219 research outputs found


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    The paper analyses familiar definitions of sports, makes difference between professional sportspeople and amateurs and compare communitarian sources related to the rights of professional sportspeople in different sports. Professional sportspeople recruitment is a complex topic that has not been regulated yet. State members of the European Union recognise sport activity in their legal acts as an economic issue and it can be the first step to our legislature for defining the status of sportspeople in that way. It can be noticed that sportspeople recruitment is specific in relation to other professions. Also, there are many rules and regulations of this matter although it has not been legally regulated yet. It is still under the jurisdiction of the non-government sector, which means that sport federations regulate this field and official legislation has not covered all issues yet.U radu se analiziraju do sada poznate definicije sporta, pravi se razlika između profesionalnih sportista i amatera, vrÅ”i se poređenje komunitarnih izvora vezanih za prava profesionalnih sportista u različitim sportovima. Pitanje regulisanja radnog angažovanja profesionalnih sportista predstavlja složenu temu koja joÅ” nije dovoljno razrađena. Države članice Evropske unije, u svojim pravnim aktima, prepoznale su sportsku aktivnost kao ekonomsku i to može biti prvi korak i naÅ”im zakonodavcima pri potpunijem određivanju statusa sportista. Ono Å”to može da se primeti je da postoje specifičnosti radnog anga- žovanja sportista u odnosu na druge profesije, kao i da postoji veliki broj pravila koja ovu materiju reguliÅ”u, mada ona joÅ” uvek nije u dovoljnoj meri pravno uobličena. JoÅ” uvek je prepuÅ”teno nevladinom sektoru, tj. sportskim federacijama da uređuju ovu oblast, a zvanična zakonodavstva joÅ” nisu u dovoljnoj meri obuhvatila ova pitanja

    untitled, ambiguity and architecture

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    Thesis: M. Arch., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Architecture, May, 2020Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (page 151).This thesis seeks to expand Robert Venturi's concept of ambiguity in architecture to include meanings that, extending beyond the formal and semiotic, are rooted in narrative. It takes as a precedent the work of Larry Sultan and Mike Mandel, two artists whose book Evidence explores both formal and narrative ambiguity in photography. This expanded definition of ambiguity evokes the mercurial and conflicting thoughts, feelings, facts, and memories that are at the core of architectural experience yet remain conspicuously absent from contemporary discourse. untitled consists of four books that collectively and equally constitute the thesis. Each book can be intepereted independently or in dialogue with its companions. Braddock, Pennsylvania is a steel town downriver from Pittsburgh, in Allegheny County. The town's dualities are manifest in the narrative tensions between past and present, mind and body, growth and decay.It is home to the first Carnegie Free Library in the US as well as to the Edgar Thomson Steel Works - one of America's earliest, and still-operating, steel mills. Braddock Avenue runs the length of the town and serves as a mile-long Main Street that encompasses the breadth of the town's vernacular American architectural history. The thesis takes as its site the empty lots along Braddock Ave. that now make up nearly half of the streetscape. Without speculating on the uncertain future of the town's industry, the project engages the divergent narratives of the town by imagining a renewal of Braddock Avenue. A formal strategy of mirroring the existing urban fabric is deployed in an act analogous to the production of photographic images. Where possible, existing buildings are mirrored onto adjacent empty lots; in this act each building is isolated, duplicated, and transformed.The buildings' bounds are reproduced inversely while their materiality and tectonic languages are replaced by new mass timber structural systems and surfaces. Together with these mirrored forms, the sharply differing color of light reflected on these new materials evokes divergent memories and feelings associated with the work of photographers like Diane Arbus and Stephen Shore, who capture the melancholy, peculiarities and optimism of American urban abjection. The dialectic between the town and the mill is represented by a new community center inserted at the heart of Braddock Avenue, radically skewed on an open site adjacent to the Carnegie Library. This singular anomaly is a distorted mirror of the building forms found in the Edgar Thomson Steel Mill, representing the capacity of mirroring to make architecture participate in an expanding field.The new building's typology, materiality, tectonics, and programs collectively evoke divergent readings that are at once historic and speculative, sacred and profane.by Dennis Steven Kosovac.M. Arch.M.Arch. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Architectur

    Impact of Covid-19 on the Logistics Sector of Public Postal Operators in The Western Balkans

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    The Covid-19 pandemic has a direct impact on the social, economic, political, and other segments of society through a large number of lockdowns in 2020 and 2021. The largest postal and logistics companies as an integral part of the supply chain have been directly affected by the Covid 19 pandemic. Disruption in the supply chain significantly affects the movement of goods and the economic development of countries. This paper investigates the impact of the covid-19 pandemic on the logistics sector, with special emphasis on public postal operators (PPO) in some countries of the Western Balkans (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia). The paper analyzes the movement of express shipments in domestic transport, as well as imports and exports for 2020. There is almost no research on the implications of the covid-19 pandemic on the postal and logistics sectors of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, and Serbia. The aim of this research is to understand the impact of the pandemic on this sector


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    The manuscript encloses the first finding of the leafhopper Arboridia kakogawana (Hemiptera: Auchenorrhyncha: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae) in Serbia. On total of four sites in Vojvodina, identification based on the morphological characters gave us data on the presence of this allochtonous species that was previously detected in Romania and Crimean peninsula. Arboridia kakogawana is known as the grapevine pest and it was observed in Serbia on two localities on damaged grapevine plants expressing characteristic symptoms of its presence such as intensive chlorotic patches. Individuals were collected using entomological nets and light traps

    Water Management Worldwide is Failing, Itā€™s Time for a New Approach

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    Climate extremes are not going away during the pandemic, testing water management to its limits. We need robust inter-disciplinary solutions from climate and social scientists, engineers and lawyers

    Empathy in the Prevention of Cyber-aggression

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    The development of life skills is an important factor in the prevention of cyber-aggression. The most important skill is the ability of empathize. Empathy leads to greater sensitivity to other people, altruism, care, tolerance, and acceptance of differences. This ability is thus rightly desirable in a pluralistic cyberspace, allowing people to function together and express opinions without mutual vilification, humiliation, or abuse. The generation of ā€œscreenagersā€ is significantly threatened by modern socio-pathological phenomena. Emotional laxity and failure of emotional life are to blame for all of this. The study presents the results of research on the verification of the effectiveness of preventive activities aimed at the empathetic experience of pupils in the natural and digital environment. The research sample consisted of 30 pupils aged 9 to 10 years. Half of the pupils (N=15) represented the experimental group and the other half (N=15) the control group. The ratio of girls and boys was approximately equal. The research results showed that the experimental group reported a significantly higher level of empathy than the control group after completing the preventive activities (p = 0.04 > Ī± = 0.05). The preventive program used in our research included self-experience activities, which, according to our expectations, increased the ability of empathy in the experimental group. At the same time, our findings confirm previous research verifying the mutual correlation between the level of empathy and experiences with cyber-aggression

    Representation of Third Age on Film

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    Pokazatelji kvaliteta - kvalitet polutki i mesa svinja različitih genotipova

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    In the paper, lean meat and quality of meat from pigs of 5 different genotypes were investigated: pure Landrace breed (L), genotype A; two hybrid combinations (Large Yorkshire x Landrace) x Duroc (LY x L) x D, genotype B; (Large Yorkshire x Landrace) x Pietrain (LY x L) x P, genotype C; and tow recurrent mating combinations: (Large Yorkshire x Landrace) x Large Yorkshire (F1x LY, genotype D) and (Large Yorkshire x Landrace) x Landrace (F1 x L, genotype E). Relevant indicators of lean meat were analyzed early post mortem and by method of partial dissection on cooled left carcass sides according to recommendation of EU. By analysis of obtained results it was established that the best indicator of lean meat of pig carcass sides mass of muscle tissue in four main parts. This conclusion derives from the fact that fatteners (genotype C) which had the greatest mass of muscle tissue in four main parts (15,33kg) also had the highest lean meat share in leg, shoulder, back-loin part (BLP) and belly-rib part (BRP) (69,67%, 57,71%, 54,42% and 44,99%) and highest share of muscle tissue in carcass sides when any of the mentioned investigation methods was applied (51,23 and 60,73%) compared to fatteners of other investigated genotypes. The quality of meat was investigated by determination of its technological quality and chemical composition of the MLD. Technological quality and chemical composition of MLD meat exhibited significant (*p (lt) 0,05) differences in WBC and pigment content between genotypes B and C, as well as B and E. Average values for content of ashes and share of pigments corresponds with average values characterizing muscles of normal properties. By analysis of obtained results we can conclude that fatteners of genotype E had the highest meat yield in carcass sides, but of slightly lower quality, which indicates the need for further work on improvement of meat quality.U radu su vrÅ”ena ispitivanja mesnatosti i kvaliteta mesa svinja 5 različitih genotipova, od čega jedna čista rasa landras (L) dve hibridne kombinacije: (veliki jorkÅ”ir x landras) x durok (VJ x L) x D, genotip B; (veliki jorkÅ”ir x landras) x pietren (VJ x L) x P, genotip C; i dve povratne kombinacije parenja: (veliki jorkÅ”ir x landras) x veliki jorkÅ”ir (F1x VJ, grenotip D) i (veliki jorkÅ”ir x landras) x landras (F1 x L, genotip E). Analizirani su i relevantni pokazatelji mesnatosti ocenjeni rano post mortem na liniji klanja FOM metodom i metodom parcijalne disekcije na ohlađenim levim polutkama po preporuci EU. Analizom dobijenih rezultata ustanovljeno je da je najbolji indikator mesnatosti svinjskih polutki masa miÅ”ićnog tkiva u četiri osnovna dela. Ovakav zaključak proizilazi iz činjenice zato Å”to su tovljenici (genotip C), imali najveću masu miÅ”ićnog tkiva u četiri osnovna dela (15,33kg) i najveći udeo miÅ”ićnog tkiva u butu, plećki, LSD i TRD (69,67%, 57,71%, 54,42% i 44,99%) i najveći udeo miÅ”ićnog tkiva u polutkama pri koriŔćenju bilo koje od navedenih metoda ispitivanja (51,23 i 60,73%) u odnosu na tovljenike ostalih ispitivanih genotipova. Ispitivan je i kvalitet mesa određivanjem tehnoloÅ”kog kvaliteta i hemijskog sastava MLD-a. TehnoloÅ”ki kvalitet i hemijski sastav mesa MLD-a ispoljio je značajne (*p (lt) 0,05) razlike u SVV i sadržaju pigmenata između genotipova B i C i B i E. Prosečne vrednosti za sadržaj pepela i udeo pigmenata odgovara prosečnim vrednostima koje karakteriÅ”e miÅ”iće normalnih svojstava. Analizom dobijenih rezultata zaključujemo da su tovljenici genotipa E imali najveći prinos mesa u polutkama no neÅ”to umanjenog kvaliteta, Å”to iziskuje dalji rad na poboljÅ”anju kvaliteta mesa

    Representation of Third Age on Film

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