61 research outputs found

    Optimized PET module for both pixelated and monolithic scintillator crystals

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    [eng] Time-of-Flight Positron Emission Tomography (TOF-PET) scanners demand fast and efficient photo-sensors and scintillators coupled to fast readout electronics. Nowadays, there are two main configurations regarding the scintillator crystal geometry: the segmented or pixelated and the monolithic approach. Depending on the cost, spatial resolution and time requirements of the PET module, one can choose between one or another. The pixelated crystal is the most extensive configuration on TOF-PET scanners as the coincidence time resolution is better compared to the monolithic. On the contrary, monolithic scintillator crystals for Time-of-Flight Positron Emission Tomography (ToF-PET) are increasing in popularity this last years due to their performance potential and price in front of the commonly used segmented crystals. On one hand, monolithic blocks allows to determine 3D information of the gamma-ray interaction inside the crystal, which enables the possibility to correct the parallax error (radial astigmatism) at off-center positions within a PET scanner, resulting in an improvement of the spatial resolution of the device. On the other hand, due to the simplicity during the crystal manufacturing process as well as for the detector design, the price is reduced compared to a regular pixelated detector. The thesis starts with the use of HRFlexToT, an ASIC developed in this group, as the readout electronics for measurements with single pixelated crystals coupled to different SiPMs. These measurements show an energy linearity error of 3% and an energy resolution below 10% of the 511 keV photopeak. Single Photon Time Resolution (SPTR) measurements performed using an FBK SiPM NUV-HD (4 mm x 4 mm pixel size) and a Hamamatsu SiPM S13360-3050CS gave a 141 ps and 167 ps FWHM respectively. Coincidence Time Resolution (CTR) measurements with small cross-section pixelated crystals (LFS crystal, 3 m x 3 mm x 20 mm ) coupled to a single Hamamatsu SiPM S13360-3050CS provides a CTR of 180 ps FWHM. Shorter crystals (LSO:Ce Ca 0.4%) coupled to a Hamamatsu S13360-3050CS SiPM or FBK-NUVHD yields a CTR of 117 ps and 119 ps respectively. Then, the results with different monolithic crystals and SiPM sensors using HRFlexToT ASIC will be presented. A Lutetium Fine Silicate (LFS) of 25 mm x 25 mm x 20 mm, a small LSO:Ce Ca 0.2% of 8 mm x 8 mm x 5 mm and a Lutetium-Yttrium Oxyorthosilicate (LYSO) of 25 mm x 25 mm x 10 mm has been experimentally tested. After subtracting the TDC contribution (82 ps FWHM), a coincidence time resolution of 244 ps FWHM for the small LFS crystal and 333 ps FWHM for the largest LFS one is reported. Additionally, a novel time calibration correction method for CTR improvement that involves a pico-second pulsed laser will be detailed. In the last part of the dissertation, a new developed simulation framework that will enable the cross-optimization of the whole PET system will be explained. It takes into consideration the photon physics interaction in the scintillator crystal, the sensor response (sensor size, pixel pitch, dead area, capacitance) and the readout electronics behavior (input impedance, noise, bandwidth, summation). This framework has allowed us to study a new promising approach that will help reducing the CTR parameter by segmenting a large area SiPM into "m" smaller SiPMs and then summing them to recover all the signal spread along these smaller sensors. A 15% improvement on time resolution is expected by segmenting a 4 mm x 4 mm single sensor into 9 sensors of 1.3 mm x 1.3 mm with respect to the case where no segmentation is applied.[cat] Aquesta tesi tenia com a objectiu la fabricació i avaluació d'un prototip per a detecció de fotons gamma en aplicació per imatge mèdica, més concretament en Tomografia per Emissió de Positrons amb mesura de temps de vol (TOF-PET). L'avaluació del mòdul va començar fent una caracterització completa del chip (ASIC) anomenat HRFlexToT, una versió nova i millorada de l'antic chip FlexToT, desenvolupat i fabricat pel grup de la Unitat Tecnològica del ICC de la Universitat de Barcelona. Aquesta avaluació inicial del chip compren des de la comprovació de les funcionalitats bàsiques fins a la generació d'un test automàtic per generar les gràfiques de linealitat corresponents durant el test elèctric. Un cop donat per bo, es va muntar en una placa demostrada, també ideada per l'equip d'enginyers del grup, i ja quedava llesta per realitzar les mesures pertinents. Tot seguit, es varen realitzar les mesures òptiques, que incloïa mesures de Singe Photon Time Resolution (SPTR) i de Coincidence Time Resolution (CTR). Aquest valors actuen com a figures de mèrit a l'hora de comparar les prestacions amb d'altres ASICs competidors del HRFlexToT. Es van obtenir valors de 60 ps de resposta pel que respecta al SPTR i de 115 ps de CTR en cristalls segmentats, una millora entorn del 20-30% respecte a la versió predecessora del chip. Aquests valors mostren ser el límit de l'estat de l'art actual i amb aquesta idea es van començar a fer altres mesures, en aquest cas amb cristall monolítics, blocs grans llegits per diversos fotosensors de les empreses Hamamatsu i FBK. Per altra banda, es va provar el funcionament del ASIC en configuració anomenada monolítica, on el cristall centellejador s'utilitza en blocs grans en coptes d’emprar cristalls segmentats, això abarateix el cost total del detector. Aquesta configuració degrada les propietats de CTR, un paràmetre crític a l'hora de tenir un producte bo i eficient. S’han obtingut mesures de 250 ps de CTR amb aquesta configuració, d’on es pot dir que l’HRFlexToT es trobar a l’estat de l’art de la tecnologia electrònica dedicada a TOF-PET amb cristalls segmentats i monolítics. Finalment, es va desenvolupar una nova eina simulació que consisteix en un sistema híbrid entre un simulador físic i un electrònic per tal de tenir una idea del comportament complet del mòdul detector. Una solució que ningú havia provat fins ara o que no es pot trobar en la literatura

    Miniaturized Optical Probes for Near Infrared Spectroscopy

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    RÉSUMÉ L’étude de la propagation de la lumière dans des milieux hautement diffus tels que les tissus biologiques (imagerie optique diffuse) est très attrayante, car elle offre la possibilité d’explorer de manière non invasive le milieu se trouvant profondément sous la surface, et de retrouver des informations sur l’absorption (liée à la composition chimique) et sur la diffusion (liée à la microstructure). Dans la gamme spectrale 600-1000 nm, également appelée gamme proche infrarouge (NIR en anglais), l'atténuation de la lumière par le tissu biologique (eau, lipides et hémoglobine) est relativement faible, ce qui permet une pénétration de plusieurs centimètres dans le tissu. En spectroscopie proche infrarouge (NIRS en anglais), de photons sont injectés dans les tissus et le signal émis portant des informations sur les constituants tissulaires est mesuré. La mesure de très faibles signaux dans la plage de longueurs d'ondes visibles et proche infrarouge avec une résolution temporelle de l'ordre de la picoseconde s'est révélée une technique efficace pour étudier des tissus biologiques en imagerie cérébrale fonctionnelle, en mammographie optique et en imagerie moléculaire, sans parler de l'imagerie de la durée de vie de fluorescence, la spectroscopie de corrélation de fluorescence, informations quantiques et bien d’autres. NIRS dans le domaine temporel (TD en anglais) utilise une source de lumière pulsée, généralement un laser fournissant des impulsions lumineuses d'une durée de quelques dizaines de picosecondes, ainsi qu'un appareil de détection avec une résolution temporelle inférieure à la nanoseconde. Le point essentiel de ces mesures est la nécessité d’augmenter la sensibilité pour de plus grandes profondeurs d’investigation, en particulier pour l’imagerie cérébrale fonctionnelle, où la peau, le crâne et le liquide céphalo-rachidien (LCR) masquent fortement le signal cérébral. À ce jour, l'adoption plus large de ces techniques optique non invasives de surveillance est surtout entravée par les composants traditionnels volumineux, coûteux, complexes et fragiles qui ont un impact significatif sur le coût et la dimension de l’ensemble du système. Notre objectif est de développer une sonde NIRS compacte et miniaturisée, qui peut être directement mise en contact avec l'échantillon testé pour obtenir une haute efficacité de détection des photons diffusés, sans avoir recours à des fibres et des lentilles encombrantes pour l'injection et la collection de la lumière. Le système proposé est composé de deux parties: i) une unité d’émission de lumière pulsée et ii) un module de détection à photon unique qui peut être activé et désactivé rapidement. L'unité d'émission de lumière utilisera une source laser pulsée à plus de 80 MHz avec une largeur d'impulsion de picoseconde.----------ABSTRACT The study of light propagation into highly diffusive media like biological tissues (Diffuse Optical Imaging) is highly appealing due to the possibility to explore the medium non-invasively, deep beneath the surface and to recover information both on absorption (related to chemical composition) and on scattering (related to microstructure). In the 600–1000 nm spectral range also known as near-infrared (NIR) range, light attenuation by the biological tissue constituents (i.e. water, lipid, and hemoglobin) is relatively low and allows for penetration through several centimeters of tissue. In near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), a light signal is injected into the tissues and the emitted signal carrying information on tissue constituents is measured. The measurement of very faint light signals in the visible and near-infrared wavelength range with picosecond timing resolution has proven to be an effective technique to study biological tissues in functional brain imaging, optical mammography and molecular imaging, not to mention fluorescence lifetime imaging, fluorescence correlation spectroscopy, quantum information and many others. Time Domain (TD) NIRS employs a pulsed light source, typically a laser providing light pulses with duration of a few tens of picoseconds, and a detection circuit with temporal resolution in the sub-nanosecond scale. The key point of these measurements is the need to increase the sensitivity to higher penetration depths of investigation, in particular for functional brain imaging, where skin, skull, and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) heavily mask the brain signal. To date, the widespread adoption of the non-invasive optical monitoring techniques is mainly hampered by the traditional bulky, expensive, complex and fragile components which significantly impact the overall cost and dimension of the system. Our goal is the development of a miniaturized compact NIRS probe, that can be directly put in contact with the sample under test to obtain high diffused photon harvesting efficiency without the need for cumbersome optical fibers and lenses for light injection and collection. The proposed system is composed of two parts namely; i) pulsed light emission unit and ii) gated single-photon detection module. The light emission unit will employ a laser source pulsed at over 80MHz with picosecond pulse width generator embedded into the probe along with the light detection unit which comprises single-photon detectors integrated with other peripheral control circuitry. Short distance source and detector pairing, most preferably on a single chip has the potential to greatly expedites the traditional method of portable brain imaging

    Ultrafast electron-optical visible / X-ray-sensitivity streak and framing cameras

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    In this thesis the development of ultrafast electron-optical streak and framing cameras having radiation sensitivities ranging from the visible to soft X-ray are discussed. A framing camera incorporating a vacuum demountable image tube with ultraviolet / soft X-ray sensitivity has been demonstrated to be capable of providing multiple, temporally separated, two-dimensional images with picosecond image exposure times under various operating conditions. Experimental evidence has been presented to show that this camera system can provide up to four high quality temporally separated images with an exposure time of 230 ps (FWHM) and inter-frame times of ~1ns under UV illumination. In the two-frame operation with soft X-ray illumination (generated using a laser produced plasma) image exposure times of as short as 100 ps (FWHM) and inter-frame times of 400 ps have been achieved. The dynamic spatial resolution of the camera has been shown to be ~8 lp/mm and ~5 lp/mm for the UV and soft X-ray sensitive devices respectively. A visible-sensitivity electron-optical single-shot streak camera possessing a novel travelling-wave deflection structure has been experimentally evaluated using a mode-locked cw ring dye laser. The limiting temporal resolution for this has been measured to be 300 fs and the merits of the travelling-wave deflection structure have been discussed. The implementation of this type of deflector geometry has also been demonstrated in conjunction with the vacuum demountable framing camera system. Computer aided design techniques have been utilised to further optimise the electron-optical framing tube configuration, and modifications have been proposed to enable shorter frame periods to be obtained while maintaining the dynamic spatial resolution. Results from preliminary evaluations of this design using a vacuum demountable UV-sensitive system are included. A novel streak camera design has also been proposed in which very high electrostatic photocathode extraction fields (up to 12 kV/mm) may be employed without danger of structural damage arising from electrostatic breakdown. This has been achieved by the removal of the usual mesh electrode placed in close proximity to the photocathode. Preliminary evaluations of a vacuum demountable UV-sensitive version of this camera geometry have been achieved which demonstrate a static spatial resolution of 80 lp/mm (when referred to the photocathode)

    HRFlexToT: A High Dynamic Range ASIC for Time-of-Flight Positron Emission Tomography

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    Abstract: Time-of-Flight positron emission tomography scanners demand fast and efficient photo sensors and scintillators coupled to fast readout electronics. This article presents the high resolution flexible Time-over-Threshold (HRFlexToT), a 16-channel application-specific-integrated circuit for silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) anode readout manufactured using XFAB 0.18- μm CMOS technology. The main features of the HRFlexToT are a linear Time-over-Threshold with an extended dynamic range (10 bits) for energy measurement, low power consumption (≈ 3.5 mW/ch), and an excellent timing response. The experimental measurements show an energy linearity error of ≈ 3% and an energy resolution of about 12% at 511 keV. Single-photon time resolution measurements performed using an Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK) SiPM NUV-HD ( 4×4 mm2 pixel, 40- μm cell) and a Hamamatsu SiPM S13360-3050CS are around 142 and 167 ps full width at half maximum (FWHM), respectively. Coincidence time resolution (CTR) measurements with small cross-section pixelated crystals (LSO:Ce,Ca 0.4%, 2×2×5 mm3) coupled to the same Hamamatsu S13360-3050CS and FBK NUV-HD sensors yield a CTR of 117 ps and 119 ps, respectively. Measurements performed with a large cross-section monolithic crystal (LFS crystal measuring 25×25×20 mm3) and a Hamamatsu SiPM array S13361-6050NE-04 show a CTR of 324 ps FWHM after time-walk and time-skew correction

    Generadores de pulso del orden de nanosegundos para control de calidad y diagnosis de las cámaras de telescopios Cherenkov

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    Tesis inédita de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Ciencias Físicas, Departamento de Física Aplicada III (Electricidad y Electrónica), leída el 30-11-2015Depto. de Estructura de la Materia, Física Térmica y ElectrónicaFac. de Ciencias FísicasTRUEunpu

    Ultra-Low-Temperature Silicon and Germanium-on-Silicon Avalanche Photodiodes:Modeling, Design, and Characterization

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    In this thesis we propose the use of photodiodes fabricated in planar technologies to address the detection problem in these applications. A number of solutions exist, optimized for these wavelengths, based on Germanium (Ge) and other III-V materials. In this thesis we focused on Ge thanks to its versatility and ease to use in the clean room. The main advantage of this material is in fact a good compatibility with Silicon and standard CMOS processes. Note that the proposed technology is not based on Silicon/Germanium (SiGe), whereby Ge is used to strain Si to achieve higher bandwidth in Si, not higher sensitivity. In our pure Ge approach, Ge is grafted onto Si (Ge-on-Si), achieving high responsivity at wavelengths of 900nm and higher. The proposed devices can operate in avalanche mode (avalanche photodiodes - APDs), and in Geiger mode (Geiger mode APDs (GAPDs) or single-photon avalanche diodes (SPADs)). To combine the advantages of Ge with single-photon sensitivity and excellent timing resolution of Si-based SPADs, this thesis proposes a new generation of SPADs, achieved in collaboration with Prof. Nanver at TUDelft, aimed at near-infrared range. The fabrication process of the Ge-on-Si SPAD approach, which we are investigating together with the TUDelft group, consists of a standard CMOS process combined with post-processing steps to grow Ge on top of a Si/SiO2 layer. In our study we have investigated the potential for a new generation of massively parallel, Ge-on-Si sensors fabricated in fully CMOS compatible technology. The objective was to address the next challenges of super-parallel pixel arrays, while exploiting the advantages of Ge substrate. The key technology developed in the thesis is a selective chemical-vapor deposition (CVD) epitaxial growth. A novel processing procedure was developed for the p+ Ge surface doping by a sequence of pure-Ga and pure-B depositions (PureGaB). The resulting p+n diodes have exceptionally good I-V characteristics with ideality factor of ~1.1 and low saturation currents. They can be operated both in proportional and in Geiger mode, and exhibit relatively low dark counts. We also looked at techniques to improve red and infrared sensitivity in conventional deep-submicron CMOS processes, by careful selection of standard layers at high depths in the Si substrate. Using the proposed approach, 12 µm-diameter SPADs were fabricated in 0.18µm CMOS technology showing low dark count rates (363 cps) at room temperature and considerably lower rates at cryogenic temperatures (77 K), while the FWHM timing jitter is as low as 76 ps. That of cryogenic SPADs is a novel research direction and in this thesis it was advocated as a significant trend for the future of optical sensing, especially in mid-infrared wavelengths. Low temperature characterizations reported in this thesis exposed how the relevant properties of fabrication materials, such as strength, thermal conductivity, ductility, and electrical resistance are changing. One of the most important properties is superconductivity in materials cooled to extreme temperatures: this is an important trend that will be pursued in the future activities of our group

    Amplificador CMOS de baixo ruído para imagiologia médica

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    Mestrado em Engenharia Electrónica e TelecomunicaçõesA presente dissertação aborda o projecto de um frontend analógico integrado para sincronização e amplificação de sinais produzidos por um fotomultiplicador de silício. A solução proposta pretende possibilitar medidas de tempo com resoluções na ordem dos picosegundos, para implementação em equipamentos compactos dedicados à Tomografia por Emissão de Positrões, com capacidade para medida do tempo de voo de fotões (TOFPET). O canal de frontend completo foi implementado em tecnologia CMOS 130nm, e compreende blocos de préamplificação, integração de carga, equilíbrio dinâmico do ponto de operação, bem como circuitos geradores de correntes de referência, para uma área total em silício de 500x90 μm. A discussão de resultados é baseada em simulações póslayout, e as linhas de investigação futuras são propostas.An analogue CMOS frontend for triggering and amplification of signals produced by a silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) is proposed. The solution intends to achieve picosecond resolution timing measurements for compact timeofflight Positron Emission Tomography (TOFPET) medical imaging equipments. A 130nm technology was used to implement such frontend, and the design includes preamplification, shaping, baseline holder and biasing circuitry, for a total silicon area of 500x90 μm. Postlayout simulation results are discussed, and ways to optimize the design are proposed

    Development of high performance readout ASICs for silicon photomultipliers (SiPMs)

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    Silicon Photomultipliers (SiPMs) are novel kind of solid state photon detectors with ex- tremely high photon detection resolution. They are composed of hundreds or thousands of avalanche photon diode pixels connected in parallel. These avalanche photon diodes are operated in Geiger Mode. SiPMs have the same magnitude of multiplication gain compared to the conventional photomultipliers (PMTs). Moreover, they have a lot of advantages such as compactness, relatively low bias voltage and magnetic field immunity etc. Special readout electronics are required to preserve the high performance of the detector. KLauS and STiC are two CMOS ASIC chips designed in particular for SiPMs. KLauS is used for SiPM charge readout applications. Since SiPMs have a much larger detector capacitance compared to other solid state photon detectors such as PIN diodes and APDs, a few special techniques are used inside the chip to make sure a descent signal to noise ratio for pixel charge signal can be obtained. STiC is a chip dedicated to SiPM time-of-flight applications. High bandwidth and low jitter design schemes are mandatory for such applications where time jitter less than tens of picosends is required. Design schemes and error analysis as well as measurement results are presented in the thesis

    Advanced photon counting techniques for long-range depth imaging

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    The Time-Correlated Single-Photon Counting (TCSPC) technique has emerged as a candidate approach for Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) and active depth imaging applications. The work of this Thesis concentrates on the development and investigation of functional TCSPC-based long-range scanning time-of-flight (TOF) depth imaging systems. Although these systems have several different configurations and functions, all can facilitate depth profiling of remote targets at low light levels and with good surface-to-surface depth resolution. Firstly, a Superconducting Nanowire Single-Photon Detector (SNSPD) and an InGaAs/InP Single-Photon Avalanche Diode (SPAD) module were employed for developing kilometre-range TOF depth imaging systems at wavelengths of ~1550 nm. Secondly, a TOF depth imaging system at a wavelength of 817 nm that incorporated a Complementary Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor (CMOS) 32×32 Si-SPAD detector array was developed. This system was used with structured illumination to examine the potential for covert, eye-safe and high-speed depth imaging. In order to improve the light coupling efficiency onto the detectors, the arrayed CMOS Si-SPAD detector chips were integrated with microlens arrays using flip-chip bonding technology. This approach led to the improvement in the fill factor by up to a factor of 15. Thirdly, a multispectral TCSPC-based full-waveform LiDAR system was developed using a tunable broadband pulsed supercontinuum laser source which can provide simultaneous multispectral illumination, at wavelengths of 531, 570, 670 and ~780 nm. The investigated multispectral reflectance data on a tree was used to provide the determination of physiological parameters as a function of the tree depth profile relating to biomass and foliage photosynthetic efficiency. Fourthly, depth images were estimated using spatial correlation techniques in order to reduce the aggregate number of photon required for depth reconstruction with low error. A depth imaging system was characterised and re-configured to reduce the effects of scintillation due to atmospheric turbulence. In addition, depth images were analysed in terms of spatial and depth resolution

    Broadband Coherent Raman Scattering Microscopy

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    Spontaneous Raman (SR) microscopy allows label-free chemically specificimaging based on the vibrational response of molecules; however, due to thelow Raman scattering cross section, it is intrinsically slow. Coherent Ramanscattering (CRS) techniques, by coherently exciting vibrational oscillators inthe focal volume, increase signal levels by several orders of magnitude underappropriate conditions. In its single-frequency version, CRS microscopy hasreached very high imaging speeds, up to the video rate; however, it providesinformation which is not sufficient to distinguish spectrally overlappedchemical species within complex heterogeneous systems, such as cells andtissues. Broadband CRS combines the acquisition speed of CRS with theinformation content of SR, but it is technically very demanding. In this Review,the current state of the art in broadband CRS microscopy, both in the coherentanti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) and the stimulated Raman scattering(SRS) versions are reviewed. Different technical solutions for broadband CARSand SRS, working both in the frequency and in the time domains, arecompared and their merits and drawbacks assesse