7,697 research outputs found

    A review of studies on information systems and SMEs in high ranked IS journals (2000-2014)

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    This paper identifies novel approaches to future small and medium enterprise (SME) research from a review of articles, and then introduces the papers in this AJIS special section which evidence these approaches. More specifically, the paper makes an important contribution by reviewing 61 articles in high ranked IS journals (2000-2014) and introducing three new facets which are used to analyse research on SME adoption/use of IS (units of analysis, SME sizes and SME types) not considered in previous literature review studies. These facets provide thebasis for proposing various future research opportunities. The editorial then introduces the four papers in this special section covering the research theme on SMEs, and highlights the contributions they make using the three facets

    A review of studies on information systems and SMEs in high ranked IS journals (2000-2014)

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    This paper identifies novel approaches to future small and medium enterprise (SME) research from a review of articles, and then introduces the papers in this AJIS special section which evidence these approaches. More specifically, the paper makes an important contribution by reviewing 61 articles in high ranked IS journals (2000-2014) and introducing three new facets which are used to analyse research on SME adoption/use of IS (units of analysis, SME sizes and SME types) not considered in previous literature review studies. These facets provide the basis for proposing various future research opportunities. The editorial then introduces the four papers in this special section covering the research theme on SMEs, and highlights the contributions they make using the three facets

    The Role of Banks in Financing Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Ghana- A Case Study of Universal Banks in Sekondi-Takoradi

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    Bank finance has been found as an important source of funds for most firms. This study examines the role banks play in addressing the finance gap facing SMEs in Ghana. Through a questionnaire survey, data was gathered from sampled Banks and SMEs in Sekondi-Takoradi. The data revealed that banks see SMEs as a profitable segment. Also bank finance enhances the profitability of beneficiary SMEs. This has encouraged a trend of increased bank involvement with the SME sector. However, SME specific factors, high interest rates, collateral requirements, lack of quality information, delays in judicial proceedings and difficulties in disposing collateral restrict further bank involvement with SMEs and the latter’s freedom to access bank finance. The authors conclude that all relevant stakeholders must contribute to fostering the trend by helping to mitigate the constraints through the implementation of deliberate policies that enhances trust between banks as lenders and SMEs. Key words: Role of Banks, Financing, Small and Medium Enterprises, Sekondi- Takoradi, Ghan

    Corporate Entrepreneurship of Emerging Market Firms: current research and future directions

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the current state of corporate entrepreneurship (CE) of emerging market firms (EMFs) and provide direction for future research on the topic. Design/methodology/approach – The authors specifically review the recent literature between the years 2000 and 2019 on CE with the keywords “corporate entrepreneurship,” “emerging economies” and “emerging countries” published in the Australian Business Deans Council list journals. The authors review the existing literature about CE in emerging markets, summarize current achievements and present an agenda for future research. Findings – Based on the review, the authors categorized the macro and micro contexts of CE and summarized the current articles on CE in emerging markets within each macro and micro context. The authors conclude that despite the abundance of research on CE that investigates the three prongs of CE in terms of innovation, strategic renewal and new venturing in developed market contexts, there is a scarcity of literature that focuses on CE in emerging markets from a holistic perspective. Originality/value – While there is an abundance of literature review on CE in general in terms of the drivers of the construct, the contexts contributing to it and the outcomes, the reviews are lacking about CE specifically within the context of emerging markets. Emerging markets vary from developed markets institutionally, economically, culturally, socially and technologically. However, the questions of how these differences impact the CE activities, as it relates to innovation, venturing and strategic renewal in EMFs, and how these differences provide incentives or hinder the activities that contribute to CE remain mostly unanswered. This paper reviewed the research on CE and emerging market contexts from 2000 to present. It targets to provide a better understanding of the current achievement on this topic and what to be done in the future

    SME default prediction: A systematic methodology-focused review

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    This study reviews the methodologies used in the literature to predict failure in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). We identified 145 SMEs’ default prediction studies from 1972 to early 2023. We summarized the methods used in each study. The focus points are estimation methods, sample re-balancing methods, variable selection techniques, validation methods, and variables included in the literature. More than 1,200 factors used in failure prediction models have been identified, along with 54 unique feature selection techniques and 80 unique estimation methods. Over one-third of the studies do not use any feature selection method, and more than one-quarter use only in-sample validation. Our main recommendation for researchers is to use feature selection and validate results using hold-out samples or cross-validation. As an avenue for further research, we suggest in-depth empirical comparisons of estimation methods, feature selection techniques, and sample re-balancing methods based on some large and commonly used datasets.publishedVersio

    Cloud computing adoption decision modelling for SMEs: a conjoint analysis

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    Cloud computing is an emerging technology that promises competitive advantages, cost savings, enhanced business processes and services, and various other benefits to enterprises. Despite the rapid technological advancement, the adoption of cloud computing is still growing slowly among small and mediumsized enterprises (SMEs). This paper presents a model to support the decisionmaking process, using a multi-criteria decision method PAPRIKA for the socio-technical aspects influencing SMEs cloud adoption decision. Due to the multifaceted nature of the cloud computing adoption process, the evaluation of various cloud services and deployment models have become a major challenge. This paper presents a systematic approach to evaluating cloud computing services and deployment models. Subsequently, we have conducted conjoint analysis activities with five SMEs decision makers as part of the distribution process of this decision modelling based on predetermined criteria. With the help of the proposed model, cloud services and deployment models can be ranked and selected

    Challenges of Finance and the Performance of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMES) in Lagos State

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    This study examined the challenges of finance as is experienced by business operators classified into micro, small and medium scale (MSMEs), and how this affects their financial performance. The study evaluated the efficiency of the different sources of funds available for the SMEs as well as other non financial factors responsible for the poor performance of SMEs in Nigeria. Given some of the government interventions to solving the issue of credit to SMEs, the operations of the micro finance banks were also evaluated to determine their capacity toward closing the funding gap for SMEs. This study became imperative given the conflicting reasons adduced to why small scale enterprises perform poorly in developing economies including Nigeria There was a need to find out if the major challenge of SMEs is indeed credit using the five divisions in Lagos State as the study area. The useable sample size consisted of 222 returned copies of questionnaire out of the 250 distributed representing 88.8% response rates. Quota sampling as well as stratified random sampling technique was applied in the choice of the five divisions under study and the distribution of the sampling frame; while convenience sampling technique was used to get to the individual respondents. Correlation and one sample t-test was used to test the hypotheses. The study indicated significant statistical difference for sources of funds and in the efficiency of the various sources. The challenge of funds still ranked highest followed by unstable power supply, while micro finance banks were expected to do more to assist the SMEs. Keywords: Challenges, Finance, Lagos State, MSMEs, Nigeria, SMEs

    Effectuation, domestic network strength, institutional voids and accelerated internationalization: Evidence from Latin American SMEs

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    [EN] This thesis investigates the type of domestic network strength and type of decisionmaking logic as causal conditions for achieving accelerated internationalisation in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) located in context of institutional voids. Furthermore, this dissertation explore the micro-mechanisms that connect the impact institutional voids, effectual networking and networks strength on the accelerated internationalisation of SMEs from Latin America. The existing literature shows discrepancies among researchers about the individual effect of networks strength, decision-making logic and institutional voids on accelerated internationalisation. Moreover, scholars argue that accelerated internationalization is a complex phenomenon that should be studied by identifying the complex relations among variables. However, it seems that no studies have explore this complex interaction and the connection among these factors. Consequently, researchers advise to increase the investigation about the effects of these variables on the accelerated internationalisation of SMEs. They have also suggest to incorporate effectuation and institutional voids to clarify these discrepancies. On this matter, researches warn that research on effectuation and internationalization is an emerging scientific field that lacks conceptual clarity. Recent studies also advice to move beyond foreign networks to explore the role of domestic networks on accelerated internationalization. Finally, there have been calls to advance research on Latin America that usually has been neglected in the existing literature. Therefore, this thesis aims to provide an approach based on three different methodologies: First, a bibliometric analysis to contribute to classify the literature of effectuation and internationalization, and identify its structure and key trends. Second, a fuzzy-set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) to investigates which causal conditions contribute to accelerated internationalization among 33 contrarian cases (21 from Colombia and 12 from Peru) of SMEs from context with institutional voids. Results show that the combination of weak domestic ties and effectuation logic accelerated the internationalization of SMEs with fewer resource constraints. In contrast, strong domestic ties and causation behaviour lead to accelerated internationalization of SMEs with greater resource constraints. Based on these findings, an integrative model that linked the causal configurations to reach accelerated internationalization is developed. Finally, an ordered logistic regression of 2.987 SMEs from Argentina, Colombia and Peru, to examine the micro-mechanisms that connect institutional voids, effectual networking, networks strength and location on the accelerated internationalisation of SMEs from Latin America. Results show that (1) rural cities, instead of first- and second-tier cities, accelerated the internationalization process of the firm. (2) Institutional voids, effectual networks and strong local ties increase the likelihood of accelerated internationalization. Finally, (3) we found a robust and high interaction effect between effectual networking, significant institutional voids, strong local ties, size of the firm and rural cities location on accelerated internationalization. Based on the findings, a conceptual model is presented.[ES] A partir del tipo de las relaciones de la red de contactos locales y la lógica en la toma de decisiones, esta tesis investiga las condiciones causales necesarias para que las pequeñas y medianas empresas (Pymes) que están situadas en contextos caracterizados por vacíos institucionales, logren tener una internacionalización acelerada. Adicionalmente, esta disertación explora los micro-mecanismos que conectan los vacíos institucionales, las redes efectúales y el tipo de relaciones (fuertes o débiles) con la internacionalización acelerada que presentan las Pymes de Latinoamérica. La literatura existente muestra discrepancias sobre el efecto individual que tienen las relaciones de la red de contactos locales, la lógica en la toma de decisiones y los vacíos institucionales sobre la internacionalización acelerada. Así mismo, los investigadores argumentan que este es un fenómeno complejo y por lo tanto, debería analizarse identificando las relaciones complejas que puedan existir entre las variables. Sin embargo, al parecer, ningún estudio ha explorado esta compleja interacción y la conexión que existe entre estos factores. En consecuencia, diversos estudios aconsejan ahondar en la investigación sobre los efectos que pueden tener estas variables sobre la internacionalización acelerada de las Pymes. Adicionalmente, han sugerido incorporar la efectuación y los vacíos institucionales como variables que pueden contribuir a aclarar estas discrepancias. Sobre este asunto, los investigadores advierten que la efectuación y la internacionalización, es un campo científico emergente que carece de claridad conceptual. Estudios recientes también aconsejan que la investigación vaya más allá de las redes internacionales para explorar el papel de las redes locales sobre la internacionalización acelerada. Finalmente, ha habido diversos llamados para avanzar en la investigación sobre América Latina, que es una región que generalmente se ha descuidado en la investigación existente. Consecuentemente, esta tesis tiene como objetivo desarrollar la investigación bajo tres metodologías diferentes: Primero, a través de un análisis bibliométrico que permite contribuir con la clasificación de la literatura, la identificación de la estructura y las tendencias de la investigación sobre la efectuación y la internacionalización de las Pymes. En segundo lugar, a través de un Análisis Cualitativo Comparativo (fsQCA por sus siglas en inglés) que contribuye a identificar las condiciones causales que favorecen la internacionalización acelerada de 33 casos contrarios (21 de Colombia y 12 de Perú) de Pymes localizadas en contextos con vacíos institucionales. El resultado de este estudio demuestra que la combinación de redes locales con lazos débiles y la lógica de la efectuación, contribuyen con la internacionalización acelerada de las Pymes que tienen menores limitaciones en sus recursos. En contraste, las redes locales con lazos fuertes y la lógica de causación, asisten la internacionalización acelerada de las Pymes que tienen una mayor limitación en sus recursos. En base a estos hallazgos, se desarrolla un modelo integrador que vincula las configuraciones causales que permiten obtener una internacionalización acelerada. Finalmente, a través de una regresión logística ordenada de 2.987 Pymes de Argentina, Colombia y Perú, se examinan los micro-mecanismos que conectan los vacíos institucionales, las redes efectúales, el tipo de relación con las redes de contacto y la localización con la internacionalización acelerada de las Pymes de Latinoamérica. Los resultados demuestran que las ciudades rurales, en lugar de las ciudades de primer y segundo nivel, aceleran la internacionalización de las empresas. Adicionalmente, los altos niveles de vacíos institucionales, las redes efectúales, las redes locales de lazos fuertes y localizarse en el área rural, aumentan la probabilidad de una internacionalización acelerada. Además, la investigación evidencia que existe un efecto de interacción fuerte y robusta entre las redes locales de lazos fuertes y los altos niveles de vacíos institucionales sobre la internacionalización acelerada. Este mismo efecto de interacción se da entre las redes locales de lazos fuertes y las redes efectúales y las redes locales de lazos fuertes con la localización en áreas rurales. Basados en estos resultados, se propone un modelo conceptual.[CA] A partir de la mena de les relacions de la xarxa de contactes locals i la lògica en la presa de decisions, aquesta tesi investiga les condicions causals necessàries perquè les petites i mitjanes empreses (Pimes) que estan situades en contextos caracteritzats per buits institucionals, aconseguisquen tindre una internacionalització accelerada. Addicionalment, aquesta dissertació explora els micro-mecanismes que connecten els buits institucionals, les xarxes efectua'ls i el tipus de relacions (fortes o febles) amb la internacionalització accelerada que presenten les Pimes de Llatinoamèrica. La literatura existent mostra discrepàncies sobre l'efecte individual que tenen les relacions de la xarxa de contactes locals, la lògica en la presa de decisions i els buits institucionals sobre la internacionalització accelerada. Així mateix, els investigadors argumenten que aquest és un fenomen complex i per tant, hauria d'analitzar-se identificant les relacions complexes que puguen existir entre les variables. No obstant això, pel que sembla, cap estudi ha explorat aquesta complexa interacció i la connexió que existeix entre aquests factors. En conseqüència, diversos estudis aconsellen aprofundir en la investigació sobre els efectes que poden tindre aquestes variables sobre la internacionalització accelerada de les Pimes. Addicionalment, han suggerit incorporar l'efectuació i els buits institucionals com a variables que poden contribuir a aclarir aquestes discrepàncies. Sobre aquest assumpte, els investigadors adverteixen que l'efectuació i la internacionalització, és un camp científic emergent que manca de claredat conceptual. Estudis recents també aconsellen que la investigació vaja més enllà de les xarxes internacionals per a explorar el paper de les xarxes locals sobre la internacionalització accelerada. Finalment, hi ha hagut diverses demandes per a avançar en la investigació sobre Amèrica Llatina, que és una regió que generalment s'ha desatès en la investigació existent. Conseqüentment, aquesta tesi té com a objectiu desenvolupar la investigació sota tres metodologies diferents: Primer, a través d'una anàlisi bibliomètrica que permet contribuir amb la classificació de la literatura, la identificació de l'estructura i les tendències de la investigació sobre l'efectuació i la internacionalització de les Pimes. En segon lloc, a través d'una Anàlisi Qualitativa Comparativa (*fsQCA per les seues sigles en anglés) que contribueix a identificar les condicions causals que afavoreixen la internacionalització accelerada de 33 casos contraris (21 de Colòmbia i 12 del Perú) de Pimes localitzades en contextos amb buits institucionals. El resultat d'aquest estudi demostra que la combinació de xarxes locals amb llaços febles i la lògica de l'efectuació, contribueixen amb la internacionalització accelerada de les Pimes que tenen menors limitacions en els seus recursos. En contrast, les xarxes locals amb llaços forts i la lògica de causació, assisteixen la internacionalització accelerada de les Pimes que tenen una major limitació en els seus recursos. Sobre la base d'aquests resultats, es desenvolupa un model integrador que vincula les configuracions causals que permeten obtindre una internacionalització accelerada. Finalment, a través d'una regressió logística ordenada de 2.987 Pimes de l'Argentina, Colòmbia i el Perú, s'examinen els micro-mecanismes que connecten els buits institucionals, les xarxes efectuals, el tipus de relació amb les xarxes de contacte i la localització amb la internacionalització accelerada de les Pimes de Llatinoamèrica. Els resultats demostren que els alts nivells de buits institucionals, les xarxes efectuals, les xarxes locals de llaços forts i localitzar-se en l'àrea rural, augmenten la probabilitat d'una internacionalització accelerada. A més, la investigació evidencia que existeix un efecte d'interacció forta i robusta entre les xarxes locals de llaços forts i els alts nivells de buits institucionals sobre la internacionalització accelerada. Aquest mateix efecte d'interacció es dona entre les xarxes locals de llaços forts i les xarxes efectuals i les xarxes locals de llaços forts amb la localització en àrees rural. Basats en aquests resultats, es proposa un model conceptual.Gil Barragán, JM. (2020). Effectuation, domestic network strength, institutional voids and accelerated internationalization: Evidence from Latin American SMEs [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/152489TESI

    University research: policy considerations to drive Australia’s competitiveness

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    Universities are integral to Australia’s research effort and provide the foundation of skills and knowledge required for the nation’s long-term success. Research and innovation have been consistently identified as essential ingredients for improving productivity and quality of life. If Australia is to continue to compete internationally, we must critically look at our performance and identify ways of strengthening all elements of the system. Australia’s research performance compares well internationally, both in productivity and research excellence. In terms of academic impact, there are clear areas of strength across the breadth of disciplines and Australia’s researchers are highly regarded. There is, however, room for improvement, especially relative to the best-performing nations. Knowledge exchange and the ease of translation of research into the broader economy and community are Australia’s main areas requiring substantial attention. An examination of the countries chosen for comparison—Switzerland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Singapore, South Korea, Malaysia, the United Kingdom and Canada—brings to light several similarities in their approaches that should be considered for Australia’s future approach: Long-term strategies and plans have been implemented, including targets and priority areas, accompanied by significant and ongoing support. The strategies focus on areas of national interest and comparative advantage and take into account the country’s industrial structure and location. The unique role of universities is recognised, as is the need to support a balance of investigator-led and mission-led research. If we are to improve Australia’s performance and achieve the broader aims for research, a range of matters needs to be considered by the university sector and government: Australia needs a long-term plan that outlines national priority areas and secures ongoing and reliable support for the fundamentals of the research system. Reward and recognition mechanisms at the researcher and university levels should be critically examined. We need to support a balance of basic and applied and investigator-led and mission-led research, maintaining the strong focus on research excellence. Australia must increase its efforts in both domestic and international collaboration, especially in the priority areas identified. The career path for researchers in all sectors must be improved. We must ensure our best and brightest can move freely between industry and academia. Holistic, ongoing funding for national research infrastructure is imperative. A transactional view of university–industry collaboration will not deliver the deep and productive relationships required to improve the translation of research. In view of accelerating investment in research and innovation by our Asian neighbours and traditional competitors, Australia could be close to the proverbial ‘tipping point’, whereby we are not able to achieve our goal of a high-wage, high-growth economy. A national strategy that addresses all facets of the system, targets both supply and demand, and includes long-term financial commitments is needed in order to bring about cultural change and improve Australia’s research and innovation performance. Universities Australia has prepared this paper to inform current and future debate about university research and its role in driving Australia’s competitiveness