4 research outputs found

    A physically meaningful method for the comparison of potential energy functions

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    In the study of the conformational behavior of complex systems, such as proteins, several related statistical measures are commonly used to compare two different potential energy functions. Among them, the Pearson's correlation coefficient r has no units and allows only semi-quantitative statements to be made. Those that do have units of energy and whose value may be compared to a physically relevant scale, such as the root mean square deviation (RMSD), the mean error of the energies (ER), the standard deviation of the error (SDER) or the mean absolute error (AER), overestimate the distance between potentials. Moreover, their precise statistical meaning is far from clear. In this article, a new measure of the distance between potential energy functions is defined which overcomes the aforementioned difficulties. In addition, its precise physical meaning is discussed, the important issue of its additivity is investigated and some possible applications are proposed. Finally, two of these applications are illustrated with practical examples: the study of the van der Waals energy, as implemented in CHARMM, in the Trp-Cage protein (PDB code 1L2Y) and the comparison of different levels of the theory in the ab initio study of the Ramachandran map of the model peptide HCO-L-Ala-NH2.Comment: 30 pages, 7 figures, LaTeX, BibTeX. v2: A misspelling in the author's name has been corrected. v3: A new application of the method has been added at the end of section 9 and minor modifications have also been made in other sections. v4: Journal reference and minor corrections adde

    Reducing the standard deviation in multiple-assay experiments where the variation matters but the absolute value does not

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    You measure the value of a quantity x for a number of systems (cells, molecules, people, chunks of metal, DNA vectors, etc.). You repeat the whole set of measures in different occasions or assays, which you try to design as equal to one another as possible. Despite the effort, you find that the results are too different from one assay to another. As a consequence, some systems' averages present standard deviations that are too large to render the results statistically significant. In this work, we present a novel correction method of very low mathematical and numerical complexity that can reduce the standard deviation in your results and increase their statistical significance as long as two conditions are met: inter-system variations of x matter to you but its absolute value does not, and the different assays display a similar tendency in the values of x; in other words, the results corresponding to different assays present high linear correlation. We demonstrate the improvement that this method brings about on a real cell biology experiment, but the method can be applied to any problem that conforms to the described structure and requirements, in any quantitative scientific field that has to deal with data subject to uncertainty.Comment: Supplementary material at http://bit.ly/14I718

    Quantum mechanical calculation of the effects of stiff and rigid constraints in the conformational equilibrium of the Alanine dipeptide

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    If constraints are imposed on a macromolecule, two inequivalent classical models may be used: the stiff and the rigid one. This work studies the effects of such constraints on the Conformational Equilibrium Distribution (CED) of the model dipeptide HCO-L-Ala-NH2 without any simplifying assumption. We use ab initio Quantum Mechanics calculations including electron correlation at the MP2 level to describe the system, and we measure the conformational dependence of all the correcting terms to the naive CED based in the Potential Energy Surface (PES) that appear when the constraints are considered. These terms are related to mass-metric tensors determinants and also occur in the Fixman's compensating potential. We show that some of the corrections are non-negligible if one is interested in the whole Ramachandran space. On the other hand, if only the energetically lower region, containing the principal secondary structure elements, is assumed to be relevant, then, all correcting terms may be neglected up to peptides of considerable length. This is the first time, as far as we know, that the analysis of the conformational dependence of these correcting terms is performed in a relevant biomolecule with a realistic potential energy function.Comment: 37 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX, BibTeX, AMSTe

    Efficient model chemistries for peptides. I. Split-valence Gaussian basis sets and the heterolevel approximation in RHF and MP2

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    We present an exhaustive study of more than 250 ab initio potential energy surfaces (PESs) of the model dipeptide HCO-L-Ala-NH2. The model chemistries (MCs) used are constructed as homo- and heterolevels involving possibly different RHF and MP2 calculations for the geometry and the energy. The basis sets used belong to a sample of 39 selected representants from Pople's split-valence families, ranging from the small 3-21G to the large 6-311++G(2df,2pd). The reference PES to which the rest are compared is the MP2/6-311++G(2df,2pd) homolevel, which, as far as we are aware, is the more accurate PES of a dipeptide in the literature. The aim of the study presented is twofold: On the one hand, the evaluation of the influence of polarization and diffuse functions in the basis set, distinguishing between those placed at 1st-row atoms and those placed at hydrogens, as well as the effect of different contraction and valence splitting schemes. On the other hand, the investigation of the heterolevel assumption, which is defined here to be that which states that heterolevel MCs are more efficient than homolevel MCs. The heterolevel approximation is very commonly used in the literature, but it is seldom checked. As far as we know, the only tests for peptides or related systems, have been performed using a small number of conformers, and this is the first time that this potentially very economical approximation is tested in full PESs. In order to achieve these goals, all data sets have been compared and analyzed in a way which captures the nearness concept in the space of MCs.Comment: 54 pages, 16 figures, LaTeX, AMSTeX, Submitted to J. Comp. Che