366 research outputs found

    Comparing algorithms for aggressive driving event detection based on vehicle motion data

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    Aggressive driving is one of the main causes of fatal crashes. Correctly identifying aggressive driving events still represents a challenge in the literature. Furthermore, datasets available for testing the proposed approaches have some limitations since they generally (a) include only a few types of events, (b) contain data collected with only one device, and (c) are generated in drives that did not fully consider the variety of road characteristics and/or driving conditions. The main objective of this work is to compare the performance of several state-of-the-art algorithms for aggressive driving event detection (belonging to anomaly detection-, threshold- and machine learning-based categories) on multiple datasets containing sensors data collected with different devices (black-boxes and smartphones), on different vehicles and in different locations. A secondary objective is to verify whether smartphones could replace black-boxes in aggressive/non-aggressive classification tasks. To this aim, we propose the AD 2 (Aggressive Driving Detection) dataset, which contains (i) data collected using multiple devices to evaluate their influence on the algorithm performance, (ii) geographical data useful to analyze the context in which the events occurred, (iii) events recorded in different situations, and (iv) events generated by traveling the same path with aggressive and non-aggressive driving styles, in order to possibly separate the effects of driving style from those of road characteristics. Our experimental results highlighted the superiority of machine learning-based approaches and underlined the ability of smartphones to ensure a level of performance similar to that of black-boxes

    AI-based framework for automatically extracting high-low features from NDS data to understand driver behavior

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    Our ability to detect and characterize unsafe driving behaviors in naturalistic driving environments and associate them with road crashes will be a significant step toward developing effective crash countermeasures. Due to some limitations, researchers have not yet fully achieved the stated goal of characterizing unsafe driving behaviors. These limitations include, but are not limited to, the high cost of data collection and the manual processes required to extract information from NDS data. In light of this limitations, the primary objective of this study is to develop an artificial intelligence (AI) framework for automatically extracting high-low features from the NDS dataset to explain driver behavior using a low-cost data collection method. The author proposed three novel objectives for achieving the study's objective in light of the identified research gaps. Initially, the study develops a low-cost data acquisition system for gathering data on naturalistic driving. Second, the study develops a framework that automatically extracts high- to low-level features, such as vehicle density, turning movements, and lane changes, from the data collected by the developed data acquisition system. Thirdly, the study extracted information from the NDS data to gain a better understanding of people's car-following behavior and other driving behaviors in order to develop countermeasures for traffic safety through data collection and analysis. The first objective of this study is to develop a multifunctional smartphone application for collecting NDS data. Three major modules comprised the designed app: a front-end user interface module, a sensor module, and a backend module. The front-end, which is also the application's user interface, was created to provide a streamlined view that exposed the application's key features via a tab bar controller. This allows us to compartmentalize the application's critical components into separate views. The backend module provides computational resources that can be used to accelerate front-end query responses. Google Firebase powered the backend of the developed application. The sensor modules included CoreMotion, CoreLocation, and AVKit. CoreMotion collects motion and environmental data from the onboard hardware of iOS devices, including accelerometers, gyroscopes, pedometers, magnetometers, and barometers. In contrast, CoreLocation determines the altitude, orientation, and geographical location of a device, as well as its position relative to an adjacent iBeacon device. The AVKit finally provides a high-level interface for video content playback. To achieve objective two, we formulated the problem as both a classification and time-series segmentation problem. This is due to the fact that the majority of existing driver maneuver detection methods formulate the problem as a pure classification problem, assuming a discretized input signal with known start and end locations for each event or segment. In practice, however, vehicle telemetry data used for detecting driver maneuvers are continuous; thus, a fully automated driver maneuver detection system should incorporate solutions for both time series segmentation and classification. The five stages of our proposed methodology are as follows: 1) data preprocessing, 2) segmentation of events, 3) machine learning classification, 4) heuristics classification, and 5) frame-by-frame video annotation. The result of the study indicates that the gyroscope reading is an exceptional parameter for extracting driving events, as its accuracy was consistent across all four models developed. The study reveals that the Energy Maximization Algorithm's accuracy ranges from 56.80 percent (left lane change) to 85.20 percent (right lane change) (lane-keeping) All four models developed had comparable accuracies to studies that used similar models. The 1D-CNN model had the highest accuracy (98.99 percent), followed by the LSTM model (97.75 percent), the RF model (97.71 percent), and the SVM model (97.65 percent). To serve as a ground truth, continuous signal data was annotated. In addition, the proposed method outperformed the fixed time window approach. The study analyzed the overall pipeline's accuracy by penalizing the F1 scores of the ML models with the EMA's duration score. The pipeline's accuracy ranged between 56.8 percent and 85.0 percent overall. The ultimate goal of this study was to extract variables from naturalistic driving videos that would facilitate an understanding of driver behavior in a naturalistic driving environment. To achieve this objective, three sub-goals were established. First, we developed a framework for extracting features pertinent to comprehending the behavior of natural-environment drivers. Using the extracted features, we then analyzed the car-following behaviors of various demographic groups. Thirdly, using a machine learning algorithm, we modeled the acceleration of both the ego-vehicle and the leading vehicle. Younger drivers are more likely to be aggressive, according to the findings of this study. In addition, the study revealed that drivers tend to accelerate when the distance between them and the vehicle in front of them is substantial. Lastly, compared to younger drivers, elderly motorists maintain a significantly larger following distance. This study's results have numerous safety implications. First, the analysis of the driving behavior of different demographic groups will enable safety engineers to develop the most effective crash countermeasures by enhancing their understanding of the driving styles of different demographic groups and the causes of collisions. Second, the models developed to predict the acceleration of both the ego-vehicle and the leading vehicle will provide enough information to explain the behavior of the ego-driver.Includes bibliographical references

    Simulation Exploration of the Potential of Connected Vehicles in Mitigating Secondary Crashes

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    Secondary crashes (SCs) on freeways are a major concern for traffic incident management systems. Studies have shown that their occurrence is significant and can lead to deterioration of traffic flow conditions on freeways in addition to injury and fatalities, albeit their magnitudes are relatively low when compared to primary crashes. Due to the limited nature of crash data in analyzing freeway SCs, surrogate measures provide an alternative for safety analysis for freeway analysis using conflict analysis. Connected Vehicles (CVs) have seen compelling technological advancements since the concept was introduced in the 1990s. In recent years, CVs have emerged as a feasible application with many safety benefits especially in the urban areas, that can be deployed in masses imminently. This study used a freeway model of a road segment in Florida’s Turnpike system in VISSIM microscopic simulation software to generate trajectory files for conflict analysis in SSAM software, to analyze potential benefits of CVs in mitigating SCs. The results showed how SCs could potentially be reduced with traffic conflicts being decreased by up to 90% at full 100% composition of CVs in the traffic stream. The results also portrayed how at only 25% CV composition, there was a significant reduction of conflicts up to 70% in low traffic volumes and up to 50% in higher traffic volumes. The statistical analysis showed that the difference in average time-to-collision surrogate measure used in deriving conflicts was significant at all levels of CV composition

    A Systematic Literature Review on Automotive Digital Forensics: Challenges, Technical Solutions and Data Collection

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    A modern vehicle has a complex internal architecture and is wirelessly connected to the Internet, other vehicles, and the infrastructure. The risk of cyber attacks and other criminal incidents along with recent road accidents caused by autonomous vehicles calls for more research on automotive digital forensics. Failures in automated driving functions can be caused by hardware and software failures and cyber security issues. Thus, it is imperative to be able to determine and investigate the cause of these failures, something which requires trustable data. However, automotive digital forensics is a relatively new field for the automotive where most existing self-monitoring and diagnostic systems in vehicles only monitor safety-related events. To the best of our knowledge, our work is the first systematic literature review on the current research within this field. We identify and assess over 300 papers published between 2006 - 2021 and further map the relevant papers to different categories based on identified focus areas to give a comprehensive overview of the forensics field and the related research activities. Moreover, we identify forensically relevant data from the literature, link the data to categories, and further map them to required security properties and potential stakeholders. Our categorization makes it easy for practitioners and researchers to quickly find relevant work within a particular sub-field of digital forensics. We believe our contributions can guide digital forensic investigations in automotive and similar areas, such as cyber-physical systems and smart cities, facilitate further research, and serve as a guideline for engineers implementing forensics mechanisms

    The use of real-time connected vehicles and HERE data in developing an automated freeway incident detection algorithm

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    Traffic incidents cause severe problems on roadways. About 6.3 million highway crashes are reported annually only in the United States, among which more than 32,000 are fatal crashes. Reducing the risk of traffic incidents is key to effective traffic incident management (TIM). Quick detection of unexpected traffic incidents on roadways contribute to quick clearance and hence improve safety. Existing techniques for the detection of freeway incidents are not reliable. This study focuses on exploring the potential of emerging connected vehicles (CV) technology in automated freeway incident detection in the mixed traffic environment. The study aims at developing an automated freeway incident detection algorithm that will take advantage of the CV technology in providing fast and reliable incident detection. Lee Roy Selmon Expressway was chosen for this study because of the THEA CV data availability. The findings of the study show that emerging CV technology generates data that are useful for automated freeway incident detection, although the market penetration rate was low (6.46%). The algorithm performance in terms of detection rate (DR) and false alarm rate (FAR) indicated that CV data resulted into 31.71% DR and zero FAR while HERE yielded a 70.95% DR and 9.02% FAR. Based on Pearson’s correlation analysis, the incidents detected by the CV data were found to be similar to the ones detected by the HERE data. The statistical comparison by ANOVA shows that there is a difference in the algorithm’s detection time when using CV data and HERE data. 17.07% of all incidents were detected quicker when using CV data compared to HERE data, while 7.32% were detected quicker when using HERE data compared to CV data

    Utilizing Simulated Vehicle Trajectory Data from Connected Vehicles to Characterize Performance Measures on an Arterial After an Impactful Incident

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    Traffic incidents are unforeseen events known to affect traffic flow because they reduce the capacity of an arterial corridor segment and normally generate a temporary bottleneck. Identification of retiming requirements to enhance traffic signal operations when an incident occurs depends on operations-oriented traffic signal performance measurements. When effective and real-time traffic signal performance metrics are employed at traffic control centers, delays, fuel use, and air pollution may all be decreased. The majority of currently available traffic signal performance evaluations are based on high-resolution traffic signal controller event data, which gives data on an intersection-by-intersection basis but requires a substantial upfront expenditure. The necessary detecting and communication equipment also involves costly and periodic maintenance. Additionally, the full manifestation of connected vehicles (CVs) is fast approaching with efforts in place to accelerate the adaptation of CVs and their infrastructures. CV technologies have enormous potential to improve traffic mobility and safety. CVs can provide abundant traffic data that is not otherwise captured by roadway detectors or other methods of traffic data collection. Since the observation is independent of any space restrictions and not impacted by queue discharge and buildup, CV data offers more comprehensive and reliable data that can be used to estimate various traffic signal performance measures. This thesis proposes a conceptual CV simulation framework intended to ascertain the effectiveness of CV trajectory-based measures in characterizing an arterial corridor incident, such as a vehicle crash. Using a four-intersection corridor with different signal timing plans, a microscopic simulation model was created in Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO), Vehicles in Network Simulation (Veins) and Objective Modular Network Testbed in C++ (OMNeT++) platforms. Furthermore, an algorithm for CVs that defines, detects and disseminates a vehicle crash incident to other vehicles and a roadside unit (RSU) was developed. In the thesis, it is demonstrated how visual performance metrics with CV data may be used to identify an incident. This thesis proposes that traffic signal performance metrics, such as progression quality, split failure, platoon ratios, and safety surrogate measures (SSMs), may be generated using CV trajectory data. The results show that the recommended approaches with access to CV trajectory data would help both performance assessment and operation of traffic control systems. Unlike the current state of the practice (fixed detection technology), the developed conceptual framework can detect incidents that are not captured by intersection-vicinity-limited detectors while requiring immediate attention

    Exploring the Use of Drones for Conducting Traffic Mobility and Safety Studies

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    ABSTRACT Advanced traffic data collection methods, including the application of aerial sensors (drones) as traffic data collectors, can provide real-time traffic information more efficiently, effectively, and safely than traditional methods. Traffic trajectory data like vehicles’ coordinates and point timestamps are challenging to obtain at intersections using traditional field survey methods. The coordinates and timestamps crucial in calculating trajectories can be obtained using drones and their particular integrated software. Thus, this study explores the use of unmanned aerial systems (UAS), particularly tethered drones, to obtain traffic parameters for traffic mobility and safety studies at an unsignalized intersection in Tallahassee, Florida. Tethered drones provided more flexibility in heights and angles and collected data over a relatively larger space needed for the proposed approach. Turning movement counts, gap study, speed study, and Level of Service (LOS) analysis for the stated intersection were the traffic studies conducted in this research. The turning movements were counted through ArcGIS Pro. From the drone footages, the gap study followed by the LOS analysis was carried out. A speed algorithm was developed to calculate speed during a speed study. Based on the results, the intersection operates under capacity with LOS B during the time. Also, the results indicated that the through movement traffic tends to slow down as they approach the intersection while south-bound right and east-bound left-turning traffic increase their speeds as they make a turn. Accuracy assessment was done by comparing the drone footages with the results displayed in ArcGIS software. The drone’s data collection was 100% accurate in traffic movement counting and 96% accurate in traffic movement classification. The level of accuracy is sufficient compared to other advanced traffic data collection methods. In this study, safety was assessed by the surrogate safety measures (SSMs). SSMs can be the viable alternatives for locations with insufficient historical data and indicate potential future conflicts between roadway users. The surrogate measures used in this study include the Time to Collision (TTC), Deceleration-based Surrogate Safety Measure (DSSM), and Post-encroachment Time (PET). TTC and DSSM were used for rear-end conflicts, while PET was used to evaluate cross conflicts and other conflicts such as sideswipes. The number of potential conflicts obtained in a one-hour study period was around 20 per 1000 vehicles traversing the intersection. The number of potential conflicts in one non-peak hour may indicate a safety problem associated with the intersection. This study’s findings can help develop appropriate guidelines and recommendations to transportation agencies in evaluating and justifying the feasibility of using tethered drones as safer and cheaper data collection alternatives while significantly improving intersection safety and operations

    Smart Data Collection Using Mobile Devices To Improve Transportation Systems

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    Travel time is a matter that affects most of us, especially those that live in highly congested cities. Ideally, we want to reduce travel time as much as possible, thereby freeing up more of our time and enabling a higher quality of life. Data collection of transportation metrics helps us get a clearer picture of the transportation system, and helps us make smarter choices when it comes to improving the existing system. The rapid emergence of interconnected mobile devices carried along by travelers opens up many possibilities for gathering data as they travel, and also to serve them relevant data so that they can make smarter choices when it comes to their traveling. It is estimated that the market share of smartphones would continue to grow for the foreseeable future, making it a rich source for data collection at large scale. Therefore, with the goal of minimizing travel time in mind, we explore various means of making use of these mobile devices to collect data and ultimately improve transportation systems. In particular, we report on the evolution of data collection in the area of transportation research, report on novel case studies in this area, and report in depth on one implementation of a smart data collection application

    A Framework for Dynamic Traffic Monitoring Using Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

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    Traffic management centers (TMCs) need high-quality data regarding the status of roadways for monitoring and delivering up-to-date traffic conditions to the traveling public. Currently this data is measured at static points on the roadway using technologies that have significant maintenance requirements. To obtain an accurate picture of traffic on any road section at any time requires a real-time probe of vehicles traveling in that section. We envision a near-term future where network communication devices are commonly included in new vehicles. These devices will allow vehicles to form vehicular networks allowing communication among themselves, other vehicles, and roadside units (RSUs) to improve driver safety, provide enhanced monitoring to TMCs, and deliver real-time traffic conditions to drivers. In this dissertation, we contribute and develop a framework for dynamic trafficmonitoring (DTMon) using vehicular networks. We introduce RSUs called task organizers (TOs) that can communicate with equipped vehicles and with a TMC. These TOs can be programmed by the TMC to task vehicles with performing traffic measurements over various sections of the roadway. Measurement points for TOs, or virtual strips, can be changed dynamically, placed anywhere within several kilometers of the TO, and used to measure wide areas of the roadway network. This is a vast improvement over current technology. We analyze the ability of a TO, or multiple TOs, to monitor high-quality traffic datain various traffic conditions (e.g., free flow traffic, transient flow traffic, traffic with congestion, etc.). We show that DTMon can accurately monitor speed and travel times in both free-flow and traffic with transient congestion. For some types of data, the percentage of equipped vehicles, or the market penetration rate, affects the quality of data gathered. Thus, we investigate methods for mitigating the effects of low penetration rate as well as low traffic density on data quality using DTMon. This includes studying the deployment of multiple TOs in a region and the use of oncoming traffic to help bridge gaps in connectivity. We show that DTMon can have a large impact on traffic monitoring. Traffic engineers can take advantage of the programmability of TOs, giving them the ability to measure traffic at any point within several km of a TO. Most real-time traffic maps measure traffic at midpoint of roads between interchanges and the use of this framework would allow for virtual strips to be placed at various locations in between interchanges, providing fine-grained measurements to TMCs. In addition, the measurement points can be adjusted as traffic conditions change. An important application of this is end-of-queue management. Traffic engineers are very interested in deliver timely information to drivers approaching congestion endpoints to improve safety. We show the ability of DTMon in detecting the end of the queue during congestion
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