86,890 research outputs found

    Filling in solvable groups and in lattices in semisimple groups

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    We prove that the filling order is quadratic for a large class of solvable groups and asymptotically quadratic for all Q-rank one lattices in semisimple groups of R-rank at least 3. As a byproduct of auxiliary results we give a shorter proof of the theorem on the nondistorsion of horospheres providing also an estimate of a nondistorsion constant.Comment: 7 figure

    Opposition diagrams for automorphisms of large spherical buildings

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    Let θ\theta be an automorphism of a thick irreducible spherical building Δ\Delta of rank at least 33 with no Fano plane residues. We prove that if there exist both type J1J_1 and J2J_2 simplices of Δ\Delta mapped onto opposite simplices by θ\theta, then there exists a type J1∪J2J_1\cup J_2 simplex of Δ\Delta mapped onto an opposite simplex by θ\theta. This property is called "cappedness". We give applications of cappedness to opposition diagrams, domesticity, and the calculation of displacement in spherical buildings. In a companion piece to this paper we study the thick irreducible spherical buildings containing Fano plane residues. In these buildings automorphisms are not necessarily capped

    The 4-string Braid group B4B_4 has property RD and exponential mesoscopic rank

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    We prove that the braid group B4B_4 on 4 strings, as well as its central quotient B4/B_4/, have the property RD of Haagerup-Jolissaint. It follows that the automorphism group \Aut(F_2) of the free group F2F_2 on 2 generators has property RD. We also prove that the braid group B4B_4 is a group of intermediate rank (of dimension 3). Namely, we show that both B4B_4 and its central quotient have exponential mesoscopic rank, i.e., that they contain exponentially many large flat balls which are not included in flats.Comment: reference added, minor correction

    Automorphism groups of right-angled buildings: simplicity and local splittings

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    We show that the group of type-preserving automorphisms of any irreducible semi-regular thick right-angled building is abstractly simple. When the building is locally finite, this gives a large family of compactly generated (abstractly) simple locally compact groups. Specializing to appropriate cases, we obtain examples of such simple groups that are locally indecomposable, but have locally normal subgroups decomposing non-trivially as direct products.Comment: 26 pages. Several points were clarified and a few lemmas were added, in accordance with the referee's repor

    Quadrangles embedded in metasymplectic spaces

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    During the final steps in the classification of the Moufang quadrangles by Jacques Tits and Richard Weiss a new class of Moufang quadrangles unexpectedly turned up. Subsequently Bernhard Muhlherr and Hendrik Van Maldeghem showed that this class arises as the fixed points and hyperlines of certain involutions of a metasymplectic space (or equivalently a building of type F_4). In the same paper they also showed that other types of Moufang quadrangles can be embedded in a metasymplectic space as points and hyperlines. In this paper, we reverse the question: given a (thick) quadrangle embedded in a metasymplectic space as points and hyperlines, when is such a quadrangle a Moufang quadrangle

    On the displacement function of isometries of Euclidean buildings

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    In this note we study the displacement function dg(x):=d(gx,x)d_g(x):=d(gx,x) of an isometry gg of a Euclidean building. We give a lower bound for dg(x)d_g(x) depending on the distance from xx to the minimal set of gg

    Finiteness properties of soluble arithmetic groups over global function fields

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    Let G be a Chevalley group scheme and B<=G a Borel subgroup scheme, both defined over Z. Let K be a global function field, S be a finite non-empty set of places over K, and O_S be the corresponding S-arithmetic ring. Then, the S-arithmetic group B(O_S) is of type F_{|S|-1} but not of type FP_{|S|}. Moreover one can derive lower and upper bounds for the geometric invariants \Sigma^m(B(O_S)). These are sharp if G has rank 1. For higher ranks, the estimates imply that normal subgroups of B(O_S) with abelian quotients, generically, satisfy strong finiteness conditions.Comment: Published by Geometry and Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/gt/GTVol8/paper15.abs.htm
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