17 research outputs found

    A Model Construction for Investigating the Impact of Enterprise Social Media Affordances on Employees’ Perceived Creativity

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    Enterprise social media (ESM) is increasingly applied in modern enterprises to promote knowledge sharing and social intereactions among employees, and has an important potential for enhancing employees’ creativity. However, it is still unclear whether ESM can help boost employee creativity, and the technical design factors that cast ESM as a creativity support system needs investigation. To fill this research gap, this study constracts a research model based on the affordance lens to examine the influences of association and visibility affordances of ESM on employees’ perception of creativity. The moderating role of job autonomy in the relationship between ESM affordances and employees’ perceived creativity is further explored. Conclusions and implications of this study will be discussed

    Gender Empowerment in Black Widow (2021)

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    Gender empowerment has become one of the ways to deal with gender issues in the era of discrimination and patriarchy in gender-based life. The gender empowerment movement is a global movement that promotes women's rights by making various breakthroughs. This study aims at how gender empowerment is represented, the impact of gender empowerment and its contribution to reducing discrimination in social life so that gender equality which is the main goal of gender empowerment, can be achieved. In this study, the researcher used a feminist approach in analyzing Black Widow (2021) as data, leading to literary works representing women's daily problems. The feminist view does not limit itself to analyzing the work's aesthetic value but instead considers the significance of the relationship between social and cultural contexts. The author concludes that this research helps change cultural representations of women who always look down on women in films in future films and real life, that women can do anything just like men with gender empowerment. Keywords:  Discrimination, Exploitation, Gender Empowement

    Motivation for users’ knowledge sharing behavior in virtual brand communities : A psychological ownership perspective

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    The project is supported by National Social Science Foundation of China (21BGL132), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) (71802097), Jinan University Management School Funding Program (GY21013), Institute for Enterprise Development, Jinan University, Guangdong Province (2021MYZD04, HS2102 and 2020CP03), Philosophy and Social Sciences Planning Program of Guangzhou (2021GZYB05) and Research Institute on Brand Innovation and Development of Guangzhou (2021CS05). The first two authors contributed equally to this work.Peer reviewe

    Influential Article Review - Independent Information Sharing Conduct in Dynamic Virtual Communities: The Viewpoints of Network Effects and Rank Competition

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    This paper examines education. We present insights from a highly influential paper. Here are the highlights from this paper: While most literature concerning knowledge sharing examines it as an organizational method for innovation and value creation, this paper considers online knowledge sharing as an individual behavior decision embedded in a virtual community. We attempt to explore which sharing behavior can help individual participants gain a better position in an online community, improving social status, reputation, and other social networking interests. We collected and measured the knowledge sharing activities and discussion from a Chinese online expertise knowledge network in Business Management Consulting. We tested the mediating effects of the sharing behavior of the major members of the online knowledge network on members’ status (network centrality) in different time units (days). In a dynamic virtual community, the direct result of knowledge sharing behavior is reflected in the individual status position (the degree of node centrality). At the same time, individual knowledge sharing behavior has an “inertia effect”: individual prior status (the degree of node centrality) affects current knowledge sharing behavior, while current knowledge sharing behavior affects current status in the knowledge network, forming an inertial circuit between personal behavior and network status. We expound the theory of individual knowledge sharing in the context of an inter-person dynamic virtual community; we provide action “strategies” for individual knowledge sharing behavior choice, for better understanding the nature of individual knowledge behavior, and we also propose and test the “inertia effect” of knowledge sharing behavior and the knowledge network, and demonstrate the theory of network effects from an individual perspective. For our overseas readers, we then present the insights from this paper in Spanish, French, Portuguese, and German

    Investigating the Relationship between Psychological Empowerment and Job Burnout with a Mediating Role of Emotional Intelligence in Nurses of Private Hospitals in Shiraz

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    Introduction: Employee burnout is one of the most important issues in today’s organizations because worn-out or depleted employees cannot effectively achieve organizational goals. The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between psychological empowerment and job burnout with a mediating role of emotional intelligence in nurses of private hospitals in Shiraz.Methods: The present study used a cross-sectional analytical method on 256 nurses from private hospitals in Shiraz; according to the statistics of the Vice-Chancellor of Shiraz University, the total number of working nurses was around 750. To collect data, Maslach’s job burnout, Spreitzer’s psychological empowerment, and Bar-On’s emotional intelligence questionnaires were used, and the structural equation method was used to analyze the data.Results: The absolute value of the path coefficient explaining the relationship between psychological empowerment and job burnout was greater than 0.3 (0.545), and the t-statistic was higher than 1.96. Therefore, a negative relationship exists between psychological empowerment and job burnout, so with increased psychological empowerment, job burnout decreases. Also, Emotional intelligence increases the effect of psychological empowerment on job burnout. Thus, job burnout decreases with increased psychological empowerment and emotional intelligence.Conclusion: According to the results of this study, there are mutual effects between psychological empowerment, emotional intelligence, and job burnout, so it is expected that managers can promote psychological empowerment and reduce job burnout by strengthening emotional intelligence and improving the efficiency of nurses

    Cognitive Learning Outcomes: Its Relationship with Communication Skills and Collaboration Skills through Digital Mind Maps-Integrated PBL

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    This study aimed to investigate the relation of communication skills and collaborative skills simultaneously on student cognitive learning outcomes using the Digital Mind Maps-Integrated PBL model. This correlational study was conducted on biology education students at Universitas Islam Riau, Indonesia. The research instrument consisted of observation sheets to assess communication and collaboration skills, as well as essay tests to measure cognitive learning outcomes. Data analysis used multiple regression analysis. The results showed a significant relationship between communication skills and collaboration skills on cognitive learning outcomes with F count (13.966) and p-value of 0,000 <α (0.05). Besides, these two variables simultaneously also contributed to the achievement of student learning outcomes with an Effective Contribution (EC) value of 46.61%. Thus it can be concluded that the improvement of communication skills and collaboration skills have a contribution to the learning outcomes obtained by students. Therefore, educators can empower both of these skills so that students' cognitive learning outcomes also improve


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    The basic purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between transformational leadership and proactive work behavior through the mediating role of psychological empowerment. The paper also attempt to provide logical and thorough understanding regarding how transformational leadership boost up the state of psychological empowerment and how in turns psychological empowerment influence the proactive behavior of employees.&nbsp;Based on theoretical and empirically supported arguments and theories, this hypothesized study builds upon 16 hypothesis including main hypothesis, sub-hypothesis and mediation hypothesis. To test these hypotheses, data were collected from 278 followers working in the service sector of Lahore, Pakistan through the disproportionate quota sampling. Findings of the study supported the proposed hypothesis which can be used by the organizational leaders to enhance proactivity among their followers. This study will help in realizing Pakistani organizational leaders that the power distance approach or authoritarian approach they are following is not suitable for producing proactive employees, they need to give them a feel that they are empowered and empowerment is not something which a leader should announce, in fact they need to transform their followers in such a way that they psychologically consider themselves as empowered. The study also add value by using selfconcept based theory of leadership and social exchange theory to support the relationship between transformational leadership and employees&rsquo; proactive behavior thus provided a motivational mechanism of psychological empowerment that link up their relationship

    Improving the Transparency of an Ethical Review Process: A Case Study

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    openTransparency has been presented by governments and federations as a key instrument in the exercise of power within a democracy, as it is reputed to foster trust and to promote informed decision-making. However, the disclosure of an overwhelming amount of information without true understanding can hardly be considered as an example of transparency. In the present study, we apply usable transparency principles to the ethical review process of the Human Inspired Technology (HIT) Research Centre by designing, developing and testing a new tool aimed at aiding researchers in their submission for an ethical review. An experimental design is used to test the tool (i.e., a revised application form equipped with glossary callouts which serve as guidelines throughout the process) on a small sample of researchers. Data seems to suggest higher scores in both usability and transparency for participants who are provided with glossary callouts, than for those who are not. Furthermore, it may be the case that glossary callouts are actually useful in saving time during the completion of the process. Although further investigation is needed, these findings provide a useful insight on the effectiveness of this intervention and on our understanding of usable transparency.Transparency has been presented by governments and federations as a key instrument in the exercise of power within a democracy, as it is reputed to foster trust and to promote informed decision-making. However, the disclosure of an overwhelming amount of information without true understanding can hardly be considered as an example of transparency. In the present study, we apply usable transparency principles to the ethical review process of the Human Inspired Technology (HIT) Research Centre by designing, developing and testing a new tool aimed at aiding researchers in their submission for an ethical review. An experimental design is used to test the tool (i.e., a revised application form equipped with glossary callouts which serve as guidelines throughout the process) on a small sample of researchers. Data seems to suggest higher scores in both usability and transparency for participants who are provided with glossary callouts, than for those who are not. Furthermore, it may be the case that glossary callouts are actually useful in saving time during the completion of the process. Although further investigation is needed, these findings provide a useful insight on the effectiveness of this intervention and on our understanding of usable transparency

    The role of empowering leadership and psychological empowerment on nurses’ work engagement and affective commitment

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    Purpose This study aims to investigate to role of empowering leadership and psychological empowerment on nurses' work engagement and affective commitment. Design/methodology/approach Self-administered questionnaire data from 231 nurses working in a university hospital in Saudi Arabia were analysed using a cross-sectional research design using structural equation modelling (SEM) to assess the relationship between empowering leadership (EL), affective commitment (AC) and work engagement (WE) while testing for the mediating role of psychological empowerment (PE). Findings SEM analysis demonstrated that EL significantly relates to AC. AC similarly significantly relates to WE. Further, the results showed that PE substantially mediates the relationship between EL and WE. There is no significant direct relationship found between EL and WE. Practical implications The study findings are essential for nursing managers. They illustrate that nurses become more committed to their organisation and, in return, more engaged with their work when they receive EL. Therefore, nursing managers could train their leaders to practice EL as increased WE has been found to result in other positive work attitudes such as reduced turnover intention. Originality/value This study corroborates the relationships between EL, AC and WE, as well as the mediating role of PE. However, this research is unique as the long-established relationship between EL and WE was not supported. It shows that the propositions of leader-member exchange theory may not hold for unique non-Western contexts, in this case, Saudi Arabia

    Identifying the Impact of Perceived Shared Cultural Values on Knowledge Sharing Through a Social Media Application

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    Knowledge sharing (KS) has been determined by many researchers as an important tool for problem-solving experiences and achieving success. Recent studies have explained KS as an activity in which knowledge is exchanged through individuals or between organizations. KS can help facilitate decision-making capabilities, stimulate cultural change, and create innovation. Through KS, individuals and organizations can capture explicit and tacit knowledge to save time and money. Previous studies have indicated a lack of research in how perceived shared cultural values impact KS through a social media application. The purpose of this research was to add new information to the body of knowledge in regard to identifying perceived shared cultural values as measured by demographic factors such as age, race, religion, language, and socio-economic status to understand how these characteristics impacted an individual’s ability to share knowledge through social media applications. The goal was to fill the gap in the literature by explaining the effect of perceived shared cultural values on knowledge creation and sharing through the usage of social media applications. The results showed potential generalizability in identifying the type of KS (tacit and explicit) that will occur. Previous studies that focused on KS, culture, social media, and barriers are discussed regarding how these features impact an individual’s ability to share knowledge. Perceived shared cultural values were identified to gain an insight into how these perceived values correlated with actual knowledge being exchanged through social media applications. To test the hypotheses, data were collected based on the analysis of social media postings. A total of 42 participants took the survey. The survey specifically collected the participants’ age, race, religion, language, and socioeconomic status. A total of 113 postings were collected, 30 of which contained no exchange of knowledge. The remaining 83 were analyzed independently by three subject matter experts. The postings of the knowledge being shared between the participants based on their perceived shared cultural values was analyzed and placed into two categories: tacit and explicit KS. The structural equation modeling technique was used to analyze the relationships between the different perceived shared cultural values. The tacit and explicit models were not supported. All ten hypotheses were not supported due to the p-values that were calculated through bootstrapping. The strength of the relationships was calculated and displayed by using SmartPLS. The data collected from the postings and the demographics collected through a survey were an attempt to test the 10 hypotheses. The results indicated that all the hypotheses were not supported due to their significance levels. Several limitations existed in this study, such as sample size, diverse population, amount of knowledge being shared through the social media application, instructional method, and remote nature of teacher involvement. Implications regarding how this study differed from previous studies’ results were provided. Future research suggestions were made to extend the body of knowledge