201 research outputs found

    Understanding Compassion-Focused Therapy from a Participant's Perspective

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    Thesis advisor: Paul Gray"Compassion-focused therapy" (CFT) aims to increase the self-compassion of participants while reducing self-stigma. Although CFT is theorized to be effective for alcohol dependents, who suffer from high levels of self-criticism and self-hate, few clinical studies examine which factors facilitate the development of self-compassion and subsequently reduce harmful drinking. This qualitative study therefore values the subjective perspectives of female alcohol dependents as they participate in CFT in Northern Ireland. In doing so, it explores how self-compassion may be increased through modifications in self-labeling and self-concept. It is proposed that the development of a compassionate mindset, along with spirituality and mindfulness, grant alcohol dependents cautious optimism for the future.Thesis (BA) — Boston College, 2015.Submitted to: Boston College. College of Arts and Sciences.Discipline: Departmental Honors.Discipline: Sociology

    The Cultural Arts: A Participant\u27s Perspective

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    Cultural experiences continue to be a growing area of leisure interest. A participant describes the value of these activities and suggests ways of enhancing the experience

    Structuration du raconter et évaluation de la racontabilité dans l'entretien médiatique

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    In this study, we assume that the organisation of storytelling activity is sensitive to emerging norms and, specifically, to what is worth telling from a participant's perspective. We associate the methods of conversation analysis with a labovian approach to oral narratives and examine how storytelling is collaboratively and sequentially built during a radio interview parody. After discussing the relevance of parodic data to understand how media practitioners see their own practices (here: telling a story during a media interview), we provide a detailed analysis of a deviant case by considering the relations between structuring the telling and evaluating the tellability. The analysis leads to show what kinds of interactional resources are used to accomplish the activity: for instance, concurrent topic formulations, shared configurations of grammatical constructions, adjacency pairs. The study also points out how competing agendas can configure the activity in dissimilar ways. Eventually, it underlines the issues of being the interviewee and the storyteller at the same time

    Digitally mediated interaction as a resource for co-constructing multilingual identities in classrooms

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    The development of smartphones and mobile Internet have advanced tremendously since 2000 and have made the access to communication increasingly available in diverse settings, including classrooms. Today, smartphones are used in classrooms as part of both on- and off-task activities. For multilingual participants, this communication involves several languages. Previous research shows that classrooms are often oriented to and jointly constructed as monolingual settings in which participants orient to the language of instruction. In the research reported here, I focus on the ways that multilingual participants orient to and use mobile digital technology to co-construct multilingual identities in these classrooms, that is, how participants can, in-and-through the use of mobile communication, actively construct multilingual identities and bring them into the classroom. However, the mobile interactions also influence and contribute to classroom interactions and vice versa. Nevertheless, the digitally-local multilingual identity that is co-constructed and expressed in mobile interactions appears not to be problematized in the same manner as explicitly multilingual turns in the non-digital classroom may be oriented to as interactionally problematic. The verbal, non-digital, classroom becomes—in the interactional spaces afforded by the mobile communication—multilingual, as the participants co-construct multilingual identities in-and-through their mediated interactions.publishedVersionUnit Licence Agreemen

    Response to Questions

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    Danny Too responded to some questions on aspects of his papers, and was gracious enough to allow us to publish them. Questions are shortened in several cases. -Dave Wilso

    Front Matter

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    Includes front cover, editorial board, table of contents, and issue introduction

    Leftovers of a Dissolved Empire: Assessing the Political Stability of the Former Soviet Republics of Kazakhstan, Georgia, and the Ukraine

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    The intent of this thesis is to explore why when compared to the former Soviet Republics of Ukraine and Georgia there is a measure of stability in Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan has made it a priority to slowly build a sense of its own nationalism after decades of Soviet control. In over 20 years of independence it has only known violence for an 18-month period. The Republic of Kazakhstan has gone from the leftovers from a dissolved empire to a stable regional power. Kazakhstan’s hegemony in Asia and peaceful ethnic-governmental relations has made it possible for Kazakhstan to have a multi-faceted foreign policy with Russia, China, and the United States and this paper will try to answer the question of how this has been possible

    The World Bank, the Inspection Panel & Immunity

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    The establishment of the Inspection Panel marked a turning point for the World Bank, at a time when the notion of accountability in international financial institutions was still nascent. Triggered by people\u27s movements, this bold experiment aimed at transparency faced hurdles as the Bank was immune to legal consequences, and over a while, it weakened the Panel\u27s mandate. The 2019 US Supreme Court decision stripping the Bank of absolute immunity reshapes its accountability landscape. Post-immunity, the Panel gains renewed significance, scrutinizing and recommending actions. Legal repercussions for non-compliance bring a paradigm shift, compelling the Bank to enhance transparency, engage communities, and fortify safeguards. Amid challenges and past lapses, a recalibrated Panel, empowered to prevent harm, emerges crucial for a more just, transparent, and equitable global development landscape

    Financial and Economic Criteria for Evaluating the Performance of Pharmacies

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    Improving the economic performance of pharmacies need to economic and financial indicators. Despite this necessity, economic and financial performance indicators have not been identified comprehensively in the pharmacy setting. Thus the aim of this study is to determine the economic and financial performance assessment criteria of the pharmacies by specialist’s point of view. This study is a qualitative study in which experts and professional’s point of view were gathered by focus group discussion. 15 health system experts were selected by purposive sampling approach. Data from focus group discussions (FGD) were analyzed by thematic analysis method. Twelve main themes in two scopes were obtained to assess the economic and financial performance of the pharmacy by review of specialists view. These themes are waste rate, profitability, cost control, financial management, economic and political issues, pharmacist, doctor, medical insurance, management system, pharmaceutical companies, cultural issues and public or private administration system of pharmacy.Based on the results of this study, the most important criteria to evaluate the financial and economic performance of pharmacies were identified. These results can be used for to economic and financial performance evaluation of pharmacies