15 research outputs found

    Communicating Processes with Data for Supervisory Coordination

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    We employ supervisory controllers to safely coordinate high-level discrete(-event) behavior of distributed components of complex systems. Supervisory controllers observe discrete-event system behavior, make a decision on allowed activities, and communicate the control signals to the involved parties. Models of the supervisory controllers can be automatically synthesized based on formal models of the system components and a formalization of the safe coordination (control) requirements. Based on the obtained models, code generation can be used to implement the supervisory controllers in software, on a PLC, or an embedded (micro)processor. In this article, we develop a process theory with data that supports a model-based systems engineering framework for supervisory coordination. We employ communication to distinguish between the different flows of information, i.e., observation and supervision, whereas we employ data to specify the coordination requirements more compactly, and to increase the expressivity of the framework. To illustrate the framework, we remodel an industrial case study involving coordination of maintenance procedures of a printing process of a high-tech Oce printer.Comment: In Proceedings FOCLASA 2012, arXiv:1208.432

    Scalable Minimization Algorithm for Partial Bisimulation

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    We present an efficient algorithm for computing the partial bisimulation preorder and equivalence for labeled transitions systems. The partial bisimulation preorder lies between simulation and bisimulation, as only a part of the set of actions is bisimulated, whereas the rest of the actions are simulated. Computing quotients for simulation equivalence is more expensive than for bisimulation equivalence, as for simulation one has to account for the so-called little brothers, which represent classes of states that can simulate other classes. It is known that in the absence of little brother states, (partial bi)simulation and bisimulation coincide, but still the complexity of existing minimization algorithms for simulation and bisimulation does not scale. Therefore, we developed a minimization algorithm and an accompanying tool that scales with respect to the bisimulated action subset.Comment: In Proceedings WS-FMDS 2012, arXiv:1207.184

    A Process Algebra for Supervisory Coordination

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    A supervisory controller controls and coordinates the behavior of different components of a complex machine by observing their discrete behaviour. Supervisory control theory studies automated synthesis of controller models, known as supervisors, based on formal models of the machine components and a formalization of the requirements. Subsequently, code generation can be used to implement this supervisor in software, on a PLC, or embedded microprocessor. In this article, we take a closer look at the control loop that couples the supervisory controller and the machine. We model both event-based and state-based observations using process algebra and bisimulation-based semantics. The main application area of supervisory control that we consider is coordination, referred to as supervisory coordination, and we give an academic and an industrial example, discussing the process-theoretic concepts employed.Comment: In Proceedings PACO 2011, arXiv:1108.145

    On the Equivalence of Controllability and the Input Output Conformance Testing Relation

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    In this paper, the relation between controllability and the IOCO testing relationis examined. Based on a natural and common notion of controllability, where uncontrollableevents are interpreted as outputs from the plant, and viewing an implementation under testas a plant, the IOCO testing relation is equivalent to controllability. Further, it is shownhow supervisor synthesis can be used to algorithmically make an implementation IOCO withrespect to its specification. This can be done either by restricting the implementation to thesupremal controllable sublanguage, or extending the specification to the infimal controllablesuperlanguage, of the implementation and the specification. Both alternatives seem to be equallyviable, and the choice between them seem strongly application dependent

    Towards a concurrency theory for supervisory control

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    In this paper we propose a process-theoretic concurrency model to express supervisory control properties. In light of the present importance of reliable control software, the current work ow of direct conversion from informal specication documents to control software implementations can be improved. A separate modeling step in terms of controllable and uncontrollable behavior of the device under control is desired. We consider the control loop as a feedback model for supervisory control, in terms of the three distinct components of plant, requirements and supervisor. With respect to the control ow, we consider event-based models as well as state-based ones. We study the process theory TCP as a convenient modeling formalism that includes parallelism, iteration, communication features and non-determinism. Via structural operational semantics, we relate the terms in TCP to labeled transition systems. We consider the partial bisimulation preorder to express controllability that is better suited to handle non-determinism, compared to bisimulation-based models. It is shown how precongruence of partial bisimulation can be derived from the format of the deduction rules. The theory of TCP is studied under nite axiomatization for which soundness and ground-completeness (modulo iteration) is proved with respect to partial bisimulation. Language-based controllability, as the neccesary condition for event-based supervisory control is expressed in terms of partial bisimulation and we discuss several drawbacks of the strict event-based approach. Statebased control is considered under partial bisimulation as a dependable solution to address non-determinism. An appropriate renaming operator is introduced to address an issue in parallel communication. A case for automated guided vehicles (AGV) is modeled using the theory TCP. The latter theory is henceforth extended to include state-based valuations for which partial bisimulation and an axiomatization are dened. We consider an extended case on industrial printers to show the modeling abilities of this extended theory. In our concluding remarks, we sketch a future research path in terms of a new formal language for concurrent control modeling

    Saving Time in a Space-Efficient Simulation Algorithm

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    Towards Supervisory Control of Interactive Markov Chains: Controllability

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    Symbolic Supervisory Control of Resource Allocation Systems

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    <p>Supervisory control theory (SCT) is a formal model-based methodology for verification and synthesis of supervisors for discrete event systems (DES). The main goal is to guarantee that the closed-loop system fulfills given specifications. SCT has great promise to assist engineers with the generation of reliable control functions. This is, for instance, beneficial to manufacturing systems where both products and production equipment might change frequently.</p> <p>The industrial acceptance of SCT, however, has been limited for at least two reasons: (i) the analysis of DES involves an intrinsic difficulty known as the state-space explosion problem, which makes the explicit enumeration of enormous state-spaces for industrial systems intractable; (ii) the synthesized supervisor, represented as a deterministic finite automaton (FA) or an extended finite automaton (EFA), is not straightforward to implement in an industrial controller.</p> <p>In this thesis, to address the aforementioned issues, we study the modeling, synthesis and supervisor representation of DES using binary decision diagrams (BDDs), a compact data structure for representing DES models symbolically. We propose different kinds of BDD-based algorithms for exploring the symbolically represented state-spaces in an effort to improve the abilities of existing supervisor synthesis approaches to handle large-scale DES and represent the obtained supervisors appropriately.</p> <p>Following this spirit, we bring the efficiencies of BDD into a particular DES application domain -- deadlock avoidance for resource allocation systems (RAS) -- a problem that arises in many technological systems including flexible manufacturing systems and multi-threaded software. We propose a framework for the effective and computationally efficient development of the maximally permissive deadlock avoidance policy (DAP) for various RAS classes. Besides the employment of symbolic computation, special structural properties that are possessed by RAS are utilized by the symbolic algorithms to gain additional efficiencies in the computation of the sought DAP. Furthermore, to bridge the gap between the BDD-based representation of the target DAP and its actual industrial realization, we extend this work by introducing a procedure that generates a set of "guard" predicates to represent the resulting DAP.</p> <p>The work presented in this thesis has been implemented in the SCT tool Supremica. Computational benchmarks have manifested the superiority of the proposed algorithms with respect to the previously published results. Hence, the work holds a strong potential for providing robust, practical and efficient solutions to a broad range of supervisory control and deadlock avoidance problems that are experienced in the considered DES application domain.</p

    Software Technologies - 8th International Joint Conference, ICSOFT 2013 : Revised Selected Papers

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