16 research outputs found

    Genetic Algorithms Dynamic Population Size with Cloning in Solving Traveling Salesman Problem

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    Population size of classical genetic algorithm is determined constantly. Its size remains constant over the run. For more complex problems, larger population sizes need to be avoided from early convergence to produce local optimum. Objective of this research is to evaluate population resizing i.e. dynamic population sizing for Genetic Algorithm (GA) using cloning strategy. We compare performance of proposed method and traditional GA employed to Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) of A280.tsp taken from TSPLIB. Result shown that GA with dynamic population size exceed computational time of traditional GA

    A new selection operator for genetic algorithms that balances between premature convergence and population diversity

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    The research objective is to find a balance between premature convergence and population diversity with respect to genetic algorithms (GAs). We propose a new selection scheme, namely, split-based selection (SBS) for GAs that ensures a fine balance between two extremes, i.e. exploration and exploitation. The proposed selection operator is further compared with five commonly used existing selection operators. A rigorous simulation-based investigation is conducted to explore the statistical characteristics of the proposed procedure. Furthermore, performance evaluation of the proposed scheme with respect to competing methodologies is carried out by considering 14 diverse benchmarks from the library of the traveling salesman problem (TSPLIB). Based on t-test statistic and performance index (PI), this study demonstrates a superior performance of the proposed scheme while maintaining the desirable statistical characteristics

    A local search operator in Quantum Evolutionary Algorithm and its application in Fractal Image Compression

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    Аналіз застосування генетичних алгоритмів в задачах глобальної оптимізації

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    Подано загальну характеристику генетичних алгоритмiв як ефективних та перспективних засобiв вирiшення проблеми глобальної оптимiзацiї. Розглянуто приклади складних реальних задач оптимiзацiї та iдентифiкацiї, успiшно розв’язаних iз застосуванням генетичних алгоритмiв.Цель. Подробно рассмотреть теоретические и практические аспекты ГА и их возможности для решения задач оптимизации и идентификации систем. Методы. Цель статьи достигается путем представления всестороннего обзора основных публикаций в области теории генетических алгоритмов и их применения для эффективного решения сложных задач оптимизации. Результаты. Рассмотрены теоретические и прикладные аспекты ГА. Приведены примеры современных глобальных задач оптимизации и идентификации моделей, успешно решаемых генетическими алгоритмами.Purpose. The purpose of the research is to examine more comprehensively the theoretical and practical aspects of the genetic algorithms and their capabilities for solving optimization and system identification problems. Methods. The goal of this article is achieved by presenting a comprehensive survey of the main publications in the area of genetic algorithms theory and their application to the complex optimization tasks. Results. The theoretical and applied aspects of genetic algorithms are considered in detail. Some examples of modern global optimization and model identification problems successfully solved by genetic algorithms are presented

    Genetic Algorithm and its Variants: Theory and Applications

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    The Genetic Algorithm is a popular optimization technique which is bio-inspired and is based on the concepts of natural genetics and natural selection theories proposed by Charles Darwin. The Algorithm functions on three basic genetic operators of selection, crossover and mutation. Based on the types of these operators GA has many variants like Real coded GA, Binary coded GA, Sawtooth GA, Micro GA, Improved GA, Differential Evolution GA. This paper discusses a few of the forms of GA and applies the techniques to the problem of Function optimization and System Identification. The paper makes a comparative analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the different types of GA. The computer simulations illustrate the results. It also makes a comparison between the GA technique and Incremental LMS algorithm for System Identification

    Mutable composite firefly algorithm for gene selection in microarray based cancer classification

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    Cancer classification is critical due to the strenuous effort required in cancer treatment and the rising cancer mortality rate. Recent trends with high throughput technologies have led to discoveries in terms of biomarkers that successfully contributed to cancerrelated issues. A computational approach for gene selection based on microarray data analysis has been applied in many cancer classification problems. However, the existing hybrid approaches with metaheuristic optimization algorithms in feature selection (specifically in gene selection) are not generalized enough to efficiently classify most cancer microarray data while maintaining a small set of genes. This leads to the classification accuracy and genes subset size problem. Hence, this study proposed to modify the Firefly Algorithm (FA) along with the Correlation-based Feature Selection (CFS) filter for the gene selection task. An improved FA was proposed to overcome FA slow convergence by generating mutable size solutions for the firefly population. In addition, a composite position update strategy was designed for the mutable size solutions. The proposed strategy was to balance FA exploration and exploitation in order to address the local optima problem. The proposed hybrid algorithm known as CFS-Mutable Composite Firefly Algorithm (CFS-MCFA) was evaluated on cancer microarray data for biomarker selection along with the deployment of Support Vector Machine (SVM) as the classifier. Evaluation was performed based on two metrics: classification accuracy and size of feature set. The results showed that the CFS-MCFA-SVM algorithm outperforms benchmark methods in terms of classification accuracy and genes subset size. In particular, 100 percent accuracy was achieved on all four datasets and with only a few biomarkers (between one and four). This result indicates that the proposed algorithm is one of the competitive alternatives in feature selection, which later contributes to the analysis of microarray data

    A saw-tooth genetic algorithm combining the effects of variable population size and reinitialization to enhance performance

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