604 research outputs found

    Identifying and remeshing contact interfaces in a polyhedral assembly for digital mock-up applications

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    Polyhedral models are widely used for applications such as manufacturing, digital simulation or visualization. They are discrete models; easy to store, to manipulate, allowing levels of resolution for visualization. They can be easily exchanged between CAD systems without loss of data. Previous works (Comput Aided Des 29(4):287–298, 1997, Comput Graphics 22(5):565–585, 1998) have focused on simplification process applied to polyhedral part models. The goal of the proposed approach is to extend these processes to polyhedral assembly models, describing the digital mock-up of a future manufacturing product. To apply simplification techniques or other processes on polyhedral assemblies, contact surfaces between interacting objects have to be identified and specific constraints must be applied for processing. The approach proposed allows checking and maintaining a global consistency of the assembly model to ensure the reliability of the future processes. Thus, contacts between objects are detected using an approach that works for a static configuration of the assembly. Finally, a precise detection of the faces involved in each contact area is made and the resulting input domains identified are processed using a local Frontal Delaunay re-meshing technique to produce an identical tessellation on both objects involved in the processed contact. The quality of the triangulation produced is also checked

    QuickCSG: Fast Arbitrary Boolean Combinations of N Solids

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    QuickCSG computes the result for general N-polyhedron boolean expressions without an intermediate tree of solids. We propose a vertex-centric view of the problem, which simplifies the identification of final geometric contributions, and facilitates its spatial decomposition. The problem is then cast in a single KD-tree exploration, geared toward the result by early pruning of any region of space not contributing to the final surface. We assume strong regularity properties on the input meshes and that they are in general position. This simplifying assumption, in combination with our vertex-centric approach, improves the speed of the approach. Complemented with a task-stealing parallelization, the algorithm achieves breakthrough performance, one to two orders of magnitude speedups with respect to state-of-the-art CPU algorithms, on boolean operations over two to dozens of polyhedra. The algorithm also outperforms GPU implementations with approximate discretizations, while producing an output without redundant facets. Despite the restrictive assumptions on the input, we show the usefulness of QuickCSG for applications with large CSG problems and strong temporal constraints, e.g. modeling for 3D printers, reconstruction from visual hulls and collision detection

    The discretized polyhedra simplification (DPS): a framework for polyhedra simplification based on decomposition schemes

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    This work discusses simplification algorithms for the generation of a multiresolution family of solid representations from an initial polyhedral solid. We introduce the Discretized Polyhedra Simplification (DPS), a framework for polyhedra simplification using space decomposition models. The DPS is based on a new error measurement and provides a sound scheme for error-bounded, geometry and topology simplification while preserving the validity of the model. A method following this framework, Direct DPS, is presented and discussed. Direct DPS uses an octree for topology simplification and error control, and generates valid solid representations. Our method is also able to generate approximations which do not interpenetrate the original model, either being completely contained in the input solid or bounding it. Unlike most of the current methods, our algorithm can deal and also produces faces with arbitrary complexity. An extension of the Direct method for appearance preservation, called Hybrid DPS, is also discussed

    QuickCSG: Fast Arbitrary Boolean Combinations of N Solids

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    QuickCSG computes the result for general N-polyhedron boolean expressions without an intermediate tree of solids. We propose a vertex-centric view of the problem, which simplifies the identification of final geometric contributions, and facilitates its spatial decomposition. The problem is then cast in a single KD-tree exploration, geared toward the result by early pruning of any region of space not contributing to the final surface. We assume strong regularity properties on the input meshes and that they are in general position. This simplifying assumption, in combination with our vertex-centric approach, improves the speed of the approach. Complemented with a task-stealing parallelization, the algorithm achieves breakthrough performance, one to two orders of magnitude speedups with respect to state-of-the-art CPU algorithms, on boolean operations over two to dozens of polyhedra. The algorithm also outperforms GPU implementations with approximate discretizations, while producing an output without redundant facets. Despite the restrictive assumptions on the input, we show the usefulness of QuickCSG for applications with large CSG problems and strong temporal constraints, e.g. modeling for 3D printers, reconstruction from visual hulls and collision detection
