3,444 research outputs found

    Previously Unidentified Changes in Renal Cell Carcinoma Gene Expression Identified by Parametric Analysis of Microarray Data

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    BACKGROUND. Renal cell carcinoma is a common malignancy that often presents as a metastatic-disease for which there are no effective treatments. To gain insights into the mechanism of renal cell carcinogenesis, a number of genome-wide expression profiling studies have been performed. Surprisingly, there is very poor agreement among these studies as to which genes are differentially regulated. To better understand this lack of agreement we profiled renal cell tumor gene expression using genome-wide microarrays (45,000 probe sets) and compare our analysis to previous microarray studies. METHODS. We hybridized total RNA isolated from renal cell tumors and adjacent normal tissue to Affymetrix U133A and U133B arrays. We removed samples with technical defects and removed probesets that failed to exhibit sequence-specific hybridization in any of the samples. We detected differential gene expression in the resulting dataset with parametric methods and identified keywords that are overrepresented in the differentially expressed genes with the Fisher-exact test. RESULTS. We identify 1,234 genes that are more than three-fold changed in renal tumors by t-test, 800 of which have not been previously reported to be altered in renal cell tumors. Of the only 37 genes that have been identified as being differentially expressed in three or more of five previous microarray studies of renal tumor gene expression, our analysis finds 33 of these genes (89%). A key to the sensitivity and power of our analysis is filtering out defective samples and genes that are not reliably detected. CONCLUSIONS. The widespread use of sample-wise voting schemes for detecting differential expression that do not control for false positives likely account for the poor overlap among previous studies. Among the many genes we identified using parametric methods that were not previously reported as being differentially expressed in renal cell tumors are several oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes that likely play important roles in renal cell carcinogenesis. This highlights the need for rigorous statistical approaches in microarray studies.National Institutes of Healt

    A systematic review of data quality issues in knowledge discovery tasks

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    Hay un gran crecimiento en el volumen de datos porque las organizaciones capturan permanentemente la cantidad colectiva de datos para lograr un mejor proceso de toma de decisiones. El desafío mas fundamental es la exploración de los grandes volúmenes de datos y la extracción de conocimiento útil para futuras acciones por medio de tareas para el descubrimiento del conocimiento; sin embargo, muchos datos presentan mala calidad. Presentamos una revisión sistemática de los asuntos de calidad de datos en las áreas del descubrimiento de conocimiento y un estudio de caso aplicado a la enfermedad agrícola conocida como la roya del café.Large volume of data is growing because the organizations are continuously capturing the collective amount of data for better decision-making process. The most fundamental challenge is to explore the large volumes of data and extract useful knowledge for future actions through knowledge discovery tasks, nevertheless many data has poor quality. We presented a systematic review of the data quality issues in knowledge discovery tasks and a case study applied to agricultural disease named coffee rust

    An integrated approach to feature selection and classification for microarray data with outlier detection

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    postprintThe 8th Annual International Conference on Computational Systems Bioinformatics (CSB 2009), Stanford University, 10-13 August 2009

    Exon expression arrays as a tool to identify new cancer genes

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    Background: Identification of genes that are causally implicated in oncogenesis is a major goal in cancer research. An estimated 10-20% of cancer-related gene mutations result in skipping of one or more exons in the encoded transcripts. Here we report on a strategy to screen in a global fashion for such exon-skipping events using PAttern based Correlation (PAC). The PAC algorithm has been used previously to identify differentially expressed splice variants between two predefined subgroups. As genetic changes in cancer are sample specific, we tested the ability of PAC to identify aberrantly expressed exons in single samples. Principal Findings: As a proof-of-principle, we tested the PAC strategy on human cancer samples of which the complete coding sequence of eight cancer genes had been screened for mutations. PAC detected all seven exon-skipping mutants among 12 cancer cell lines. PAC also identified exon-skipping mutants in clinical cancer specimens although detection was compromised due to heterogeneous (wild-type) transcript expression. PAC reduced the number candidate genes/exons for subsequent mutational analysis by two to three orders of magnitude and had a substantial true positive rate. Importantly, of 112 randomly selected outlier exons, sequence analysis identified two novel exon skipping events, two novel base changes and 21 previously reported base changes (SNPs). Conclusions: The ability of PAC to enrich for mutated transcripts and to identify known and novel genetic changes confirms its suitability as a strategy to identify candidate cancer genes

    Detecting Outlier Microarray Arrays by Correlation and Percentage of Outliers Spots

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    We developed a quality assurance (QA) tool, namely microarray outlier filter (MOF), and have applied it to our microarray datasets for the identification of problematic arrays. Our approach is based on the comparison of the arrays using the correlation coefficient and the number of outlier spots generated on each array to reveal outlier arrays. For a human universal reference (HUR) dataset, which is used as a technical control in our standard hybridization procedure, 3 outlier arrays were identified out of 35 experiments. For a human blood dataset, 12 outlier arrays were identified from 185 experiments. In general, arrays from human blood samples displayed greater variation in their gene expression profiles than arrays from HUR samples. As a result, MOF identified two distinct patterns in the occurrence of outlier arrays. These results demonstrate that this methodology is a valuable QA practice to identify questionable microarray data prior to downstream analysis

    Multivariate classification of gene expression microarray data

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    L'expressiódels gens obtinguts de l'anàliside microarrays s'utilitza en molts casos, per classificar les cèllules. En aquestatesi, unaversióprobabilística del mètodeDiscriminant Partial Least Squares (p-DPLS)s'utilitza per classificar les mostres de les expressions delsseus gens. p-DPLS esbasa en la regla de Bayes de la probabilitat a posteriori. Aquestsclassificadorssónforaçats a classficarsempre.Per superaraquestalimitaciós'haimplementatl'opció de rebuig.Aquestaopciópermetrebutjarlesmostresamb alt riscd'errors de classificació (és a dir, mostresambigüesi outliers).Aquestaopció de rebuigcombinacriterisbasats en els residuals x, el leverage ielsvalorspredits. A més,esdesenvolupa un mètode de selecció de variables per triarels gens mésrellevants, jaque la majoriadels gens analitzatsamb un microarraysónirrellevants per al propòsit particular de classificacióI podenconfondre el classificador. Finalment, el DPLSs'estenen a la classificació multi-classemitjançant la combinació de PLS ambl'anàlisidiscriminant lineal

    Improved quality control processing of peptide-centric LC-MS proteomics data

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    Motivation: In the analysis of differential peptide peak intensities (i.e. abundance measures), LC-MS analyses with poor quality peptide abundance data can bias downstream statistical analyses and hence the biological interpretation for an otherwise high-quality dataset. Although considerable effort has been placed on assuring the quality of the peptide identification with respect to spectral processing, to date quality assessment of the subsequent peptide abundance data matrix has been limited to a subjective visual inspection of run-by-run correlation or individual peptide components. Identifying statistical outliers is a critical step in the processing of proteomics data as many of the downstream statistical analyses [e.g. analysis of variance (ANOVA)] rely upon accurate estimates of sample variance, and their results are influenced by extreme values