14 research outputs found

    Developing Web Applications For Different Architectures: The MoWebA Approach

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    This study presents the Architecture Specific Model (ASM) defined by the MoWebA approach to improve the development of web applications for different architectures. MoWebA is a model-driven approach to web applications development. The article presents a general overview of MoWebA, including the methodological aspects related to its modeling and transformation processes, the process of defining the ASM, and an example of an ASM model.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Modeling Business Processes on a Blockchain Ecosystem using CMMN

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    Plokiahela kohta on spekuleeritud, et see on “kõige olulisem leiutis pärast Internetti” ning et sellel on potentsiaal pakkuda märkmisväärset ärilist väärtust nii finants- kui ka teistes sektorites. Sellest tulenevalt on ettevõtted hakanud uurima, kuidas oleks neil võimalik oma äriprotsessides plokiahelatehnoloogiast kasu saada. Siiski, lihtsalt olemasolevate protsesside asendamine uute tehnoloogiatega ei paku soovitud tulemusi. Sellest tulenevalt disainitakse olukordades, kus protsessimudelid on protsessianalüüsi ning selle innovatsiooni aluseks, protsesse täiesti ümber. Käesolevas töös uuritakse, kuidas plokiahelale orienteeritud protsesse saab modelleerida CMMN modelleerimiskeele abil, kuna see on artefakti-põhine modellerimiskeel. Selline lähenemine võib olla eriti kasulik plokiahelale orienteeritud protsesside modelleerimisel, kuna plokiahelate peamine fookus on andmetel, mis on lisatud ahelasse ning jagatud erinevate osapoolte vahel. Käesolev töö põhineb juhtumianalüüsil, mis on läbi viidud mittetulundusühingus, mis tegeleb puidutoodetega kauplevate ettevõtete sertifitseerimisteenuste pakkumisega. Nimetatud organisatsiooni auditeerimisprotsessid kujundati ümber kasutades plokiahelat ning nutikaid lepingutehnoloogiaid, mille järel modelleeriti need kasutades CMMN modelleerimiskeelt. Analüüsimaks, kas CMMN modelleerimiskeel on plokiahelale tuginevate protsesside modelleerimiseks sobilik, kasutati raamistikku, mis hõlmab üldlevinud mustreid, mis on omased plokiahelale tuginevatele rakendustele. Selle tulemusena ilmnes, et CMMN modelleerimiskeele abil on võimalik plokiahelale tuginevaid protsesse üldiselt adekvaatselt kirjeldada, küll aga on siiski puudus elementidest modelleerimaks täpsemaid plokiahelatele ning nutikatele lepingutehnoloogiatele omaseid detaile.Blockchain has been speculated to be “the most important invention since the Internet” and has the potential to deliver significant business value for both financial and non-financial industries. That is why companies have started to explore how their business processes can benefit from this technology. However, a simple substitution of a current process with new technology will not provide desired outcomes. For this purpose, process redesign is used where process models are made the basis of process analysis and its innovation. This paper examines how blockchain-oriented processes can be modelled with CMMN as it is an artefact-centric modelling language. Such an approach might be particularly useful while modeling blockchain-oriented processes as the fundamental focus of blockchain is on data that is added on a chain and shared between participants. This paper is based on a case study of a non-profit organization providing certification services for companies trading timber-relates products. The auditing process of this organization was redesign using blockchain and smart contract technologies and then was modelled with CMMN. For analysis of the suitability of CMMN for modelling blockchain-based processes a framework for commonly occurring patterns that are specific to blockchain-based applications was used. As a result, CMMN can adequately represent blockchain-oriented processes. However, there is a lack of elements in the notation to accurately model certain details specific to blockchain and smart contract technologies

    Improving project management planning and control in service operations environment.

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    Projects have evidently become the core activity in most companies and organisations where they are investing significant amount of resources in different types of projects as building new services, process improvement, etc. This research has focused on service sector in attempt to improve project management planning and control activities. The research is concerned with improving the planning and control of software development projects. Existing software development models are analysed and their best practices identified and these have been used to build the proposed model in this research. The research extended the existing planning and control approaches by considering uncertainty in customer requirements, resource flexibility and risks level variability. In considering these issues, the research has adopted lean principles for planning and control software development projects. A novel approach introduced within this research through the integration of simulation modelling techniques with Taguchi analysis to investigate ‗what if‘ project scenarios. Such scenarios reflect the different combinations of the factors affecting project completion time and deliverables. In addition, the research has adopted the concept of Quality Function Deployment (QFD) to develop an automated Operations Project Management Deployment (OPMD) model. The model acts as an iterative manner uses ‗what if‘ scenario performance outputs to identify constraints that may affect the completion of a certain task or phase. Any changes made during the project phases will then automatically update the performance metrics for each software development phases. In addition, optimisation routines have been developed that can be used to provide management response and to react to the different levels of uncertainty. Therefore, this research has looked at providing a comprehensive and visual overview of important project tasks i.e. progress, scheduled work, different resources, deliverables and completion that will make it easier for project members to communicate with each other to reach consensus on goals, status and required changes. Risk is important aspect that has been included in the model as well to avoid failure. The research emphasised on customer involvement, top management involvement as well as team members to be among the operational factors that escalate variability levels 3 and effect project completion time and deliverables. Therefore, commitment from everyone can improve chances of success. Although the role of different project management techniques to implement projects successfully has been widely established in areas such as the planning and control of time, cost and quality; still, the distinction between the project and project management is less than precise and a little was done in investigating different levels of uncertainty and risk levels that may occur during different project phase.United Arab Emirates Governmen

    A Spiral Process Model for Case Studies on Software Quality Monitoring - Method and Metrics

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    This article presents a spiral process model for an iterative case study on quality monitoring, conducted in an industrial environment. In a highly iterative project, everything seems to happen at the same time: analysis, design and testing. We propose a spiral process model for case studies, and present a study conducted according to the proposed process. In the study, metrics collected from three software development projects are analysed to investigate which characteristics are stable across projects and feature groups of the product. The contribution of the article is multi-fold, detailing the case study methodology used with its sub-goals and procedures. Furthermore, the article presents the metrics collected and the results as such from the case study, which gives insights into a complex development environment and the trends of the retrieved data. The analysed data serve as feedback to the project staff to facilitate identification of software process improvement. The data have also been used for defect prediction

    ITIL in Small to Medium-Sized Enterprises: toward a proposal based on an ITIL processes implementation sequence and a pofile scheme strategy for implementing the first process in the sequence

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    The backdrop of actual problematic about the implementation of Information Technology (IT) services management in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) will be described. It will be exposed the reasons why reaching a maturity/capability level through well-known standards or the implementation of good software engineering practices by means of IT infrastructure Library are really difficult to achieve by SMEs. Also, the solutions to the exposed problems will be explained. Also master thesis goals are presented in terms of: purpose, research questions, research goals, objectives and scope. Finally, thesis structure is described


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    High risks are involved as well as a large number of resources are required to construct the software development processes from scratch. Most of the software development companies follow ad-hoc approaches in informal ways to tailor an existing software development process according to their requirements. Instead of devising new tailoring strategies, these approaches describe and compare the similar tailoring operations at very superficial level and mainly focus on the large sized software development companies


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    High risks are involved as well as a large number of resources are required to construct the software development processes from scratch. Most of the software development companies follow ad-hoc approaches in informal ways to tailor an existing software development process according to their requirements. Instead of devising new tailoring strategies, these approaches describe and compare the similar tailoring operations at very superficial level and mainly focus on the large sized software development companies