139 research outputs found

    Usability of VGI for validation of land cover maps

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    Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) represents a growing source of potentially valuable data for many applications, including land cover map validation. It is still an emerging field and many different approaches can be used to take value from VGI, but also many pros and cons are related to its use. Therefore, since it is timely to get an overview of the subject, the aim of this article is to review the use of VGI as reference data for land cover map validation. The main platforms and types of VGI that are used and that are potentially useful are analysed. Since quality is a fundamental issue in map validation, the quality procedures used by the platforms that collect VGI to increase and control data quality are reviewed and a framework for addressing VGI quality assessment is proposed. A review of cases where VGI was used as an additional data source to assist in map validation is made, as well as cases where only VGI was used, indicating the procedures used to assess VGI quality and fitness for use. A discussion and some conclusions are drawn on best practices, future potential and the challenges of the use of VGI for land cover map validation

    Crowd-Driven and Automated Mapping of Field Boundaries in Highly Fragmented Agricultural Landscapes of Ethiopia with Very High Spatial Resolution Imagery

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    Mapping the extent and location of field boundaries is critical to food security analysis but remains problematic in the Global South where such information is needed the most. The difficulty is due primarily to fragmentation in the landscape, small farm sizes, and irregular farm boundaries. Very high-resolution satellite imagery affords an opportunity to delineate such fields, but the challenge remains of determining such boundaries in a systematic and accurate way. In this paper, we compare a new crowd-driven manual digitization tool (Crop Land Extent) with two semi-automated methods (contour detection and multi-resolution segmentation) to determine farm boundaries from WorldView imagery in highly fragmented agricultural landscapes of Ethiopia. More than 7000 one square-kilometer image tiles were used for the analysis. The three methods were assessed using quantitative completeness and spatial correctness. Contour detection tended to under-segment when compared to manual digitization, resulting in better performance for larger (approaching 1 ha) sized fields. Multi-resolution segmentation on the other hand, tended to over-segment, resulting in better performance for small fields. Neither semi-automated method in their current realizations however are suitable for field boundary mapping in highly fragmented landscapes. Crowd-driven manual digitization is promising, but requires more oversight, quality control, and training than the current workflow could allow

    Investigating the feasibility of geo-tagged photographs as sources of land cover input data

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    Geo-tagged photographs are used increasingly as a source of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), which could potentially be used for land use and land cover applications. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the feasibility of using this source of spatial information for three use cases related to land cover: Calibration, validation and verification. We first provide an inventory of the metadata that are collected with geo-tagged photographs and then consider what elements would be essential, desirable, or unnecessary for the aforementioned use cases. Geo-tagged photographs were then extracted from Flickr, Panoramio and Geograph for an area of London, UK, and classified based on their usefulness for land cover mapping including an analysis of the accompanying metadata. Finally, we discuss protocols for geo-tagged photographs for use of VGI in relation to land cover applications

    Motivating and Sustaining Participation in VGI

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    Volunteers are the key component in the collection of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), so what motivates their participation, what strategies work in recruitment and how sustainability of participation can be achieved are key questions that need to be answered to inform VGI system design and implementation. This chapter reviews studies that have examined these questions and presents the main motivational factors that drive volunteer participation, as determined from empirical research. Some best practices from broader citizen science applications are also presented that may have relevance for VGI initiatives. Finally, a set of case studies from our experiences are used to illustrate how volunteers have been motivated to collect VGI through mapping parties, gamification and working with schools

    Mapping cropland in smallholder-Dominated Savannas: Integrating Remote Sensing Techniques

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    Traditional smallholder farming systems dominate the savanna range countries of sub-Saharan Africa and provide the foundation for the region’s food security. Despite continued expansion of smallholder farming into the surrounding savanna landscapes, food insecurity in the region persists. Central to the monitoring of food security in these countries, and to understanding the processes behind it, are reliable, high-quality datasets of cultivated land. Remote sensing has been frequently used for this purpose but distinguishing crops under certain stages of growth from savanna woodlands has remained a major challenge. Yet, crop production in dryland ecosystems is most vulnerable to seasonal climate variability, amplifying the need for high quality products showing the distribution and extent of cropland. The key objective in this analysis is the development of a classification protocol for African savanna landscapes, emphasizing the delineation of cropland. We integrate remote sensing techniques with probabilistic modeling into an innovative workflow. We present summary results for this methodology applied to a land cover classification of Zambia’s Southern Province. Five primary land cover categories are classified for the study area, producing an overall map accuracy of 88.18%. Omission error within the cropland class is 12.11% and commission error 9.76%

    Enhancing Data Classification Quality of Volunteered Geographic Information

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    Geographic data is one of the fundamental components of any Geographic Information System (GIS). Nowadays, the utility of GIS becomes part of everyday life activities, such as searching for a destination, planning a trip, looking for weather information, etc. Without a reliable data source, systems will not provide guaranteed services. In the past, geographic data was collected and processed exclusively by experts and professionals. However, the ubiquity of advanced technology results in the evolution of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI), when the geographic data is collected and produced by the general public. These changes influence the availability of geographic data, when common people can work together to collect geographic data and produce maps. This particular trend is known as collaborative mapping. In collaborative mapping, the general public shares an online platform to collect, manipulate, and update information about geographic features. OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a prominent example of a collaborative mapping project, which aims to produce a free world map editable and accessible by anyone. During the last decade, VGI has expanded based on the power of crowdsourcing. The involvement of the public in data collection raises great concern about the resulting data quality. There exist various perspectives of geographic data quality this dissertation focuses particularly on the quality of data classification (i.e., thematic accuracy). In professional data collection, data is classified based on quantitative and/or qualitative ob- servations. According to a pre-defined classification model, which is usually constructed by experts, data is assigned to appropriate classes. In contrast, in most collaborative mapping projects data classification is mainly based on individualsa cognition. Through online platforms, contributors collect information about geographic features and trans- form their perceptions into classified entities. In VGI projects, the contributors mostly have limited experience in geography and cartography. Therefore, the acquired data may have a questionable classification quality. This dissertation investigates the challenges of data classification in VGI-based mapping projects (i.e., collaborative mapping projects). In particular, it lists the challenges relevant to the evolution of VGI as well as to the characteristics of geographic data. Furthermore, this work proposes a guiding approach to enhance the data classification quality in such projects. The proposed approach is based on the following premises (i) the availability of large amounts of data, which fosters applying machine learning techniques to extract useful knowledge, (ii) utilization of the extracted knowledge to guide contributors to appropriate data classification, (iii) the humanitarian spirit of contributors to provide precise data, when they are supported by a guidance system, and (iv) the power of crowdsourcing in data collection as well as in ensuring the data quality. This cumulative dissertation consists of five peer-reviewed publications in international conference proceedings and international journals. The publications divide the disser- tation into three parts the first part presents a comprehensive literature review about the relevant previous work of VGI quality assurance procedures (Chapter 2), the second part studies the foundations of the approach (Chapters 3-4), and the third part discusses the proposed approach and provides a validation example for implementing the approach (Chapters 5-6). Furthermore, Chapter 1 presents an overview about the research ques- tions and the adapted research methodology, while Chapter 7 concludes the findings and summarizes the contributions. The proposed approach is validated through empirical studies and an implemented web application. The findings reveal the feasibility of the proposed approach. The output shows that applying the proposed approach results in enhanced data classification quality. Furthermore, the research highlights the demands for intuitive data collection and data interpretation approaches adequate to VGI-based mapping projects. An interaction data collection approach is required to guide the contributors toward enhanced data quality, while an intuitive data interpretation approach is needed to derive more precise information from rich VGI resources

    FOSS4G 2018

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    There is an increasing amount of open Earth observation (EO) data available, offering solutions to map, assess and monitor natural resources and to obtain answers to global and local societal challenges. With the help of free and open source software (FOSS) and open access cloud computing resources, the remote sensing community can take the full advantage of these vast geospatial data repositories. To empower developing societies, support should be given to higher education institutions (HEIs) to train professionals in using the open data, software and tools. In this paper, we describe a participatory mapping methodology, which utilizes open source software Open Foris and QGIS, various open Earth observation data catalogues, and computing capacity of the free Google Earth Engine cloud platform. Using this methodology, we arranged a collaborative data collection event, Mapathon, in Tanzania, followed by a training of the related FOSS tools for HEIs’ teaching staff. We collected feedback from the Mapathon participants about their learning experiences and from teachers about the usability of the methodology in remote sensing training in Tanzania. Based on our experiences and the received feedback, using a participatory mapping campaign as a training method can offer effective learning about environmental remote sensing through a real-world example, as well as networking and knowledge sharing possibilities for the participating group