3,298 research outputs found

    Self-Calibration Methods for Uncontrolled Environments in Sensor Networks: A Reference Survey

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    Growing progress in sensor technology has constantly expanded the number and range of low-cost, small, and portable sensors on the market, increasing the number and type of physical phenomena that can be measured with wirelessly connected sensors. Large-scale deployments of wireless sensor networks (WSN) involving hundreds or thousands of devices and limited budgets often constrain the choice of sensing hardware, which generally has reduced accuracy, precision, and reliability. Therefore, it is challenging to achieve good data quality and maintain error-free measurements during the whole system lifetime. Self-calibration or recalibration in ad hoc sensor networks to preserve data quality is essential, yet challenging, for several reasons, such as the existence of random noise and the absence of suitable general models. Calibration performed in the field, without accurate and controlled instrumentation, is said to be in an uncontrolled environment. This paper provides current and fundamental self-calibration approaches and models for wireless sensor networks in uncontrolled environments

    Underwater Navigation using Pseudolite

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    Using pseudolite or pseudo satellite, a proven technology for ground and space applications for the augmentation of GPS, is proposed for underwater navigation. Global positioning systems (GPS) like positioning for underwater system, needs minimum of four pseudolite-ranging signals for pseudo-range and accumulated delta range measurements. Using four such measurements and using the models of underwater attenuation and delays, the navigation solution can be found. However, for application where the one-way ranging does not give good accuracy, alternative algorithms based upon the bi-directional and self-difference ranging is proposed using selfcalibrated pseudolite array algorithm. The hardware configuration is proposed for pseudolite transceiver for making the self-calibrated array. The pseudolite array, fixed or moored under the sea, can give position fixing similar to GPS for underwater applications.Defence Science Journal, 2011, 61(4), pp.331-336, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.61.108

    Spray, Embracing Multimodality

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    We present Spray, a localization system that compensates for low accuracy of individual localization measurements by combining measurements from multiple localization modalities

    VoxNet: An interactive, rapidly-deployable acoustic monitoring platform

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    Acoustical Ranging Techniques in Embedded Wireless Sensor Networked Devices

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    Location sensing provides endless opportunities for a wide range of applications in GPS-obstructed environments; where, typically, there is a need for higher degree of accuracy. In this article, we focus on robust range estimation, an important prerequisite for fine-grained localization. Motivated by the promise of acoustic in delivering high ranging accuracy, we present the design, implementation and evaluation of acoustic (both ultrasound and audible) ranging systems.We distill the limitations of acoustic ranging; and present efficient signal designs and detection algorithms to overcome the challenges of coverage, range, accuracy/resolution, tolerance to Doppler’s effect, and audible intensity. We evaluate our proposed techniques experimentally on TWEET, a low-power platform purpose-built for acoustic ranging applications. Our experiments demonstrate an operational range of 20 m (outdoor) and an average accuracy 2 cm in the ultrasound domain. Finally, we present the design of an audible-range acoustic tracking service that encompasses the benefits of a near-inaudible acoustic broadband chirp and approximately two times increase in Doppler tolerance to achieve better performance

    Accurate acoustic ranging system using android smartphones

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    ACCURATE ACOUSTIC RANGING SYSTEM USING ANDROID SMARTPHONES By Mohammadbagher Fotouhi, Master of Science A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science at Virginia Commonwealth University Virginia Commonwealth University 2017 Major Director: Dr. Ruixin Niu, Associate Professor of Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering In this thesis, we present the design, implementation, and evaluation of an android ranging system, a high-accuracy acoustic-based ranging system which allows two android mobile phones to learn their physical distance from each other. In this system we propose a practical solution for accurate ranging based on acoustic communication between speakers and microphones on two smartphones. Using the audible-band acoustic signal with the Wi-Fi assistance without the sound disturbance is promising for large deployment. Our method is a pure software-based solution and uses only the most basic set of commodity hardware: a speaker, a microphone, and Wi-Fi communication. So it is readily applicable to many commercial-off-the-shelf mobile devices like cell phones. Our system is the result of several design goals, including user privacy, decentralized administration, and low cost. Rather than relying on any centralized management which tracks the user’s location to help them find their distance, our system helps devices learn their distance from each other without advertising their location information with any centralized management. Compared to alternatives that require special-purpose hardware or pre-existence of precision location infrastructure , our system is applicable on most of off-the-shelf components so it is a commodity-based solution will obviously have wider applications and is cost effective. Currently, two smartphones are used to estimate the distance between them through Wi-Fi and audio communications. The basic idea is estimating the distance between two phones by estimating the traveling time of audio signal from one phone to the other as the speed of sound is known. The preliminary results of ranging demonstrate that our algorithm could achieve high accuracy, and stable and reliable results for real time smartphone-based indoor ranging

    Coherent shuttle of electron-spin states

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    We demonstrate a coherent spin shuttle through a GaAs/AlGaAs quadruple-quantum-dot array. Starting with two electrons in a spin-singlet state in the first dot, we shuttle one electron over to either the second, third or fourth dot. We observe that the separated spin-singlet evolves periodically into the m=0m=0 spin-triplet and back before it dephases due to nuclear spin noise. We attribute the time evolution to differences in the local Zeeman splitting between the respective dots. With the help of numerical simulations, we analyse and discuss the visibility of the singlet-triplet oscillations and connect it to the requirements for coherent spin shuttling in terms of the inter-dot tunnel coupling strength and rise time of the pulses. The distribution of entangled spin pairs through tunnel coupled structures may be of great utility for connecting distant qubit registers on a chip.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    Interactive environmental sensing: Signal and image processing challenges

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