11,967 research outputs found

    Site-specific selection reveals selective constraints and functionality of tumor somatic mtDNA mutations.

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    BACKGROUND: Previous studies have indicated that tumor mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) mutations are primarily shaped by relaxed negative selection, which is contradictory to the critical roles of mtDNA mutations in tumorigenesis. Therefore, we hypothesized that site-specific selection may influence tumor mtDNA mutations. METHODS: To test our hypothesis, we developed the largest collection of tumor mtDNA mutations to date and evaluated how natural selection shaped mtDNA mutation patterns. RESULTS: Our data demonstrated that both positive and negative selections acted on specific positions or functional units of tumor mtDNAs, although the landscape of these mutations was consistent with the relaxation of negative selection. In particular, mutation rate (mutation number in a region/region bp length) in complex V and tRNA coding regions, especially in ATP8 within complex V and in loop and variable regions within tRNA, were significantly lower than those in other regions. While the mutation rate of most codons and amino acids were consistent with the expectation under neutrality, several codons and amino acids had significantly different rates. Moreover, the mutations under selection were enriched for changes that are predicted to be deleterious, further supporting the evolutionary constraints on these regions. CONCLUSION: These results indicate the existence of site-specific selection and imply the important role of the mtDNA mutations at some specific sites in tumor development

    Characterization of pathogenic germline mutations in human Protein Kinases

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    Background: Protein Kinases are a superfamily of proteins involved in crucial cellular processes such as cell cycle regulation and signal transduction. Accordingly, they play an important role in cancer biology. To contribute to the study of the relation between kinases and disease we compared pathogenic mutations to neutral mutations as an extension to our previous analysis of cancer somatic mutations. First, we analyzed native and mutant proteins in terms of amino acid composition. Secondly, mutations were characterized according to their potential structural effects and finally, we assessed the location of the different classes of polymorphisms with respect to kinase-relevant positions in terms of subfamily specificity, conservation, accessibility and functional sites.Results: Pathogenic Protein Kinase mutations perturb essential aspects of protein function, including disruption of substrate binding and/or effector recognition at family-specific positions. Interestingly these mutations in Protein Kinases display a tendency to avoid structurally relevant positions, what represents a significant difference with respect to the average distribution of pathogenic mutations in other protein families.Conclusions: Disease-associated mutations display sound differences with respect to neutral mutations: several amino acids are specific of each mutation type, different structural properties characterize each class and the distribution of pathogenic mutations within the consensus structure of the Protein Kinase domain is substantially different to that for non-pathogenic mutations. This preferential distribution confirms previous observations about the functional and structural distribution of the controversial cancer driver and passenger somatic mutations and their use as a proxy for the study of the involvement of somatic mutations in cancer development. © 2011 Izarzugaza et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd
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