3,499 research outputs found

    A Novel Network Coded Parallel Transmission Framework for High-Speed Ethernet

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    Parallel transmission, as defined in high-speed Ethernet standards, enables to use less expensive optoelectronics and offers backwards compatibility with legacy Optical Transport Network (OTN) infrastructure. However, optimal parallel transmission does not scale to large networks, as it requires computationally expensive multipath routing algorithms to minimize differential delay, and thus the required buffer size, optimize traffic splitting ratio, and ensure frame synchronization. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for high-speed Ethernet, which we refer to as network coded parallel transmission, capable of effective buffer management and frame synchronization without the need for complex multipath algorithms in the OTN layer. We show that using network coding can reduce the delay caused by packet reordering at the receiver, thus requiring a smaller overall buffer size, while improving the network throughput. We design the framework in full compliance with high-speed Ethernet standards specified in IEEE802.3ba and present solutions for network encoding, data structure of coded parallel transmission, buffer management and decoding at the receiver side. The proposed network coded parallel transmission framework is simple to implement and represents a potential major breakthrough in the system design of future high-speed Ethernet.Comment: 6 pages, 8 figures, Submitted to Globecom201

    Ein analytisches Framework zur Bewertung der Zuverlässigkeit und Security von fortschrittlichen Netzwerk Systemen

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    Today, anonymous networks such as The Onion Routing (Tor) have been designed to ensure anonymity, privacy and censorship prevention, which have become major concerns in modern society. Although the Tor network provides layered encryption and traffic tunneling against eavesdropping attacks, the jamming attacks and their impact on the network and network services can not be efficiently handled today. Moreover, to defy modern censorship, it is not enough just to use the Tor network to hide the client's identity and the message content as the censorship has become a type of jamming attack, which prevents users from connecting to the censored network nodes by blocking or jamming (Tor) traffic. In network security, the main tools to protect privacy and anonymity as well as integrity and service reliability against eavesdropping and jamming, respectively, are diversity, randomness, coding or encryption and over-provisioning, all less exploit in traditional networks. This thesis provides radical new network concepts to address the needs of traditional networks for privacy, anonymity, integrity, and reliability; and designs \emph{advanced network systems} based on parallel transmission, random routing, erasure coding and redundant configurations as tools to offer diversity, randomness, coding and over-provisioning. Since the network systems designed in this thesis can not be evaluated with existing analytical models due to their rather complex configurations, the main focus of this work is a development of novel analytical approaches for evaluation of network performance, reliability and security of these systems and to show their practicality. The provided analysis is based on combinatorics, probability and information theory. In contrast to current reliability models, the analysis in this thesis takes into account the sharing of network components, heterogeneity of software and hardware, and interdependence between failed components. The significant property of the new security analysis proposed is the ability to assess the level of privacy, anonymity, integrity and censorship success when multiple jamming and eavesdropping adversaries reside in the network.Derzeit werden anonyme Internet Kommunikationssysteme, wie The Onion Routing (Tor), verwendet, um die Anonymität, die Privatsphäre und die Zensurfreiheit der Internetnutzer zu schützen. Obwohl das Tor-Netzwerk einen Schutz vor Lauschangriffe (Eavesdropping) bietet, kann ein beabsichtigtes Stören (Jamming) der Übertragung und den daraus resultierenden Auswirkungen auf die Netzwerkfunktionen derzeit nicht effektiv abgewehrt werden. Auch das moderne Zensurverfahren im Internet stellt eine Art des Jammings dar. Deswegen kann das Tor Netzwerk zwar die Identität der Tor-Nutzer und die Inhalte ihrer Nachrichten geheim halten, die Internetzensur kann dadurch nicht verhindert werden. Um die Netzwerksicherheit und insbesondere Anonymität, Privatsphäre und Integrität zusammen mit der Verfügbar.- und Zuverlässigkeit von Netzwerkservices zu gewährleisten, sind Diversität, Zufallsprinzip, Codierung (auch Verschlüsselung) und eine Überversorgung, die in den konventionellen Netzwerksystemen eher sparsam angewendet werden, die wichtigsten Mittel gegen Security-Angriffe. Diese Arbeit befasst sich mit grundlegend neuen Konzepten für Kommunikationsnetze, die einen Schutz der Anonymität und der Privatsphäre im Internet bei gleichzeitiger Sicherstellung von Integrität, Verfügbarkeit und Zuverlässigkeit ermöglichen. Die dabei verwendeten Konzepte sind die parallele Datenübertragung, das Random Routing, das Erasure Coding und redundante Systemkonfigurationen. Damit sollen Diversität, Zufallsprinzip, Codierung und eine Überversorgung gewährleistet werden. Da die entwickelten Übertragungssysteme komplexe Strukturen und Konfigurationen aufweisen, können existierende analytische Modelle nicht für eine fundierte Bewertung angewendet werden. Daher ist der Schwerpunkt dieser Arbeit neue analytische Verfahren für eine Bewertung von unterschiedlichen Netzwerkleistungsparametern, Zuverlässigkeit und Security zu entwickeln und die Praxistauglichkeit der in der Arbeit aufgeführten neuen Übertragungskonzepte zu beurteilen. Im Gegensatz zu existierenden Zuverlässigkeitsmodellen berücksichtigt der analytische Ansatz dieser Arbeit die Vielfalt von beteiligten Netzwerkkomponenten, deren komplexe Zusammenhänge und Abhängigkeiten im Fall eines Ausfalls

    Emergency TeleOrthoPaedics m-health system for wireless communication links

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    For the first time, a complete wireless and mobile emergency TeleOrthoPaedics system with field trials and expert opinion is presented. The system enables doctors in a remote area to obtain a second opinion from doctors in the hospital using secured wireless telecommunication networks. Doctors can exchange securely medical images and video as well as other important data, and thus perform remote consultations, fast and accurately using a user friendly interface, via a reliable and secure telemedicine system of low cost. The quality of the transmitted compressed (JPEG2000) images was measured using different metrics and doctors opinions. The results have shown that all metrics were within acceptable limits. The performance of the system was evaluated successfully under different wireless communication links based on real data

    Linear Network Coding and Parallel Transmission Increase Fault Tolerance and Optical Reach

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    Abstract-As optical networks evolve towards more dynamicity and an ever more efficient and elastic spectrum utilization, a more integrated, fault tolerant and system efficient design is becoming critical. To increase efficiency of spectral resource in bit rate per Hz (bit/s/Hz), high-level modulation formats are used, challenged by the accompanying optical impairments and the resulting limitation of optical reach. Previous work has addressed the issue of optical reach and transmission fault tolerance in the physical layer by deploying various FEC schemes and by a careful design of optical transceivers and links. This paper uses a different approach, applicable to link and networking layers. We propose a novel theoretical framework, whereby a randomized linear network coding (LNC) is applied to the main optical path, and in parallel, an auxiliary optical path is used at much lower transmission speeds, i.e., in addition to the main path. With the reception of the auxiliary path, as we analytically show, the system is highly tolerant to bit errors and packet loss caused by optical impairments in the main path, whereby alleviating the constraints on optical transmission quality and indirectly achieving better optical reach and spectral efficiency. The results are shown for a case study of high-speed Ethernet end-system transmitted over optical OFDM networks, which due to the inherent system-level parallelism in both networks, present one of the most interesting candidate technologies for the proposed method to yield best performance

    Embedded GPU Implementation for High-Performance Ultrasound Imaging

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    Methods of increasing complexity are currently being proposed for ultrasound (US) echographic signal processing. Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) resources allowing massive exploitation of parallel computing are ideal candidates for these tasks. Many high-performance US instruments, including open scanners like ULA-OP 256, have an architecture based only on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) and/or Digital Signal Processors (DSPs). This paper proposes the implementation of the embedded NVIDIA Jetson Xavier AGX module on board ULA-OP 256. The system architecture was revised to allow the introduction of a new Peripheral Component Interconnect Express (PCIe) communication channel, while maintaining backward compatibility with all other embedded computing resources already on board. Moreover, the Input/Output (I/O) peripherals of the module make the ultrasound system independent, freeing the user from the need to use an external controlling PC

    Deep Space Network information system architecture study

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    The purpose of this article is to describe an architecture for the Deep Space Network (DSN) information system in the years 2000-2010 and to provide guidelines for its evolution during the 1990s. The study scope is defined to be from the front-end areas at the antennas to the end users (spacecraft teams, principal investigators, archival storage systems, and non-NASA partners). The architectural vision provides guidance for major DSN implementation efforts during the next decade. A strong motivation for the study is an expected dramatic improvement in information-systems technologies, such as the following: computer processing, automation technology (including knowledge-based systems), networking and data transport, software and hardware engineering, and human-interface technology. The proposed Ground Information System has the following major features: unified architecture from the front-end area to the end user; open-systems standards to achieve interoperability; DSN production of level 0 data; delivery of level 0 data from the Deep Space Communications Complex, if desired; dedicated telemetry processors for each receiver; security against unauthorized access and errors; and highly automated monitor and control