10 research outputs found

    Self-healing network architectures for multiwavelength optical metro/access networks.

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    Sun Xiaofeng.Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2006.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 61-64).Abstracts in English and Chinese.Chapter CHAPTER 1 --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1Chapter 1.1 --- Optical network evolution --- p.2Chapter 1.1.1 --- Submarine and terrestrial long-haul fibre systems --- p.2Chapter 1.1.2 --- Metropolitan networks --- p.3Chapter 1.1.3 --- Access networks --- p.4Chapter 1.2 --- Motivation of this thesis --- p.6Chapter 1.3 --- Outline of this thesis --- p.7Chapter CHAPTER 2 --- PREVIOUS SELF-HEALING NETWORK ARCHITECTURES --- p.9Chapter 2.1 --- Introduction --- p.10Chapter 2.1.1 --- Previous protection architectures for access networks --- p.10Chapter 2.1.2 --- Previous protection architectures for metro access networks --- p.13Chapter 2.3 --- Previous protection architectures for metro backbone networks --- p.15Chapter 2.3.1 --- Unidirectional path-switched rings (UPSR) --- p.15Chapter 2.3.2 --- Bidirectional line-switched rings (BLSR) --- p.16Chapter 2.3.3 --- Ring interconnection and dual homing --- p.17Chapter 2.4 --- Summary --- p.19Chapter CHAPTER 3 --- SELF-HEALING NETWORK ARCHITECTURE FOR WDM OPTICAL ACCESS NETWORKS --- p.20Chapter 3.1 --- Introduction --- p.21Chapter 3.2 --- Star-Ring Protection Architecture (SRPA) --- p.21Chapter 3.2.1 --- Motivation --- p.21Chapter 3.2.2 --- Network topology of SRPA --- p.22Chapter 3.2.3 --- Wavelength assignment of SRPA --- p.22Chapter 3.2.4 --- Structure of ONU --- p.23Chapter 3.2.5 --- Protection mechanism --- p.25Chapter 3.2.6 --- Experimental demonstration --- p.26Chapter 3.2.7 --- Power budget --- p.28Chapter 3.2.8 --- Summary --- p.28Chapter 3.3 --- Duplicated-Tree Protection Architecture (DTPA) --- p.28Chapter 3.3.1 --- Motivation --- p.28Chapter 3.3.2 --- Network topology and wavelength assignment --- p.29Chapter 3.3.3 --- Structure of OLT --- p.30Chapter 3.3.4 --- Protection mechanism --- p.31Chapter 3.3.5 --- Experimental demonstration --- p.33Chapter 1.1.1 --- Summary --- p.34Chapter 1.4 --- Summary --- p.35Chapter CHAPTER 4 --- SINGLE-FIBER SELF-HEALING WDM RING NETWORK ARCHITECTURE FOR METRO ACCESS NETWORKS --- p.36Chapter 4.1 --- Introduction --- p.37Chapter 4.2 --- Network architecture and wavelength assignment --- p.37Chapter 4.3 --- Structure of access node --- p.39Chapter 4.4 --- Structure of hub node --- p.40Chapter 4.5 --- Protection mechanism --- p.42Chapter 4.6 --- Experimental demonstration --- p.43Chapter 4.7 --- Optimization of access node --- p.47Chapter 4.8 --- Scalability --- p.48Chapter 4.9 --- Summary --- p.49Chapter CHAPTER 5 --- SELF-HEALING WDM MESH NETWORK ARCHITECTURE FOR METRO BACKBONE NETWORKS… --- p.50Chapter 5.1 --- Introduction --- p.51Chapter 5.2 --- Network architecture and node structure --- p.51Chapter 5.3 --- Protection mechanism --- p.53Chapter 5.4 --- Experimental demonstration --- p.55Chapter 5.5 --- Summary --- p.57Chapter CHAPTER 6 --- SUMMARYAND FUTURE WORKS --- p.58Chapter 6.1 --- Summary of the Thesis --- p.59Chapter 6.2 --- Future Works --- p.59LIST OF PUBLICATIONS --- p.61REFERENCES --- p.6

    Feed-forward linearisation of a directly modulated semiconductor laser and broadband millimetre-wave wireless over fibre systems.

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    This thesis is concerned with reduction of non-linear distortion in a directly modulated uncooled semiconductor laser using feed-forward compensation and investigating the performance of broadband millimetre-wave wireless over fibre systems. One of the key elements that determine the performance in a fibre optic link is the linearity of the optical source. Direct modulation of an uncooled semiconductor laser diode is a simple and cost effective solution. However, the distortion and noise generated by the laser limit the achievable dynamic range and performance in a system. Feed-forward linearisation is demonstrated at 5 GHz, the highest operating frequency reported, with 26 dB third order intermodulation distortion suppression and simultaneous noise reduction leading to enhanced spurious free dynamic range of 107 dB (1Hz). The effectiveness of feed-forward in a multi-channel system is investigated. Laser non-linearity can cause spectral re-growth and interchannel distortion that can completely mask the adjacent channel. A significant 11 dB interchannel distortion suppression and 10.5 dB power advantage is obtained compared to the non-linearised case. These results suggest that feed-forward linearisation arrangement can make a practical multi-channel or multi-operator wireless over fibre system. In the second part of this thesis the first experimental transmission of wireless data over fibre with remote millimetre-wave local oscillator delivery using a bi-directional semiconductor optical amplifier in a full duplex system with 2.2 km coarse wavelength division multiplexing fibre ring architecture is demonstrated. The use of bi-directional SOAs in place of unidirectional erbium doped fibre amplifier or unidirectional SOAs, together with the use of CWDM and optical distribution of the local oscillator signal allow substantial reduction in overall complexity and cost. Successful transmission of data over 12.8 km fibre is achieved with clear and well defined constellations and eye diagrams as well as 10.5% and 7.8 % error vector magnitude values for the downlink and uplink directions, respectively. The thesis also presents an implementation and performance of a millimetre-wave gigabit wireless over fibre system. CWDM devices such as uncooled laser diodes and passive components are used for the first time in a gigabit system allowing cost savings compared to dense WDM. This makes such solutions more attractive for millimetre-wave access systems. Optically modulated gigabit wireless data signals to and from the base stations are distributed at 5 GHz and up-converted using a remotely delivered LO source. Eye diagrams and bit error rate are measured to assess the system performance

    An Optical Grooming Switch for High-Speed Traffic Aggregation in Time, Space and Wavelength

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    In this book a novel optical switch is designed, developed, and tested. The switch integrates optical switching, transparent traffic aggregation/grooming, and optical regener-ation. Innovative switch subsystems are developed that enable these functionalities, including all-optical OTDM-to-WDM converters. High capacity ring interconnection between metro-core rings, carrying 130 Gbit/s OTDM traffic, and metro-access rings carring 43 Gbit/s WDM traffic is experimentally demonstrated. The developed switch features flexibility in bandwidth provisioning, scalability to higher traffic volumes, and backward compatibility with existing network implementations in a future-proof way

    Extending OWns to include protection functionality

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    The objective of this dissertation is to enhance the functionality of an existing simulation package that is used to simulate fiber optic networks. These enhancements include the capability to simulate protection mechanisms following link failure, which is a necessity in real-world optical networks to ensure the continued flow of information following a failure in a part of the network. The capability for network traffic to choose from additional paths is also an addition to the software. The enhanced, as well as the original simulation software, are open source: this allows anyone to freely modify and improve the source code to suit his or her requirements. This dissertation will focus on mesh-based optical network topologies, which are commonly found in regional optical backbone networks, but which are also increasingly found in metropolitan areas. The regional networks all make use of wavelength division multiplexing (WDM), which consists of putting multiple different wavelengths of light on the same physical fiber. A single fiber breakage will therefore disrupt multiple fiber-optic connections. A fiber-optic network designer has to satisfy various conflicting requirements when designing a network: it must satisfy current and predicted future traffic requirements, it must be immune to equipment failure, but it must also be as inexpensive as possible. The network designer therefore has to evaluate different topologies and scenarios, and a good network simulator will provide invaluable assistance in finding an optimal solution. Protection and restoration need to be looked at in conjunction with routing and wavelength assignment (RWA), to ensure that resources in a network are used at maximum efficiency. Connection restoration time will also be looked at: this should be minimised to ensure minimal network downtime and ensuing loss of revenue. The chosen alternate connection path should also be as short as possible to minimise use of resources and maximise the carrying capacity of the network. Blocking probability (the inability to establish a connection due to a congested network) is a crucial factor and is also investigated. The topologies investigated in this dissertation consist of various mesh based real-world regional WDM fiber-optic networks. The impact of various link failures, the addition of additional alternate paths, as well as the effect of a protection mechanism on these topologies are also investigated. The proposed goals were all successfully achieved. The capability of simulating single as well as multiple link failures was introduced to the simulation package. The blocking probability of various network topologies was compared to each other in the presence of link failures. Success was also achieved in the introduction of a third alternate path to the simulation package.Dissertation (MEng(Electronic))--University of Pretoria, 2005.Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineeringunrestricte

    Desarrollo de estructuras avanzadas para láseres multilínea de fibra óptica

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    Los objetivos más importantes que se persiguen en este PFC se relacionan con el análisis de diversos sistemas para láseres multilínea de fibra óptica. Sería interesante obtener una caracterización experimental de las mismas, utilizando diferentes tipos de evaluaciones, teorías y análisis. En cuanto el sistema experimental contiene los dispositivos necesarios para desarrollar todas nuestras tareas relacionadas con las mediciones de una manera correcta y segura. Este proyecto no es sólo un análisis sobre datos obtenidos y medidas realizadas, sino que también ha sido necesario llevar a cabo un trabajo de documentación e investigación debido a la dificultad que suponía trabajar en un campo tan puntero como son las estructuras avanzadas para láseres de fibra óptica. Por otro lado, la parte experimental ha consistido en tomar una gran cantidad de datos y mediciones con los equipos del laboratorio, para analizar después con que sistema se obtienen mejores prestaciones, así como las propiedades de los dispositivos ópticos utilizados y las distintas fibras ópticas empleadas. Por lo que también se podría decir que otro objetivo de este trabajo ha sido definir una metodología adecuada tanto teórica como experimental para desarrollar nuevas estructuras para láseres multilínea de fibra óptica, a fin de innovar en dicho campo.Ingeniería de TelecomunicaciónTelekomunikazio Ingeniaritz

    Advances in Optical Amplifiers

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    Optical amplifiers play a central role in all categories of fibre communications systems and networks. By compensating for the losses exerted by the transmission medium and the components through which the signals pass, they reduce the need for expensive and slow optical-electrical-optical conversion. The photonic gain media, which are normally based on glass- or semiconductor-based waveguides, can amplify many high speed wavelength division multiplexed channels simultaneously. Recent research has also concentrated on wavelength conversion, switching, demultiplexing in the time domain and other enhanced functions. Advances in Optical Amplifiers presents up to date results on amplifier performance, along with explanations of their relevance, from leading researchers in the field. Its chapters cover amplifiers based on rare earth doped fibres and waveguides, stimulated Raman scattering, nonlinear parametric processes and semiconductor media. Wavelength conversion and other enhanced signal processing functions are also considered in depth. This book is targeted at research, development and design engineers from teams in manufacturing industry, academia and telecommunications service operators

    Multipurpose Programmable Integrated Photonics: Principles and Applications

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    [ES] En los últimos años, la fotónica integrada programable ha evolucionado desde considerarse un paradigma nuevo y prometedor para implementar la fotónica a una escala más amplia hacia convertirse una realidad sólida y revolucionaria, capturando la atención de numerosos grupos de investigación e industrias. Basada en el mismo fundamento teórico que las matrices de puertas lógicas programables en campo (o FPGAs, en inglés), esta tecnología se sustenta en la disposición bidimensional de bloques unitarios de lógica programable (en inglés: PUCs) que -mediante una programación adecuada de sus actuadores de fase- pueden implementar una gran variedad de funcionalidades que pueden ser elaboradas para operaciones básicas o más complejas en muchos campos de aplicación como la inteligencia artificial, el aprendizaje profundo, los sistemas de información cuántica, las telecomunicaciones 5/6-G, en redes de conmutación, formando interconexiones en centros de datos, en la aceleración de hardware o en sistemas de detección, entre otros. En este trabajo, nos dedicaremos a explorar varias aplicaciones software de estos procesadores en diferentes diseños de chips. Exploraremos diferentes enfoques de vanguardia basados en la optimización computacional y la teoría de grafos para controlar y configurar con precisión estos dispositivos. Uno de estos enfoques, la autoconfiguración, consiste en la síntesis automática de circuitos ópticos -incluso en presencia de efectos parasitarios como distribuciones de pérdidas no uniformes a lo largo del diseño hardware, o bajo interferencias ópticas y eléctricas- sin conocimiento previo sobre el estado del dispositivo. Hay ocasiones, sin embargo, en las que el acceso a esta información puede ser útil. Las herramientas de autocalibración y autocaracterización nos permiten realizar una comprobación rápida del estado de nuestro procesador fotónico, lo que nos permite extraer información útil como la corriente eléctrica que suministrar a cada actuador de fase para cambiar el estado de su PUC correspondiente, o las pérdidas de inserción de cada unidad programable y de las interconexiones ópticas que rodean a la estructura. Estos mecanismos no solo nos permiten identificar rápidamente cualquier PUC o región del chip defectuosa en nuestro diseño, sino que también revelan otra alternativa para programar circuitos fotónicos en nuestro diseño a partir de valores de corriente predefinidos. Estas estrategias constituyen un paso significativo para aprovechar todo el potencial de estos dispositivos. Proporcionan soluciones para manejar cientos de variables y gestionar simultáneamente múltiples acciones de configuración, una de las principales limitaciones que impiden que esta tecnología se extienda y se convierta en disruptiva en los próximos años.[CA] En els darrers anys, la fotònica integrada programable ha evolucionat des de considerarse un paradigma nou i prometedor per implementar la fotònica a una escala més ampla cap a convertir-se en una realitat sòlida i revolucionària, capturant l'atenció de nombrosos grups d'investigaciò i indústries. Basada en el mateix fonament teòric que les matrius de portes lògiques programable en camp (o FPGAs, en anglès), aquesta tecnología es sustenta en la disposición bidimensional de blocs units lògics programables (en anglès: PUCs) que -mitjançant una programación adequada dels seus actuadors de fase- poden implementar una gran varietat de funcionalitats que poden ser elaborades per a operacions bàsiques o més complexes en molts camps d'aplicació com la intel·ligència artificial, l'aprenentatge profund, els sistemes d'informació quàntica, les telecomunicacions 5/6-G, en xarxes de comutació, formant interconnexions en centres de dades, en l'acceleració de hardware o en sistemes de detecció, entre d'altres. En aquest treball, ens dedicarem a explorar diverses capatitats de programari d'aquests processadors en diferents dissenys de xips. Explorem diferents enfocaments de vanguardia basats en l'optimització computacional i la teoría de grafs per controlar i configurar amb precisió aquests dispositius. Un d'aquests enfocaments, l'autoconfiguració, tracta de la síntesi automática de circuits òptics -fins i tot en presencia d'efectes parasitaris com ara pèrdues no uniformes o crosstalk òptic i elèctric- sense cap coneixement previ sobre l'estat del dispositiu. Tanmateix, hi ha ocasions en les quals l'accés a aquesta información pot ser útil. Les eines d'autocalibració i autocaracterització ens permeten realizar una comprovació ràpida de l'estat del nostre procesador fotònic, el que ens permet obtener informació útil com la corrent eléctrica necessària per alimentar cada actuador de fase per canviar l'estat del seu PUC corresponent o la pèrdua d'inserció de cada unitat programable i de les interconnexions òptiques que envolten l'estructura. Aquests mecanisms no només ens permeten identificar ràpidament qualsevol PUC o área del xip defectuosa en el nostre disseny , sinó que també ens mostren una altra alternativa per programar circuits fotònics en el nostre disseny a partir de valors de corrent predefinits. Aquestes estratègies constitueixen un pas gegant per a aprofitar tot el potencial d'aquests dispositius. Proporcionen solucions per a gestionar centenars de variables i alhora administrar múltiples accions de configuració, una de les principals limitacions que impideixen que aquesta tecnología esdevingui disruptiva en els pròxims anys.[EN] In recent years, programmable integrated photonics (PIP) has evolved from a promising, new paradigm to deploy photonics to a larger scale to a solid, revolutionary reality, bringing up the attention of numerous research and industry players. Based on the same theoretical foundations than field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), this technology relies on common, two-dimensional integrated optical hardware configurations based on the interconnection of programmable unit cells (PUCs), which -by suitable programming of their phase actuators- can implement a variety of functionalities that can be elaborated for basic or more complex operation in many application fields, such as artificial intelligence, deep learning, quantum information systems, 5/6-G telecommunications, switching, data center interconnections, hardware acceleration and sensing, amongst others. In this work, we will dedicate ourselves to explore several software capabilities of these processors under different chip designs. We explore different cutting-edge approaches based on computational optimization and graph theory to precisely control and configure these devices. One of these, self-configuration, deals with the automated synthesis of optical circuit configurations -even in presence of parasitic effects such as nonuniform losses, optical and electrical crosstalk- without any need for prior knowledge about hardware state. There are occasions, though, in which accessing to this information may be of use. Self-calibration and self-characterization tools allow us to perform a quick check to our photonic processor's status, allowing us to retrieve useful pieces of information such as the electrical current needed to supply to each phase actuator to change its corresponding PUC state arbitrarily or the insertion loss of every unit cell and optical interconnection surrounding the structure. These mechanisms not only allow us to quickly identify any malfunctioning PUCs or chip areas in our design, but also reveal another alternative to program photonic circuits in our design from current pre-sets. These strategies constitute a gigantic step to unleash all the potential of these devices. They provide solutions to handle with hundreds of variables and simultaneously manage multiple configuration actions, one of the main limitations that prevent this technology to scale up and become disruptive in the years to come.López Hernández, A. (2023). Multipurpose Programmable Integrated Photonics: Principles and Applications [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/19686

    Optimization Methods for Optical Long-Haul and Access Networks

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    Optical communications based on fiber optics and the associated technologies have seen remarkable progress over the past two decades. Widespread deployment of optical fiber has been witnessed in backbone and metro networks as well as access segments connecting to customer premises and homes. Designing and developing a reliable, robust and efficient end-to-end optical communication system have thus emerged as topics of utmost importance both to researchers and network operators. To fulfill these requirements, various problems have surfaced and received attention, such as network planning, capacity placement, traffic grooming, traffic scheduling, and bandwidth allocation. The optimal network design aims at addressing (one or more of) these problems based on some optimization objectives. In this thesis, we consider two of the most important problems in optical networks; namely the survivability in optical long-haul networks and the problem of bandwidth allocation and scheduling in optical access networks. For the former, we present efficient and accurate models for availability-aware design and service provisioning in p-cycle based survivable networks. We also derive optimization models for survivable network design based on p-trail, a more general protection structure, and compare its performance with p-cycles. Indeed, major cost savings can be obtained when the optical access and long-haul subnetworks become closer to each other by means of consolidation of access and metro networks. As this distance between long-haul and access networks reduces, and the need and expectations from passive optical access networks (PONs) soar, it becomes crucial to efficiently manage bandwidth in the access while providing the desired level of service availability in the long-haul backbone. We therefore address in this thesis the problem of bandwidth management and scheduling in passive optical networks; we design efficient joint and non-joint scheduling and bandwidth allocation methods for multichannel PON as well as next generation 10Gbps Ethernet PON (10G-EPON) while addressing the problem of coexistence between 10G-EPONs and multichannel PONs

    p-Cycle Based Protection in WDM Mesh Networks

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    Abstract p-Cycle Based Protection in WDM Mesh Networks Honghui Li, Ph.D. Concordia University, 2012 WDM techniques enable single fiber to carry huge amount of data. However, optical WDM networks are prone to failures, and therefore survivability is a very important requirement in the design of optical networks. In the context of network survivability, p-cycle based schemes attracted extensive research interests as they well balance the recovery speed and the capacity efficiency. Towards the design of p-cycle based survivableWDM mesh networks, some issues still need to be addressed. The conventional p-cycle design models and solution methods suffers from scalability issues. Besides, most studies on the design of p-cycle based schemes only cope with single link failures without any concern about single node failures. Moreover, loop backs may exist in the recovery paths along p-cycles, which lead to unnecessary stretching of the recovery path lengths. This thesis investigates the scalable and efficient design of segment p-cycles against single link failures. The optimization models and their solutions rely on large-scale optimization techniques, namely, Column Generation (CG) modeling and solution, where segment pcycle candidates are dynamically generated during the optimization process. To ensure full node protection in the context of link p-cycles, we propose an efficient protection scheme, called node p-cycles, and develop a scalable optimization design model. It is shown that, depending on the network topology, node p-cycles sometimes outperform path p-cycles in iii terms of capacity efficiency. Also, an enhanced segment p-cycle scheme is proposed, entitled segment Np-cycles, for full link and node protection. Again, the CG-based optimization models are developed for the design of segment Np-cycles. Two objectives are considered, minimizing the spare capacity usage and minimizing the CAPEX cost. It is shown that segment Np-cycles can ensure full node protection with marginal extra cost in comparison with segment p-cycles for link protection. Segment Np-cycles provide faster recovery speed than path p-cycles although they are slightly more costly than path p-cycles. Furthermore, we propose the shortcut p-cycle scheme, i.e., p-cycles free of loop backs for full node and link protection, in addition to shortcuts in the protection paths. A CG-based optimization model for the design of shortcut p-cycles is formulated as well. It is shown that, for full node protection, shortcut p-cycles have advantages over path p-cycles with respect to capacity efficiency and recovery speed. We have studied a whole sequence of protection schemes from link p-cycles to path p-cycles, and concluded that the best compromise is the segment Np-cycle scheme for full node protection with respect to capacity efficiency and recovery time. Therefore, this thesis offers to network operators several interesting alternatives to path p-cycles in the design of survivable WDM mesh networks against any single link/node failures

    Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics

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    The purpose of the workshop was to present results and original concepts for electronics research and development relevant to particle physics experiments as well as accelerator and beam instrumentation at future facilities; to review the status of electronics for the LHC experiments; to identify and encourage common efforts for the development of electronics; and to promote information exchange and collaboration in the relevant engineering and physics communities