11 research outputs found


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    Penerapan metode Economical Order Quantity (EOQ) untuk sistem stok barang pergudangan dengan menggunakan teknologi Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) dapat menghasilkan informasi yang bisa meminimumkan terjadinya kehabisan stok bahan baku pada gudang bahan baku, serta memberikan laporan ketersediaan barang secara real time. Data stok barang diperoleh dari transaksi barang keluar dan transaksi barang masuk yang dicatat otomatis saat melewati RFID reader. Perhitungan EOQ dilakukan per bulan dimana variabel yang digunakan adalah jumlah bahan baku perbulan, biaya pemesanan perbulan dan biaya penyimpanan perbulan. Perhitungan Reorder Point (ROP) menggunakan variabel lead time, penggunaan bahan baku dan safety stock. Safety stock digunakan jika terjadi keterlambatan pengiriman barang dari supplier, sehingga tidak terjadi kehabisan bahan baku dan perusahaan tetap dapat beroperasi. Jika nilai stok barang lebih besar atau sama dengan nilai ROP maka status stok aman dengan warna hijau, jika nilai stok barang lebih kecil dari nilai ROP maka status stok kurang dengan warna kuning, jika nilai stok barang sama dengan 0 maka status stok kosong dengan warna merah. Jika status item barang stok kurang atau kosong maka bagian pembelian barang akan melakukan pemesanan kembali dengan melihat jumlah pemesanan sesuai nilai EOQ. Hasil perhitungan EOQ, ROP dan safety stock didapat data laporan sebagai berikut, kode barang KB01 dengan nama barang benang 64, kebutuhan perbulan sebanyak 45 unit, pembelian yang dianjurkan oleh EOQ untuk setiap kali pembelian adalah sebanyak 34 unit, dengan nilai safety stock sebanyak 25 unit. Sedangkan nilai ROP adalah sebanyak 32,5 unit, dimana ketika jumlah stok barang yang semula sebanyak 45 unit telah mengalami pengurangan sehingga tersisa 32,5 unit, maka akan dilakukan pemesanan lagi terhadap barang tersebut. Kata Kunci : EOQ, RFID, real time, safety stock. Economical Order Quantity (EOQ) application for warehouse stock system using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) can produce information which could minimize the lack of raw materials in the warehouse, also gives report to the goods availability in real time. The goods stock data gained from the goods transaction out and in noted automatically when passed RFID reader. EOQ calculation is the number of raw material monthly,order cost monthly and store cost monthly. Reorder Point (ROP) calculation using the lead time variable, raw material using and safety stock. Safety stock used if the goods delivery delayed from the supplier, therefore run out of the raw material never happened and the company could still operate. If the goods stock value is bigger or same with the ROP value consequently the safety stock status is in green color, if the goods stock is smaller than ROP value consequently the empty stock status is in yellow color., if the goods stock is the same with 0 consequently the empty stock is in red color. If the satus of goods stock is less or empty therefore the goods purchasing section will do reorder by seeing the numbers of order as accordance to EOQ value. The EOQ calculation, ROP and safety stock gotten the report data as follows: KB01 goods code by name 64 thread, monthly need is 45 units, suggested purchasing by EOQ for every purchase is 34 units, with safety stock is 25 units. In the other hand ROP value is 32,5 units where the good stock numbers before was 45 units have already decresed and remains 32,5 units, therefore the goods reorder will be done again. Key words : EOQ, RFID, real time, safety stoc

    Criterios para la planeación de centros de distribución. Revisión bibliométrica

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    This paper documents the main criteria that have been included for Distribution Centers planning and sizing, through a systematic review; based on the research articles in the SCOPUS bibliographic database. The results obtained show five trends. -The inclusion of automated robots and intelligent forklifts, -the multi-objective distribution centers, -lot sizing, -distribution design or layout, and -planning under uncertainty scenarios. Based on these, important decisions can be made to improve logistics processes, the distribution chain, and the organization’s profitability.Este artículo documenta los principales criterios que se han incluido para la planificación y dimensionamiento de Centros de Distribución, mediante una revisión sistemática; a partir de las publicaciones encontradas en la base de datos bibliográfica SCOPUS. Los resultados obtenidos arrojaron cinco tendencias: -La inclusión de robots automatizados y de montacargas inteligentes, -centros de distribución multiobjetivo, -diseño de la distribución o layout, -el dimensionamiento de lotes y -la planificación bajo escenarios de incertidumbre. Con base en estos, se pueden tomar decisiones importantes para la mejora de los procesos logísticos, la cadena de distribución y la rentabilidad de la organización

    A real-time warehouse operations planning system for small batch replenishment problems in production environment

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    A factory consists of numerous production workstations, multiple production lines and many production floors. Due to the characteristics of just-in-time and make-to-order mode manufacturing, small batches of production materials are required for production lines within a short period of time in order to facilitate daily production operations. In this paper, a real-time warehouse operation planning system (R-WOPS) for solving small batch replenishment problems is described. Through using R-WOPS, real-time production and warehouse operations are monitored by radio frequency identification (RFID) technology, and a genetic algorithm (GA) technique is applied to formulate feasible small batch replenishment solutions. Simulation tests show that R-WOPS generates pick-up and delivery route plans for small batch replenishment orders very efficiently

    The integration of supply chain value stream mapping and discrete event simulation for lead time reduction of warehouse operations in a pharmaceutical organization

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    The supply chain lead time build-up that occurs due to inventory handling inside the warehouse that comprises of a set of waiting time, queuing time, and unwanted delays creates difficulties in meeting demand shocks and third party stakeholder requirements. These problems consistently prevail and tend to evolve no matter how sophisticated production planning is done. In that case, a pharmaceutical warehouse supply chain inventory would be a real challenge to study or map to find out ways for further improvements. In this research, a Malaysian pharmaceutical company’s warehouse was considered for the study. After a detailed field work and literature gap inferences, a case study approach was considered to be the best methodology for this study. It was applied to find effective ways to introduce lean integrated simulation modelling using Supply Chain Value Stream Mapping (SCVSM) and Discrete Event Simulation (DES) to capture, record, analyze, and reduce inventory waiting time, delays, queues and other wastes for a selected particular product family. After several lean suggestions in the future state SCVSM, the results of this study show that there is a considerable improvement in the warehouse lead time. The production lead time and total process time has decreased by 51.43% and 44.41 % respectively. The total value-added time has increased by 29.21 % the non-value added time has decreased by 31.86 %. In the second segment, there was a 20.22 % increase in the value-added time and a 23.17 % decrease in the non-value added time. DES models were then developed to replicate the entire operations for the purpose of present and future state simulation along with the suggestions for improvements. This study proved to possess strong managerial and practical implications that shall help in better decision making by deeply understanding the supply chain activities that occur as discrete events inside a warehouse

    Estudo de caso

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    O picking é uma atividade muito importante do processo da cadeia de abastecimento. Esta atividade envolve custos significativos e pode influenciar e afetar os níveis de satisfação do cliente. As empresas têm ao seu dispor muitas melhorias do processo e novas propostas capaz de as apoiar na gestão da cadeia de abastecimento. O picking é considerado como a atividade mais dispendiosa e com uma utilização mais intensiva de mão-de-obra para a maioria dos armazéns; o custo de preparação das encomendas pode ascender a 55% da despesa operacional total do armazém. A importância deste, processo leva-nos a investir na elaboração dum estudo, para melhorar o atual processo nesta empresa do ramo agroalimentar e assim contribuir através de propostas para uma melhor organização. Ao mesmo tempo pretender contribuir com diretrizes para futuros casos de estudo. Na análise das condições e atividades do processo de picking e expedição, foram detetadas diversas falhas a nível dos circuitos de produtos com a ocorrência de congestionamentos, excessivas movimentações, paragens e tempos em espera. Suportado por uma revisão bibliográfica sobre os temas em estudo foi proposto, a implementação dum sistema de produção Lean através da metodologia Kaizen, criação de um sistema de planeamento da produção baseado na procura, etiquetagem de todos os produtos no final do abate, definição de novos circuitos de movimentação de produtos e definição de indicadores KPI’s para Expedição e Picking. A implementação das propostas de melhorias é bastante complexa e é ainda recente, começando a verificar-se algumas melhorias nos indicadores especialmente a nível dos circuitos, com a redução do lead time e também a redução das movimentações, cruzamentos e tempos em espera. O sistema de avaliação de desempenho ainda não é o mais adequado, contendo apenas alguns indicadores mais utilizados nos processos de expedição e picking. Sugere-se em trabalhos futuros a implementação dum Balanced Score Card ou um dashbord

    Uma contribuição para a melhoria contínua de uma estratégia de armazenamento e abastecimento em ambiente industrial

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia de SistemasO presente projeto de dissertação, desenvolvido no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia de Sistemas, da Universidade do Minho teve como principal objetivo a melhoria de processos logísticos do armazém de matéria-prima da empresa Bosch Car Multimedia Portugal, S.A., em Braga. Este projeto surge como consequência da previsão de crescimento nos próximos anos, com impacto direto na logística interna da empresa. Desta forma, torna-se imperativa a necessidade de rever os conceitos e os processos no armazém, a fim de garantir níveis de serviço elevados. A metodologia de investigação usada nesta dissertação foi a investigação-ação, iniciada com o diagnóstico da situação atual da área em estudo, ou seja, na análise dos processos de abastecimento e armazenamento associados ao armazém. Como consequência desta análise, foram identificados problemas de subocupação do espaço disponível, flexibilidade reduzida na sua utilização, falta de visibilidade no fluxo de informação, congestionamento do fluxo de materiais e excesso de manuseamento dos materiais. De modo a reduzir ou eliminar estes problemas, foram propostas e implementadas algumas ações de melhoria. Neste âmbito, destacam-se as propostas relativas à alteração da política de armazenamento e à utilização de um Logistic Service Provider (LSP) para as atividades logísticas de receção, embalamento e armazenamento de placas. Em particular, a implementação de uma política de armazenamento aleatória permitiu obter um aumento de 30% na ocupação do armazém, resultando numa ocupação final de 86% bem como numa melhor otimização do espaço e numa maior flexibilidade face ao crescimento que se prevê. A utilização de um LSP permite libertar, em média, 658 posições, o correspondente a 6% da capacidade total do armazém. Complementarmente, a receção de todo o material elétrico num local estratégico da empresa, próximo do armazém, tem impacto positivo no transporte do material, verificando-se uma redução de mais de 86% na distância média interna percorrida.The current dissertation project, developed within the scope of the Integrated Master’s in Systems Engineering of the University of Minho, had as main objective the logistic processes’ improvement in the raw-material warehouse of Bosch Car Multimedia Portugal, S.A. Logistics department, located in Braga. This project arises because of the growth forecast for the next years, with a direct impact in the company internal logistics. Thereby, the necessity of reviewing the concepts and the warehouse processes becomes imperative to ensure high service levels. The investigation methodology used in this dissertation was Action-Research, started with a diagnosis of the study area current situation, more specifically, with the analysis of the supply and storage processes related to the warehouse. Because of this analysis, the following problems were identified: warehouse under-occupancy, lack of flexibility in its use, reduced visibility in the information flow, material flow congestion and materials over-handling. In order to reduce or eliminate these problems, some improvement actions were proposed and implemented. In this scope, the proposals regarding the change of the storage policy and the use of a Logistic Service Provider (LSP) for the logistics activities of incoming, packing and storage are highlighted. In particular, the implementation of a random storage policy allowed an increase of 30% in the warehouse occupancy, resulting in a final occupancy of 86%, as well as a better optimization of space and larger flexibility against the expected growth. The use of an LSP allows releasing an average of 658 positions in the warehouse, corresponding to 6% of its total capacity. Additionally, the incoming of all electrical material in a strategic location of the company, near the warehouse, has a positive impact on material transportation, with a reduction larger than 86% in the average distance traveled internally

    Análisis de las aplicaciones de las tecnologías de la información a la logística y criterios de decisión en las inversiones.

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    En la sociedad actual, la información y la comunicación son un factor determinante en la obtención de ventajas competitivas por parte de las empresas. Las nuevas tecnologías y la conexión de los objetos físicos a la red han transformado el mundo en general. Los sistemas de información que hacen posible la identificación de los objetos de forma automática y la obtención de una enorme cantidad de datos en tiempo real prometen transformar los paradigmas empresariales, en todos los ámbitos y consecuentemente del campo de la logística. En esta tesis se abordan las tecnologías de la información y comunicación que son de aplicación al ámbito de la logística, en particular se analizan cuáles son las de mayor importancia dentro de los procesos logísticos en la gestión de almacenes. Se presta especial atención al sistema de identificación automática mediante radiofrecuencia. Esta tecnología, de gran interés en la comunidad científica y en la empresarial, no ha alcanzado las cuotas de implantación esperadas. Para este trabajo se ha analizado en primer lugar la bibliografía científica en el campo de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación en la logística. Se ha estudiado la bibliografía respecto a la adopción de las innovaciones en el campo de la tecnología de la información, particularizando en los factores que determinan la adopción de los sistemas de identificación automática por parte de las empresas. Como contribución, esta tesis presenta un estudio realizado sobre un grupo de expertos para determinar qué tecnologías son las de mayor importancia en la gestión logística y qué importancia tiene la aplicación de los sistemas de identificación por radiofrecuencia en los procesos de gestión de almacenes. El estudio se ha abordado desde tres metodologías diferentes, sirviendo este trabajo para realizar una comparación entre los resultados obtenidos y entre las tres metodologías aplicadas.In today's society, information and communication are a determining factor in obtaining competitive advantages from companies. New technologies and the connection of physical objects to the network have transformed the world in general. Information systems that make it possible to automatically identify objects, obtain a huge amount of data in real time and promise to transform business paradigms in all areas and consequently in the field of logistics. This thesis, examines the information and communication technologies that are applicable to the field of logistics. In particular, it analyzes which are the most important factors within the logistics processes in warehouse management. Particular attention is paid to the automatic identification system using radio frequency. This technology, of great interest in the scientific community and in business, has not reached the expected implementation quotas. Therefore, the scientific literature in the field of information and communication technologies in logistics has been analyzed first. The literature has been studied regarding the adoption of innovation in the field of information technology, particularizing the factors that determine the adoption of automatic identification systems by companies. As a contribution, this thesis presents a study carried out with a group of experts to determine which technologies are the most important in logistics management and how important the application of radio frequency identification systems is in warehouse management processes. The study has been researched utilizing three different methodologies, allowing this work to make a comparison between the results obtained as well as between the three methodologies that were applied