3 research outputs found

    An Integrated Approach to Performance Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis of Nuclear Power Systems

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    In this dissertation an integrated framework of process performance monitoring and fault diagnosis was developed for nuclear power systems using robust data driven model based methods, which comprises thermal hydraulic simulation, data driven modeling, identification of model uncertainty, and robust residual generator design for fault detection and isolation. In the applications to nuclear power systems, on the one hand, historical data are often not able to characterize the relationships among process variables because operating setpoints may change and thermal fluid components such as steam generators and heat exchangers may experience degradation. On the other hand, first-principle models always have uncertainty and are often too complicated in terms of model structure to design residual generators for fault diagnosis. Therefore, a realistic fault diagnosis method needs to combine the strength of first principle models in modeling a wide range of anticipated operation conditions and the strength of data driven modeling in feature extraction. In the developed robust data driven model-based approach, the changes in operation conditions are simulated using the first principle models and the model uncertainty is extracted from plant operation data such that the fault effects on process variables can be decoupled from model uncertainty and normal operation changes. It was found that the developed robust fault diagnosis method was able to eliminate false alarms due to model uncertainty and deal with changes in operating conditions throughout the lifetime of nuclear power systems. Multiple methods of robust data driven model based fault diagnosis were developed in this dissertation. A complete procedure based on causal graph theory and data reconciliation method was developed to investigate the causal relationships and the quantitative sensitivities among variables so that sensor placement could be optimized for fault diagnosis in the design phase. Reconstruction based Principal Component Analysis (PCA) approach was applied to deal with both simple faults and complex faults for steady state diagnosis in the context of operation scheduling and maintenance management. A robust PCA model-based method was developed to distinguish the differences between fault effects and model uncertainties. In order to improve the sensitivity of fault detection, a hybrid PCA model based approach was developed to incorporate system knowledge into data driven modeling. Subspace identification was proposed to extract state space models from thermal hydraulic simulations and a robust dynamic residual generator design algorithm was developed for fault diagnosis for the purpose of fault tolerant control and extension to reactor startup and load following operation conditions. The developed robust dynamic residual generator design algorithm is unique in that explicit identification of model uncertainty is not necessary. Finally, it was demonstrated that the developed new methods for the IRIS Helical Coil Steam Generator (HCSG) system. A simulation model was first developed for this system. It was revealed through steady state simulation that the primary coolant temperature profile could be used to indicate the water inventory inside the HCSG tubes. The performance monitoring and fault diagnosis module was then developed to monitor sensor faults, flow distribution abnormality, and heat performance degradation for both steady state and dynamic operation conditions. This dissertation bridges the gap between the theoretical research on computational intelligence and the engineering design in performance monitoring and fault diagnosis for nuclear power systems. The new algorithms have the potential of being integrated into the Generation III and Generation IV nuclear reactor I&C design after they are tested on current nuclear power plants or Generation IV prototype reactors

    Aplicación de técnicas robustas para detección y diagnóstico de fallos

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    La teoría de control es un área en constante desarrollo, donde muchas técnicas están basadas en el conocimiento del sistema en estudio. A nivel industrial, los sistemas son en su mayoría no lineales, y sus comportamientos ante la influencia del entorno pueden variar en poca o gran medida. Incorporar en el diseño del sistema de control un modulo de detección y diagnóstico de fallos mejora los procesos, la disponibilidad y mantenimiento del sistema, así como su desempeño y robustez. En esta investigación se aplican diferentes métodos de detección y diagnóstico de fallos (DDF) para lograr esquemas que presenten buen desempeño y robustez ante las incertidumbres, perturbaciones y el ruido. Un esquema de DDF que utiliza filtros basado en el modelo matemático del sistema es logrado con la aplicación de desigualdades matriciales lineales (\emph{Linear Matrix Inequalities}, LMIs). Esquemas de DDF que suministran información de las relaciones estadísticas de las señales son desarrollados con técnicas multivariantes de análisis de componentes principales (PCA) y de análisis de componentes independientes (ICA) en aplicaciones estáticas y dinámicas. El conocimiento de los comportamientos del sistema es estudiado mediante redes neuronales dinámicas, que utilizan filtros internos. En el caso en que se utiliza el modelo matemático de la planta se obtiene un esquema de planta generalizada donde se calcula un filtro para rechazar la incertidumbre de la planta, que es modelada por el estudio del comportamiento del sistema en diferentes puntos de operación, y un segundo filtro que es calculado para rechazar las perturbaciones y el ruido. Para los esquemas que utilizan las técnicas multivariantes se construye un banco de modelos que se corresponden con las relaciones estadísticas de las señales en cada uno de los comportamientos definidos del sistema. Cuando se utilizan las redes neuronales dinámicas se establecen patrones de aprendizaje para cada uno de los comportamientos definidos en el sistema, obteniéndose en este caso un banco de redes neuronales, cuyas respuestasDepartamento de Ingeniería de Sistemas y Automátic

    Fault Detection, Diagnosis and Fault Tolerance Approaches in Dynamic Systems based on Black-Box Models

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    In this dissertation new contributions to the research area of fault detection and diagnosis in dynamic systems are presented. The main research effort has been done on the development of new on-line model-based fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) approaches based on blackbox models (linear ARX models, and neural nonlinear ARX models). From a theoretical point of view a white-box model is more desirable to perform the FDD tasks, but in most cases it is very hard, or even impossible, to obtain. When the systems are complex, or difficult to model, modelling based on black-box models is usually a good and often the only alternative. The performance of the system identification methods plays a crucial role in the FDD methods proposed. Great research efforts have been made on the development of linear and nonlinear FDD approaches to detect and diagnose multiplicative (parametric) faults, since most of the past research work has been done focused on additive faults on sensors and actuators. The main pre-requisites for the FDD methods developed are: a) the on-line application in a real-time environment for systems under closed-loop control; b) the algorithms must be implemented in discrete time, and the plants are systems in continuous time; c) a two or three dimensional space for visualization and interpretation of the fault symptoms. An engineering and pragmatic view of FDD approaches has been followed, and some new theoretical contributions are presented in this dissertation. The fault tolerance problem and the fault tolerant control (FTC) have been investigated, and some ideas of the new FDD approaches have been incorporated in the FTC context. One of the main ideas underlying the research done in this work is to detect and diagnose faults occurring in continuous time systems via the analysis of the effect on the parameters of the discrete time black-box ARX models or associated features. In the FDD methods proposed, models for nominal operation and models for each faulty situation are constructed in off-line operation, and used a posteriori in on-line operation. The state of the art and some background concepts used for the research come from many scientific areas. The main concepts related to data mining, multivariate statistics (principal component analysis, PCA), linear and nonlinear dynamic systems, black-box models, system identification, fault detection and diagnosis (FDD), pattern recognition and discriminant analysis, and fault tolerant control (FTC), are briefly described. A sliding window version of the principal components regression algorithm, termed SW-PCR, is proposed for parameter estimation. The sliding window parameter estimation algorithms are most appropriate for fault detection and diagnosis than the recursive algorithms. For linear SISO systems, a new fault detection and diagnosis approach based on dynamic features (static gain and bandwidth) of ARX models is proposed, using a pattern classification approach based on neural nonlinear discriminant analysis (NNLDA). A new approach for fault detection (FDE) is proposed based on the application of the PCA method to the parameter space of ARX models; this allows a dimensional reduction, and the definition of thresholds based on multivariate statistics. This FDE method has been combined with a fault diagnosis (FDG) method based on an influence matrix (IMX). This combined FDD method (PCA & IMX) is suitable to deal with SISO or MIMO linear systems. Most of the research on the fault detection and diagnosis area has been done for linear systems. Few investigations exist in the FDD approaches for nonlinear systems. In this work, two new nonlinear approaches to FDD are proposed that are appropriate to SISO or MISO systems. A new architecture for a neural recurrent output predictor (NROP) is proposed, incorporating an embedded neural parallel model, an external feedback and an adjustable gain (design parameter). A new fault detection and diagnosis (FDD) approach for nonlinear systems is proposed based on a bank of neural recurrent output predictors (NROPs). Each neural NROP predictor is tuned to a specific fault. Also, a new FDD method based on the application of neural nonlinear PCA to ARX model parameters is proposed, combined with a pattern classification approach based on neural nonlinear discriminant analysis. In order to evaluate the performance of the proposed FDD methodologies, many experiments have been done using simulation models and a real setup. All the algorithms have been developed in discrete time, except the process models. The process models considered for the validation and tests of the FDD approaches are: a) a first order linear SISO system; b) a second order SISO model of a DC motor; c) a MIMO system model, the three-tank benchmark. A real nonlinear DC motor setup has also been used. A fault tolerant control (FTC) approach has been proposed to solve the typical reconfiguration problem formulated for the three-tank benchmark. This FTC approach incorporates the FDD method based on a bank of NROP predictors, and on an adaptive optimal linear quadratic Gaussian controller