8 research outputs found

    Context-aware approach for cardiac rehabilitation monitoring

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    As technology advances, the usage and applications of context-aware systems continue to spread across different areas in patient monitoring and disease management. It provides a platform for healthcare professionals to assess the health status of patients in their care using multiple relevant parameters. Existing technologies for cardiac patient monitoring are generally based on the physiological information, mostly the heart rate or Electrocardiogram(ECG) Signals. Other important factors such as physical activities and time of the day are usually ignored. We propose a context-aware solution for cardiac rehabilitation monitoring using multiple vital signs from the physiological and activity data of the patient. This research considers the activity of the patient alongside the time of the activity to facilitate physicians decision-making process. We provide a personalised physical activity recognition processing by generating a personalised model for each user. A prototype is presented to illustrate our proposed approach

    Using a Mobile Multimedia System to Improve Information Exchange in EMS.

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    This research uses multiple research methodologies guided by Information Systems Design Theory (ISDT) to design and evaluate a mobile multimedia information system for Emergency Medical Services (EMS). We examined the impact of multimedia information for EMS information exchange and decision-making. A field study was designed and conducted in the Boise, Idaho region for three months to evaluate the system and validate ISDT design propositions. Findings from qualitative analysis illustrated the value of digital images and audio recordings for improving information exchange and augmenting medical decision-making. This paper describes the problem and justification, presents the system design, the pilot test methodology and findings and overall implications and future research directions

    A Context-Aware mHealth System for Online Physiological Monitoring in Remote Healthcare

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    Physiological or biological stress is an organism’s response to a stressor such as an environmental condition or a stimulus. The identification of physiological stress while performing the activities of daily living is an important field of health research in preventive medicine. Activities initiate a dynamic physiological response that can be used as an indicator of the overall health status. This is especially relevant to high risk groups; the assessment of the physical state of patients with cardiovascular diseases in daily activities is still very difficult. This paper presents a context-aware telemonitoring platform, IPM-mHealth, that receives vital parameters from multiple sensors for online, real-time analysis. IPM-mHealth provides the technical basis for effectively evaluating patients’ physiological conditions, whether inpatient or at home, through the relevance between physical function and daily activities. The two core modules in the platform include: 1) online activity recognition algorithms based on 3-axis acceleration sensors and 2) a knowledge-based, conditional-reasoning decision module which uses context information to improve the accuracy of determining the occurrence of a potentially dangerous abnormal heart rate. Finally, we present relevant experiments to collect cardiac information and upper-body acceleration data from the human subjects. The test results show that this platform has enormous potential for use in long-term health observation, and can help us define an optimal patient activity profile through the automatic activity analysis

    Desenvolvimento de uma plataforma laboratorial para aquisição de biosinais

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    Para onde quer que olhemos vemos a tecnologia incutida em qualquer local, aplicação e área. A evolução tecnológica nos últimos anos foi grande e notável em todos os aspectos. A fiabilidade, tamanho e relação qualidade-custo dos dispositivos electrónicos é das melhores de sempre. Contudo, com as novas imposições e necessidades do quotidiano fazem com que os organismos e individualidades da área das engenharias continuem em constante pesquisa e investigação à procura de melhorar o que já existe e até criar algo novo. Assim sendo, com a evolução já conseguida, é muitas vezes necessário voltar ao básico para que uma nova evolução e até “descomplicação” dos mecanismos já existentes sejam exequíveis. Desta forma, e tendo em conta toda a literatura existe sobre os vários componentes electrónicos e mecanismos/fenómenos existentes, é necessário pegar nessa teórica e passar à prática. Ou seja, é necessário criar laboratórios experimentais por forma a testar alguns conceitos básicos para que, a partir daí, seja possível evoluir. Com isto, pretende-se com esta dissertação, desenvolver dois laboratórios experimentais onde os conceitos teóricos básicos são apresentados bem como alguns mecanismos que tornam possível a execução dos laboratórios. Ao longo dos mesmos são ainda fornecidos os passos essenciais a seguir neste tipo de trabalhos.Wherever we look we see technology inculcated in any location, and application area. Technological developments in recent years have been great and remarkable in every aspect. The reliability, size and quality-cost of electronic devices are the best ever. However, the new requirements and needs of everyday living make organizations and individuals in the area of engineering remain in constant research and investigation, looking to improve what already exists and to create something new. Thus, with the development already achieved, it is often necessary to go back to basics for a new evolution and even the simplification of existing mechanisms are feasible. Thus, taking into account all literature existent on various electronic components and mechanisms / phenomena, it is necessary to take that theory and put into practice. I.e., it is necessary to create experimental laboratories in order to test some basic concepts so that from there, you can evolve. It is intended with this thesis, to develop two experimental laboratories where theoretical concepts are presented, as well as some mechanisms that make the implementation of laboratories possible. Along we are further provided the essential steps to follow in this type of work

    A smart context-aware mobile monitoring system for heart patients

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    Information Management in Supply Chain Partnering: Improving Maintenance Processes in Dutch Housing Associations

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    From the article: "Abstract Maintenance processes of Dutch housing associations are often still organized in a traditional manner. Contracts are based on lowest price instead of ‘best quality for lowest price’ considering users’ demands. Dutch housing associations acknowledge the need to improve their maintenance processes in order to lower maintenance cost, but are not sure how. In this research, this problem is addressed by investigating different supply chain partnering principles and the role of information management. The main question is “How can the organisation of maintenance processes of Dutch housing associations, in different supply chain partnering principles and the related information management, be improved?” The answer is sought through case study research.