27 research outputs found

    A knowledge based architecture for the virtual restoration of ancient photos

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    Historical images are essential documents of the recent past. Nevertheless, time and bad preservation corrupt their physical supports. Digitization can be the solution to extend their \u201clives\u201d, and digital techniques can be used to recover lost information. This task is often difficult and time-consuming, if commercial restoration tools are used for the purpose. A new solution is proposed to help non-expert users in restoring their damaged photos. First, we defined a dual taxonomy for the defects in printed and digitized photos. We represented our restoration domain with an ontology and we created some rules to suggest actions to perform in case of some specific events. Classes and properties of the ontology are included into a knowledge base, that grows dynamically with its use. A prototypal tool and a web application version have been implemented as an interface to the database, and to support non-expert users in the restoration process

    Recent Advances in Signal Processing

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    The signal processing task is a very critical issue in the majority of new technological inventions and challenges in a variety of applications in both science and engineering fields. Classical signal processing techniques have largely worked with mathematical models that are linear, local, stationary, and Gaussian. They have always favored closed-form tractability over real-world accuracy. These constraints were imposed by the lack of powerful computing tools. During the last few decades, signal processing theories, developments, and applications have matured rapidly and now include tools from many areas of mathematics, computer science, physics, and engineering. This book is targeted primarily toward both students and researchers who want to be exposed to a wide variety of signal processing techniques and algorithms. It includes 27 chapters that can be categorized into five different areas depending on the application at hand. These five categories are ordered to address image processing, speech processing, communication systems, time-series analysis, and educational packages respectively. The book has the advantage of providing a collection of applications that are completely independent and self-contained; thus, the interested reader can choose any chapter and skip to another without losing continuity

    Understanding the Novice Decision-Making Process in Forensic Footwear Examinations: Accuracy and Decision Rules

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    The reproducibility of experienced-based forensic pattern interpretation is founded on the notion that domain-specific knowledge can be successfully distributed and applied among experts within a group. This assumption persists, even when the examination is complicated by variations in case circumstances, such as impression clarity and totality, as well as media, substrate, collection mechanism and enhancement. While it is further theorized that many of these factors (as well as additional confounding factors) are at play during an examination, the manner and extent to which these sources of variability affect the examination of footwear evidence remain unclear. In order to explore this hypothesis, a data mining technique called dominance-based rough set approach (DRSA) was applied to characterize the novice examiners’ decision-making process, due to its ability to capture useful information from a set of hybrid data with latent preference orders and discover knowledge in the form of decision rules. Through this approach, two objectives were addressed: the identification of factors that affect footwear examination and conclusions within the novice group, and the evaluation of decision rule quality as a function of support, strength, certainty and lift factors. The results of the study showed that in general, novice examiners’ case assessments were found to be outside the acceptable conclusion range more than 50\% of the time, with general tendencies to assign ambiguous conclusions, such as ``limited association of class characteristics and ``lacks sufficient detail, rather than more definitive ones such as ``identification or ``exclusion. When assessments were further explored using DRSA, 23 decision rules were induced (13 \textit{certain} and 10 \textit{possible}). Of the 13 \textit{certain} rules, 75\% of the induced rules were dominated by the examiner’s background, rather than case attributes, and 50\% of the \textit{possible} rules indicated that media type was a prevalent factor in the examiners’ determination of similarity/dissimilarity, as they attempted to interpret media-substrate interaction and reconcile this interpretation with SWGTREAD conclusion guidelines. Only when examiner attributes were excluded from the analysis, forcing the induction of rules based on case attributes only, did case-based features become prominent, but only with very low rule-support. In the second phase of work related to this project, the nature and type of rules induced based on expert assessments will be examined and compared to those generated from this novice set in order to compare and interpret the manner in which domain-specific knowledge dominates induced rules

    Special Libraries, October 1972

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    Volume 63, Issue 10https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_sl_1972/1007/thumbnail.jp

    UV-Vis Luminescence imaging techniques/ TĂ©cnicas de imagen de luminiscencia UV-Vis

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    Ever since its first introduction in the field of conservation, the role of UV-VIS luminescence/fluores-cence (UVL and UVf, respectively) imaging has been expanding.The unique and significant contribution of this technique for investigation of cultural heritage has led to the development of new methodol-ogies and applications. Each chapter in this volume can be read independently. While this means that some repetition may occur between the individual chapters, in particular regarding the explanation of terminology and methodology, such overlap provides interesting op-portunities for cross-comparison of both terminol-ogy and methodology. In addition, it highlights similarities and differences between different situations in the practical applicationFuster López, L.; Stols-Witlox, M.; Picollo, M. (2020). UV-Vis Luminescence imaging techniques/ Técnicas de imagen de luminiscencia UV-Vis. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/138517EDITORIA

    UV-Vis Luminescence imaging techniques = TĂ©cnicas de imagen de luminiscencia UV-Vis

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    Information Outlook, December 2005

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    Volume 9, Issue 12https://scholarworks.sjsu.edu/sla_io_2005/1011/thumbnail.jp

    Organismes vivants dans des substrats cellulaires hétérogènes : contribution à une meilleure compréhension des interfaces dynamiques de pigmentation fongique et du papier dans la bio-détérioration du patrimoine culturel

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    Biodeterioration of cultural materials is one of the most complex types of deteriorations that cultural materials are subjected to mainly, because it involves living organisms and synergy of many factors. There are different forms of biodeterioration, stains of substrate caused by pigmented fungi is one of them. Multitude of events occurs at interfaces between substrate and fungi, from the moment of spores’ first contact with surfaces, next fugal growth and their responses to the environment. Multiscale and multisensory analysis of interfaces between black pigmented fungi and paper substrate was the subject of these theses. Two types of black fungal pigmentations were analyzed; one that occurred on the original artworks the other one was induced in biosymulation on known papers in controlled environment. Paper characteristics, such as surface topography and structure, morphology of fungi and patterns of their pigmented bio-mass deposition as well as fungal growth were examined with an array of analytical instruments and methods: transmitted light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy in variable pressure, confocal laser scanning microscopy, white light confocal profilometer and X-ray microtomography. The ultimate goal was to develop a preservation strategy for biodeteriorated cultural heritage material; therefore the choice of the analytical methods and instruments was dictated by real-life protocols that limit sampling of cultural materials. This works is the first attempt towards a better understanding of interfacial forces in fungal stains on paper.La bio-détérioration des documents culturels compte parmi les types de détériorations les plus complexes que sont amenés à subir ces objets; et ce, parce qu’elle implique des organismes vivants ainsi que la conjonction de nombreux facteurs. Il existe différentes formes de biodétérioration; les taches de substrat (support?) engendrées par des champignons pigmentés en sont un exemple. Une multitude d’actions se développent aux “interfaces” entre le substrat (support?) et les champignons, depuis le premier contact avec les spores, en passant par la prolifération fongique, jusqu’aux interactions avec l’environnement. L’analyse multi-échelle et multisensorielle de l’interface entre les moisissures pigmentées noires et le support papier est le sujet de ces thèses. Deux types de pigmentations fongiques noires ont fait l’objet d’une analyse; la première apparaissait spontanément sur les œuvres d’art , la deuxième résultait d’une pigmentation déclenchée en biosimulation, sur des papiers connus, dans un environnement maitrisé. Les caractéristiques des papiers telles que le relief et la structure de la surface, la morphologie des champignons, les processus de dépôt de la biomasse pigmentée, ainsi que la prolifération fongique, ont fait l’objet de multiples examens, tant en termes d’instruments que de méthodes :microscopie à lumière transmise, microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB) dans une chambre à pression variable, microscopie confocale à balayage laser, profilomètre confocal à lumière blanche, microtomographie aux rayons L’objectif ultime étant de développer une stratégie de préservation des objets du patrimoine culturel bio-détériorés, le choix des instruments et des méthodes d’analyse était dicté par un souci pratique qui limitait l’échantilllonage des éléments analysés. Ce travail constitue une première tentative afin de mieux comprendre les forces en présence au niveau des “interfaces”, dans le cas des taches sur le papier dues aux champignons

    Living systems on heterogeneous cellular substrate (contribution to a better understanding of dynamic interfaces of fungal pigmentation and paper in biodeterioration of cultural heritage)

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    La bio-détérioration des documents culturels compte parmi les types de détériorations les plus complexes que sont amenés à subir ces objets; et ce, parce qu elle implique des organismes vivants ainsi que la conjonction de nombreux facteurs. Il existe différentes formes de biodétérioration; les taches de substrat (support?) engendrées par des champignons pigmentés en sont un exemple. Une multitude d actions se développent aux interfaces entre le substrat (support?) et les champignons, depuis le premier contact avec les spores, en passant par la prolifération fongique, jusqu aux interactions avec l environnement. L analyse multi-échelle et multisensorielle de l interface entre les moisissures pigmentées noires et le support papier est le sujet de ces thèses. Deux types de pigmentations fongiques noires ont fait l objet d une analyse; la première apparaissait spontanément sur les œuvres d art , la deuxième résultait d une pigmentation déclenchée en biosimulation, sur des papiers connus, dans un environnement maitrisé. Les caractéristiques des papiers telles que le relief et la structure de la surface, la morphologie des champignons, les processus de dépôt de la biomasse pigmentée, ainsi que la prolifération fongique, ont fait l objet de multiples examens, tant en termes d instruments que de méthodes :microscopie à lumière transmise, microscopie électronique à balayage (MEB) dans une chambre à pression variable, microscopie confocale à balayage laser, profilomètre confocal à lumière blanche, microtomographie aux rayons L objectif ultime étant de développer une stratégie de préservation des objets du patrimoine culturel bio-détériorés, le choix des instruments et des méthodes d analyse était dicté par un souci pratique qui limitait l échantilllonage des éléments analysés. Ce travail constitue une première tentative afin de mieux comprendre les forces en présence au niveau des interfaces , dans le cas des taches sur le papier dues aux champignons.Biodeterioration of cultural materials is one of the most complex types of deteriorations that cultural materials are subjected to mainly, because it involves living organisms and synergy of many factors. There are different forms of biodeterioration, stains of substrate caused by pigmented fungi is one of them. Multitude of events occurs at interfaces between substrate and fungi, from the moment of spores first contact with surfaces, next fugal growth and their responses to the environment. Multiscale and multisensory analysis of interfaces between black pigmented fungi and paper substrate was the subject of these theses. Two types of black fungal pigmentations were analyzed; one that occurred on the original artworks the other one was induced in biosymulation on known papers in controlled environment. Paper characteristics, such as surface topography and structure, morphology of fungi and patterns of their pigmented bio-mass deposition as well as fungal growth were examined with an array of analytical instruments and methods: transmitted light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy in variable pressure, confocal laser scanning microscopy, white light confocal profilometer and X-ray microtomography. The ultimate goal was to develop a preservation strategy for biodeteriorated cultural heritage material; therefore the choice of the analytical methods and instruments was dictated by real-life protocols that limit sampling of cultural materials. This works is the first attempt towards a better understanding of interfacial forces in fungal stains on paper.LYON-Ecole Centrale (690812301) / SudocSudocFranceF