

    Bluebird: Novas estratégias de marketing digital

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    A pandemia Covid-19 afetou todo o mundo assim como diversas empresas, sendo a Bluebird uma das empresas afetadas devido à dificuldade inicial que encontrou em vender online. A Bluebird possuía um leque de clientes que, normalmente, preferem escolher pessoalmente as peças, e este aspeto tornou-se um obstáculo às vendas por ter tido fechadas as portas durante 3 meses devido à pandemia. Nesta altura a empresa percebeu que não estava pronta para conseguir vender apenas online por falta de conteúdos fornecidos pelas marcas e por falta de criação de conteúdo pela própria Bluebird, desta forma foi necessário criar uma estratégia de Marketing digital. A Bluebird encontra-se a recuperar da quebra de vendas através das plataformas online que disponibiliza: website e Facebook. Após uma análise à empresa percebe-se que a sua maior problemática é a falta de investimento nos canais online. Ao longo do estágio foi-me possível compreender melhor os valores da empresa e conhecer a forma como esta se adapta às novas realidades, tentando obter respostas rápidas. Atualmente o mundo do digital é muito importante para todas as empresas e o surgimento da pandemia veio mostrar que as vendas online são, muito provavelmente, o futuro de muitas outras empresas, mas para que isso seja lucrativo é necessário existir um bom plano de Marketing e comunicação empresarial. Assim, este relatório tem como objetivo apresentar uma visão diferente das plataformas online e demonstrar a importância destas nos dias de hoje

    Challenges of digital privacy in banking organizations

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    As the information and technology age becomes more advanced, digital privacy flaws have become more challenging. Information technology (IT) security managers, chief information security officers, and other stakeholders in banks are concerned with identity-based authentication attacks because identity-theft attacks cause data breaches. Grounded in the protection motivation theory, the purpose of this qualitative pragmatic study was to examine strategies IT security professionals working on internet banking platforms use to mitigate identity-based authentication attacks. The study participants comprised five IT security professionals currently working in the online banking industry from the northeastern United States with at least 5 years of experience handling digital banking platforms. Data were collected from interviews with five IT security professionals and publicly accessible documents such as NIST documents and industry standards. Data were analyzed using thematic analysis. Five major themes emerged from the analysis: comprehensive user authentication, importance of data encryption, system audits, intrusion detection systems, and comprehensive user policies. A key recommendation is to train all users on secure usage of the bank’s digital transaction platform by providing mandatory privacy protection training and security awareness to users before they successfully create or access financial accounts. The implications for positive social change include the potential to increase the number of users to effectively use cybersecurity policies, techniques, tools, and training designed to protect their online banking accounts from identity-based authentication attacks

    Modern trends in digital transformation of marketing & management

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    The monograph examines the current trends in the development of digital technologies in marketing, management and business administration. The prospects for the development of digital technologies in various sectors of the economy of Ukraine and the trends of the influence of digital technologies on global shifts in the systems of marketing management and business administration are determined. The transformations of business models in the conditions of the digital economy are analyzed, the impact of blockchain technologies on the development of promising areas of the marketing management system and business administration is analyzed. Reasonable impact of digital technologies on the transformation of management systems in social, public, legal and administrative spheres and various sectors of the economy. The contours of the formation of the digital economy in the sectors of economic activity and the social sphere have been developed