467 research outputs found

    Multilayer Reversible Data Hiding Via Histogram Shifting

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    Concealing messages from unauthorised people has been desired since written communication first began. With advancements in digital communication technology and the growth of computer power and storage, the difficulty of ensuring the privacy of individuals and the protection of copyright has become increasingly challenging. Steganography finds a role in attempting to address these growing concerns. Problems arise in the steganography method because of the trade-off between capacity and imperceptibility whereby increasing the embedding capacity increases the distortion in the stego object and it thus becomes suspect. Another problem is concerned with non-retrieval of the original cover object whereby misplacing data could be crucial for example in the case of medical images. Reversible data hiding technique based on histogram shifting addresses the problem of retrieving the original cover. Embedding the secret message by shifting the histogram between the pair of the peak and minimum points wastes the embedding capacity and does not control the distortion in the stego image for various secret messages sizes. In this research, a technique for reversible data hiding is proposed which enables the retrieval of both the hidden secret message and the original image at the receiver’s side. The proposed technique considers the size of the secret message and the distribution of the colour values within the cover image to determine the value of the optimal pair or set of container and carried colours within the best sub image instead of the pair of peak and minimum points. The experimental results show that the proposed technique increases the embedding capacity within the cover image and produces a stego image with a high peak signal-to-noise ratio value. In addition, the experimental results show that by using the proposed re-shifting and extraction formulas, the technique has the ability to extract the hidden data and retrieve the original images from the stego images. In comparison to the traditional histogram-shifting techniques, the proposed technique significantly improves the stego image quality and the embedding capacity. Thus, this research has contributed to two principles, namely improvements in capacity and quality

    An Improved Reversible Data Hiding with Hierarchical Embedding for Encrypted Images and BBET

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    This research introduces an enhanced reversible data hiding (RDH) approach incorporating hierarchical embedding for encrypted images and employs a novel technique termed BBET (Best Bits Embedding Technique). RDH involves concealing information within a host sequence, enabling the restoration of both the host sequence and embedded data without loss from the marked sequence. While RDH has traditionally found applications in media annotation and integrity authentication, its utilisation has expanded into diverse fields. Given the rapid advancements in digital communication, computer technologies, and the Internet, ensuring information security poses a formidable challenge in safeguarding valuable data. Various reversible and stenographic techniques exist for covertly embedding or protecting data, spanning text, images, and protocols, and facilitating secure transmission to intended recipients. An influential approach in data security is reversible data hiding in encrypted images (RDHEI). This paper distinguishes between the conventional RDHEI technique, characterised by lower Peak Signal-to-Noise Ratio (PSNR) and higher Mean Squared Error (MSE), and proposes an improved RDHEI technique. As the prevalence of digital techniques for image transmission and storage rises, preserving image confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity becomes paramount. Text associated with an image, such as authentication or author information, can serve as embedded data. The recipient must adeptly recover both the concealed data and the original image. Reversible data-hiding techniques ensure the exact recovery of the original carrier after extracting the encrypted data. Classification of RDHEI techniques is based on the implemented method employed. This paper delves into a comprehensive exploration of techniques applicable to difference expansion, histogram shifting, and compression embedding for reversible data hiding. Emphasis is placed on the necessity for a reversible data-hiding technique that meticulously restores the host image. Furthermore, the study evaluates performance parameters associated with encryption processes, scrutinising their security aspects. The investigation utilises the MATLAB tool to develop the proposed BBET technique, comparing its efficacy in embedding and achieving enhanced security features. The BBET technique is characterised by reliability, high robustness, and secure data hiding, making it a valuable addition to the evolving landscape of reversible data hiding methodologies

    Prediction-error of Prediction Error (PPE)-based Reversible Data Hiding

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    This paper presents a novel reversible data hiding (RDH) algorithm for gray-scaled images, in which the prediction-error of prediction error (PPE) of a pixel is used to carry the secret data. In the proposed method, the pixels to be embedded are firstly predicted with their neighboring pixels to obtain the corresponding prediction errors (PEs). Then, by exploiting the PEs of the neighboring pixels, the prediction of the PEs of the pixels can be determined. And, a sorting technique based on the local complexity of a pixel is used to collect the PPEs to generate an ordered PPE sequence so that, smaller PPEs will be processed first for data embedding. By reversibly shifting the PPE histogram (PPEH) with optimized parameters, the pixels corresponding to the altered PPEH bins can be finally modified to carry the secret data. Experimental results have implied that the proposed method can benefit from the prediction procedure of the PEs, sorting technique as well as parameters selection, and therefore outperform some state-of-the-art works in terms of payload-distortion performance when applied to different images.Comment: There has no technical difference to previous versions, but rather some minor word corrections. A 2-page summary of this paper was accepted by ACM IH&MMSec'16 "Ongoing work session". My homepage: hzwu.github.i

    Digital watermarking : applicability for developing trust in medical imaging workflows state of the art review

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    Medical images can be intentionally or unintentionally manipulated both within the secure medical system environment and outside, as images are viewed, extracted and transmitted. Many organisations have invested heavily in Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS), which are intended to facilitate data security. However, it is common for images, and records, to be extracted from these for a wide range of accepted practices, such as external second opinion, transmission to another care provider, patient data request, etc. Therefore, confirming trust within medical imaging workflows has become essential. Digital watermarking has been recognised as a promising approach for ensuring the authenticity and integrity of medical images. Authenticity refers to the ability to identify the information origin and prove that the data relates to the right patient. Integrity means the capacity to ensure that the information has not been altered without authorisation. This paper presents a survey of medical images watermarking and offers an evident scene for concerned researchers by analysing the robustness and limitations of various existing approaches. This includes studying the security levels of medical images within PACS system, clarifying the requirements of medical images watermarking and defining the purposes of watermarking approaches when applied to medical images

    Histogram-based multilayer reversible data hiding method for securing secret data

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    In this modern age, data can be easily transferred within networks. This condition has brought the data vulnerable; so they need protection at all times. To minimize this threat, data hiding appears as one of the potential methods to secure data. This protection is done by embedding the secret into various types of data, such as an image. In this case, histogram shifting has been proposed; however, the amount of secret and the respective stego image are still challenging. In this research, we offer a method to improve its performance by performing some steps, for example removing the shifting process and employing multilayer embedding. Here, the embedding is done directly to the peak of the histogram which has been generated by the cover. The experimental results show that this proposed method has a better quality of stego image than existing ones. So, it can be one of possible solutions to protect sensitive data

    Reversible Data Hiding scheme using modified Histogram Shifting in Encrypted Images for Bio-medical images

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    Existing Least Significant Bit (LSB) steganography system is less robust and the stego-images can be corrupted easily by attackers. To overcome these problems Reversible data hiding (RDH) techniques are used. RDH is an efficient way of embedding confidential message into a cover image. Histogram expansion and histogram shifting are effective techniques in reversible data hiding. The embedded message and cover images can be extracted without any distortion. The proposed system focuses on implementation of RDH techniques for hiding data in encrypted bio-medical images without any loss. In the proposed techniques the bio-medical data are embedded into cover images by reversible data hiding technique. Histogram expansion and histogram shifting have been used to extract cover image and bio- medical data. Each pixel is encrypted by public key of Paillier cryptosystem algorithm. The homomorphic multiplication is used to expand the histogram of the image in encrypted domain. The histogram shifting is done based on the homomorphic addition and adjacent pixel difference in the encrypted domain. The message is embedded into the host image pixel difference. On receiving encrypted image with additional data, the receiver using his private key performs decryption. As a result, due to histogram expansion and histogram shifting embedded message and the host image can be recovered perfectly. The embedding rate is increased in host image than in existing scheme due to adjacency pixel difference