8 research outputs found

    Review of the assembly instructions, analysis of the amount of copper used for brazing, automation of the change of format of a set of files, data analysis, and optimization of the shuttle service provided by a company for the pick-up and delivery of its workers

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    El primer bloque re煤ne las tareas y responsabilidades que he tenido como ingeniero junior en Franklin Brazing & Metal Treating durante mis pr谩cticas. Desde la revisi贸n y actualizaci贸n o correcci贸n de antiguas instrucciones de ensamble, hasta el an谩lisis de datos de producci贸n y mano de trabajo para la optimizaci贸n de procesos. Tambi茅n fui responsable de crear una tabla de c谩lculo para el proceso de Brazing y la automatizaci贸n del cambio de formato de las instrucciones de trabajo de la empresa. Tanto Franklin como yo hemos terminado esta experiencia muy satisfechos. Agradezco a la Universidad del Pa铆s Vasco y a la Universidad de Cincinnati la preparaci贸n y oportunidades que me han dado.This paper brings together the tasks and responsibilities I have had as a junior engineer at Franklin Brazing & Metal Treating during my internship. From reviewing and updating or correcting old assembly instructions, to analyzing production and labor data for process optimization. I was also responsible for creating a calculation template for the Brazing process and automating the changeover of the company's work instruction format. Both Franklin and I have finished this experience very satisfied. I thank the University of the Basque Country and the University of Cincinnati for the technical preparation and opportunities they have given me.Lan honek praktiketan Franklin Brazing & Metal Treating enpresako ingeniari junior gisa izan ditudan zereginak eta erantzukizunak biltzen ditu. Muntatzeko argibide zaharrak berrikustea eta eguneratzea edo zuzentzea, ekoizpenaren datuak eta eskulanak aztertzea prozesuak optimizatzeko. Soldadura prozesurako kalkulu taula sortzeaz eta konpainiaren lan argibideen birformatizazioa automatizatzeaz ere arduratu nintzen. Franklinek eta biok oso pozik amaitu dugu esperientzia hau. Eskerrak ematen dizkiet Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateari eta Cincinnatiko Unibertsitateari eman didaten prestaketa eta aukerengatik

    Evaluation of a team-based collection and delivery operation

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    The rise in the volume of e-commerce is adding increasing pressure on the logistics of parcel delivery. To improve the efficiency of their operations, the parcel industry in Japan is exploring team-based collection and delivery (TCD), whereby the sales driver (SD) hands out parcels to the field crews (FC), who subsequently deliver them to the door. However, the efficiency of TCD is still understudied. This study proposes a method for optimizing the delivery route for TCD and evaluates the efficiency of the ongoing operation. The TCD delivery problem focuses on minimizing the task completion time using parameters derived through surveys of the actual operations. Comparison between seven different methods show that the newly proposed method of fuzzy c-means clustering with a genetic algorithm outperforms the rest, rapidly computing sufficiently accurate results. Results suggest that the proposed optimal route reduces the total delivery time by up to 18.7%. However, the amount of time saved varies considerably by the area and the number of parcels delivered. Additional constraints for improving driver safety, the cost-benefit of increasing FCs, and the impact on the environmental cost are also considered. The proposed method also helps spread the workload and the travel time of the FCs more evenly, thus further reducing the total delivery time

    Smart Sensing and Neural Network Based Reasoning for Optimal Fleet Route Planning With Fuel Economy

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    Nowadays, E-commerce is vastly popularized, and people can easily shop online from anywhere in the world. The progress of globalization also makes most commodities contain parts that are made from different places of the world. Freight transport by truck plays a vital role in such activities. Increasing the efficiency and reducing the waste of such transportation has a significant impact on not only increasing the profit of the transportation company but also making it more friendly to the environment. To increase such efficiency, this thesis proposed a Smart Fleet Dispatching and Route Planning System. This is established with two aspects: The Real-Time Data Collection and Processing and The Fuel Consumption Rate Focused Route Planning Model. The first aspects enable the truck to collect real-time data such as weight and traffic conditions. The weight is attained by frequency domain analysis, and the traffic condition is attained by neural networks. The second aspect uses the data from the first aspect to create a model that is better represented in practice than the conventional route planning model. As the cost of transportation is majorly determined by the fuel consumed, and the fuel consumption rate can be assumed to be linearly related to the weight and the traffic condition. The thesis verified the performance of the proposed model via simulation, which compares the fuel used with the output plan from the conventional Capacitated Vehicle Route Planning model.M.S

    Exact Models, Heuristics, and Supervised Learning Approaches for Vehicle Routing Problems

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    This dissertation presents contributions to the field of vehicle routing problems by utilizing exact methods, heuristic approaches, and the integration of machine learning with traditional algorithms. The research is organized into three main chapters, each dedicated to a specific routing problem and a unique methodology. The first chapter addresses the Pickup and Delivery Problem with Transshipments and Time Windows, a variant that permits product transfers between vehicles to enhance logistics flexibility and reduce costs. To solve this problem, we propose an efficient mixed-integer linear programming model that has been shown to outperform existing ones. The second chapter discusses a practical workforce scheduling problem, formulated as a specific type of vehicle routing problem. The objective here is to efficiently assign consultants to various clients and plan their trips. This computational challenge is addressed by using a two-stage approach: the first stage employs a mathematical model, while the second stage refines the solution with a heuristic algorithm. In the final chapter, we explore methods that integrate machine learning with traditional approaches to address the Traveling Salesman Problem, a foundational routing challenge. Our goal is to utilize supervised learning to predict information that boosts the efficiency of existing algorithms. Taken together, these three chapters offer a comprehensive overview of methodologies for addressing vehicle routing problems

    Simulating The Impact of Emissions Control on Economic Productivity Using Particle Systems and Puff Dispersion Model

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    A simulation platform is developed for quantifying the change in productivity of an economy under passive and active emission control mechanisms. The program uses object-oriented programming to code a collection of objects resembling typical stakeholders in an economy. These objects include firms, markets, transportation hubs, and boids which are distributed over a 2D surface. Firms are connected using a modified Prim鈥檚 Minimum spanning tree algorithm, followed by implementation of an all-pair shortest path Floyd Warshall algorithm for navigation purposes. Firms use a non-linear production function for transformation of land, labor, and capital inputs to finished product. A GA-Vehicle Routing Problem with multiple pickups and drop-offs is implemented for efficient delivery of commodities across multiple nodes in the economy. Boids are autonomous agents which perform several functions in the economy including labor, consumption, renting, saving, and investing. Each boid is programmed with several microeconomic functions including intertemporal choice models, Hicksian and Marshallian demand function, and labor-leisure model. The simulation uses a Puff Dispersion model to simulate the advection and diffusion of emissions from point and mobile sources in the economy. A dose-response function is implemented to quantify depreciation of a Boid鈥檚 health upon contact with these emissions. The impact of emissions control on productivity and air quality is examined through a series of passive and active emission control scenarios. Passive control examines the impact of various shutdown times on economic productivity and rate of emissions exposure experienced by boids. The active control strategy examines the effects of acceptable levels of emissions exposure on economic productivity. The key findings on 7 different scenarios of passive and active emissions controls indicate that rate of productivity and consumption in an economy declines with increased scrutiny of emissions from point sources. In terms of exposure rates, the point sources may not be the primary source of average exposure rates, however they significantly impact the maximum exposure rate experienced by a boid. Tightening of emissions control also negatively impacts the transportation sector by reducing the asset utilization rate as well as reducing the total volume of goods transported across the economy

    Soluci贸n del problema de enrutamiento de veh铆culos con entregas y recogidas simult谩neas : Una nueva matheur铆stica

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    Este libro, producto de mi tesis doctoral, presenta una metodolog铆a para resolver el problema de enrutamiento de veh铆culos homog茅neos con recogidas y entregas simult谩neas (VRPSPD) utilizando matheur铆stica formada por el algoritmo gen茅tico especializado Chu -Beasley y t茅cnicas exactas de programaci贸n lineal de enteros mixtos, basadas en el procedimiento Branch -and- Bound, aplicado a la mejor configuraci贸n obtenida del algoritmo gen茅tico con el apoyo de m茅todos heur铆sticos constructivos en la determinaci贸n de los subproblemas, que hacen parte de la generaci贸n de la poblaci贸n inicial, necesaria en la etapa de mejora local. El problema considera un conjunto de clientes, cuyas demandas de recogida y entrega de productos o personas son conocidas, y cuyo objetivo es obtener el conjunto de rutas de costo m铆nimo, que permitan satisfacer la demanda de los clientes, considerando las respectivas limitaciones del sistema y los veh铆culos necesarios para completar el mismo. En su desarrollo se consideraron los siguientes aspectos: 路 Fundamentaci贸n te贸rica del problema de ruteo de veh铆culos con entregas y recogidas simult谩neas. 路 Dise帽o metodol贸gico para el desarrollo del contenido del libro. 路 Experimentos computacionales: La metodolog铆a desarrollada se implementa en C ++, y se utiliza un software de resoluci贸n CPLEX para encontrar la soluci贸n. La eficiencia de la implementaci贸n del algoritmo se verifica con el uso de instancias de prueba disponibles en la literatura especializada, obteniendo buenos resultados en las pruebas en tiempos de c贸mputo relativamente cortos