19 research outputs found

    A Wavelet based Method for QRS Complex Detection

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    ECG signal plays an important role in the diagnosis and analysis of heart diseases and allows the assessment of cardiac muscle functionality. The main and most obvious part of electrocardiography tracing is its QRS complex which corresponds to the ventricular depolarization. The morphology of QRS complex and its repetition are important issues in the analysis of heart diseases so its detection is important for such analysis. In this paper an algorithm based on the multiplication of wavelet coefficients is presented to find out the R peak in ECG for QRS complex detection. The proposed method is based on the band-limited properties of QRS waveform. The ability of proposed method has been evaluated through the comparison with traditional Pan-Tompkins algorithm by standard datasets. The results show that the proposed method besides having lower complexity is comparable with Pan-Tompkins method.

    Detection of Real Time QRS Complex Using Wavelet Transform

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    This paper presents a novel method for QRS detection. To accomplish this task ECG signal was first filtered by using a third order Savitzky Golay filter. The filtered ECG signal was then preprocessed by a Wavelet based denoising in a real-time fashion to minimize the undefined noise level. R-peak was then detected from denoised signal after wavelet denoising. Windowing mechanism was also applied for finding any missing R-peaks. All the 48 records have been used to test the proposed method. During this testing, 99.97% sensitivity and 99.99% positive predictivity is obtained for QRS complex detection

    Advances in Signal and Image Processing in Biomedical Applications

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    Our bodies are continually passing on information about our prosperity. This information can be collected using physiological instruments that measure beat, circulatory strain, oxygen drenching levels, blood glucose, nerve conduction, mind activity, and so on. For the most part, such estimations are taken at unequivocal spotlights in time and noted on a patient’s outline. Working with conventional bio-estimation apparatuses, the sign can be figured by programming to give doctors continuous information and more noteworthy bits of knowledge to help in clinical evaluations. By utilizing progressively modern intends to break down what our bodies are stating, we can conceivably decide the condition of a patient’s wellbeing through increasingly noninvasive measures

    Modeling The Microrelief Structure of Ti6Al4V Titanium Alloy Surface After Exposure to Femtosecond Laser Pulses

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    A method of mathematical modeling of the ordered surface relief of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V after femtosecond laser treatment is proposed, which allowed obtaining the informative signs of the self-organized surface irregularities, taking into account the stochastic and cyclic nature of this process. An algorithm has been developed, and a package of computer programs has been created based on the proposed mathematical model. These methods make it possible to analyze the zone-spatial two-dimensional structure of the cyclic relief of the modified surface. They are also the basis for creating the specialized software for the automated profilometric diagnostic systems

    Detection of electrocardiogram QRS complex based on modified adaptive threshold

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    It is essential for medical diagnoses to analyze Electrocardiogram (ECG signal). The core of this analysis is to detect the QRS complex. A modified approach is suggested in this work for QRS detection of ECG signals using existing database of arrhythmias. The proposed approach starts with   the same steps of previous approaches by filtering the ECG. The filtered signal is then fed to a differentiator to enhance the signal. The modified adaptive threshold method which is suggested in this work, is used to detect QRS complex. This method uses a new approach for adapting threshold level, which is based on statistical analysis of the signal. Forty-eight records from an existing arrhythmia database have been tested using the modified method. The result of the proposed method shows the high performance metrics with sensitivity of 99.62% and a positive predictivity of 99.88% for QRS complex detection

    ECG Sensor Measurements with Arduino in Biomedicine Education

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    This study was supported by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia, and these results are parts of Grant No. 451-03-68/2022-14/200132 with the University of Kragujevac - Faculty of Technical Sciences Čačak and Grant No. 451-03- 68/2022-14.This paper presents the system for electrocardiogram measurements (ECG) using an Arduino microcontroller and AD8232 ECG sensor. The paper gives the basics of human heart anatomy and electrical activity which is enough for understanding the basic principles of ECG measurements. The hardware and software components are presented, as well as the given results. This system can be effectively used as an ECG measurement device and in biomedicine students’ education.Publishe

    Simple real-time QRS detector with the MaMeMi filter

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    AbstractDetection of QRS complexes in ECG signals is required to determine heart rate, and it is an important step in the study of cardiac disorders. ECG signals are usually affected by noise of low and high frequency. To improve the accuracy of QRS detectors several methods have been proposed to filter out the noise and detect the characteristic pattern of QRS complex. Most of the existing methods are at a disadvantage from relatively high computational complexity or high resource needs making them less optimized for its implementation on portable embedded systems, wearable devices or ultra-low power chips. We present a new method to detect the QRS signal in a simple way with minimal computational cost and resource needs using a novel non-linear filter

    Research on Baseline Wander Removal and QRS Detection in Automated Analysis of Computerized Electrocardiogram

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    目前,计算机化心电图自动分析是一个热门的研究领域。它正在使心电仪器变得越来越智能,从而带来了心脏疾病诊断、监护、防控等方面的变革。但是这一领域的进一步发展正受到两个方面因素的制约:⑴心电图在采集的过程中通常会受到各种噪声的干扰;⑵缺少可靠的、稳定的算法来准确检测出心电图上的各个特征点。 因此,本文将围绕两个问题展开研究:⑴滤除心电图信号中最普遍的一种噪声——基线漂移;⑵检测心电图信号中最显著的成分波——QRS波群。这两项研究是心电图自动分析技术中最重要的工作。本文的主要研究工作及创新点归纳如下: 1、提出了基于离散余弦变换的算法以滤除心电图信号中的基线漂移。基线漂移是心电图信号中最...Currently, automated analysis of computerized electrocardiogram (ECG) is an active area of research. It is making the ECG equipments more and more intelligent, therefore evoking revolution in different aspects including cardiac disease diagnosis, cardiac disease monitoring, cardiac disease prevention and control, etc. However, the further development of this area is being restricted by two factors...学位:工程硕士院系专业:信息科学与技术学院智能科学与技术系_计算机技术学号:3152009115283

    ECG Signal Analysis: Enhancement and R-Peak Detection

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    The project has been inspired by the need to find an efficient method for ECG Signal Analysis which is simple and has good accuracy and less computation time. The initial task for efficient analysis is the removal of noise. It actually involves the extraction of the required cardiac components by rejecting the background noise. Enhancement of signal is achieved by the use of Empirical Mode Decomposition method. The use of EMD was inspired by its adaptive nature. The second task is that of R peak detection which is achieved by the use of Continuous Wavelet Transform. Efficiency of the method is measured in terms of detection error rate. Various other methods of R peak detection like Hilbert Transform and Difference Operation Method are implemented and the results when compared with the Continuous Wavelet Transform prove that CWT is a better method. The simulation is done in MATLAB environment. The experiments are carried out on MIT-BIH database. The results show that our proposed method is very effective and an efficient method for fast computation of R peak detection