39 research outputs found

    Deniable-Based Privacy-Preserving Authentication Against Location Leakage in Edge Computing

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from IEEE via the DOI in this recordEdge computing provides cloud services at the edge of the network for Internet of Things (IoT) devices. It aims to address low latency of the network and alleviates data processing of the cloud. This “cloud-edge-device” paradigm brings convenience as well as challenges for location-privacy protection of the IoT. In the edge computing environment, the fixed edge equipment supplies computing services for adjacent IoT devices. Therefore, edge computing suffers location leakage as the connection and authentication records imply the location of IoT devices. This article focuses on the location awareness in the edge computing environment. We adopt the “deniability” of authentication to prevent location leakage when IoT devices connect to the edge nodes. In our solution, an efficient deniable authentication based on a two-user ring signature is constructed. The robustness of authentication makes the fixed edge equipment accept the legal end devices. Besides, the deniability of authentication cannot convince any third party that the fact of this authentication occurred as communication transcript is no longer an evidence for this connection. Therefore, it handles the inherent location risk in edge computing. Compared to efficient deniable authentications, our protocol saves 10.728% and 14.696% computational cost, respectively.Ministry of EducationSichuan Science and Technology ProgramNational Natural Science Foundation of ChinaEuropean Union Horizon 202

    Cryptographic Protocols for Privacy Enhancing Technologies: From Privacy Preserving Human Attestation to Internet Voting

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    Desire of privacy is oftentimes associated with the intention to hide certain aspects of our thoughts or actions due to some illicit activity. This is a narrow understanding of privacy, and a marginal fragment of the motivations for undertaking an action with a desired level of privacy. The right for not being subject to arbitrary interference of our privacy is part of the universal declaration of human rights (Article 12) and, above that, a requisite for our freedom. Developing as a person freely, which results in the development of society, requires actions to be done without a watchful eye. While the awareness of privacy in the context of modern technologies is not widely spread, it is clearly understood, as can be seen in the context of elections, that in order to make a free choice one needs to maintain its privacy. So why demand privacy when electing our government, but not when selecting our daily interests, books we read, sites we browse, or persons we encounter? It is popular belief that the data that we expose of ourselves would not be exploited if one is a law-abiding citizen. No further from the truth, as this data is used daily for commercial purposes: users’ data has value. To make matters worse, data has also been used for political purposes without the user’s consent or knowledge. However, the benefits that data can bring to individuals seem endless and a solution of not using this data at all seems extremist. Legislative efforts have tried, in the past years, to provide mechanisms for users to decide what is done with their data and define a framework where companies can use user data, but always under the consent of the latter. However, these attempts take time to take track, and have unfortunately not been very successful since their introduction. In this thesis we explore the possibility of constructing cryptographic protocols to provide a technical, rather than legislative, solution to the privacy problem. In particular we focus on two aspects of society: browsing and internet voting. These two events shape our lives in one way or another, and require high levels of privacy to provide a safe environment for humans to act upon them freely. However, these two problems have opposite solutions. On the one hand, elections are a well established event in society that has been around for millennia, and privacy and accountability are well rooted requirements for such events. This might be the reason why its digitalisation is something which is falling behind with respect to other acts of our society (banking, shopping, reading, etc). On the other hand, browsing is a recently introduced action, but that has quickly taken track given the amount of possibilities that it opens with such ease. We now have access to whatever we can imagine (except for voting) at the distance of a click. However, the data that we generate while browsing is extremely sensitive, and most of it is disclosed to third parties under the claims of making the user experience better (targeted recommendations, ads or bot-detection). Chapter 1 motivates why resolving such a problem is necessary for the progress of digital society. It then introduces the problem that this thesis aims to resolve, together with the methodology. In Chapter 2 we introduce some technical concepts used throughout the thesis. Similarly, we expose the state-of-the-art and its limitations. In Chapter 3 we focus on a mechanism to provide private browsing. In particular, we focus on how we can provide a safer, and more private way, for human attestation. Determining whether a user is a human or a bot is important for the survival of an online world. However, the existing mechanisms are either invasive or pose a burden to the user. We present a solution that is based on a machine learning model to distinguish between humans and bots that uses natural events of normal browsing (such as touch the screen of a phone) to make its prediction. To ensure that no private data leaves the user’s device, we evaluate such a model in the device rather than sending the data over the wire. To provide insurance that the expected model has been evaluated, the user’s device generates a cryptographic proof. However this opens an important question. Can we achieve a high level of accuracy without resulting in a noneffective battery consumption? We provide a positive answer to this question in this work, and show that a privacy-preserving solution can be achieved while maintaining the accuracy high and the user’s performance overhead low. In Chapter 4 we focus on the problem of internet voting. Internet voting means voting remotely, and therefore in an uncontrolled environment. This means that anyone can be voting under the supervision of a coercer, which makes the main goal of the protocols presented to be that of coercionresistance. We need to build a protocol that allows a voter to escape the act of coercion. We present two proposals with the main goal of providing a usable, and scalable coercion resistant protocol. They both have different trade-offs. On the one hand we provide a coercion resistance mechanism that results in linear filtering, but that provides a slightly weaker notion of coercion-resistance. Secondly, we present a mechanism with a slightly higher complexity (poly-logarithmic) but that instead provides a stronger notion of coercion resistance. Both solutions are based on a same idea: allowing the voter to cast several votes (such that only the last one is counted) in a way that cannot be determined by a coercer. Finally, in Chapter 5, we conclude the thesis, and expose how our results push one step further the state-of-the-art. We concisely expose our contributions, and describe clearly what are the next steps to follow. The results presented in this work argue against the two main claims against privacy preserving solutions: either that privacy is not practical or that higher levels of privacy result in lower levels of security.Programa de Doctorado en Ciencia y Tecnología Informática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Agustín Martín Muñoz.- Secretario: José María de Fuentes García-Romero de Tejada.- Vocal: Alberto Peinado Domíngue

    Extending the Helios Internet Voting Scheme Towards New Election Settings

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    Internet voting has long been a topic both of public discussion and also of scientific research. While the introduction of Internet voting may bring many advantages, it is further important to ensure an adequate level of security of the systems and underlying schemes that are used for casting and tallying the votes in order to encourage faith and acceptance for this relatively new way of voting. A number of cryptographic schemes have been proposed, that enable secure Internet voting. One of the most established and well-researched solutions is the Helios scheme, which is also implemented as an open-source system. Both its implementation and the scheme behind it has been extensively studied in the literature, and the Helios system has been used for numerous elections in practice, such as the IACR elections. However, there are election settings for which Helios is currently not appropriate, either due to infrastructure demands, required functionality for the voters or assurance of the security requirements. These kinds of election settings could benefit from the advantages that secure Internet voting provides. In this thesis we identify the election settings not currently supported by Helios, propose our extensions for each one of these settings and evaluate their security. Hence, this work describes four Internet voting schemes that are build upon Helios, with each scheme developed towards a specific setting. The first scheme presented here enables elections within the so-called boardroom voting setting. This setting is characterized by its decentralization, whereby all the tasks within the election are distributively performed by the voters themselves, without the support of a centralized infrastructure. The election in the boardroom voting setting are further conducted in an ad-hoc manner, so that limited time is available for preparation beforehand. We propose an extension of Helios that distributes the tasks of the voting system components in Helios among the voters. For this, we use cryptographic primitives such as decentralized key exchange with short authentication strings, distributed secret sharing and distributed decryption and Byzantine agreement. The second scheme extends Helios with proxy voting functionality. Proxy voting, as a newly emerged form of voting, enables the voter to delegate her voting right in the election to a trusted third-party, the so-called proxy, who is authorized to vote on the voter's behalf. This extension facilitates such delegation while assuring the security for delegating voters and for the proxies and preserves the security guarantees provided by Helios for the voters who vote directly (instead of delegating). For ensuring the security of our extension, we introduce the so-called delegation credentials that are assigned to the voters and are used to compute anonymized delegation tokens sent to the proxies to enable delegation. We further use cryptographic primitives such as proofs of knowledge and signatures of knowledge. The third scheme combines the first two settings to extend Helios towards the proxy boardroom voting setting, namely, a setting in which the elections are performed in a decentralized way as in boardroom voting, yet the voters who cannot participate in the election themselves are allowed to delegate their voting right to a trusted proxy before the election. The security of our extension is assured with threshold secret sharing and Pedersen commitments. The fourth scheme extends Helios by improving its security. As such, it introduces participation privacy, meaning that the voting system does not reveal which voters have participated in the election, while supporting verification that only the eligible voters have cast their ballots in the election. The extension furthermore introduces receipt-freeness, ensuring that the voter cannot create a receipt that proves to a third party how she voted, thus preventing vote selling. To ensure the security of the extension, a new kind of entity is introduced, the posting trustee, and a new kind of ballot, the so-called dummy ballot that is indistinguishable from a normal ballot cast by the voter, but does not modify the election result. We furthermore use disjunctive zero-knowledge proofs and proofs of signature knowledge to prove, that a sender of a particular ballot knows the private signature key of an eligible voter, or that the ballot is a dummy ballot. For each one of the extensions, the security model is provided, which describes the security requirements and the assumptions that are necessary for ensuring the security requirements (i.e. vote privacy or vote integrity), is provided. For the first three extensions, the security model is used as a base for the informal security evaluation, in which an informal argument is used to show, that the security requirements hold under the described assumptions. Conducting a formal security evaluation for these extensions is considered an important part of the future work, in which new formal definitions have to be developed. For the fourth extension, we provide a formal security analysis that relies on the formal definitions for the security requirements of vote privacy, vote integrity and eligibility, available in the literature. We furthermore introduce new formal definitions for participation privacy, receipt-freeness and fairness, which we also use for the formal proofs of our extension

    Information security and assurance : Proceedings international conference, ISA 2012, Shanghai China, April 2012

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    Novel Techniques of Using Diversity in Software Security and Information Hiding

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    Diversity is an important and valuable concept that has been adopted in many fields to reduce correlated risks and to increase survivability. In information security, diversity also helps to increase both defense capability and fault tolerance for information systems and communication networks, where diversity can be adopted from many different perspectives. This dissertation, in particular, focuses mainly on two aspects of diversity – the application software diversity and the diversity in data interpretation. Software diversity has many advantages over mono-culture in improving system security. A number of previous researches focused on utilizing existing off the shelf diverse software for network protection and intrusion detection, many of which depend on an important assumption – the diverse software utilized in the system is vulnerable only to different exploits. In the first work of this dissertation, we perform a systematic analysis on more than 6,000 vulnerabilities published in 2007 to evaluate the extent to which this assumption is valid. Our results show that the majority of the vulnerable application software products either do not have the same vulnerability, or cannot be compromised with the same exploit code. Following this work, we then propose an intrusion detection scheme which builds on two diverse programs to detect sophisticated attacks on security-critical data. Our model learns the underlying semantic correlation of the argument values in these programs, and consequently gains more accurate context information compared to existing schemes. Through experiments, we show that such context information is effective in detecting attacks which manipulate erratic arguments with comparable false-positive rates. Software diversity does not only exist on desktop and mainframe computers, it also exists on mobile platforms like smartphone operating systems. In our third work in this dissertation, we propose to investigate applications that run on diverse mobile platforms (e.g., Android and iOS) and to use them as the baseline for comparing their security architectures. Assuming that such applications need the same types of privileges to provide the same functionality on different mobile platforms, our analysis of more than 2,000 applications shows that those executing on iOS consistently ask for more permissions than their counterparts running on Android. We additionally analyze the underlying reasons and find out that part of the permission usage differences is caused by third-party libraries used in these applications. Different from software diversity, the fourth work in this dissertation focuses on the diversity in data interpretation, which helps to defend against coercion attacks. We propose Dummy-Relocatable Steganographic file system (DRSteg) to provide deniability in multi user environments where the adversary may have multiple snapshots of the disk content. The diverse ways of interpreting data in the storage allows a data owner to surrender only some data and attribute the unexplained changes across snapshots to the dummy data which are random bits. The level of deniability offered by our file system is configurable by the users, to balance against the resulting performance overhead. Additionally, our design guarantees the integrity of the protected data, except where users voluntarily overwrite data under duress. This dissertation makes valuable contributions on utilizing diversity in software security and information hiding. The systematic evaluation results obtained for mobile and desktop diverse software are important and useful to both research literature and industrial organizations. The proposed intrusion detection system and steganographic file system have been implemented as prototypes, which are effective in protecting valuable user data against adversaries in various threat scenarios

    Distributed Protocols with Threshold and General Trust Assumptions

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    Distributed systems today power almost all online applications. Consequently, a wide range of distributed protocols, such as consensus, and distributed cryptographic primitives are being researched and deployed in practice. This thesis addresses multiple aspects of distributed protocols and cryptographic schemes, enhancing their resilience, efficiency, and scalability. Fundamental to every secure distributed protocols are its trust assumptions. These assumptions not only measure a protocol's resilience but also determine its scope of application, as well as, in some sense, the expressiveness and freedom of the participating parties. Dominant in practice is so far the threshold setting, where at most some f out of the n parties may fail in any execution. However, in this setting, all parties are viewed as identical, making correlations indescribable. These constraints can be surpassed with general trust assumptions, which allow arbitrary sets of parties to fail in an execution. Despite significant theoretical efforts, relevant practical aspects of this setting are yet to be addressed. Our work fills this gap. We show how general trust assumptions can be efficiently specified, encoded, and used in distributed protocols and cryptographic schemes. Additionally, we investigate a consensus protocol and distributed cryptographic schemes with general trust assumptions. Moreover, we show how the general trust assumptions of different systems, with intersecting or disjoint sets of participants, can be composed into a unified system. When it comes to decentralized systems, such as blockchains, efficiency and scalability are often compromised due to the total ordering of all user transactions. Guerraoui (Distributed Computing, 2022) have contradicted the common design of major blockchains, proving that consensus is not required to prevent double-spending in a cryptocurrency. Modern blockchains support a variety of distributed applications beyond cryptocurrencies, which let users execute arbitrary code in a distributed and decentralized fashion. In this work we explore the synchronization requirements of a family of Ethereum smart contracts and formally establish the subsets of participants that need to synchronize their transactions. Moreover, a common requirement of all asynchronous consensus protocols is randomness. A simple and efficient approach is to employ threshold cryptography for this. However, this necessitates in practice a distributed setup protocol, often leading to performance bottlenecks. Blum (TCC 2020) propose a solution bypassing this requirement, which is, however, practically inefficient, due to the employment of fully homomorphic encryption. Recognizing that randomness for consensus does not need to be perfect (that is, always unpredictable and agreed-upon) we propose a practical and concretely-efficient protocol for randomness generation. Lastly, this thesis addresses the issue of deniability in distributed systems. The problem arises from the fact that a digital signature authenticates a message for an indefinite period. We introduce a scheme that allows the recipients to verify signatures, while allowing plausible deniability for signers. This scheme transforms a polynomial commitment scheme into a digital signature scheme

    Delegated and distributed quantum computation

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    Delegated and distributed quantum computation

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    A multifaceted formal analysis of end-to-end encrypted email protocols and cryptographic authentication enhancements

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    Largely owing to cryptography, modern messaging tools (e.g., Signal) have reached a considerable degree of sophistication, balancing advanced security features with high usability. This has not been the case for email, which however, remains the most pervasive and interoperable form of digital communication. As sensitive information (e.g., identification documents, bank statements, or the message in the email itself) is frequently exchanged by this means, protecting the privacy of email communications is a justified concern which has been emphasized in the last years. A great deal of effort has gone into the development of tools and techniques for providing email communications with privacy and security, requirements that were not originally considered. Yet, drawbacks across several dimensions hinder the development of a global solution that would strengthen security while maintaining the standard features that we expect from email clients. In this thesis, we present improvements to security in email communications. Relying on formal methods and cryptography, we design and assess security protocols and analysis techniques, and propose enhancements to implemented approaches for end-to-end secure email communication. In the first part, we propose a methodical process relying on code reverse engineering, which we use to abstract the specifications of two end-to-end security protocols from a secure email solution (called pEp); then, we apply symbolic verification techniques to analyze such protocols with respect to privacy and authentication properties. We also introduce a novel formal framework that enables a system's security analysis aimed at detecting flaws caused by possible discrepancies between the user's and the system's assessment of security. Security protocols, along with user perceptions and interaction traces, are modeled as transition systems; socio-technical security properties are defined as formulas in computation tree logic (CTL), which can then be verified by model checking. Finally, we propose a protocol that aims at securing a password-based authentication system designed to detect the leakage of a password database, from a code-corruption attack. In the second part, the insights gained by the analysis in Part I allow us to propose both, theoretical and practical solutions for improving security and usability aspects, primarily of email communication, but from which secure messaging solutions can benefit too. The first enhancement concerns the use of password-authenticated key exchange (PAKE) protocols for entity authentication in peer-to-peer decentralized settings, as a replacement for out-of-band channels; this brings provable security to the so far empirical process, and enables the implementation of further security and usability properties (e.g., forward secrecy, secure secret retrieval). A second idea refers to the protection of weak passwords at rest and in transit, for which we propose a scheme based on the use of a one-time-password; furthermore, we consider potential approaches for improving this scheme. The hereby presented research was conducted as part of an industrial partnership between SnT/University of Luxembourg and pEp Security S.A