51 research outputs found

    Visual Privacy Protection Methods: A Survey

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    Recent advances in computer vision technologies have made possible the development of intelligent monitoring systems for video surveillance and ambient-assisted living. By using this technology, these systems are able to automatically interpret visual data from the environment and perform tasks that would have been unthinkable years ago. These achievements represent a radical improvement but they also suppose a new threat to individual’s privacy. The new capabilities of such systems give them the ability to collect and index a huge amount of private information about each individual. Next-generation systems have to solve this issue in order to obtain the users’ acceptance. Therefore, there is a need for mechanisms or tools to protect and preserve people’s privacy. This paper seeks to clarify how privacy can be protected in imagery data, so as a main contribution a comprehensive classification of the protection methods for visual privacy as well as an up-to-date review of them are provided. A survey of the existing privacy-aware intelligent monitoring systems and a valuable discussion of important aspects of visual privacy are also provided.This work has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under project “Sistema de visión para la monitorización de la actividad de la vida diaria en el hogar” (TIN2010-20510-C04-02) and by the European Commission under project “caring4U - A study on people activity in private spaces: towards a multisensor network that meets privacy requirements” (PIEF-GA-2010-274649). José Ramón Padilla López and Alexandros Andre Chaaraoui acknowledge financial support by the Conselleria d'Educació, Formació i Ocupació of the Generalitat Valenciana (fellowship ACIF/2012/064 and ACIF/2011/160 respectively)

    Attribute-based access to scalable media in cloud-assisted content sharing

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    Towards Secure Online Distribution of Multimedia Codestreams

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    Framework for privacy-aware content distribution in peer-to- peer networks with copyright protection

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    The use of peer-to-peer (P2P) networks for multimedia distribution has spread out globally in recent years. This mass popularity is primarily driven by the efficient distribution of content, also giving rise to piracy and copyright infringement as well as privacy concerns. An end user (buyer) of a P2P content distribution system does not want to reveal his/her identity during a transaction with a content owner (merchant), whereas the merchant does not want the buyer to further redistribute the content illegally. Therefore, there is a strong need for content distribution mechanisms over P2P networks that do not pose security and privacy threats to copyright holders and end users, respectively. However, the current systems being developed to provide copyright and privacy protection to merchants and end users employ cryptographic mechanisms, which incur high computational and communication costs, making these systems impractical for the distribution of big files, such as music albums or movies.El uso de soluciones de igual a igual (peer-to-peer, P2P) para la distribución multimedia se ha extendido mundialmente en los últimos años. La amplia popularidad de este paradigma se debe, principalmente, a la distribución eficiente de los contenidos, pero también da lugar a la piratería, a la violación del copyright y a problemas de privacidad. Un usuario final (comprador) de un sistema de distribución de contenidos P2P no quiere revelar su identidad durante una transacción con un propietario de contenidos (comerciante), mientras que el comerciante no quiere que el comprador pueda redistribuir ilegalmente el contenido más adelante. Por lo tanto, existe una fuerte necesidad de mecanismos de distribución de contenidos por medio de redes P2P que no supongan un riesgo de seguridad y privacidad a los titulares de derechos y los usuarios finales, respectivamente. Sin embargo, los sistemas actuales que se desarrollan con el propósito de proteger el copyright y la privacidad de los comerciantes y los usuarios finales emplean mecanismos de cifrado que implican unas cargas computacionales y de comunicaciones muy elevadas que convierten a estos sistemas en poco prácticos para distribuir archivos de gran tamaño, tales como álbumes de música o películas.L'ús de solucions d'igual a igual (peer-to-peer, P2P) per a la distribució multimèdia s'ha estès mundialment els darrers anys. L'àmplia popularitat d'aquest paradigma es deu, principalment, a la distribució eficient dels continguts, però també dóna lloc a la pirateria, a la violació del copyright i a problemes de privadesa. Un usuari final (comprador) d'un sistema de distribució de continguts P2P no vol revelar la seva identitat durant una transacció amb un propietari de continguts (comerciant), mentre que el comerciant no vol que el comprador pugui redistribuir il·legalment el contingut més endavant. Per tant, hi ha una gran necessitat de mecanismes de distribució de continguts per mitjà de xarxes P2P que no comportin un risc de seguretat i privadesa als titulars de drets i els usuaris finals, respectivament. Tanmateix, els sistemes actuals que es desenvolupen amb el propòsit de protegir el copyright i la privadesa dels comerciants i els usuaris finals fan servir mecanismes d'encriptació que impliquen unes càrregues computacionals i de comunicacions molt elevades que fan aquests sistemes poc pràctics per a distribuir arxius de grans dimensions, com ara àlbums de música o pel·lícules

    Tatouage du flux compressé MPEG-4 AVC

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    La présente thèse aborde le sujet de tatouage du flux MPEG-4 AVC sur ses deux volets théoriques et applicatifs en considérant deux domaines applicatifs à savoir la protection du droit d auteur et la vérification de l'intégrité du contenu. Du point de vue théorique, le principal enjeu est de développer un cadre de tatouage unitaire en mesure de servir les deux applications mentionnées ci-dessus. Du point de vue méthodologique, le défi consiste à instancier ce cadre théorique pour servir les applications visées. La première contribution principale consiste à définir un cadre théorique pour le tatouage multi symboles à base de modulation d index de quantification (m-QIM). La règle d insertion QIM a été généralisée du cas binaire au cas multi-symboles et la règle de détection optimale (minimisant la probabilité d erreur à la détection en condition du bruit blanc, additif et gaussien) a été établie. Il est ainsi démontré que la quantité d information insérée peut être augmentée par un facteur de log2m tout en gardant les mêmes contraintes de robustesse et de transparence. Une quantité d information de 150 bits par minutes, soit environ 20 fois plus grande que la limite imposée par la norme DCI est obtenue. La deuxième contribution consiste à spécifier une opération de prétraitement qui permet d éliminer les impactes du phénomène du drift (propagation de la distorsion) dans le flux compressé MPEG-4 AVC. D abord, le problème a été formalisé algébriquement en se basant sur les expressions analytiques des opérations d encodage. Ensuite, le problème a été résolu sous la contrainte de prévention du drift. Une amélioration de la transparence avec des gains de 2 dB en PSNR est obtenueThe present thesis addresses the MPEG-4 AVC stream watermarking and considers two theoretical and applicative challenges, namely ownership protection and content integrity verification.From the theoretical point of view, the thesis main challenge is to develop a unitary watermarking framework (insertion/detection) able to serve the two above mentioned applications in the compressed domain. From the methodological point of view, the challenge is to instantiate this theoretical framework for serving the targeted applications. The thesis first main contribution consists in building the theoretical framework for the multi symbol watermarking based on quantization index modulation (m-QIM). The insertion rule is analytically designed by extending the binary QIM rule. The detection rule is optimized so as to ensure minimal probability of error under additive white Gaussian noise distributed attacks. It is thus demonstrated that the data payload can be increased by a factor of log2m, for prescribed transparency and additive Gaussian noise power. A data payload of 150 bits per minute, i.e. about 20 times larger than the limit imposed by the DCI standard, is obtained. The thesis second main theoretical contribution consists in specifying a preprocessing MPEG-4 AVC shaping operation which can eliminate the intra-frame drift effect. The drift represents the distortion spread in the compressed stream related to the MPEG encoding paradigm. In this respect, the drift distortion propagation problem in MPEG-4 AVC is algebraically expressed and the corresponding equations system is solved under drift-free constraints. The drift-free shaping results in gain in transparency of 2 dB in PSNREVRY-INT (912282302) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Triple scheme based on image steganography to improve imperceptibility and security

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    A foremost priority in the information technology and communication era is achieving an effective and secure steganography scheme when considering information hiding. Commonly, the digital images are used as the cover for the steganography owing to their redundancy in the representation, making them hidden to the intruders. Nevertheless, any steganography system launched over the internet can be attacked upon recognizing the stego cover. Presently, the design and development of an effective image steganography system are facing several challenging issues including the low capacity, poor security, and imperceptibility. Towards overcoming the aforementioned issues, a new decomposition scheme was proposed for image steganography with a new approach known as a Triple Number Approach (TNA). In this study, three main stages were used to achieve objectives and overcome the issues of image steganography, beginning with image and text preparation, followed by embedding and culminating in extraction. Finally, the evaluation stage employed several evaluations in order to benchmark the results. Different contributions were presented with this study. The first contribution was a Triple Text Coding Method (TTCM), which was related to the preparation of secret messages prior to the embedding process. The second contribution was a Triple Embedding Method (TEM), which was related to the embedding process. The third contribution was related to security criteria which were based on a new partitioning of an image known as the Image Partitioning Method (IPM). The IPM proposed a random pixel selection, based on image partitioning into three phases with three iterations of the Hénon Map function. An enhanced Huffman coding algorithm was utilized to compress the secret message before TTCM process. A standard dataset from the Signal and Image Processing Institute (SIPI) containing color and grayscale images with 512 x 512 pixels were utilised in this study. Different parameters were used to test the performance of the proposed scheme based on security and imperceptibility (image quality). In image quality, four important measurements that were used are Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR), Structural Similarity Index (SSIM), Mean Square Error (MSE) and Histogram analysis. Whereas, two security measurements that were used are Human Visual System (HVS) and Chi-square (X2) attacks. In terms of PSNR and SSIM, the Lena grayscale image obtained results were 78.09 and 1 dB, respectively. Meanwhile, the HVS and X2 attacks obtained high results when compared to the existing scheme in the literature. Based on the findings, the proposed scheme give evidence to increase capacity, imperceptibility, and security to overcome existing issues

    Digital content security: video streaming digital rights management system

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    Thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Information Systems Security (MSc.ISS) at Strathmore UniversityThe usability and applicability of digital videos, especially through the Internet, offers great opportunities for Kenyan content creators to further their careers as the platform enables them to share ideas which contributes to knowledge in the field which in turn generates wealth in the industry as new and efficient ways of creating the content are discovered making the production and distribution process cost effective. The Internet is however proving to be a double-edged sword as there have been multiple reports and incidences of copyright infringement within the country. This can be largely attributed to the fact that the platforms available to the average user provide a convenient environment for them to make several copies of the protected media file and distribute them as they wish: which facilitates misuse, piracy and plagiarism. The purpose of this project was to mitigate the unlawful replication and dissemination on an enormous scale of digital videos that are owned by practitioners in the education industry and presented to end users over the Internet. This followed a move by the players in the industry to convert their content into a digital format to meet the demand for online classes. Popular avenues that have been used to acquire copies of the digital streams include by use of standalone file grabbing software such as Internet Download Manager or browser plugins such as DownThemAll. These software implementations are extremely simple to use and allow users to create local copies of the streams through a single click of a button. They therefore present a threat to an entire ecosystem as content creators are heavily dependent on revenues generated from their material. This study seeks to develop a solution in the form of a Digital Rights Management (DRM) system that can be used to secure video streams and, in the process, preserve their economic value. A DRM system secures and implements the rights associated with the use of digital content by use of a set of access control technologies, which ensures that the videos are consumed as intended, and no illegal duplicates are created. Rapid Application Software Development Methodology were leveraged to accomplish the objective

    Facial Privacy Protection in Airborne Recreational Videography

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    PhDCameras mounted on Micro Aerial Vehicles (MAVs) are increasingly used for recreational photography and videography. However, aerial photographs and videographs of public places often contain faces of bystanders thus leading to a perceived or actual violation of privacy. To address this issue, this thesis presents a novel privacy lter that adaptively blurs sensitive image regions and is robust against di erent privacy attacks. In particular, the thesis aims to impede face recognition from airborne cameras and explores the design space to determine when a face in an airborne image is inherently protected, that is when an individual is not recognisable. When individuals are recognisable by facial recognition algorithms, an adaptive ltering mechanism is proposed to lower the face resolution in order to preserve privacy while ensuring a minimum reduction of the delity of the image. Moreover, the lter's parameters are pseudo-randomly changed to make the applied protection robust against di erent privacy attacks. In case of videography, the lter is updated with a motion-dependent temporal smoothing to minimise icker introduced by the pseudo-random switching of the lter's parameters, without compromising on its robustness against di erent privacy attacks. To evaluate the e ciency of the proposed lter, the thesis uses a state-of-the-art face recognition algorithm and synthetically generated face data with 3D geometric image transformations that mimic faces captured from an MAV at di erent heights and pitch angles. For the videography scenario, a small video face data set is rst captured and then the proposed lter is evaluated against di erent privacy attacks and the quality of the resulting video using both objective measures and a subjective test.This work was supported in part by the research initiative Intelligent Vision Austria with funding from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy and the Austrian Institute of Technology