30,796 research outputs found

    Overcoming barriers and increasing independence: service robots for elderly and disabled people

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    This paper discusses the potential for service robots to overcome barriers and increase independence of elderly and disabled people. It includes a brief overview of the existing uses of service robots by disabled and elderly people and advances in technology which will make new uses possible and provides suggestions for some of these new applications. The paper also considers the design and other conditions to be met for user acceptance. It also discusses the complementarity of assistive service robots and personal assistance and considers the types of applications and users for which service robots are and are not suitable

    Empathic voice assistants: Enhancing consumer responses in voice commerce

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    Artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled voice assistants (VAs) are transforming firm-customer interactions but often come across as lacking empathy. This challenge may cause business managers to question the overall effectiveness of VAs in shopping contexts. Recognizing empathy as a core design element in the next generation of VAs and the limits of scenario-based studies in voice commerce, this article investigates how empathy exhibited by an existing AI agent (Alexa) may alter consumer shopping responses. AI empathy moderates the original structural model bridging functional, relational, and social-emotional dimensions. Findings of an individual-session online experiment show higher intentions to delegate tasks, seek decision assistance, and trust recommendations from AI agents perceived as empathic. In contrast to individual shoppers, families respond better to functional VA attributes such as ease of use when AI empathy is present. The results contribute to the literature on AI empathy and conversational commerce while informing managerial AI design decisions

    Effective Factors in Selecting Purchasing Channels for Cosmetic Products in Iran

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    This paper provides an in-depth analysis of the key effective factors in selecting purchasing channels for cosmetic products. The purpose of this research is to investigate customer perceptions of cosmetics shopping. By synthesizing insights from prior research, this research develops a conceptual model by integrating innovations diffusion theory and theory of perceived risk to apply in preference to online shopping. 435 questionnaires were gathered, and data were analysed with the partial least squared structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) method. The results show that online channels are the most popular purchasing channels for cosmetics and clarify the most significant factors that lead to cosmetic online shopping

    Consumers\u27 Motivations and Daily Deal Promotions

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    In the last years daily deal (dd) sites have become a substantial part of e-commerce scenario. Every day, for a limited time, such sites offer their subscribers, at very discounted prices, deals for products or services. Despite the worldwide success of daily deal sites, testified by articles in newspapers and magazines, there is an almost complete absence of academic research on this topic. The aim of this paper is to understand the consumers\u27 drivers in online coupon buying. The study is exploratory in nature and authors have collected data by carrying out four synchronous online focus groups involving 21 participants and investigating five areas: level of awareness, perception area, social dimension, consumer behavior, and relationship with e-commerce. Respondents show a high level of awareness of daily deal sites. In the perceptive area, convenience emerges as the driving factor in coupon buying. As to the self-perception area, some ambivalences emerge between smartness and compulsive buying, highlighting also some dissatisfaction. The ‘social dimension’ is almost irrelevant, and as to consumer behavior, daily deal buying seems to be a kind of fashion. Consumers perceive the bargain side of the offer, behaving like “cherry pickers.

    The Internet of Things Connectivity Binge: What are the Implications?

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    Despite wide concern about cyberattacks, outages and privacy violations, most experts believe the Internet of Things will continue to expand successfully the next few years, tying machines to machines and linking people to valuable resources, services and opportunities

    Understanding Older Adults' Perceptions and Challenges in Using AI-enabled Everyday Technologies

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    Artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled everyday technologies could help address age-related challenges like physical impairments and cognitive decline. While recent research studied older adults' experiences with specific AI-enabled products (e.g., conversational agents and assistive robots), it remains unknown how older adults perceive and experience current AI-enabled everyday technologies in general, which could impact their adoption of future AI-enabled products. We conducted a survey study (N=41) and semi-structured interviews (N=15) with older adults to understand their experiences and perceptions of AI. We found that older adults were enthusiastic about learning and using AI-enabled products, but they lacked learning avenues. Additionally, they worried when AI-enabled products outwitted their expectations, intruded on their privacy, or impacted their decision-making skills. Therefore, they held mixed views towards AI-enabled products such as AI, an aid, or an adversary. We conclude with design recommendations that make older adults feel inclusive, secure, and in control of their interactions with AI-enabled products.Comment: The Tenth International Symposium of Chinese CHI (Chinese CHI 2022

    Omnichannel Value Chain: Mapping Digital Technologies for Channel Integration Activities

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    In order to provide a seamless customer experience, researchers and practitioners have proposed creation of an omnichannel retailing environment by integrating online and offline channels. Channel integration necessitates use of digital technologies and there are myriads of technological solutions available. However, retailers are struggling with selection and implementation of suitable technologies to add value through channel integration. Despite the strong practical need, this issue has not been effectively addressed in the academic literature. This paper presents an omnichannel value chain underpinned by Porter’s value chain model. We identify ten channel integration activities for value creation by carrying out a synthesis of current research on omnichannel retailing. Enabling digital technologies are then mapped to these activities using technology implementation examples and provide a guideline for retailers to select appropriate technologies for the identified value creation activities

    Artificial Intelligence in Smart Tourism: A Conceptual Framework

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    Smart tourism destination as: an innovative tourist destination, built on an infrastructure of state-of-the-art technology guaranteeing the sustainable development of tourist areas, accessible to everyone, which facilitates the visitor’s interaction with and integration into his or her surroundings, increases the quality of the experience at the destination, and improves residents’ quality of life. Lopez de Avila (2015). Smart tourism involves multiple components and layers of “smart” include (1) Smart Destinations which was special cases of smart cities integration of ICT’s into physical infrastructure, (2) Smart experience which specifically focus on technology-mediated tourism experience and their engagement through personalization, context-awareness and real-time monitoring, (3) Smart business refer to the complex business ecosystem that creates and supports the exchange of touristic resource and the co-creation of tourism experience. Gretzel et al, (2015). Smart tourism also clearly relies on the ability to not only collect enormous of data but to intelligently store, process, combine, analyze and use big data to inform business innovation, operations and services by artificial intelligence and big data technique. The rapid development of information communication technology (ICT) such as artificial intelligent, cloud computing, mobile device, big data mining and social media cause computing, storage and communication relevant software and hardware popular. Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Microsoft and Google have risen rapidly since 2000. In recent years, Emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Thing, Robotic, Cyber Security, 3D printer and Block chain also accelerate the development of industry toward digital transformation trend such as Fintech, e-commerce, smart cities, smart tourism, smart healthcare, smart manufacturing... This study proposes a conceptual framework that integrates (1) artificial intelligence/machine learning, (2) institution/organizational and (3) business processes to assist smart tourism stake holder to leverage artificial intelligence to integrate cross-departmental business and streamline key performance metrics to build a business-level IT Strategy. Artificial intelligence as long as the function includes (1) Cognitive engagement to (voice/pattern recognition function) (2) Cognitive process automation (Robotic Process Automation) (3) Cognitive insight (forecast, recommendation)

    The Evolution Of Smartcard And EMV Migration In Bahrain

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    Within the improvement of Information Technology era, many business enterprises, academia institutions and banks in various regions around the world are enthusiastic and looking into the future by producing an all-in-one smart card with Europay, MasterCard and Visa (EMV) protocols for their employees, students or customers. This smart card can be used in different fields such as ID card, debit/credit card, transportations, healthcare, communication networks, loyalty, etc., with high level of security.  This paper gives the reader an overview of the evolution of smart card and the important benefits derived over the existing traditional magnetic stripe card. The paper aims to study the following five key elements: Importance of EMV, EMV Implementation in Bahrain, Obstacles and Constraints, Customer Satisfaction, and EMV Future in Bahrain.  The results of the study reveals that Bahrain is on its approach towards the EMV migration and will definitely be ready for rollout in the coming few years. It was also demonstrated that even though adopting EMV smart card technology may cost the organization a lot, it would be on the other hand very beneficial to them in many different aspects. Furthermore, it was provided that moving toward smart card in general will differentiate Bahrain and will put her among the leader.  This paper can be used as a basis for further researches to improve specific aspects of the evolution of smart card and EMV Migration in the Kingdom of Bahrain or elsewhere. It will also provide a useful input for other local banks and/or organizations that have not proceed towards smart card adaptation yet