19 research outputs found

    Cost minimization for unstable concurrent products in multi-stage production line using queueing analysis

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    This research and resulting contribution are results of Assumption University of Thailand. The university partially supports financially the publication.Purpose: The paper copes with the queueing theory for evaluating a muti-stage production line process with concurrent goods. The intention of this article is to evaluate the efficiency of products assembly in the production line. Design/Methodology/Approach: To elevate the efficiency of the assembly line it is required to control the performance of individual stations. The arrival process of concurrent products is piled up before flowing to each station. All experiments are based on queueing network analysis. Findings: The performance analysis for unstable concurrent sub-items in the production line is discussed. The proposed analysis is based on the improvement of the total sub-production time by lessening the queue time in each station. Practical implications: The collected data are number of workers, incoming and outgoing sub-products, throughput rate, and individual station processing time. The front loading place unpacks product items into concurrent sub-items by an operator and automatically sorts them by RFID tag or bar code identifiers. Experiments of the work based on simulation are compared and validated with results from real approximation. Originality/Value: It is an alternative improvement to increase the efficiency of the operation in each station with minimum costs.peer-reviewe

    Management of Cloud systems applied to eHealth

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    This thesis explores techniques, models and algorithms for an efficient management of Cloud systems and how to apply them to the healthcare sector in order to improve current treatments. It presents two Cloud-based eHealth applications to telemonitor and control smoke-quitting and hypertensive patients. Different Cloud-based models were obtained and used to develop a Cloudbased infrastructure where these applications are deployed. The results show that these applications improve current treatments and that can be scaled as computing requirements grow. Multiple Cloud architectures and models were analyzed and then implemented using different techniques and scenarios. The Smoking Patient Control (S-PC) tool was deployed and tested in a real environment, showing a 28.4% increase in long-term abstinence. The Hypertension Patient Control (H-PC) tool, was successfully designed and implemented, and the computing boundaries were measuredAquesta tesi explora tèniques, models i algorismes per una gestió eficient en sistemes al Núvol i com aplicar-ho en el sector de la salut per tal de millorar els tractaments actuals. Presenta dues aplicacions de salut electrònica basades en el Núvol per telemonitoritzar i controlar pacients fumadors i hipertensos. S'ha obtingut diferents models basats en el Núvol i s'han utilitzat per a desenvolupar una infraestructura on desplegar aquestes aplicacions. Els resultats mostren que aquestes aplicacions milloren els tractaments actuals així com escalen a mesura que els requeriments computacionals augmenten. Múltiples arquitectures i models han estat analitzats i implementats utilitzant diferents tècniques i escenaris. L'aplicació Smoking Patient Control (S-PC) ha estat desplegada i provada en un entorn real, aconseguint un augment del 28,4% en l'absistinència a llarg termini de pacients fumadors. L'aplicació Hypertension Patient Control (H-PC) ha estat dissenyada i implementada amb èxit, i els seus límits computacionals han estat mesurats.Esta tesis explora ténicas, modelos y algoritmos para una gestión eficiente de sistemas en la Nube y como aplicarlo en el sector de la salud con el fin de mejorar los tratamientos actuales. Presenta dos aplicaciones de salud electrónica basadas en la Nube para telemonitorizar y controlar pacientes fumadores e hipertensos. Se han obtenido diferentes modelos basados en la Nube y se han utilizado para desarrollar una infraestructura donde desplegar estas aplicaciones. Los resultados muestran que estas aplicaciones mejoran los tratamientos actuales así como escalan a medida que los requerimientos computacionales aumentan. Múltiples arquitecturas y modelos han sido analizados e implementados utilizando diferentes técnicas y escenarios. La aplicación Smoking Patient Control (S-PC) se ha desplegado y provado en un entorno real, consiguiendo un aumento del 28,4% en la abstinencia a largo plazo de pacientes fumadores. La aplicación Hypertension Patient Control (H-PC) ha sido diseñada e implementada con éxito, y sus límites computacionales han sido medidos

    3D analytical modelling and iterative solution for high performance computing clusters

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    Mobile Cloud Computing enables the migration of services to the edge of the Internet. Therefore, high-performance computing clusters are widely deployed to improve computational capabilities of such environments. However, they are prone to failures and need analytical models to predict their behaviour in order to deliver desired quality-of-service and quality-of-experience to mobile users. This paper proposes a 3D analytical model and a problem-solving approach for sustainability evaluation of high-performance computing clusters. The proposed solution uses an iterative approach to obtain performance measurements to overcome the state space explosion problem. The availability modelling and evaluation of master and computing nodes are performed using a multi-repairman approach. The optimum number of repairmen is also obtained to get realistic results and reduce the overall cost. The proposed model is validated using discrete event simulation. The analytical approach is much faster and in good agreement with the simulations. The analysis focuses on mean queue length, throughput, and mean response time outputs. The maximum differences between analytical and simulation results in the considered scenarios of up to a billion states are less than1.149%,3.82%, and3.76%respectively. These differences are well within the5%of confidence interval of the simulation and the proposed model

    A Green Strategy for Federated and Heterogeneous Clouds with Communicating Workloads

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    Providers of cloud environments must tackle the challenge of configuring their system to provide maximal performance while minimizing the cost of resources used. However, at the same time, they must guarantee an SLA (service-level agreement) to the users. The SLA is usually associated with a certain level of QoS (quality of service). As response time is perhaps the most widely used QoS metric, it was also the one chosen in this work. This paper presents a green strategy (GS) model for heterogeneous cloud systems. We provide a solution for heterogeneous job-communicating tasks and heterogeneous VMs that make up the nodes of the cloud. In addition to guaranteeing the SLA, the main goal is to optimize energy savings. The solution results in an equation that must be solved by a solver with nonlinear capabilities. The results obtained from modelling the policies to be executed by a solver demonstrate the applicability of our proposal for saving energy and guaranteeing the SLA.This work was supported by the MEYC under Contracts TIN2011-28689-C02-02. The authors are members of the research groups 2009-SGR145 and 2014-SGR163, funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya

    Right-sizing Server Capacity Headroom for Global Online Services

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