1,068 research outputs found

    A Parallel Computational Approach for String Matching- A Novel Structure with Omega Model

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    In r e cent day2019;s parallel string matching problem catch the attention of so many researchers because of the importance in different applications like IRS, Genome sequence, data cleaning etc.,. While it is very easily stated and many of the simple algorithms perform very well in practice, numerous works have been published on the subject and research is still very active. In this paper we propose a omega parallel computing model for parallel string matching. The algorithm is designed to work on omega model pa rallel architecture where text is divided for parallel processing and special searching at division point is required for consistent and complete searching. This algorithm reduces the number of comparisons and parallelization improves the time efficiency. Experimental results show that, on a multi - processor system, the omega model implementation of the proposed parallel string matching algorithm can reduce string matching time

    An XML Query Engine for Network-Bound Data

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    XML has become the lingua franca for data exchange and integration across administrative and enterprise boundaries. Nearly all data providers are adding XML import or export capabilities, and standard XML Schemas and DTDs are being promoted for all types of data sharing. The ubiquity of XML has removed one of the major obstacles to integrating data from widely disparate sources –- namely, the heterogeneity of data formats. However, general-purpose integration of data across the wide area also requires a query processor that can query data sources on demand, receive streamed XML data from them, and combine and restructure the data into new XML output -- while providing good performance for both batch-oriented and ad-hoc, interactive queries. This is the goal of the Tukwila data integration system, the first system that focuses on network-bound, dynamic XML data sources. In contrast to previous approaches, which must read, parse, and often store entire XML objects before querying them, Tukwila can return query results even as the data is streaming into the system. Tukwila is built with a new system architecture that extends adaptive query processing and relational-engine techniques into the XML realm, as facilitated by a pair of operators that incrementally evaluate a query’s input path expressions as data is read. In this paper, we describe the Tukwila architecture and its novel aspects, and we experimentally demonstrate that Tukwila provides better overall query performance and faster initial answers than existing systems, and has excellent scalability

    Design of testbed and emulation tools

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    The research summarized was concerned with the design of testbed and emulation tools suitable to assist in projecting, with reasonable accuracy, the expected performance of highly concurrent computing systems on large, complete applications. Such testbed and emulation tools are intended for the eventual use of those exploring new concurrent system architectures and organizations, either as users or as designers of such systems. While a range of alternatives was considered, a software based set of hierarchical tools was chosen to provide maximum flexibility, to ease in moving to new computers as technology improves and to take advantage of the inherent reliability and availability of commercially available computing systems

    Implementing High-Speed String Matching Hardware for Network Intrusion Detection Systems

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    This paper presents high-throughput techniques for implementing FSM based string matching hardware on FPGAs. By taking advantage of the fact that string matching operations for different packets are independent, a novel multi-threading FSM design is presented, which dramatically increases the FSM frequency and the throughput of string matching operations. In addition, design techniques for high-speed interconnect and interface circuits for the proposed FSM are also presented. Experimental results conducted on FPGA platforms are presented to study the effectiveness of the proposed techniques and explore the trade-offs between system performance, strings partition granularity and hardware resource cost

    Self-Addressable Memory-Based FSM: A Scalable Intrusion Detection Engine

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    One way to detect and thwart a network attack is to compare each incoming packet with predefined patterns, also called an attack pattern database, and raise an alert upon detecting a match. This article presents a novel pattern-matching engine that exploits a memory-based, programmable state machine to achieve deterministic processing rates that are independent of packet and pattern characteristics. Our engine is a self-addressable memory-based finite state machine (SAMFSM), whose current state coding exhibits all its possible next states. Moreover, it is fully reconfigurable in that new attack patterns can be updated easily. A methodology was developed to program the memory and logic. Specifically, we merge non-equivalent states by introducing super characters on their inputs to further enhance memory efficiency without adding labels. SAM-FSM is one of the most storage-efficient machines and reduces the memory requirement by 60 times. Experimental results are presented to demonstrate the validity of SAM-FSM

    High-Performance Packet Processing Engines Using Set-Associative Memory Architectures

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    The emergence of new optical transmission technologies has led to ultra-high Giga bits per second (Gbps) link speeds. In addition, the switch from 32-bit long IPv4 addresses to the 128-bit long IPv6 addresses is currently progressing. Both factors make it hard for new Internet routers and firewalls to keep up with wire-speed packet-processing. By packet-processing we mean three applications: packet forwarding, packet classification and deep packet inspection. In packet forwarding (PF), the router has to match the incoming packet's IP address against the forwarding table. It then directs each packet to its next hop toward its final destination. A packet classification (PC) engine examines a packet header by matching it against a database of rules, or filters, to obtain the best matching rule. Rules are associated with either an ``action'' (e.g., firewall) or a ``flow ID'' (e.g., quality of service or QoS). The last application is deep packet inspection (DPI) where the firewall has to inspect the actual packet payload for malware or network attacks. In this case, the payload is scanned against a database of rules, where each rule is either a plain text string or a regular expression. In this thesis, we introduce a family of hardware solutions that combine the above requirements. These solutions rely on a set-associative memory architecture that is called CA-RAM (Content Addressable-Random Access Memory). CA-RAM is a hardware implementation of hash tables with the property that each bucket of a hash table can be searched in one memory cycle. However, the classic hashing downsides have to be dealt with, such as collisions that lead to overflow and worst-case memory access time. The two standard solutions to the overflow problem are either to use some predefined probing (e.g., linear or quadratic) or to use multiple hash functions. We present new hash schemes that extend both aforementioned solutions to tackle the overflow problem efficiently. We show by experimenting with real IP lookup tables, synthetic packet classification rule sets and real DPI databases that our schemes outperform other previously proposed schemes


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    Increases in network traffic volume and transmission speeds have given rise to the need for extremely fast packet processing. Many traditional processor-based network devices are no longer sufficient to handle tasks such as packet analysis and intrusion detection at multi-Gigabit rates. This thesis proposes two novel pipelined hardware architectures to relieve the computational load of a processor within network switches and routers. First, the Embedded Protocol Analyzer Pre-Processor (ePAPP) is capable of taking an unclassified packet byte stream directly off of a network cable at line speed and separating the data into individually classified protocol fields. Second, the CAM-Assisted Signature-Matching Architecture (CASMA) uses ternary content-addressable memory to perform the task of stateless intrusion detection signature-matching. The Snort open-source software network intrusion detection system is used as a model for intrusion detection functionality. Structured ASIC synthesis results show that ePAPP supports speeds of 2.89 Gb/s using less than 1% of available logic cells. CASMA is shown to support 1.25 Gb/s using less than 6% of available logic cells. The CASMA architecture is demonstrated to be able to implement 1729 of 1993 or 86.8% of the attack signatures, or rules, packaged with Snort version 2.1.2