592 research outputs found

    Methodology for designing PON networks

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    Cílem této práce je analyzovat současný stav přístupových optických sítí,a hlouběji prozkoumat PON metodiku a návrh sítě. Navrhnul jsem síť založenou na konceptu FTTH pro 90 rodinných domů ovládané z centrální stanice vzdálené 20 km. Zabýval jsem se problémy při návrhu FTTH, konkrétně pasivní optickou sítí. Dále jsem se zabýval ATM-PON a Ethernet PON (EPON), které jsou založeny na společné síťové architektuře, PON, ale používají jiné přenosové technologie na podporu integrovaných služeb a jiné protokoly. Po zadání (optimálního) síťového řešení, které se hodí pro nabídku Triple-Play služeb. Dále budu popisovat, jak fungují síťová propojení a také budou popsány metody měření a testování navržené sítě "po aktivaci a nastavení sítě" a "před aktivací síťových služeb ". Při měření jsem také používal OTDR a prakticky ověřil charakteristiku linky. V práci je také naznačeno monitorování optické sítě.The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the present condition of Access network, in depth research of PON Methodology and network design. I shall design a Network project based on FTTH for building a network of 90 private houses controlled by a central control point from 20km distance. Where I shall address these issues and expedite the introduction of FTTH, and I will reason behind (PON) network-based solution, and so on ATM-PON and Ethernet PON (EPON), which are based on common network architecture, PON, but adopt different transfer technologies to support integrated services and multiple protocols. After providing the (optimal) network solution that fits to fulfill Triple-Play requirements, I will describe how the network interconnects and how it functions and work, later on I shall go into describing the measuring methods and testing for the defined network “after activating and setting the network” and “before activating the network service” where I will also use the OTDR and practically apply a link characterization test. And suggest the monitoring of the design model of the project.

    Optical switching for dynamic distribution of wireless-over-fiber signals in active optical networks

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    El continuo crecimiento de ancho de banda demandado por los usuarios finales está provocando una gran exigencia sobre las redes de acceso. Estas exigencias sobre las redes de acceso, que principalmente emplean tecnologías inalámbricas, están migrando hacia el dominio óptico con el fin de soportar estos altos requerimientos de ancho de banda. Dependiendo de los requerimientos y características de los usuarios finales, las redes de acceso óptico han evolucionado en diferentes direcciones. En entornos residenciales y urbanos los usuarios demandan conexiones fijas de alta capacidad y bajo coste. Las redes ópticas pasivas (PON) han cumplido estos requerimiento y son las tecnologías elegidas por los operadores. En los entornos empresariales, en los cuales la calidad y la seguridad son piezas clave, las redes ópticas activas han encontrado su hueco proveyendo flexibilidad, adaptabilidad, alto rendimiento y al mismo tiempo dando soporte a sistemas de control de redes. Los proveedores de equipos están ahora girando su vista hacia nuevos mercados, donde soluciones ópticas puede ser usado eficientemente. El transporte de datos de redes de móviles (o mobile backhaul en ingles) es un mercado que se ha convertido en objetivo principal, ya que el tráfico inalámbrico está creciendo exponencialmente. Nuevos dispositivos, junto a las aplicaciones de gran consumo de ancho de banda, son los principales motivos de este crecimiento. Las tecnologías de banda base puede soportar sobradamente mobile backhaul a las actuales velocidades de transmisión. Sin embargo, debido a la ubicación de nuevas licencias libres disponibles en la banda de frecuencias y el desarrollo de las tecnologías radio a través de fibra permitiendo generación, distribución y recepción óptica de señales, la migración hacia escenarios en los que se use señales inalámbricas a través de fibra son mas probables. Además, teniendo en cuenta aspectos como la seguridad y alta movilidad de los usuarios, todo parece indicar que soluciones activas son más atractivas, siempre y cuando que los consumos de energía se mantengan dentro de límites razonables. En esta tesis, se diseñó una red óptica de acceso basada en tecnologías de radio a través de fibra. El bloque principal de la red fue un conmutador óptico basado en componentes activos (amplificadores ópticos semiconductores); el resto de la red fue diseñada acorde a la distribución por canales del conmutador óptico. Utilizando este conmutador óptico, se realizó una validación experimental de la red. El experimento consistió en una implementación de un sistema de cuatro canales operando en la banda de frecuencia WiMax y empleando una modulación llamada multiplexado de división ortogonal en frecuencia (OFDM) a 625Mb/s por canal. La información fue enviada a través de 20 km de fibra óptica, y el redireccionamiento de la señal fue llevado a cabo por un conmutador de 1 entrada y 16 salidas. El resultado es una degradación imperceptible de la señal en cada canal en el mejor y en mejor escenario en términos de interferencia entre canales. Este sistema cumple con los requisitos de una red de acceso activa para señales de radio a través de una red de acceso óptica

    Fiber optical network design problems : case for Turkey

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    Ankara : The Department of Industrial Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering and Science of Bilkent University, 2013.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2013.Includes bibliographical references leaves 102-110.The problems within scope of this thesis are based on an application arising from one of the largest Internet service providers operating in Turkey. There are mainly two different problems: the green field design and copper field re-design. In the green field design problem, the aim is to design a least cost fiber optical network from scratch that will provide high bandwidth Internet access from a given central station to a set of aggregated demand nodes. Such an access can be provided either directly by installing fibers or indirectly by utilizing passive splitters. Insertion loss, bandwidth level and distance limitations should simultaneously be considered in order to provide a least cost design to enable the required service level. On the other hand, in the re-design of the copper field application, the aim is to improve the current service level by augmenting the network through fiber optical wires. Copper rings in the existing infrastructure are augmented with cabinets and direct fiber links from cabinets to demand nodes provide the required coverage to distant nodes. Mathematical models are constructed for both problem specifications. Extensive computational results based on real data from Kartal (45 points) and Bakırköy (74 points) districts in Istanbul show that the proposed models are viable exact solution methodologies for moderate dimensions.Yazar, BaşakM.S

    Location Models for Two Different Applications

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    There has been a growing interest in location problems for their wide use in many areas, such as passive optical networks and logistics networks. However, as the papers appear in different literature, researchers usually do not take advantage of their mutual findings. We propose to bridge the gaps and therefore to propose efficient solutions schemes for two different applications. In the first application, our research goal is to investigate the FTTX (Fiber-to-the Home/Premises/Curb) passive optical network (PON) for the deployment of broadband access. We focus on designing the best possible architectures of FTTX hybrid PONs, which embraces both Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) and Wave Division Multiplexing (WDM) technology. A hybrid PON architecture is very efficient as it is not limited to any specific PON technology, rather it is flexible enough to deploy TDM/WDM technology depending on the type (i.e., unicast/multicast) and amount of traffic demand of the end-users. We investigate the optimized covering of a geographical area by a set of cost-effective hybrid PONs. We propose a novel network design optimization scheme for greenfield deployment of a set of hybrid PONs, in which all significant constraints are taken into account, e.g., type of traffic, attenuation, choice of splitting equipment. In the second application, we revisit the p-center location problem in the context of disruption events. We propose an optimized covering in the geographical area for a given number of customers and suppliers, ensuring each customer is assigned a primary supplier and a different backup supplier unless the primary supplier has a so-called fortified facility. However, the budget for facility fortification is limited and only few facilities can be fortified. We design an optimization model under the assumption of single event disruptions, and estimate accurately the required facility capacities while taking into account a sharing of the backup resources. We evaluate our proposed models and algorithms by a comprehensive set of numerical experiments, with some comparisons in each of these two applications. Conclusions are drawn in the last chapter

    Switching Equipment Location/Allocation in hybrid PONs

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    Our research goal is to investigate the FTTX (Fiber-to-the Home/Premises/Curb) passive optical network (PON) for the deployment of BISAN (Broadband Internet Subscriber Access Network) to exploit the opportunities of optical fiber enabled technologies as well as of passive switching equipment. Indeed, the deployment of FTTX PON is the most OPEX-friendly scenario, because it allows for completely passive access networks through minimizing the number of active components in the network. Previously, most FTTX PON architectures are designed based on the principle of either time division multiplexing (TDM) technology or wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) technology. We focus on designing the best possible architectures of FTTX PON, specifically hybrid PONs, which embraces both TDM and WDM technology. A hybrid PON architecture is very efficient as it is not limited to any specific PON technology, rather it is flexible enough to deploy TDM/WDM technology depending on the type (i.e unicast/multicast) and amount of traffic demand of the end-users. The advantages of a hybrid PON are of two folds: (i) it can offer increased data rate to each user by employing WDM technology, (ii) it can provide flexible bandwidth utilization by employing TDM technology. In this thesis, we concentrate on determining the optimized covering of a geographical area by a set of cost-effective hybrid PONs. We also focus on the greenfield deployment of a single hybrid PON. It should be worthy to mention that while investigating the deployment of hybrid PONs, the research community around the world considers the specifications of either the physical layer or the optical layer. But an efficient planning for PON deployment should take into account the constraints of the physical and optical layers in order that both layers can work together harmoniously. We concentrate our research on the network dimensioning and the selection as well as the placement of the switching equipment in hybrid PONs with the intention of considering the constraints of both physical and optical layers. We determine the layout of an optimized PON architecture while provisioning wavelengths in a hybrid PON. We also propose to select the switching equipment depending on the type (unicast/multicast) of traffic demand. Finally, we determine the best set of hybrid PONs along with their cascading architecture, type and location of their switching equipment while satisfying the network design constraints such as the number of output ports of the switching equipment and maximum allowed signal power loss experienced at each end user’s premises. In this thesis, we propose two novel schemes for the greenfield deployment of a single hybrid PON. The first scheme consists of two phases in which a heuristic algorithm and a novel column generation (CG) based integer linear programming (ILP) optimization model are proposed in the 1st and 2nd phase respectively. In the second scheme, a novel integrated CG based ILP cross layer optimization model is proposed for the designing of a single hybrid PON. We also propose two novel schemes to deal with the greenfield deployment of multiple hybrid PONs in a given geographical area. These two schemes determine the best set of cost-effective hybrid PONs in order to serve all the end users in a given neighborhood. The first scheme executes in four phases in which two heuristic algorithms, a CG based ILP model and an ILP optimization model are proposed in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th phase respectively. In the second scheme, an ILP model as well as a CG based ILP model, another ILP model as well as another CG based ILP model, a CG based ILP model and an ILP optimization model are proposed during four consecutive phases. Our proposed scheme can optimize the design of a set of hybrid PONs covering a given geographic area as well as the selection of the best cascading architecture 1/2/mixedstage) for each selected PON. It minimizes the overall network deployment cost based on the location of the OLT and the ONUs while granting all traffic demands. The scheme emphasizes on the optimum placement of equipment in a hybrid PON infrastructure due to the critical dependency between the network performances and a proper deployment of its equipment, which, in turn depends on the locations of the users. It is a quite powerful scheme as it can handle data instances with up to several thousands ONUs. On the basis of the computational results, the proposed scheme leads to an efficient automated tool for network design, planning, and performance evaluation which can be beneficial for the network designers