12 research outputs found

    Efficient three variables reversible logic synthesis using mixed-polarity Toffoli gate

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    In this paper, we present an efficient reversible logic synthesis algorithm that uses Toffoli and mixed-polarity based Toffoli gate. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to synthesizereversible function in their positive-polarity Reed Muller (PPRM) expansion and usethe Hamming Distance (HD) approach to select suitable transformation path. Once a transformation path is defined, suitable gates for substitution are selected through the gate matching factor and reduction is performed. The algorithm does not generate any extra lines and thus keeping the synthesized function in its simplest form. The algorithm target on efficient way to synthesize three variables based reversible function into a cascade of Toffoli and mixed-polarity based Toffoli gate in term of quantum cost and gate count. Experimental results showthat the proposed algorithm is efficient in terms of the realization of all three variable based reversible function

    A Library-Based Synthesis Methodology for Reversible Logic

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    In this paper, a library-based synthesis methodology for reversible circuits is proposed where a reversible specification is considered as a permutation comprising a set of cycles. To this end, a pre-synthesis optimization step is introduced to construct a reversible specification from an irreversible function. In addition, a cycle-based representation model is presented to be used as an intermediate format in the proposed synthesis methodology. The selected intermediate format serves as a focal point for all potential representation models. In order to synthesize a given function, a library containing seven building blocks is used where each building block is a cycle of length less than 6. To synthesize large cycles, we also propose a decomposition algorithm which produces all possible minimal and inequivalent factorizations for a given cycle of length greater than 5. All decompositions contain the maximum number of disjoint cycles. The generated decompositions are used in conjunction with a novel cycle assignment algorithm which is proposed based on the graph matching problem to select the best possible cycle pairs. Then, each pair is synthesized by using the available components of the library. The decomposition algorithm together with the cycle assignment method are considered as a binding method which selects a building block from the library for each cycle. Finally, a post-synthesis optimization step is introduced to optimize the synthesis results in terms of different costs.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figures, Microelectronics Journal, Elsevie

    Graphical Method of Reversible Circuits Synthesis

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    This paper presents a new approach to designing reversible circuits. Reversible circuits can decrease energy dissipation theoretically to zero. This feature is a base to build quantum computers. The main problem of reversible logic is designing optimal reversible circuits i.e. circuits with minimal gates number implementing the given reversible function. There are many types of reversible gates. Most popular library is a set of three types of gates so called CNT (Control, NOT and Toffoli). The method presented in this paper is based only on the Toffoli gates. A graphical representation of the reversible function called s-maps is introduced in the paper. This representation allows to find optimal reversible circuits. The paper is organized as follows. Section 1 recalls basic concepts of reversible logic. In Section 2 a graphical representation of the reversible functions is presented. Section 3 describes the algorithm whereby all optimal solutions of the given function could be obtained

    Debugging of Toffoli networks

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    Abstract—Intensive research is performed to find post-CMOS technologies. A very promising direction based on reversible logic are quantum computers. While in the domain of reversible logic synthesis, testing, and verification have been investigated, debugging of reversible circuits has not yet been considered. The goal of debugging is to determine gates of an erroneous circuit that explain the observed incorrect behavior. In this paper we propose the first approach for automatic debugging of reversible Toffoli networks. Our method uses a formulation for the debugging problem based on Boolean satisfiability. We show the differences to classical (irreversible) debugging and present theoretical results. These are used to speed-up the debugging approach as well as to improve the resulting quality. Our method is able to find and to correct single errors automatically. I

    Towards a Cost Metric for Nearest Neighbor Constraints in Reversible Circuits

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    Abstract. This work in progress report proposes a new metric for estimating nearest neighbor cost at the reversible circuit level. This is in contrast to existing literature where nearest neighbor constraints are usually considered at the quantum circuit level. In order to define the metric, investigations on a state-of-the-art reversible to quantum mapping scheme have been conducted. From the retrieved information, a proper estimation to be used as a cost metric has been obtained. Using the metric, it becomes possible for the first time to optimize a reversible circuit with respect to nearest neighbor constraints

    Synthesis of Quantum Circuits for Linear Nearest Neighbor Architectures

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    While a couple of impressive quantum technologies have been proposed, they have several intrinsic limitations which must be considered by circuit designers to produce realizable circuits. Limited interaction distance between gate qubits is one of the most common limitations. In this paper, we suggest extensions of the existing synthesis flow aimed to realize circuits for quantum architectures with linear nearest neighbor (LNN) interaction. To this end, a template matching optimization, an exact synthesis approach, and two reordering strategies are introduced. The proposed methods are combined as an integrated synthesis flow. Experiments show that by using the suggested flow, quantum cost can be improved by more than 50% on average.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, 3 table

    Synthesis and Optimization of Reversible Circuits - A Survey

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    Reversible logic circuits have been historically motivated by theoretical research in low-power electronics as well as practical improvement of bit-manipulation transforms in cryptography and computer graphics. Recently, reversible circuits have attracted interest as components of quantum algorithms, as well as in photonic and nano-computing technologies where some switching devices offer no signal gain. Research in generating reversible logic distinguishes between circuit synthesis, post-synthesis optimization, and technology mapping. In this survey, we review algorithmic paradigms --- search-based, cycle-based, transformation-based, and BDD-based --- as well as specific algorithms for reversible synthesis, both exact and heuristic. We conclude the survey by outlining key open challenges in synthesis of reversible and quantum logic, as well as most common misconceptions.Comment: 34 pages, 15 figures, 2 table

    Design and synthesis of reversible logic

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    Energy lost during computation is an important issue for digital design. Today, all electronics devices suffer from energy lost due to the conventional logic system used. The amount of energy loss in the form of heat leads to immense challenges in nowadays circuit design. To overcome that, reversible logic has been invented. Since properties of reversible logic differ greatly than conventional logic, synthesis methods used for conventional logic cannot be used in reversible logic. In this dissertation, we proposed new synthesis algorithms and several circuit designs using reversible logic