1,978 research outputs found


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    The use of robots has become more prevalent in the last several decades in many sectors such as manufacturing, research, and consumer use [18]. With such varying environments and requirements of these robots it has become increasingly important to develop systems capable of adapting and ensuring safety of the robot and surroundings. This study examines shared control as a method of obstacle avoidance for mobile robots. Shared control makes use of multiple control modes to obtain desired properties from each. This lends a wide range of applications of shared control, from assisted wheelchair operation [37] to autonomous vehicle navigation [10]. Shared control allows for highly versatile controllers and enables easier interfacing with humans. In this thesis we propose control strategies for two mobile robots: a kinematic non-holonomic wheeled robot and a dynamic quad-rotor. Lyapunov analysis is used to show stability of the systems while accounting for shared control switching. With the shared control architecture, it is proven the robots always avoid collision with obstacles. The theoretical analysis is validated with experiments which show promising results and motivate shared control as a viable solution for safe navigation in other systems

    Hybrid Control of Formations of Robots

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    We describe a framework for controlling a group of nonholonomic mobile robots equipped with range sensors. The vehicles are required to follow a prescribed trajectory while maintaining a desired formation. By using the leader-following approach, we formulate the formation control problem as a hybrid (mode switching) control system. We then develop a decision module that allows the robots to automatically switch between continuous-state control laws to achieve a desired formation shape. The stability properties of the closed-loop hybrid system are studied using Lyapunov theory. We do not use explicit communication between robots; instead we integrate optimal estimation techniques with nonlinear controllers. Simulation and experimental results verify the validity of our approach

    A Distributed Model Predictive Control Framework for Road-Following Formation Control of Car-like Vehicles (Extended Version)

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    This work presents a novel framework for the formation control of multiple autonomous ground vehicles in an on-road environment. Unique challenges of this problem lie in 1) the design of collision avoidance strategies with obstacles and with other vehicles in a highly structured environment, 2) dynamic reconfiguration of the formation to handle different task specifications. In this paper, we design a local MPC-based tracking controller for each individual vehicle to follow a reference trajectory while satisfying various constraints (kinematics and dynamics, collision avoidance, \textit{etc.}). The reference trajectory of a vehicle is computed from its leader's trajectory, based on a pre-defined formation tree. We use logic rules to organize the collision avoidance behaviors of member vehicles. Moreover, we propose a methodology to safely reconfigure the formation on-the-fly. The proposed framework has been validated using high-fidelity simulations.Comment: Extended version of the conference paper submission on ICARCV'1

    A Framework for Scalable Cooperative Navigation of Autonomous Vehicles

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    We describe a general framework for controlling and coordinating a group of non-holonomic mobile robots equipped with range sensors, with applications ranging from scouting and reconnaissance, to search and rescue and manipulation tasks. We first describe a set of control laws that allows each robot to control its position and orientation with respect to neighboring robots or obstacles in the environment. We then develop a coordination protocol that allows the robots to automatically switch between the control laws to follow a specified trajectory. Finally, we describe two simple trajectory generators that are derived from potential field theory. The first allows each robot to plan its reference trajectory based on the information available to it. The second scheme requires sharing of information and results in a trajectory for the designated leader. Numerical simulations illustrate the application of these ideas and demonstrate the scalability of the proposed framework for a large group of robots

    Shape Control of a Snake Robot With Joint Limit and Self-Collision Avoidance

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    This paper proposes a shape control method for a snake robot, which maintains head position and orientation, and avoids joint limits and self-collision. We used a passive wheeled snake robot that can switch the grounded/lifted status of its wheels. We derived a kinematic model of the robot that represents its redundancy as both joint angles [the shape controllable points (SCPs)] and the null space of the control input. In the control method, the shape is changed by sequential control of the SCPs, and the null space of the control input is used for joint limit and self-collision avoidance. Jumps in control input do not occur, although the controlled variable and the model are switched. Simulations and an experiment were used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method

    Control Of Nonh=holonomic Systems

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    Many real-world electrical and mechanical systems have velocity-dependent constraints in their dynamic models. For example, car-like robots, unmanned aerial vehicles, autonomous underwater vehicles and hopping robots, etc. Most of these systems can be transformed into a chained form, which is considered as a canonical form of these nonholonomic systems. Hence, study of chained systems ensure their wide applicability. This thesis studied the problem of continuous feed-back control of the chained systems while pursuing inverse optimality and exponential convergence rates, as well as the feed-back stabilization problem under input saturation constraints. These studies are based on global singularity-free state transformations and controls are synthesized from resulting linear systems. Then, the application of optimal motion planning and dynamic tracking control of nonholonomic autonomous underwater vehicles is considered. The obtained trajectories satisfy the boundary conditions and the vehicles\u27 kinematic model, hence it is smooth and feasible. A collision avoidance criteria is set up to handle the dynamic environments. The resulting controls are in closed forms and suitable for real-time implementations. Further, dynamic tracking controls are developed through the Lyapunov second method and back-stepping technique based on a NPS AUV II model. In what follows, the application of cooperative surveillance and formation control of a group of nonholonomic robots is investigated. A designing scheme is proposed to achieves a rigid formation along a circular trajectory or any arbitrary trajectories. The controllers are decentralized and are able to avoid internal and external collisions. Computer simulations are provided to verify the effectiveness of these designs

    An artificial moth: Chemical source localization using a robot based neuronal model of moth optomotor anemotactic search

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    Robots have been used to model nature, while nature in turn can contribute to the real-world artifacts we construct. One particular domain of interest is chemical search where a number of efforts are underway to construct mobile chemical search and localization systems. We report on a project that aims at constructing such a system based on our understanding of the pheromone communication system of the moth. Based on an overview of the peripheral processing of chemical cues by the moth and its role in the organization of behavior we emphasize the multimodal aspects of chemical search, i.e. optomotor anemotactic chemical search. We present a model of this behavior that we test in combination with a novel thin metal oxide sensor and custom build mobile robots. We show that the sensor is able to detect the odor cue, ethanol, under varying flow conditions. Subsequently we show that the standard model of insect chemical search, consisting of a surge and cast phases, provides for robust search and localization performance. The same holds when it is augmented with an optomotor collision avoidance model based on the Lobula Giant Movement Detector (LGMD) neuron of the locust. We compare our results to others who have used the moth as inspiration for the construction of odor robot


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    thesisIn this research, a computerized motion planning and control system for multiple robots is presented. Medium scale wheeled mobile robot couriers move wireless antennas within a semicontrolled environment. The systems described in this work are integrated as components within Mobile Emulab, a wireless research testbed. This testbed is publicly available to users remotely via the Internet. Experimenters use a computer interface to specify desired paths and configurations for multiple robots. The robot control and coordination system autonomously creates complex movements and behaviors from high level instructions. Multiple trajectory types may be created by Mobile Emulab. Baseline paths are comprised of line segments connecting waypoints, which require robots to stop and pivot between each segment. Filleted circular arcs between line segments allow constant motion trajectories. To avoid curvature discontinuities inherent in line-arc segmented paths, higher order continuous polynomial spirals and splines are constructed in place of the constant radius arcs. Polar form nonlinear state feedback controllers executing on a computer system connected to the robots over a wireless network accomplish posture stabilization, path following and trajectory tracking control. State feedback is provided by an overhead camera based visual localization system integrated into the testbed. Kinematic control is used to generate velocity commands sent to wheel velocity servo loop controllers built into the robots. Obstacle avoidance in Mobile Emulab is accomplished through visibility graph methods. The Virtualized Phase Portrait Method is presented as an alternative. A virtual velocity field overlay is created from workspace obstacle zone data. Global stability to a single equilibrium point, with local instability in proximity to obstacle regions is designed into this system

    Human Motion Trajectory Prediction: A Survey

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    With growing numbers of intelligent autonomous systems in human environments, the ability of such systems to perceive, understand and anticipate human behavior becomes increasingly important. Specifically, predicting future positions of dynamic agents and planning considering such predictions are key tasks for self-driving vehicles, service robots and advanced surveillance systems. This paper provides a survey of human motion trajectory prediction. We review, analyze and structure a large selection of work from different communities and propose a taxonomy that categorizes existing methods based on the motion modeling approach and level of contextual information used. We provide an overview of the existing datasets and performance metrics. We discuss limitations of the state of the art and outline directions for further research.Comment: Submitted to the International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), 37 page
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