156 research outputs found

    Investigating renewable energy systems using artifcial intelligence techniques

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    This research investigated applying Artificial Intelegence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) to renewable energy through three studies. The first study characterized and mapped the recent research landscape in the field of AI applications for various renewable energy systems using Natural Language Prcoessing (NLP) and ML models. It considered published documetns at Scopus database in the period (2000-2021). The second study built hybrid Catboost-CNN-LSTM architecture pipeline to predict an industrial-scale biogas plant’s daily biogas production and investigate the feedstock components importance on it. The third study investigated prediciting biogas yield of various subtrates and the significance of each organic component (carbohydrates, proteins, fats/lipids, and legnin) in biogas production using hybrid VAE-XGboost model. The first study showed seven main metatopics and ascent of "deep learning (DL)" as a prominent methodology led to an increase in intricate subjects, including the optimization of power costs and the prediction of wind patterns. Also, a growing utilization of DL approaches for the analysis of renewable energy data, particularly in the context of wind and solar photovoltaic systems. The research themes and trends observed in the first study signify substantial recent investments in advanced AI learning techniques. The developed Catboost-CNN-LSTM pipeline achived a significant results and presented a superior approach when compared to previous relevant studies by eliminating the requirement for feature engineering, enabling direct prediction of biogas yield without the need for converting it into a classification task. The VAE-XGboost pipeline could ovcercome data limitation in the field and produced significant results. It has shown that the "fats" category is the most influential group on the methane production in biogas plants, however, “proteins” illustrated the lowest impact on biogas production

    Neural-signature methods for structured EHR prediction

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    Models that can effectively represent structured Electronic Healthcare Records (EHR) are central to an increasing range of applications in healthcare. Due to the sequential nature of health data, Recurrent Neural Networks have emerged as the dominant component within state-of-the-art architectures. The signature transform represents an alternative modelling paradigm for sequential data. This transform provides a non-learnt approach to creating a fixed vector representation of temporal features and has shown strong performances across an increasing number of domains, including medical data. However, the signature method has not yet been applied to structured EHR data. To this end, we follow recent work that enables the signature to be used as a differentiable layer within a neural architecture enabling application in high dimensional domains where calculation would have previously been intractable. Using a heart failure prediction task as an exemplar, we provide an empirical evaluation of different variations of the signature method and compare against state-of-the-art baselines. This first application of neural-signature methods in real-world healthcare data shows a competitive performance when compared to strong baselines and thus warrants further investigation within the health domain

    Biological investigation and predictive modelling of foaming in anaerobic digester

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    Anaerobic digestion (AD) of waste has been identified as a leading technology for greener renewable energy generation as an alternative to fossil fuel. AD will reduce waste through biochemical processes, converting it to biogas which could be used as a source of renewable energy and the residue bio-solids utilised in enriching the soil. A problem with AD though is with its foaming and the associated biogas loss. Tackling this problem effectively requires identifying and effectively controlling factors that trigger and promote foaming. In this research, laboratory experiments were initially carried out to differentiate foaming causal and exacerbating factors. Then the impact of the identified causal factors (organic loading rate-OLR and volatile fatty acid-VFA) on foaming occurrence were monitored and recorded. Further analysis of foaming and nonfoaming sludge samples by metabolomics techniques confirmed that the OLR and VFA are the prime causes of foaming occurrence in AD. In addition, the metagenomics analysis showed that the phylum bacteroidetes and proteobacteria were found to be predominant with a higher relative abundance of 30% and 29% respectively while the phylum actinobacteria representing the most prominent filamentous foam causing bacteria such as Norcadia amarae and Microthrix Parvicella had a very low and consistent relative abundance of 0.9% indicating that the foaming occurrence in the AD studied was not triggered by the presence of filamentous bacteria. Consequently, data driven models to predict foam formation were developed based on experimental data with inputs (OLR and VFA in the feed) and output (foaming occurrence). The models were extensively validated and assessed based on the mean squared error (MSE), root mean squared error (RMSE), R2 and mean absolute error (MAE). Levenberg Marquadt neural network model proved to be the best model for foaming prediction in AD, with RMSE = 5.49, MSE = 30.19 and R2 = 0.9435. The significance of this study is the development of a parsimonious and effective modelling tool that enable AD operators to proactively avert foaming occurrence, as the two model input variables (OLR and VFA) can be easily adjustable through simple programmable logic controller

    Artificial Intelligence for Energy Processes and Systems: Applications and Perspectives

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    In recent years, artificial intelligence has become increasingly popular and is more often used by scientists and entrepreneurs. The rapid development of electronics and computer science is conducive to developing this field of science. Man needs intelligent machines to create and discover new relationships in the world, so AI is beginning to reach various areas of science, such as medicine, economics, management, and the power industry. Artificial intelligence is one of the most exciting directions in the development of computer science, which absorbs a considerable amount of human enthusiasm and the latest achievements in computer technology. This article was dedicated to the practical use of artificial neural networks. The article discusses the development of neural networks in the years 1940–2022, presenting the most important publications from these years and discussing the latest achievements in the use of artificial intelligence. One of the chapters focuses on the use of artificial intelligence in energy processes and systems. The article also discusses the possible directions for the future development of neural networks

    Modeling of Hydrogen Production by Applying Biomass Gasification: Artificial Neural Network Modeling Approach

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    In order to accurately anticipate the proficiency of downdraft biomass gasification linked with a water–gas shift unit to produce biohydrogen, a model based on an artificial neural network (ANN) approach is established to estimate the specific mass flow rate of the biohydrogen output of the plant based on different types of biomasses and diverse operating parameters. The factors considered as inputs to the models are elemental and proximate analysis compositions as well as the operating parameters. The model structure includes one layer for input, a hidden layer and output layer. One thousand eight hundred samples derived from the simulation of 50 various feedstocks in different operating situations were utilized to train the developed ANN model. The established ANN in the case of product biohydrogen presents satisfactory agreement with input data: absolute fraction of variance (R2) is more than 0.999 and root mean square error (RMSE) is lower than 0.25. In addition, the relative impact of biomass properties and operating parameters on output are studied. At the end, to have a comprehensive evaluation, variations of the inputs regarding hydrogencontent are compared and evaluated together. The results show that almost all of the inputs show a significant impact on the smhydrogen output. Significantly, gasifier temperature, SBR, moisture content and hydrogen have the highest impacts on the smhydrogen with contributions of 19.96, 17.18, 15.3 and 10.48%, respectively. In addition, other variables in feed properties, like C, O, S and N present a range of 1.28–8.6% and proximate components like VM, FC and A present a range of 3.14–7.67% of impact on smhydrogen.This paper was a part of the project funded by Icelandic Research Fund (IRF), (in Icelandic: Rannsoknasjodur) and the grant number is 196458-051

    Wastewater Treatment and Reuse Technologies

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    This edited volume is a collection of 12 publications from esteemed research groups around the globe. The articles belong to the following broad categories: biological treatment process parameters, sludge management and disinfection, removal of trace organic contaminants, removal of heavy metals, and synthesis and fouling control of membranes for wastewater treatment

    Towards a Fossil-Free Society

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    This volume describes the “Swedish part” (WP4) of the EU project COMPLEX, which has been dealing with pathways to a low carbon society with the Stockholm-Mälar region in focus. COMPLEX started on 1 October 2012 and ended after four years, on 30 September 2016. The central theme of the WP4 research has been to use the Stockholm-Mälar region as a sort of a “laboratory” for modelling and stakeholder interactions, but also for providing backgrounds, perspectives, tools and suggested policy outlines