65 research outputs found

    Theory and Design of a Highly Compressed Dropped-Channel Polarimetric Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    Compressed sensing (CS) is a recent mathematical technique that leverages the sparsity in certain sets of data to solve an underdetermined system and recover a full set of data from a sub-Nyquist set of measurements of the data. Given the size and sparsity of the data, radar has been a natural choice to apply compressed sensing to, typically in the fast-time and slow-time domains. Polarimetric synthetic aperture radar (PolSAR) generates a particularly large amount of data for a given scene; however, the data tends to be sparse. Recently a technique was developed to recover a dropped PolSAR channel by leveraging antenna crosstalk information and using compressed sensing. In this dissertation, we build upon the initial concept of the dropped-channel PolSAR CS in three ways. First, we determine a metric which relates the measurement matrix to the l2 recovery error. The new metric is necessary given the deterministic nature of the measurement matrix. We then determine a range of antenna crosstalk required to recover a dropped PolSAR channel. Second, we propose a new antenna design that incorporates the relatively high levels of crosstalk required by a dropped-channel PolSAR system. Finally, we integrate fast- and slow-time compression schemes into the dropped-channel model in order to leverage sparsity in additional PolSAR domains and overall increase the compression ratio. The completion of these research tasks has allowed a more accurate description of a PolSAR system that compresses in fast-time, slow-time, and polarization; termed herein as highly compressed PolSAR. The description of a highly compressed PolSAR system is a big step towards the development of prototype hardware in the future

    Metrics to evaluate compressions algorithms for RAW SAR data

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    Modern synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems have size, weight, power and cost (SWAP-C) limitations since platforms are becoming smaller, while SAR operating modes are becoming more complex. Due to the computational complexity of the SAR processing required for modern SAR systems, performing the processing on board the platform is not a feasible option. Thus, SAR systems are producing an ever-increasing volume of data that needs to be transmitted to a ground station for processing. Compression algorithms are utilised to reduce the data volume of the raw data. However, these algorithms can cause degradation and losses that may degrade the effectiveness of the SAR mission. This study addresses the lack of standardised quantitative performance metrics to objectively quantify the performance of SAR data-compression algorithms. Therefore, metrics were established in two different domains, namely the data domain and the image domain. The data-domain metrics are used to determine the performance of the quantisation and the associated losses or errors it induces in the raw data samples. The image-domain metrics evaluate the quality of the SAR image after SAR processing has been performed. In this study three well-known SAR compression algorithms were implemented and applied to three real SAR data sets that were obtained from a prototype airborne SAR system. The performance of these algorithms were evaluated using the proposed metrics. Important metrics in the data domain were found to be the compression ratio, the entropy, statistical parameters like the skewness and kurtosis to measure the deviation from the original distributions of the uncompressed data, and the dynamic range. The data histograms are an important visual representation of the effects of the compression algorithm on the data. An important error measure in the data domain is the signal-to-quantisation-noise ratio (SQNR), and the phase error for applications where phase information is required to produce the output. Important metrics in the image domain include the dynamic range, the impulse response function, the image contrast, as well as the error measure, signal-to-distortion-noise ratio (SDNR). The metrics suggested that all three algorithms performed well and are thus well suited for the compression of raw SAR data. The fast Fourier transform block adaptive quantiser (FFT-BAQ) algorithm had the overall best performance, but the analysis of the computational complexity of its compression steps, indicated that it is has the highest level of complexity compared to the other two algorithms. Since different levels of degradation are acceptable for different SAR applications, a trade-off can be made between the data reduction and the degradation caused by the algorithm. Due to SWAP-C limitations, there also remains a trade-off between the performance and the computational complexity of the compression algorithm.Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2019.Electrical, Electronic and Computer EngineeringMEngUnrestricte

    Advanced pixel selection and optimization algorithms for Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI)

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    Tesi amb diferents seccions retallades per dret de l'editorPremi Extraordinari de Doctorat, promoció 2018-2019. Àmbit de les TICGround deformation measurements can provide valuable information for minimization of associated loss and damage caused by natural and environmental hazards. As a kind of remote sensing technique, Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) SAR is able to measure ground deformation with high spatial resolution, efficiently. Moreover, the ground deformation monitoring accuracy of PSI techniques can reach up to millimeter level. However, low coherence could hinderthe exploitation of SAR data, and high-accuracy deformation monitoring can only be achieved by PSI for high quality pixels. Therefore, pixel optimization and identification of coherent pixels are crucial for PSI techniques. In this thesis, advanced pixel selection and optimization algorithms have been investigated. Firstly, a full-resolution pixel selection method based on the Temporal Phase Coherence (TPC) has been proposed. This method first estimates noise phase term of each pixel at interferogram level. Then, for each pixel, its noise phase terms of all interferograms are used to assess this pixel’s temporal phase quality (i.e., TPC). In the next, based on the relationship between TPC and phase Standard Deviation (STD), a threshold can be posed on TPC to identify high phase quality pixels. This pixel selection method can work with both Deterministic Scatterers (PSs) and Distributed Scatterers (DSs). To valid the effectiveness of the developed method, it has been used to monitor the Canillo (Andorra) landslide. The results show that the TPC method can obtained highest density of valid pixels among the employed three approaches in this challenging area with X-band SAR data. Second, to balance the polarimetric DInSAR phase optimization effect and the computation cost, a new PolPSI algorithm is developed. This proposed PolPSI algorithm is based on the Coherency Matrix Decomposition result to determine the optimal scattering mechanism of each pixel, thus it is named as CMD-PolPSI. CMDPolPSI need not to search for solution within the full space of solution, it is therefore much computationally faster than the classical Equal Scattering Mechanism (ESM) method, but with lower optimization performance. On the other hand, its optimization performance outperforms the less computational costly BEST method. Third, an adaptive algorithm SMF-POLOPT has been proposed to adaptive filtering and optimizing PolSAR pixels for PolPSI applications. This proposed algorithm is based on PolSAR classification results to firstly identify Polarimetric Homogeneous Pixels (PHPs) for each pixel, and at the same time classify PS and DS pixels. After that, DS pixels are filtered by their associated PHPs, and then optimized based on the coherence stability phase quality metric; PS pixels are unfiltered and directly optimized based on the DA phase quality metric. SMF-POLOPT can simultaneously reduce speckle noise and retain structures’ details. Meanwhile, SMF-POLOPT is able to obtain much higher density of valid pixels for deformation monitoring than the ESM method. To conclude, one pixel selection method has been developed and tested, two PolPSI algorithms have been proposed in this thesis. This work make contributions to the research of “Advanced Pixel Selection and Optimization Algorithms for Persistent Scatterer InterferometryLes mesures de deformació del sòl poden proporcionar informació valuosa per minimitzar les pèrdues i els danys associats causats pels riscos naturals i ambientals. Com a tècnica de teledetecció, la interferometria de dispersors persistents (Persistent Scatter Interferometry, PSI) SAR és capaç de mesurar de forma eficient la deformació del terreny amb una alta resolució espacial. A més, la precisió de monitorització de la deformació del sòl de les tècniques PSI pot arribar a arribar a nivells del mil·límetre. No obstant això, una baixa coherència pot dificultar l’explotació de dades SAR i el control de deformació d’alta precisió només es pot aconseguir mitjançant PSI per a píxels d’alta qualitat. Per tant, l’optimització de píxels i la identificació de píxels coherents són crucials en les tècniques PSI. En aquesta tesi s¿han investigat algorismes avançats de selecció i optimització de píxels. En primer lloc, s'ha proposat un mètode de selecció de píxels de resolució completa basat en la coherència temporal de fase (Temporal Phase Coherence, TPC). Aquest mètode estima per primera vegada el terme de fase de soroll de cada píxel a nivell d’interferograma. A continuació, per a cada píxel, s'utilitzen els termes de la fase de soroll de tots els interferogrames per avaluar la qualitat de fase temporal d'aquest píxel (és a dir, TPC). A la següent, basant-se en la relació entre el TPC i la desviació estàndard de fase (STD), es pot plantejar un llindar de TPC per identificar píxels de qualitat de fase alta. Aquest mètode de selecció de píxels es capaç de detectar tant els dispersors deterministes (PS) com els distribuïts (DS). Per validar l’eficàcia del mètode desenvolupat, s’ha utilitzat per controlar l’esllavissada de Canillo (Andorra). Els resultats mostren que el mètode TPC pot obtenir la major densitat de píxels vàlids, comparat amb els mètodes clàssics de selecció, en aquesta àrea difícil amb dades de SAR de banda X. En segon lloc, per equilibrar l’efecte d’optimització de fase DInSAR polarimètrica i el cost de càlcul, es desenvolupa un nou algorisme de PolPSI. Aquest algorisme proposat de PolPSI es basa en el resultat de la descomposició de la matriu de coherència per determinar el mecanisme de dispersió òptim de cada píxel, de manera que es denomina CMD-PolPSI. CMDPolPSI no necessita buscar solucions dins de l’espai complet de la solució, per tant, és molt més eficient computacionalment que el mètode clàssic de mecanismes d’igualtat de dispersió (Equal Scattering Mechanism, ESM), però amb un efecte d’optimització no tant òptim. D'altra banda, el seu efecte d'optimització supera el mètode BEST, el que te un menor cost computacional. En tercer lloc, s'ha proposat un algoritme adaptatiu SMF-POLOPT per al filtratge adaptatiu i l'optimització de píxels PolSAR per a aplicacions PolPSI. Aquest algorisme proposat es basa en els resultats de classificació PolSAR per identificar primer els píxels homogenis polarimètrics (PHP) per a cada píxel i, alhora, classificar els píxels PS i DS. Després d'això, els píxels DS es filtren pels seus PHP associats i, a continuació, s'optimitzen en funció de la mètrica de qualitat de la fase d'estabilitat de coherència; els píxels classificats com PS no es filtren i s'optimitzen directament en funció de la mètrica de qualitat de la fase DA. SMF-POLOPT pot reduir simultàniament el soroll de la fase interferomètrica i conservar els detalls de les estructures. Mentrestant, SMF-POLOPT aconsegueix obtenir una densitat molt més alta de píxels vàlids per al seguiment de la deformació que el mètode ESM. Per concloure, en aquesta tesi s’ha desenvolupat i provat un mètode de selecció de píxels, i s’han proposat dos algoritmes PolPSI. Aquest treball contribueix a la recerca en "Advanced Pixel Selection and Optimization Algorithms for Persistent Scatterer Interferometry"Postprint (published version

    Orbital differential SAR interferometry with polarimetric data

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    Space-borne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) systems have demonstrated great effectiveness to survey wide areas, independently of the weather conditions and the day/night cycle. One of the most exploited applications is Differential SAR Interferometry (DInSAR), and by extension, advanced multi-temporal techniques addressed as Persistent Scatterers Interferometry (PSI). These techniques provide the means to retrieve the displacement on the observed terrain surface. Taking advantage of the high coverage provided by this technology, natural and human induced phenomena may be monitored and detected in order to avoid and prevent hazardous or even catastrophic situations. A good characterization of such events is often related to the density and quality of the information delivered. In many cases, the success in the interpretation of localized surface motion phenomena relies on having as much measurements as possible. Conventional insitu techniques, when used properly, are able to provide reliable measurements. However, they are limited to their localization, and deploy a high number of instruments is not cost effective. The good characterization provided by PSI measurements is limited by the acquisition parameters and the actual scene under monitoring. SAR images sensitivity over the scene depends strongly on the geometric shape and distribution of targets. Historically, satellite SAR sensors had single polarimetric capabilities, so sensitivity over the scene was restricted to a certain antenna configuration. On the contrary, polarimetric acquisitions emit an receive with different antenna configurations, providing sensitivity to different geometries in the scenario. The launch in these later years of several satellites with polarimetric capabilities has triggered its use in several fields of application. The objective of this thesis is to evaluate the use of Polarimetric SAR (PolSAR) data for its application in the PSI framework. The extra information contained in PolSAR datasets is bound to improve the effectiveness of PSI techniques. Obtaining a higher density and quality of motion measurements will ease the detection and interpretation of terrain displacement phenomena.Els Radars d'Obertura Sintètica (SAR) embarcats en satèl·lits han demostrat ser molt efectius per monitoritzar grans àrees, independentment de les condicions atmosfèriques i del cicle dia/nit. L'aplicació més explotada es l'Interferometria Diferencial SAR (DInSAR), i per extensió, les tècniques avançades de processament multi-temporal anomenades Interferometria de Reflectors Persistents (PSI). Aquestes tècniques són capaces de mesurar el desplaçament en superfície del terreny observat. Aprofitant la gran cobertura que s'aconsegueix amb aquesta tecnologia, fenòmens d'origen tant natural com humà poden ser detectats i controlats per evitar i prevenir situacions de perill o fins i tot catastròfiques. La bona caracterització d'aquestes situacions sovint es relaciona tant amb la densitat com en la qualitat de la informació obtinguda. En molts casos, l’èxit en la interpretació de moviments de terreny localitzats depèn de tenir tants punts de mesura com sigui possible. Les tècniques convencionals de mesura in-situ, quan s'usen de forma adequada, són capaces de donar mesures fiables. No obstant, la seva cobertura està limitada a la localització de l'instrument, i la instal·lació d’un gran nombre d'instruments no és una solució econòmica. La bona caracterització de l'àrea mesurada amb tècniques PSI està limitada pels paràmetres d'adquisició i les característiques de la pròpia escena observada. La sensitivitat de les imatges SAR depèn en gran mesura de la distribució i la forma geomètrica dels blancs mesurats. Històricament, els sensors SAR emetien en polarització simple, i per tant la sensitivitat a la escena estava restringida a aquesta configuració específica de la antena. Per altra banda, durant les adquisicions polarimètriques s'emet i es rep en diferents configuracions de l'antena. Això permet tenir sensitivitat a geometries diferents dins la mateixa escena. El llançament aquest últims anys de diferents satèl·lits amb capacitats polarimètriques ha permès el seu ús en diversos camps d'aplicació. L'objectiu d’aquesta tesi és avaluar l'ús de dades polarimètriques SAR (PolSAR) per la seva aplicació en el marc de les tècniques PSI. La informació addicional que contenen els conjunts d’adquisicions PolSAR ha de millorar l'efectivitat de les tècniques PSI. L'obtenció d'una millor densitat i qualitat de les mesures permet una millor detecció i interpretació dels fenòmens de desplaçament superficial del terreny.Postprint (published version

    Oil spill and ship detection using high resolution polarimetric X-band SAR data

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    Among illegal human activities, marine pollution and target detection are the key concern of Maritime Security and Safety. This thesis deals with oil spill and ship detection using high resolution X-band polarimetric SAR (PolSAR). Polarimetry aims at analysing the polarization state of a wave field, in order to obtain physical information from the observed object. In this dissertation PolSAR techniques are suggested as improvement of the current State-of-the-Art of SAR marine pollution and target detection, by examining in depth Near Real Time suitability

    Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Meets Deep Learning

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    This reprint focuses on the application of the combination of synthetic aperture radars and depth learning technology. It aims to further promote the development of SAR image intelligent interpretation technology. A synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is an important active microwave imaging sensor, whose all-day and all-weather working capacity give it an important place in the remote sensing community. Since the United States launched the first SAR satellite, SAR has received much attention in the remote sensing community, e.g., in geological exploration, topographic mapping, disaster forecast, and traffic monitoring. It is valuable and meaningful, therefore, to study SAR-based remote sensing applications. In recent years, deep learning represented by convolution neural networks has promoted significant progress in the computer vision community, e.g., in face recognition, the driverless field and Internet of things (IoT). Deep learning can enable computational models with multiple processing layers to learn data representations with multiple-level abstractions. This can greatly improve the performance of various applications. This reprint provides a platform for researchers to handle the above significant challenges and present their innovative and cutting-edge research results when applying deep learning to SAR in various manuscript types, e.g., articles, letters, reviews and technical reports

    Metrics to evaluate compressions algorithms for RAW SAR data

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    Modern synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems have size, weight, power and cost (SWAP-C) limitations since platforms are becoming smaller, while SAR operating modes are becoming more complex. Due to the computational complexity of the SAR processing required for modern SAR systems, performing the processing on board the platform is not a feasible option. Thus, SAR systems are producing an ever-increasing volume of data that needs to be transmitted to a ground station for processing. Compression algorithms are utilised to reduce the data volume of the raw data. However, these algorithms can cause degradation and losses that may degrade the effectiveness of the SAR mission. This study addresses the lack of standardised quantitative performance metrics to objectively quantify the performance of SAR data-compression algorithms. Therefore, metrics were established in two different domains, namely the data domain and the image domain. The data-domain metrics are used to determine the performance of the quantisation and the associated losses or errors it induces in the raw data samples. The image-domain metrics evaluate the quality of the SAR image after SAR processing has been performed. In this study three well-known SAR compression algorithms were implemented and applied to three real SAR data sets that were obtained from a prototype airborne SAR system. The performance of these algorithms were evaluated using the proposed metrics. Important metrics in the data domain were found to be the compression ratio, the entropy, statistical parameters like the skewness and kurtosis to measure the deviation from the original distributions of the uncompressed data, and the dynamic range. The data histograms are an important visual representation of the effects of the compression algorithm on the data. An important error measure in the data domain is the signal-to-quantisation-noise ratio (SQNR), and the phase error for applications where phase information is required to produce the output. Important metrics in the image domain include the dynamic range, the impulse response function, the image contrast, as well as the error measure, signal-to-distortion-noise ratio (SDNR). The metrics suggested that all three algorithms performed well and are thus well suited for the compression of raw SAR data. The fast Fourier transform block adaptive quantiser (FFT-BAQ) algorithm had the overall best performance, but the analysis of the computational complexity of its compression steps, indicated that it is has the highest level of complexity compared to the other two algorithms. Since different levels of degradation are acceptable for different SAR applications, a trade-off can be made between the data reduction and the degradation caused by the algorithm. Due to SWAP-C limitations, there also remains a trade-off between the performance and the computational complexity of the compression algorithm.Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2019.TM2019Electrical, Electronic and Computer EngineeringMEngUnrestricte
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