582 research outputs found

    Aika-digitaalimuunnin laajakaistaisiin aikapohjaisiin analogia-digitaalimuuntimiin

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    Modern deeply scaled semiconductor processes make the design of voltage-domain circuits increasingly challenging. On the contrary, the area and power consumption of digital circuits are improving with every new process node. Consequently, digital solutions are designed in place of their purely analog counterparts in applications such as analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion. Time-based analog-to-digital converters (ADC) employ digital-intensive architectures by processing analog quantities in time-domain. The quantization step of the time-based A/D-conversion is carried out by a time-to-digital converter (TDC). A free-running ring oscillator -based TDC design is presented for use in wideband time-based ADCs. The proposed architecture aims to maximize time resolution and full-scale range, and to achieve error resilient conversion performance with minimized power and area consumptions. The time resolution is maximized by employing a high-frequency multipath ring oscillator, and the full-scale range is extended using a high-speed gray counter. The error resilience is achieved by custom sense-amplifier -based sampling flip-flops, gray coded counter and a digital error correction algorithm for counter sampling error correction. The implemented design achieves up to 9-bit effective resolution at 250 MS/s with 4.3 milliwatt power consumption.Modernien puolijohdeteknologioiden skaalautumisen seurauksena jännitetason piirien suunnittelu tulee entistä haasteellisemmaksi. Toisaalta digitaalisten piirirakenteiden pinta-ala sekä tehonkulutus pienenevät prosessikehityksen myötä. Tästä syystä digitaalisia ratkaisuja suunnitellaan vastaavien puhtaasti analogisien rakenteiden tilalle. Analogia-digitaalimuunnos (A/D-muunnos) voidaan toteuttaa jännitetason sijaan aikatasossa käyttämällä aikapohjaisia A/D-muuntimia, jotka ovat rakenteeltaan pääosin digitaalisia. Kvantisointivaihe aikapohjaisessa A/D-muuntimessa toteutetaan aika-digitaalimuuntimella. Työ esittelee vapaasti oskilloivaan silmukkaoskillaattoriin perustuvan aika-digitaalimuuntimen, joka on suunniteltu käytettäväksi laajakaistaisessa aikapohjaisessa A/D-muuntimessa. Esitelty rakenne pyrkii maksimoimaan muuntimen aikaresoluution sekä muunnosalueen, sekä saavuttamaan virhesietoisen muunnostoiminnan minimoidulla tehon sekä pinta-alan kulutuksella. Aikaresoluutio on maksimoitu hyödyntämällä suuritaajuista monipolkuista silmukkaoskillaattoria, ja muunnosalue on maksimoitu nopealla Gray-koodi -laskuripiirillä. Muunnosprosessin virhesietoisuus on saavutettu toteuttamalla näytteistys herkillä kiikkuelementeillä, hyödyntämällä Gray-koodattua laskuria, sekä jälkiprosessoimalla laskurin näytteistetyt arvot virheenkorjausalgoritmilla. Esitelty muunnintoteutus saavuttaa 9 bitin efektiivisen resoluution 250 MS/s näytetaajuudella ja 4.3 milliwatin tehonkulutuksella

    Low-Power Energy Efficient Circuit Techniques for Small IoT Systems

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    Although the improvement in circuit speed has been limited in recent years, there has been increased focus on the internet of things (IoT) as technology scaling has decreased circuit size, power usage and cost. This trend has led to the development of many small sensor systems with affordable costs and diverse functions, offering people convenient connection with and control over their surroundings. This dissertation discusses the major challenges and their solutions in realizing small IoT systems, focusing on non-digital blocks, such as power converters and analog sensing blocks, which have difficulty in following the traditional scaling trends of digital circuits. To accommodate the limited energy storage and harvesting capacity of small IoT systems, this dissertation presents an energy harvester and voltage regulators with low quiescent power and good efficiency in ultra-low power ranges. Switched-capacitor-based converters with wide-range energy-efficient voltage-controlled oscillators assisted by power-efficient self-oscillating voltage doublers and new cascaded converter topologies for more conversion ratio configurability achieve efficient power conversion down to several nanowatts. To further improve the power efficiency of these systems, analog circuits essential to most wireless IoT systems are also discussed and improved. A capacitance-to-digital sensor interface and a clocked comparator design are improved by their digital-like implementation and operation in phase and frequency domain. Thanks to the removal of large passive elements and complex analog blocks, both designs achieve excellent area reduction while maintaining state-of-art energy efficiencies. Finally, a technique for removing dynamic voltage and temperature variations is presented as smaller circuits in advanced technologies are more vulnerable to these variations. A 2-D simultaneous feedback control using an on-chip oven control locks the supply voltage and temperature of a small on-chip domain and protects circuits in this locked domain from external voltage and temperature changes, demonstrating 0.0066 V/V and 0.013 °C/°C sensitivities to external changes. Simple digital implementation of the sensors and most parts of the control loops allows robust operation within wide voltage and temperature ranges.PHDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/138743/1/wanyeong_1.pd

    Strategies towards high performance (high-resolution/linearity) time-to-digital converters on field-programmable gate arrays

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    Time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) technology has become popular in scientific research and industrial applications, such as high-energy physics, bio-sensing, non-invasion health monitoring, and 3D imaging. Because of the increasing demand for high-precision time measurements, time-to-digital converters (TDCs) have attracted attention since the 1970s. As a fully digital solution, TDCs are portable and have great potential for multichannel applications compared to bulky and expensive time-to-amplitude converters (TACs). A TDC can be implemented in ASIC and FPGA devices. Due to the low cost, flexibility, and short development cycle, FPGA-TDCs have become promising. Starting with a literature review, three original FPGA-TDCs with outstanding performance are introduced. The first design is the first efficient wave union (WU) based TDC implemented in Xilinx UltraScale (20 nm) FPGAs with a bubble-free sub-TDL structure. Combining with other existing methods, the resolution is further enhanced to 1.23 ps. The second TDC has been designed for LiDAR applications, especially in driver-less vehicles. Using the proposed new calibration method, the resolution is adjustable (50, 80, and 100 ps), and the linearity is exceptionally high (INL pk-pk and INL pk-pk are lower than 0.05 LSB). Meanwhile, a software tool has been open-sourced with a graphic user interface (GUI) to predict TDCs’ performance. In the third TDC, an onboard automatic calibration (AC) function has been realized by exploiting Xilinx ZYNQ SoC architectures. The test results show the robustness of the proposed method. Without the manual calibration, the AC function enables FPGA-TDCs to be applied in commercial products where mass production is required.Time-correlated single-photon counting (TCSPC) technology has become popular in scientific research and industrial applications, such as high-energy physics, bio-sensing, non-invasion health monitoring, and 3D imaging. Because of the increasing demand for high-precision time measurements, time-to-digital converters (TDCs) have attracted attention since the 1970s. As a fully digital solution, TDCs are portable and have great potential for multichannel applications compared to bulky and expensive time-to-amplitude converters (TACs). A TDC can be implemented in ASIC and FPGA devices. Due to the low cost, flexibility, and short development cycle, FPGA-TDCs have become promising. Starting with a literature review, three original FPGA-TDCs with outstanding performance are introduced. The first design is the first efficient wave union (WU) based TDC implemented in Xilinx UltraScale (20 nm) FPGAs with a bubble-free sub-TDL structure. Combining with other existing methods, the resolution is further enhanced to 1.23 ps. The second TDC has been designed for LiDAR applications, especially in driver-less vehicles. Using the proposed new calibration method, the resolution is adjustable (50, 80, and 100 ps), and the linearity is exceptionally high (INL pk-pk and INL pk-pk are lower than 0.05 LSB). Meanwhile, a software tool has been open-sourced with a graphic user interface (GUI) to predict TDCs’ performance. In the third TDC, an onboard automatic calibration (AC) function has been realized by exploiting Xilinx ZYNQ SoC architectures. The test results show the robustness of the proposed method. Without the manual calibration, the AC function enables FPGA-TDCs to be applied in commercial products where mass production is required

    Transceiver architectures and sub-mW fast frequency-hopping synthesizers for ultra-low power WSNs

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSN) have the potential to become the third wireless revolution after wireless voice networks in the 80s and wireless data networks in the late 90s. This revolution will finally connect together the physical world of the human and the virtual world of the electronic devices. Though in the recent years large progress in power consumption reduction has been made in the wireless arena in order to increase the battery life, this is still not enough to achieve a wide adoption of this technology. Indeed, while nowadays consumers are used to charge batteries in laptops, mobile phones and other high-tech products, this operation becomes infeasible when scaled up to large industrial, enterprise or home networks composed of thousands of wireless nodes. Wireless sensor networks come as a new way to connect electronic equipments reducing, in this way, the costs associated with the installation and maintenance of large wired networks. To accomplish this task, it is necessary to reduce the energy consumption of the wireless node to a point where energy harvesting becomes feasible and the node energy autonomy exceeds the life time of the wireless node itself. This thesis focuses on the radio design, which is the backbone of any wireless node. A common approach to radio design for WSNs is to start from a very simple radio (like an RFID) adding more functionalities up to the point in which the power budget is reached. In this way, the robustness of the wireless link is traded off for power reducing the range of applications that can draw benefit form a WSN. In this thesis, we propose a novel approach to the radio design for WSNs. We started from a proven architecture like Bluetooth, and progressively we removed all the functionalities that are not required for WSNs. The robustness of the wireless link is guaranteed by using a fast frequency hopping spread spectrum technique while the power budget is achieved by optimizing the radio architecture and the frequency hopping synthesizer Two different radio architectures and a novel fast frequency hopping synthesizer are proposed that cover the large space of applications for WSNs. The two architectures make use of the peculiarities of each scenario and, together with a novel fast frequency hopping synthesizer, proved that spread spectrum techniques can be used also in severely power constrained scenarios like WSNs. This solution opens a new window toward a radio design, which ultimately trades off flexibility, rather than robustness, for power consumption. In this way, we broadened the range of applications for WSNs to areas in which security and reliability of the communication link are mandatory

    On time, time synchronization and noise in time measurement systems

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    Time plays an important role in our modern lives. Especially having accurate time, which in turn depends on having clocks being synchronized to each other. This thesis is split into three distinct parts. The first part deals with the mathematical description of noise that is required to model clocks and electronics accurately. In particular we will address the problem that the generally used tools from signal theory fail for noise signals which are neither of finite energy nor periodic in nature. For this we will introduce a new function space based on the Pp-seminorm that is an extension of the Lp-norm for functions of potentially infinite energy but limited power. Using this new semi-norm we will modify the Fourier transform to work on signals from this P p-space. And last but not least, we will introduce, based on the above, a new mathematical model of noise that captures all the properties associated with 1/f -noise. In the second part, we will look at how noise propagates in a few classes of electronics, especially how the non-linear behavior of electronics leads to an amplification of noise and how it could be miti-gated. Lastly, in the third part we will look at one approach of fault-tolerant clock synchronization. After explaining its working principle and showing an implementation in an FPGA we will focus on meta-stability, the problems it can cause and how to handle them on two different circuit levels.Zeit spielt eine wichtige Rolle in unserem Leben. Insbesondere die Verfügbarkeit einer genauen Zeit. Welches wiederum davon abhängt, dass man Uhren hat die auf einander synchronisiert laufen. Diese Arbeit ist in drei Teile aufgeteilt: Im ersten Teil betrachten wir die mathematische Beschreibung von Rauschen um elektronische Systeme und Uhren korrekt beschreiben zu können. Im Besonderen betrachten wir die Probleme die die generell benutzten Methoden der Signalverarbeitung beim Umgang mit Rauschsignalen haben, die weder energiebegrenzt noch periodisch sind. Dafür erweitern wir den Funktionenraum der Lp-Norm auf leistungslimiterte Funktionene und führen die Pp-Halbnorm ein und modifizieren die Fouriertransformation zur Verwendung auf diesen Raum. Und letztlich führen wir ein neues mathematisches Model zur Beschreibung von Rauschen ein, welches alle üblicherweise angenommenen Eigenschaften gleichzeitig erfüllt. Im zweiten Teil analysieren wir wie sich einige Klassen von elektronischen Schaltungem im Bezug auf Rauschen verhalten. Insbesondere im Bezug auf das nicht-lineare Verhalten der elektronischen Elemente, welches zu einer Verstärkung des Rauschens führt. Im dritten Teil betrachten wir eine Möglichkeit um fehlertolerante Synchronization von Uhren zu erreichen. Nach einem Überblick über den verwendeten Algorithmus und wie dieser einem FPGA implementiert werden kann, schauen wir uns den Einfluss von Metastabilität an und wie dieser eingedämmt werden kann

    Millimeter-wave Communication and Radar Sensing — Opportunities, Challenges, and Solutions

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    With the development of communication and radar sensing technology, people are able to seek for a more convenient life and better experiences. The fifth generation (5G) mobile network provides high speed communication and internet services with a data rate up to several gigabit per second (Gbps). In addition, 5G offers great opportunities of emerging applications, for example, manufacture automation with the help of precise wireless sensing. For future communication and sensing systems, increasing capacity and accuracy is desired, which can be realized at millimeter-wave spectrum from 30 GHz to 300 GHz with several tens of GHz available bandwidth. Wavelength reduces at higher frequency, this implies more compact transceivers and antennas, and high sensing accuracy and imaging resolution. Challenges arise with these application opportunities when it comes to realizing prototype or demonstrators in practice. This thesis proposes some of the solutions addressing such challenges in a laboratory environment.High data rate millimeter-wave transmission experiments have been demonstrated with the help of advanced instrumentations. These demonstrations show the potential of transceiver chipsets. On the other hand, the real-time communication demonstrations are limited to either low modulation order signals or low symbol rate transmissions. The reason for that is the lack of commercially available high-speed analog-to-digital converters (ADCs); therefore, conventional digital synchronization methods are difficult to implement in real-time systems at very high data rates. In this thesis, two synchronous baseband receivers are proposed with carrier recovery subsystems which only require low-speed ADCs [A][B].Besides synchronization, high-frequency signal generation is also a challenge in millimeter-wave communications. The frequency divider is a critical component of a millimeter-wave frequency synthesizer. Having both wide locking range and high working frequencies is a challenge. In this thesis, a tunable delay gated ring oscillator topology is proposed for dual-mode operation and bandwidth extension [C]. Millimeter-wave radar offers advantages for high accuracy sensing. Traditional millimeter-wave radar with frequency-modulated continuous-wave (FMCW), or continuous-wave (CW), all have their disadvantages. Typically, the FMCW radar cannot share the spectrum with other FMCW radars.\ua0 With limited bandwidth, the number of FMCW radars that could coexist in the same area is limited. CW radars have a limited ambiguous distance of a wavelength. In this thesis, a phase-modulated radar with micrometer accuracy is presented [D]. It is applicable in a multi-radar scenario without occupying more bandwidth, and its ambiguous distance is also much larger than the CW radar. Orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) radar has similar properties. However, its traditional fast calculation method, fast Fourier transform (FFT), limits its measurement accuracy. In this thesis, an accuracy enhancement technique is introduced to increase the measurement accuracy up to the micrometer level [E]

    Low Power Circuit Design in Sustainable Self Powered Systems for IoT Applications

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    The Internet-of-Things (IoT) network is being vigorously pushed forward from many fronts in diverse research communities. Many problems are still there to be solved, and challenges are found among its many levels of abstraction. In this thesis we give an overview of recent developments in circuit design for ultra-low power transceivers and energy harvesting management units for the IoT. The first part of the dissertation conducts a study of energy harvesting interfaces and optimizing power extraction, followed by power management for energy storage and supply regulation. we give an overview of the recent developments in circuit design for ultra-low power management units, focusing mainly in the architectures and techniques required for energy harvesting from multiple heterogeneous sources. Three projects are presented in this area to reach a solution that provides reliable continuous operation for IoT sensor nodes in the presence of one or more natural energy sources to harvest from. The second part focuses on wireless transmission, To reduce the power consumption and boost the Tx energy efficiency, a novel delay cell exploiting current reuse is used in a ring-oscillator employed as the local oscillator generator scheme. In combination with an edge-combiner power amplifier, the Tx showed a measured energy efficiency of 0.2 nJ=bit and a normalized energy efficiency of 3.1 nJ=bit:mW when operating at output power levels up to -10 dBm and data rates of 3 Mbps

    Design techniques and implementations of high-speed analog communication circuits: two analog-to-digital converters and a 3.125Gb/s receiver

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    Low-cost and high performance analog building blocks are essentials to the realization of today\u27s high-speed networking and communications systems. Two such building blocks are analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and multi-gigabit per second transceivers. This thesis addresses two different ADC architectures and a 3.125Gb/s receiver Architecture;The first ADC architecture is a 10-bit, 100MS/s pipeline ADC. Techniques that enhance the gain-bandwidth of the operational amplifier, a key building block in analog-to-digital converters, as well as to increase its do gain are presented. Layout techniques to reduce the effect of parasitics on the performance of the ADC are also discussed. Since any ADC will have inherent errors in it, two calibration techniques that reduce the effect of these errors on the performance of the ADC are also presented.;For the second ADC, a new architecture is proposed that is capable of achieving higher performance than many current ADC architectures. The new architecture is based on a voltage controlled oscillator and a frequency detector. One reason for the high performance of the new ADC is the novel architecture of the frequency detector. This thesis includes detailed analysis as well as examples to illustrate the operation of the frequency detector.;Designing high-speed CMOS transceivers is a challenging process, especially, when using digital CMOS process that exhibits poor analog performance. Circuit implementation and design techniques that are used to design and enhance the performance of the receiver block of a 3.125Gb/s transceiver in a 0.18u digital CMOS process are presented and fully explained in this thesis. Silicon results have shown that these techniques have resulted in outstanding and very robust receiver performance under different operating conditions

    Towards Very Large Scale Analog (VLSA): Synthesizable Frequency Generation Circuits.

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    Driven by advancement in integrated circuit design and fabrication technologies, electronic systems have become ubiquitous. This has been enabled powerful digital design tools that continue to shrink the design cost, time-to-market, and the size of digital circuits. Similarly, the manufacturing cost has been constantly declining for the last four decades due to CMOS scaling. However, analog systems have struggled to keep up with the unprecedented scaling of digital circuits. Even today, the majority of the analog circuit blocks are custom designed, do not scale well, and require long design cycles. This thesis analyzes the factors responsible for the slow scaling of analog blocks, and presents a new design methodology that bridges the gap between traditional custom analog design and the modern digital design. The proposed methodology is utilized in implementation of the frequency generation circuits – traditionally considered analog systems. Prototypes covering two different applications were implemented. The first synthesized all-digital phase-locked loop was designed for 400-460 MHz MedRadio applications and was fabricated in a 65 nm CMOS process. The second prototype is an ultra-low power, near-threshold 187-500 kHz clock generator for energy harvesting/autonomous applications. Finally, a digitally-controlled oscillator frequency resolution enhancement technique is presented which allows reduction of quantization noise in ADPLLs without introducing spurs.PhDElectrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/109027/1/mufaisal_1.pd

    A built-in self-test technique for high speed analog-to-digital converters

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    Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PhD grant (SFRH/BD/62568/2009