134,635 research outputs found

    Past, present and future of information and knowledge sharing in the construction industry: Towards semantic service-based e-construction

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    The paper reviews product data technology initiatives in the construction sector and provides a synthesis of related ICT industry needs. A comparison between (a) the data centric characteristics of Product Data Technology (PDT) and (b) ontology with a focus on semantics, is given, highlighting the pros and cons of each approach. The paper advocates the migration from data-centric application integration to ontology-based business process support, and proposes inter-enterprise collaboration architectures and frameworks based on semantic services, underpinned by ontology-based knowledge structures. The paper discusses the main reasons behind the low industry take up of product data technology, and proposes a preliminary roadmap for the wide industry diffusion of the proposed approach. In this respect, the paper stresses the value of adopting alliance-based modes of operation

    Digital Transformation of Bank Syariah Indonesia Services and Its Impact on Financial Inclusion

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    Islamic financial inclusion is the openness of providing access and use of a variety of convenient and affordable financial services by sharia. In supporting the realization of the Sharia financial inclusion target and the Indonesian Sharia Banking Development Roadmap (RPSI) for 2020-2025, Bank Syariah Indonesia strives for customer convenience and comfort by providing access to various products and services digitally. The research method uses a type of qualitative descriptive research with a library research method. The types of data used are primary data and secondary, primary data obtained from BSI's official website and result reports, secondary data obtained from other people's research, documentation data, and studies relevant to this study. The purpose of the study was to determine 1) the level of financial literacy index and Islamic financial inclusion index in Indonesia. 2) to recognize Bank Syariah Indonesia's efforts in seeking Sharia financial inclusion targets and the Indonesian Sharia Banking Development Roadmap (RPSI) for 2020-2025. The results showed that the level of Islamic financial literacy and inclusion index in 2022 increased to 9.14% and 12.12% from the previous 8.93% and 9.10

    Digital Transformation of Bank Syariah Indonesia Services and Its Impact on Financial Inclusion

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    Islamic financial inclusion is the openness of providing access and use of a variety of convenient and affordable financial services by sharia. In supporting the realization of the Sharia financial inclusion target and the Indonesian Sharia Banking Development Roadmap (RPSI) for 2020-2025, Bank Syariah Indonesia strives for customer convenience and comfort by providing access to various products and services digitally. The research method uses a type of qualitative descriptive research with a library research method. The types of data used are primary data and secondary, primary data obtained from BSI's official website and result reports, secondary data obtained from other people's research, documentation data, and studies relevant to this study. The purpose of the study was to determine 1) the level of financial literacy index and Islamic financial inclusion index in Indonesia. 2) to recognize Bank Syariah Indonesia's efforts in seeking Sharia financial inclusion targets and the Indonesian Sharia Banking Development Roadmap (RPSI) for 2020-2025. The results showed that the level of Islamic financial literacy and inclusion index in 2022 increased to 9.14% and 12.12% from the previous 8.93% and 9.10

    Roadmap Strategis Penerapan Satu Data Aparatur Sipil Negara

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    Information Technology governance is a series of IT strategies, planning, policies, IT implementation, resources and activity control. Data governance helps organizations in the availability, usability, integrity and security of data as a valuable asset in the organization. The State Civil Service Agency as the data manager for the State Civil Service is committed to providing data-based ASN management services by providing quality ASN data that is accurate, up-to-date, integrated and accountable and easy to access and use between agencies through one ASN data. Improving the quality of ASN data, some face problems related to data completeness and accuracy, for this reason a strategy roadmap for implementing one ASN data is needed. This research uses a fishbone diagram analysis approach to identify problems, gap analysis to determine strategic steps and risk analysis to describe the risks in each strategic activity. A hybrid and synthetic approach was taken to formulate each dimension in the strategy roadmap as well as strategic steps in each dimension. The research results explain that there are nine dimensions of the roadmap strategy, namely regulations/policies, ICT human resources in the data sector, data architecture, master/reference data, data standards, metadata, databases, data quality and data interoperability. The roadmap strategy is preceded by determining the vision, mission and goals of Satu Data ASN.Tata kelola Teknologi Informasi merupakan serangkaian strategi TI, perencanaan, kebijakan, praktik penerapan TI, sumber daya, dan aktivitas pengendalian. Tata kelola data membantu organisasi dalam pengelolaan ketersediaan, kegunaan, integritas dan keamanan data sebagai aset berharga di organisasi. Badan Kepegawaian Negara sebagai pengelola data Aparatur Sipil Negara berkomitmen untuk dapat menyelenggarakan layanan manajemen ASN berbasis data melalui pemenuhan kualitas data ASN yang akurat, mutakhir, terpadu dan dapat dipertanggung jawabkan serta mudah diakses dan di bagipakaikan antar instansi melalui satu data ASN. Peningkatan kualitas data ASN menghadapi beberapa isu permasalahan terkait dengan kelengkapan dan keakuratan data, untuk itu diperlukan roadmap strategi untuk penerapan satu data ASN. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fishbone diagram analysis untuk mengidentifikasi permasalahan, gap analysis untuk menentukan langkah strategis dan analisis risiko untuk dapat menggambarkan risiko disetiap aktivitas strategis. Pendekatan hybrid dan sintesis dilakukan untuk memformulasikan setiap dimensi dalam roadmap strategis serta langkah strategis dalam setiap dimensi. Hasil penelitian menjelaskan bahwa terdapat sembilan dimensi roadmap strategis yaitu peraturan/kebijakan, SDM TIK bidang data, Arsitektur data, datainduk/referensi, standar data, metadata, basis data, kualitas data dan interoperabilitas data. Roadmap strategis didahuliui dengan penentuan visi, misi dan tujuan Satu Data ASN. &nbsp

    A Roadmap to Reduce U.S. Food Waste by 20 Percent

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    The magnitude of the food waste problem is difficult to comprehend. The U.S. spends $218 billion a year -- 1.3% of GDP -- growing, processing, transporting, and disposing of food that is never eaten. The causes of food waste are diverse, ranging from crops that never get harvested, to food left on overfilled plates, to near-expired milk and stale bread. ReFED is a coalition of over 30 business, nonprofit, foundation, and government leaders committed to building a different future, where food waste prevention, recovery, and recycling are recognized as an untapped opportunity to create jobs, alleviate hunger, and protect the environment -- all while stimulating a new multi-billion dollar market opportunity. ReFED developed A Roadmap to Reduce U.S. Food Waste as a data-driven guide to collectively take action to reduce food waste at scale nationwide.This Roadmap report is a guide and a call to action for us to work together to solve this problem. Businesses can save money for themselves and their customers. Policymakers can unleash a new wave of local job creation. Foundations can take a major step in addressing environmental issues and hunger. And innovators across all sectors can launch new products, services, and business models. There will be no losers, only winners, as food finds its way to its highest and best use

    Analysis and Design of Data Governance at the Financial Services Authority

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    This research is a case study conducted at the Financial Services Authority on the implementation of a data governance framework based on the model from The Data Management Association in 2017. The purpose of this study is to produce a data governance framework in managing integrated Financial Services Sector data. This study uses a qualitative approach in describing data governance activities. The research instruments were interviews, questionnaires, and content analysis. The results show that data governance frameworks provide guidelines for various parties to act in accordance with the strategies that have been developed. Data governance program at the Financial Services Authority requires further improvements in the form of establishing a data governance charter, assessing the maturity level of data management capabilities, defining the operational framework, adjusting the roadmap, establishing a change management team, creating mechanisms and procedures for handling data problems, and developing tools and techniques which supports the entire data governance program

    Toward autonomic distributed data mining using intelligent web services.

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    This study defines a new approach for building a Web Services based infrastructure for distributed data mining applications. The proposed architecture provides a roadmap for autonomic functionality of the infrastructure hiding the complexity of implementation details and enabling the user with a new level of usability in data mining process. Web Services based infrastructure delivers all required data mining activities in a utility-like fashion enabling heterogeneous components to be incorporated in a unified manner. Moreover, this structure allows the implementation of data mining algorithms for processing data on more than one source in a distributed manner. The purpose of this study is to present a simple, but efficient methodology for determining when data distributed at several sites can be centralized and analyzed as data from the same theoretical distribution. This analysis also answers when and how the semantics of the sites is influenced by distribution in data. This hierarchical framework with advanced and core Web Services improves the current data mining capability significantly in terms of performance, scalability, efficiency, transparency of resources, and incremental extensibility

    Reconsidering the Challenges of mPayments: A Roadmap to Plotting the Potential of the Future mCommerce Market

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    The current market penetration of mobile phones in conjunction with an expected growth of mCommerce offers a high potential for the growth of mPayment over the next few years. Research analysts have predicted that mPayments will gain a significant foothold in coming years although high-speed data services and the requisite demand will not materialize overnight. A wide variety of mPayment technologies are available today, but the value of such services is not clear. Services launched have seen both success and failure and therefore service providers need a realistic vision of the future. This paper explores the factors that affect the growth of the mPayments market and attempts to provide a roadmap for reassessing the potential success of this future market. 1

    Scanning the Data Environment at the University of Massachusetts Medical School

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    Objective Environmental scanning constitutes a primary mode of organizational learning” (Choo 1999). In a step toward active development of research data support services for its community, the Lamar Soutter Library at the University of Massachusetts Medical School has undertaken extensive environmental scanning to better understand the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges of an academic biomedical institution with respect to research data. Given the variety of potential data services that an academic library may deploy, the information gathered from these activities will identify and prioritize new library activities. Method Environmental scanning activities include a survey of student’s experiences and attitudes with research data management; faculty and administrator interviews (via the DuraSpace 2014 eScience Institute program); and the identification of existing local services and policy documents related to research data. Results from these activities are analyzed by the Library Data Services Advisory Group and the eScience Institute working group to plot a formal roadmap for library-based data services. Results Students, faculty, administrators, and existing documentation together reveal a variety of attitudes, assumptions, and avenues for the handling of research data on campus. They identify potential activities where the library might play a role, some expected and some unexpected. Conclusion Information gathered during environmental scanning activities at the University of Massachusetts Medical School informs the development and prioritization of library-based research data support services