2,252 research outputs found

    Modelling and Prediction of Gully Initiation in the University of Benin Using the Gultem Dynamic Model

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    For a very long period of time there was environmental equilibrium between rainfall and soil erosion in the University of Benin until man's intervention caused a disruption in the equilibrium by the improper termination of the external drainage structures in the University of Benin, Benin City Nigeria. This led to the initiation of gully erosion which has caused the University a lot of environmental damages and if left unchecked, the effect will escalate and become very devastating and disastrous. The study was to evaluate and analyze the gully erosion problem that is developing in the western end of the University of Benin with a view to providing useful information for future planning, land conservation and control. Topographical Survey of the gully site were carried out using Differential Global Positioning System (GPS) Survey for controls and Total Station  instrument for mapping of gully bed, gully walls and bank. This was to acquire morphological data of the gully site and generate geospatial data needed for monitoring the progressive growth of the gully. Using the generated 3D co-ordinates, spot heights, contour and Triangular Irregular Network models were generated in ARC-GIS environment. Soil samples were collected from the gully site for laboratory analysis and tests carried out included Specific gravity test, Particle size analysis, Compaction test and Shear Strength test in order to ascertain the overall contribution of the soils to the erosion problem. The data obtained from the surveys and investigations were inputed into the GULTEM Dynamic Erosion Model, for the evaluation of the rate of gully channel initiation. From the results the area affected by the gully erosion in this site is 11,100 m2.  The geotechnical investigation carried out, revealed that the clay content of the soil in the area is only about 18%. This makes the soil highly susceptible to erosion as soils with less than 30% clay content are easily erodible. It also showed that the soil is finely graded, fairly cohesive and does not compact well. Information from the geospatial data of the gully site, revealed that the University of Benin Gully became steeper between the years 2005 to 2012 and thereafter the slope began to flatten out. The result of the model showed that the computed rate of gully channel initiation increases initially and then began to decrease steadily with the longitudinal distance of the gully for the period under study and also correlates well with the physical observation of the gully at various time interval monitored..  These models were validated using the data on gully morphology and dynamics from University of Benin Gully Erosion site. Keywords: environmental equilibrium, Gully erosion, Network models, GULTEM Dynamic Model

    Stochastic Simulation of Mudcrack Damage Formation in an Environmental Barrier Coating

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    The FEAMAC/CARES program, which integrates finite element analysis (FEA) with the MAC/GMC (Micromechanics Analysis Code with Generalized Method of Cells) and the CARES/Life (Ceramics Analysis and Reliability Evaluation of Structures / Life Prediction) programs, was used to simulate the formation of mudcracks during the cooling of a multilayered environmental barrier coating (EBC) deposited on a silicon carbide substrate. FEAMAC/CARES combines the MAC/GMC multiscale micromechanics analysis capability (primarily developed for composite materials) with the CARES/Life probabilistic multiaxial failure criteria (developed for brittle ceramic materials) and Abaqus (Dassault Systmes) FEA. In this report, elastic modulus reduction of randomly damaged finite elements was used to represent discrete cracking events. The use of many small-sized low-aspect-ratio elements enabled the formation of crack boundaries, leading to development of mudcrack-patterned damage. Finite element models of a disk-shaped three-dimensional specimen and a twodimensional model of a through-the-thickness cross section subjected to progressive cooling from 1,300 C to an ambient temperature of 23 C were made. Mudcrack damage in the coating resulted from the buildup of residual tensile stresses between the individual material constituents because of thermal expansion mismatches between coating layers and the substrate. A two-parameter Weibull distribution characterized the coating layer stochastic strength response and allowed the effect of the Weibull modulus on the formation of damage and crack segmentation lengths to be studied. The spontaneous initiation of cracking and crack coalescence resulted in progressively smaller mudcrack cells as cooling progressed, consistent with a fractal-behaved fracture pattern. Other failure modes such as delamination, and possibly spallation, could also be reproduced. The physical basis assumed and the heuristic approach employed, which involves a simple stochastic cellular automaton methodology to approximate the crack growth process, are described. The results ultimately show that a selforganizing mudcrack formation can derive from a Weibull distribution that is used to describe the stochastic strength response of the bulk brittle ceramic material layers of an EBC

    Soil erosion in the Alps : causes and risk assessment

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    The issue of soil erosion in the Alps has long been neglected due to the low economic value of the agricultural land. However, soil stability is a key parameter which affects ecosystem services like slope stability, water budgets (drinking water reservoirs as well as flood prevention), vegetation productivity, ecosystem biodiversity and nutrient production. In alpine regions, spatial estimates on soil erosion are difficult to derive because the highly heterogeneous biogeophysical structure impedes measurement of soil erosion and the applicability of soil erosion models. However, remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) methods allow for spatial estimation of soil erosion by direct detection of erosion features and supply of input data for soil erosion models. Thus, the main objective of this work is to address the problem of soil erosion risk assessment in the Alps on catchment scale with remote sensing and GIS tools. Regarding soil erosion processes the focus is on soil erosion by water (here sheet erosion) and gravity (here landslides). For these two processes we address i) the monitoring and mapping of the erosion features and related causal factors ii) soil erosion risk assessment with special emphasis on iii) the validation of existing models for alpine areas. All investigations were accomplished in the Urseren Valley (Central Swiss Alps) where the valley slopes are dramatically affected by sheet erosion and landslides. For landslides, a natural susceptibility of the catchment has been indicated by bivariate and multivariate statistical analysis. Geology, slope and stream density are the most significant static landslide causal factors. Static factors are here defined as factors that do not change their attributes during the considered time span of the study (45 years), e.g. geology, stream network. The occurrence of landslides might be significantly increased by the combined effects of global climate and land use change. Thus, our hypothesis is that more recent changes in land use and climate affected the spatial and temporal occurrence of landslides. The increase of the landslide area of 92% within 45 years in the study site confirmed our hypothesis. In order to identify the cause for the trend in landslide occurrence time-series of landslide causal factors were analysed. The analysis revealed increasing trends in the frequency and intensity of extreme rainfall events and stocking of pasture animals. These developments presumably enhanced landslide hazard. Moreover, changes in land-cover and land use were shown to have affected landslide occurrence. For instance, abandoned areas and areas with recently emerging shrub vegetation show very low landslide densities. Detailed spatial analysis of the land use with GIS and interviews with farmers confirmed the strong influence of the land use management practises on slope stability. The definite identification and quantification of the impact of these non-stationary landslide causal factors (dynamic factors) on the landslide trend was not possible due to the simultaneous change of several factors. The consideration of dynamic factors in statistical landslide susceptibility assessments is still unsolved. The latter may lead to erroneous model predictions, especially in times of dramatic environmental change. Thus, we evaluated the effect of dynamic landslide causal factors on the validity of landslide susceptibility maps for spatial and temporal predictions. For this purpose, a logistic regression model based on data of the year 2000 was set up. The resulting landslide susceptibility map was valid for spatial predictions. However, the model failed to predict the landslides that occurred in a subsequent event. In order to handle this weakness of statistic landslide modelling a multitemporal approach was developed. It is based on establishing logistic regression models for two points in time (here 1959 and 2000). Both models could correctly classify >70% of the independent spatial validation dataset. By subtracting the 1959 susceptibility map from the 2000 susceptibility map a deviation susceptibility map was obtained. Our interpretation was that these susceptibility deviations indicate the effect of dynamic causal factors on the landslide probability. The deviation map explained 85% of new independent landslides occurring after 2000. Thus, we believe it to be a suitable tool to add a time element to a susceptibility map pointing to areas with changing susceptibility due to recently changing environmental conditions or human interactions. In contrast to landslides that are a direct threat to buildings and infrastructure, sheet erosion attracts less attention because it is often an unseen process. Nonetheless, sheet erosion may account for a major proportion of soil loss. Soil loss by sheet erosion is related to high spatial variability, however, in contrast to arable fields for alpine grasslands erosion damages are long lasting and visible over longer time periods. A crucial erosion triggering parameter that can be derived from satellite imagery is fractional vegetation cover (FVC). Measurements of the radiogenic isotope Cs-137, which is a common tracer for soil erosion, confirm the importance of FVC for soil erosion yield in alpine areas. Linear spectral unmixing (LSU), mixture tuned matched filtering (MTMF) and the spectral index NDVI are applied for estimating fractional abundance of vegetation and bare soil. To account for the small scale heterogeneity of the alpine landscape very high resolved multispectral QuickBird imagery is used. The performance of LSU and MTMF for estimating percent vegetation cover is good (r²=0.85, r²=0.71 respectively). A poorer performance is achieved for bare soil (r²=0.28, r²=0.39 respectively) because compared to vegetation, bare soil has a less characteristic spectral signature in the wavelength domain detected by the QuickBird sensor. Apart from monitoring erosion controlling factors, quantification of soil erosion by applying soil erosion risk models is done. The performance of the two established models Universal Soil Loss Equation (USLE) and Pan-European Soil Erosion Risk Assessment (PESERA) for their suitability to model erosion for mountain environments is tested. Cs-137 is used to verify the resulting erosion rates from USLE and PESERA. PESERA yields no correlation to measured Cs-137 long term erosion rates and shows lower sensitivity to FVC. Thus, USLE is used to model the entire study site. The LSU-derived FVC map is used to adapt the C factor of the USLE. Compared to the low erosion rates computed with the former available low resolution dataset (1:25000) the satellite supported USLE map shows “hotspots” of soil erosion of up to 16 t ha-1 a-1. In general, Cs-137 in combination with the USLE is a very suitable method to assess soil erosion for larger areas, as both give estimates on long-term soil erosion. Especially for inaccessible alpine areas, GIS and remote sensing proved to be powerful tools that can be used for repetitive measurements of erosion features and causal factors. In times of global change it is of crucial importance to account for temporal developments. However, the evaluation of the applied soil erosion risk models revealed that the implementation of temporal aspects, such as varying climate, land use and vegetation cover is still insufficient. Thus, the proposed validation strategies (spatial, temporal and via Cs-137) are essential. Further case studies in alpine regions are needed to test the methods elaborated for the Urseren Valley. However, the presented approaches are promising with respect to improve the monitoring and identification of soil erosion risk areas in alpine regions


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    There is a shared desire among public and private sectors to make more reliable predictions, accurate mapping, and appropriate scaling of soil moisture and associated parameters across landscapes. A discrepancy often exists between the scale at which soil hydrologic properties are measured and the scale at which they are modeled for management purposes. Moreover, little is known about the relative importance of hydrologic modeling parameters as soil moisture fluctuates with time. More research is needed to establish which observation scales in space and time are optimal for managing soil moisture variation over large spatial extents and how these scales are affected by fluctuations in soil moisture content with time. This research fuses high resolution geoelectric and light detection and ranging (LiDAR) as auxiliary measures to support sparse direct soil sampling over a 40 hectare inner BluegrassKentucky (USA) landscape. A Veris 3100 was used to measure shallow and deep apparent electrical conductivity (aEC) in tandem with soil moisture sampling on three separate dates with ascending soil moisture contents ranging from plant wilting point to near field capacity. Terrain attributes were produced from 2010 LiDAR ground returns collected at ≤1 m nominal pulse spacing. Exploratory statistics revealed several variables best associate with soil moisture, including terrain features (slope, profile curvature, and elevation), soil physical and chemical properties (calcium, cation exchange capacity, organic matter, clay and sand) and aEC for each date. Multivariate geostatistics, time stability analyses, and spatial regression were performed to characterize scale-dependent soil moisture patterns in space with time to determine which soil-terrain parameters influence soil moisture distribution. Results showed that soil moisture variation was time stable across the landscape and primarily associated with long-range (~250 m) soil physicochemical properties. When the soils approached field capacity, however, there was a shift in relative importance from long-range soil physicochemical properties to short-range (~70 m) terrain attributes, albeit this shift did not cause time instability. Results obtained suggest soil moisture’s interaction with soil-terrain parameters is time dependent and this dependence influences which observation scale is optimal to sample and manage soil moisture variation

    Time-Lapse Monitoring of Two-Dimensional Non-Uniform Unsaturated Flow Processes Using Ground Penetrating Radar

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    Unsaturated flow in the vadose zone often manifests as preferential flow resulting in transport of water and solutes through the soil much faster than would occur for uniform matrix flow. Time-lapse ground penetrating radar (TLGPR) shows promise as a non-invasive means to monitor unsaturated flow and here is used to monitor lab-scale forced infiltration events for capturing evidence of non-uniform and preferential flow phenomena directly from arrivals in the GPR images while simultaneously characterizing parameters of the flow system, such as bulk water content and rates of wetting front movement. This was accomplished by 1) directly interpreting transient arrivals in GPR profiles for evidence of ono-uniform flow and 2) with the aid of migration processing techniques to improve the quality of GPR images for identification and tracking of transient arrivals related to wetting in the soil. A novel method is described and evaluated to characterize the 2D velocity structure of a soil and used to migrate the GPR images. This method incorporates multi-offset measurements to characterize the depth to a potentially unknown static reflector and root mean square (RMS) velocity above the reflector with incremental changes in travel time to the static reflector and a transient reflector (i.e. the wetting front) determined from single-offset constant offset profiles to determine incremental changes in velocity above and below the transient arrival. The method is applied to TLGPR data during infiltration experiments in a 60 cm deep sand-filled tank and monitored with water content probes. To verify the approach the methodology is applied to GPR data simulated using transient water contents generated by the unsaturated flow simulator HYDRUS 2D given lab-measured hydraulic properties of the soil. For both the empirical and simulated data, we found that the 2D velocity analysis was effective in monitoring changes in the wetting front and that migration of the reflection profiles was able to improve the interpretation of non-uniform flow

    Integrated geophysical approach using electrical resistivity tomography and multichannel analysis of surface wave in assessing Wilson Spring development

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    This research investigated fractured zones leading to preferential flow paths of Wilson Spring. In this context, electrical resistivity tomography (ERT) data and multi-channel analyses of surface waves (MASW) data were acquired at studied site with the purpose of mapping a variable depth to top of bedrock and geological structures. Interpretation of the boreholes, MASW, and ERT data indicated that a depth to top of rock does vary significantly at the studied site due to many solution-widened fractures. Multiple near-vertical solution-widened fractures were mapped in the studied site based on the interpretation of the ERT data. The mapped solution-widened fractures appear to be trending north-south, almost perpendicular to the ERT traverses (west-east), and however it is possible they extend at oblique angle to the ERT traverses. The conducted geophysical survey is the first attempt to map geological structures and karst features that might be possible access of underground water. The underground water expose on land surface through fractures to develop Wilson Spring. Thus the seepage pathway near or beneath Wilson Creek is interpreted as through a solution-widened fractures. ERT method has proven to be effective in mapping variable depth to bedrock and solution-widened fractures. The MASW method and boreholes data were able to map variable depth to top of bedrock --Abstract, page iii

    New Global Perspectives on Archaeological Prospection

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    This volume is a product of the 13th International Conference on Archaeological Prospection 2019, which was hosted by the Department of Environmental Science in the Faculty of Science at the Institute of Technology Sligo. The conference is held every two years under the banner of the International Society for Archaeological Prospection and this was the first time that the conference was held in Ireland. New Global Perspectives on Archaeological Prospection draws together over 90 papers addressing archaeological prospection techniques, methodologies and case studies from 33 countries across Africa, Asia, Australasia, Europe and North America, reflecting current and global trends in archaeological prospection. At this particular ICAP meeting, specific consideration was given to the development and use of archaeological prospection in Ireland, archaeological feedback for the prospector, applications of prospection technology in the urban environment and the use of legacy data. Papers include novel research areas such as magnetometry near the equator, drone-mounted radar, microgravity assessment of tombs, marine electrical resistivity tomography, convolutional neural networks, data processing, automated interpretive workflows and modelling as well as recent improvements in remote sensing, multispectral imaging and visualisation

    Earth Observation Open Science and Innovation

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    geospatial analytics; social observatory; big earth data; open data; citizen science; open innovation; earth system science; crowdsourced geospatial data; citizen science; science in society; data scienc

    Phytolith analysed to compare changes in vegetation structure of Koobi Fora and Olorgesailie basins through the Mid-Pleistocene-Holocene periods

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    The Koobi Fora and Olorgesailie Basins are renowned Hominin sites in the Rift Valley of northern and central Kenya, respectively with fluvial, lacustrine and tuffaceous sediments spanning the Pleistocene and Holocene. Much research has been done on the fossil fauna, hominins and flora with the aim of trying to understand when and how the hominins evolved, and how the environment impacted on their behaviour, land-use and distribution over time. One of the most important factors in trying to understand the hominin-environment relationship is firstly to reconstruct the environment. Important environmental factors are the climate, rate or degree of climate change, vegetation structure and resources, floral and faunal resources. Vegetation structure/composition is a key component of the environments and, it has been hypothesized the openness and/or closeness of vegetation structure played a key role in shaping the evolutionary history not only of man but also other mammals. Various proxies have been studied to determine and reconstruct vegetation history. They include: fossil pollen, stable isotopes, fossilised wood and phytoliths. This study applied phytolith analyses to reconstruct the vegetation history of the Koobi Fora and Olorgesailie Basins during the Pleistocene to Holocene periods respectively. Firstly, modern phytolith analogues from plants and surface soils were used to interpret the past vegetation from fossil phytolith assemblages. Four vegetation structures were clearly recognisable: grasslands, wetlands/riparian, woodlands/forests and mixture of woody and herbaceous dicotyledons. Although the proposed goal of this study was to compare temporal changes in phytolith assemblage, hence vegetation structure for the two basins, this was not achieved due difference in the sampling strategies available for the two basins. A continuous sediment core was drilled from the Olorgesailie Basin representing ~970kyr to ~77kyr, while in Koobi Fora sampling was done from well dated archaeological and geological exposures representing the early Pleistocene period (2.525-2.51Ma) and the Holocene period (9.6kyr to 0.93kyr), lacking mid-late Pleistocene deposits Determining the vegetation structure from both basins was possible. Two approaches were applied, a general approach for vegetation reconstruction (phytolith abundance) and phytolith indices (aridity and tree cover indices). Phytolith assemblages from paleosols deposited between 1.525Ma and 1.52Ma suggest a general vegetation cover dominated by woodlands which shifted to woody mixed grasslands that resemble present savanna habitats and a moister grassland habitat is also reflected. From ~970kyr to ~77kyr the vegetation structure comprised open grasslands, wooded grasslands, woodland/forest, and wetland/riparian/riverine habitats. These habitats fluctuated and the environments were unstable. The rate of fluctuations changed from high to low throughout the Olorgesailie sequence. From the Koobi Fora samples the Early Holocene (~9.6kyr to ~4.2kyr) was to the Early Pleistocene with woodlands remaining dominant, mixed grassland always present and a mosaic vegetation. A clear vegetation shift is noted during the late Holocene period (~1.34kyr to 0.93kyr), where woodlands declined while Chloridoideae grasses increased significantly indicating arid habitats similar to present-day savanna grasslands For future research directions it will be a valuable opportunity to have a long sediment core drilled from either the current Lake Turkana basin or a paleolake basin from which phytolith data can be analysed and studied to give a continuous vegetation reconstruction history. Key words: Phytoliths, Pleistocene, Holocene, Paleoenvironments, Koobi Fora, OlorgesailieLG201