10 research outputs found

    Scalable ray tracing with multiple GPGPUs

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    Rapid development in the field of computer graphics over the last 40 years has brought forth different techniques to render scenes. Rasterization is today鈥檚 most widely used technique, which in its most basic form sequentially draws thousands of polygons and applies texture on them. Ray tracing is an alternative method that mimics light transport by using rays to sample a scene in memory and render the color found at each ray鈥檚 scene intersection point. Although mainstream hardware directly supports rasterization, ray tracing would be the preferred technique due to its ability to produce highly crisp and realistic graphics, if hardware were not a limitation. Making an immediate hardware transition from rasterization to ray tracing would have a severe impact on the computer graphics industry since it would require redevelopment of existing 3D graphics-employing software, so any transition to ray tracing would be gradual. Previous efforts to perform ray tracing on mainstream rasterizing hardware platforms with a single processor have performed poorly. This thesis explores how a multiple GPGPU system can be used to render scenes via ray tracing. A ray tracing engine and API groundwork was developed using NVIDIA鈥檚 CUDA (Compute Unified Device Architecture) GPGPU programming environment and was used to evaluate performance scalability across a multi-GPGPU system. This engine supports triangle, sphere, disc, rectangle, and torus rendering. It also allows independent activation of graphics features including procedural texturing, Phong illumination, reflections, translucency, and shadows. Correctness of rendered images validates the ray traced results, and timing of rendered scenes benchmarks performance. The main test scene contains all object types, has a total of 32 Abstract objects, and applies all graphics features. Ray tracing this scene using two GPGPUs outperformed the single-GPGPU and single-CPU systems, yielding respective speedups of up to 1.8 and 31.25. The results demonstrate how much potential exists in treating a modern dual-GPU architecture as a dual-GPGPU system in order to facilitate a transition from rasterization to ray tracing

    An Overview of BRDF Models

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    This paper is focused on the Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) in the context of algorithms for computational production of realistic synthetic images. We provide a review of most relevant analytical BRDF models proposed in the literature which have been used for realistic rendering. We also show different approaches used for obtaining efficient models from acquired reflectance data, and the related function fitting techniques, suitable for using that data in efficient rendering algorithms. We consider algorithms for computation of BRDF integrals, by using Monte-Carlo based numerical integration. In this context, we review known techniques to design efficient BRDF sampling schemes for both analytical and measured BRDF models.The authors have been partially supported by the Spanish Research Program under project TIN2004-07672-C03-02 and the Andalusian Research Program under project P08-TIC-03717

    Metoda strumieniowego mapowania fotonowego

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    Human Skin Modelling and Rendering

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    Creating realistic-looking skin is one of the holy grails of computer graphics and is still an active area of research. The problem is challenging due to the inherent complexity of skin and its variations, not only across individuals but also spatially and temporally among one. Skin appearance and reflectance vary spatially in one individual depending on its location on the human body, but also vary temporally with the aging process and the body state. Emotions, health, physical activity, and cosmetics for example can all affect the appearance of skin. The spatially varying reflectance of skin is due to many parameters, such as skin micro- and meso-geometry, thickness, oiliness, and pigmentation. It is therefore a daunting task to derive a model that will include all these parameters to produce realistic-looking skin. The problem is also compounded by the fact that we are very well accustomed to the appearance of skin and especially sensitive to facial appearances and expressions. Skin modelling and rendering is crucial for many applications such as games, virtual reality, films, and the beauty industry, to name a few. Realistic-looking skin improves the believability and realism of applications. The complexity of skin makes the topic of skin modelling and rendering for computer graphics a very difficult, but highly stimulating one. Skin deformations and biomechanics is a vast topic that we will not address in this dissertation. We rather focus our attention on skin optics and present a simple model for the reflectance of human skin along with a system to support skin modelling and rendering

    SVG 3D Graphical Presentation for Web-based Applications

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    Due to the rapid developments in the field of computer graphics and computer hardware, web-based applications are becoming more and more powerful, and the performance distance between web-based applications and desktop applications is increasingly closer. The Internet and the WWW have been widely used for delivering, processing, and publishing 3D data. There is increasingly demand for more and easier access to 3D content on the web. The better the browser experience, the more potential revenue that web-based content can generate for providers and others. The main focus of this thesis is on the design, develop and implementation of a new 3D generic modelling method based on Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) for web-based applications. While the model is initialized using classical 3D graphics, the scene model is extended using SVG. A new algorithm to present 3D graphics with SVG is proposed. This includes the definition of a 3D scene in the framework, integration of 3D objects, cameras, transformations, light models and textures in a 3D scene, and the rendering of 3D objects on the web page, allowing the end-user to interactively manipulate objects on the web page. A new 3D graphics library for 3D geometric transformation and projection in the SVG GL is design and develop. A set of primitives in the SVG GL, including triangle, sphere, cylinder, cone, etc. are designed and developed. A set of complex 3D models in the SVG GL, including extrusion, revolution, Bezier surface, and point clouds are designed and developed. The new Gouraud shading algorithm and new Phong Shading algorithm in the SVG GL are proposed, designed and developed. The algorithms can be used to generate smooth shading and create highlight for 3D models. The new texture mapping algorithms for the SVG GL oriented toward web-based 3D modelling applications are proposed, designed and developed. Texture mapping algorithms for different 3D objects such as triangle, plane, sphere, cylinder, cone, etc. will also be proposed, designed and developed. This constitutes a unique and significant contribution to the disciplines of web-based 3D modelling, as well as to the process of 3D model popularization

    Simulaci贸n visual de materiales : teor铆a, t茅cnicas, an谩lisis de casos

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    Descripci贸 del recurs: 29 de gener de 2016La simulaci贸n de materiales tiene una gran importancia, te贸rica y pr谩ctica, desde m煤ltiples puntos de vista y aplicaciones profesionales. Es un requisito fundamental para la creaci贸n de escenarios virtuales y est谩 imbricada en el propio proceso de dise帽o. Pues los colores, texturas, reflejos o transparencias, modifican las formas y espacios que percibimos. Las posibilidades que se han abierto a partir del desarrollo de nuevos recursos de interacci贸n virtual, abren v铆as que solo desde hace pocos a帽os estamos comenzando a asimilar. Este libro, que se publica en paralelo con otro sobre Simulaci贸n visual de la iluminaci贸n, abarca todo lo implicado en esta tem谩tica, tanto desde un punto de vista te贸rico y conceptual, a lo largo de su primera parte, como por medio de una explicaci贸n pormenorizada, a lo largo de su segunda parte, de las principales t茅cnicas con que contamos en la actualidad, proporcionando ejemplos relevantes para diferentes aplicaciones, principalmente en arquitectura y dise帽o