66 research outputs found

    Smart actuation and sensing for meso-scale surgical robotic systems

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    This dissertation presents the development of meso-scale surgical robotics based on smart actuation and sensing for minimally invasive surgery (MIS). By replacing conventional straight tools by steerable surgical robots, surgical outcomes can potentially be improved due to more precise, stable, and flexible manipulation. Since bending and torsion are the two fundamental motion forms required by surgical tools to complete general surgical procedures, compact torsion and bending modules, both integrated with intrinsic sensors for motion feedback, have been developed based on shape memory alloy (SMA). The developed actuation and sensing techniques have been applied on a robot for neurosurgical intracerebral hemorrhage evacuation (NICHE) and a steerable catheter for atrial fibrillation (AFib) treatment. The NICHE robot consists of a straight stem, an SMA torsion module, and an SMA bending module as a distal bending tip. By synchronizing the motion of the stem, the bending module, and the torsion module, the robot is capable of tip articulation within the brain to remove hemorrhage effectively through suction and electrocauterization. In addition, a skull-mounted robotic headframe has been developed based on a Stewart platform to manipulate the NICHE robot. The robotic catheter is developed by integrating multiple SMA bending modules with flexible braid reinforced tubing. Polymer 3D-printing is used to fabricate all the structural components due to its relatively low cost, short fabrication period, and capability of fabricating complicated structures with high accuracy. The developed surgical robotic systems have been thoroughly evaluated using phantom or cadaver models under computed tomography (CT) and/or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) guidance. The imaging-guided experimental studies showed that the developed robotic systems consisting of smart actuation and sensing were compatible with CT and MR imaging.Ph.D

    A Review of SMA-Based Actuators for Bidirectional Rotational Motion: Application to Origami Robots

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    Shape memory alloys (SMAs) are a group of metallic alloys capable of sustaining large inelastic strains that can be recovered when subjected to a specific process between two distinct phases. Regarding their unique and outstanding properties, SMAs have drawn considerable attention in various domains and recently became appropriate candidates for origami robots, that require bi-directional rotational motion actuation with limited operational space. However, longitudinal motion-driven actuators are frequently investigated and commonly mentioned, whereas studies in SMA-based rotational motion actuation is still very limited in the literature. This work provides a review of different research efforts related to SMA-based actuators for bi-directional rotational motion (BRM), thus provides a survey and classification of current approaches and design tools that can be applied to origami robots in order to achieve shape-changing. For this purpose, analytical tools for description of actuator behaviour are presented, followed by characterisation and performance prediction. Afterward, the actuators’ design methods, sensing, and controlling strategies are discussed. Finally, open challenges are discussed

    Design, Modeling and Control of Micro-scale and Meso-scale Tendon-Driven Surgical Robots

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    Manual manipulation of passive surgical tools is time consuming with uncertain results in cases of navigating tortuous anatomy, avoiding critical anatomical landmarks, and reaching targets not located in the linear range of these tools. For example, in many cardiovascular procedures, manual navigation of a micro-scale passive guidewire results in increased procedure times and radiation exposure. This thesis introduces the design of two steerable guidewires: 1) A two degree-of-freedom (2-DoF) robotic guidewire with orthogonally oriented joints to access points in a three dimensional workspace, and 2) a micro-scale coaxially aligned steerable (COAST) guidewire robot that demonstrates variable and independently controlled bending length and curvature of the distal end. The 2-DoF guidewire features two micromachined joints from a tube of superelastic nitinol of outer diameter 0.78 mm. Each joint is actuated with two nitinol tendons. The joints that are used in this robot are called bidirectional asymmetric notch (BAN) joints, and the advantages of these joints are explored and analyzed. The design of the COAST robotic guidewire involves three coaxially aligned tubes with a single tendon running centrally through the length of the robot. The outer tubes are made from micromachined nitinol allowing for tendon-driven bending of the robot at variable bending curvatures, while an inner stainless steel tube controls the bending length of the robot. By varying the lengths of the tubes as well as the tendon, and by insertion and retraction of the entire assembly, various joint lengths and curvatures may be achieved. Kinematic and static models, a compact actuation system, and a controller for this robot are presented. The capability of the robot to accurately navigate through phantom anatomical bifurcations and tortuous angles is also demonstrated in three dimensional phantom vasculature. At the meso-scale, manual navigation of passive pediatric neuroendoscopes for endoscopic third ventriculostomy may not reach target locations in the patient's ventricle. This work introduces the design, analysis and control of a meso-scale two degree-of-freedom robotic bipolar electrocautery tool that increases the workspace of the neurosurgeon. A static model is proposed for the robot joints that avoids problems arising from pure kinematic control. Using this model, a control system is developed that comprises of a disturbance observer to provide precise force control and compensate for joint hysteresis. A handheld controller is developed and demonstrated in this thesis. To allow the clinician to estimate the shape of the steerable tools within the anatomy for both micro-scale and meso-scale tools, a miniature tendon force sensor and a high deflection shape sensor are proposed and demonstrated. The force sensor features a compact design consisting of a single LED, dual-phototransistor, and a dual-screen arrangement to increase the linear range of sensor output and compensate for external disturbances, thereby allowing force measurement of up to 21 N with 99.58 % accuracy. The shape sensor uses fiber Bragg grating based optical cable mounted on a micromachined tube and is capable of measuring curvatures as high as 145 /m. These sensors were incorporated and tested in the guidewire and the neuroendoscope tool robots and can provide robust feedback for closed-loop control of these devices in the future.Ph.D

    An overview of novel actuators for soft robotics

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    In this systematic survey, an overview of non-conventional actuators particularly used in soft-robotics is presented. The review is performed by using well-defined performance criteria with a direction to identify the exemplary and potential applications. In addition to this, initial guidelines to compare the performance and applicability of these novel actuators are provided. The meta-analysis is restricted to five main types of actuators: shape memory alloys (SMAs), fluidic elastomer actuators (FEAs), shape morphing polymers (SMPs), dielectric electro-activated polymers (DEAPs), and magnetic/electro-magnetic actuators (E/MAs). In exploring and comparing the capabilities of these actuators, the focus was on eight different aspects: compliance, topology-geometry, scalability-complexity, energy efficiency, operation range, modality, controllability, and technological readiness level (TRL). The overview presented here provides a state-of-the-art summary of the advancements and can help researchers to select the most convenient soft actuators using the comprehensive comparison of the suggested quantitative and qualitative criteria


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    This dissertation presents work done in the design, modeling, and fabrication of magnetically actuated microrobot legs. Novel fabrication processes for manufacturing multi-material compliant mechanisms have been used to fabricate effective legged robots at both the meso and micro scales, where the meso scale refers to the transition between macro and micro scales. This work discusses the development of a novel mesoscale manufacturing process, Laser Cut Elastomer Refill (LaCER), for prototyping millimeter-scale multi-material compliant mechanisms with elastomer hinges. Additionally discussed is an extension of previous work on the development of a microscale manufacturing process for fabricating micrometer-sale multi-material compliant mechanisms with elastomer hinges, with the added contribution of a method for incorporating magnetic materials for mechanism actuation using externally applied fields. As both of the fabrication processes outlined make significant use of highly compliant elastomer hinges, a fast, accurate modeling method for these hinges was desired for mechanism characterization and design. An analytical model was developed for this purpose, making use of the pseudo rigid-body (PRB) model and extending its utility to hinges with significant stretch component, such as those fabricated from elastomer materials. This model includes 3 springs with stiffnesses relating to material stiffness and hinge geometry, with additional correction factors for aspects particular to common multi-material hinge geometry. This model has been verified against a finite element analysis model (FEA), which in turn was matched to experimental data on mesoscale hinges manufactured using LaCER. These modeling methods have additionally been verified against experimental data from microscale hinges manufactured using the Si/elastomer/magnetics MEMS process. The development of several mechanisms is also discussed: including a mesoscale LaCER-fabricated hexapedal millirobot capable of walking at 2.4 body lengths per second; prototyped mesoscale LaCER-fabricated underactuated legs with asymmetrical features for improved performance; 1 centimeter cubed LaCER-fabricated magnetically-actuated hexapods which use the best-performing underactuated leg design to locomote at up to 10.6 body lengths per second; five microfabricated magnetically actuated single-hinge mechanisms; a 14-hinge, 11-link microfabricated gripper mechanism; a microfabricated robot leg mechansim demonstrated clearing a step height of 100 micrometers; and a 4 mm x 4 mm x 5 mm, 25 mg microfabricated magnetically-actuated hexapod, demonstrated walking at up to 2.25 body lengths per second

    Shape Memory Alloy Actuators and Sensors for Applications in Minimally Invasive Interventions

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    Reduced access size in minimally invasive surgery and therapy (MIST) poses several restriction on the design of the dexterous robotic instruments. The instruments should be developed that are slender enough to pass through the small sized incisions and able to effectively operate in a compact workspace. Most existing robotic instruments are operated by big actuators, located outside the patient’s body, that transfer forces to the end effector via cables or magnetically controlled actuation mechanism. These instruments are certainly far from optimal in terms of their cost and the space they require in operating room. The lack of adequate sensing technologies make it very challenging to measure bending of the flexible instruments, and to measure tool-tissue contact forces of the both flexible and rigid instruments during MIST. Therefore, it requires the development of the cost effective miniature actuators and strain/force sensors. Having several unique features such as bio-compatibility, low cost, light weight, large actuation forces and electrical resistivity variations, the shape memory alloys (SMAs) show promising applications both as the actuators and strain sensors in MIST. However, highly nonlinear hysteretic behavior of the SMAs hinders their use as actuators. To overcome this problem, an adaptive artificial neural network (ANN) based Preisach model and a model predictive controller have been developed in this thesis to precisely control the output of the SMA actuators. A novel ultra thin strain sensor is also designed using a superelastic SMA wire, which can be used to measure strain and forces for many surgical and intervention instruments. A da Vinci surgical instrument is sensorized with these sensors in order to validate their force sensing capability

    Contribution au micro-actionnement multi-stable piloté par radiations optiques

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    In this work, a bistable mechanism based on antagonistic pre-shaped double beams was proposed. Employing the proposed bistable mechanism, a quadristable micro-actuator was designed. ln order to validate the quadristability of the device, a meso-scaled prototype was fabricated from MDF by laser cutting. After the quadristability was experimentally confirmed, a quadristable micro-actuator was realized on SOl wafer using DRIE technique. Strokes for inner row and outer row were reduced to 300 µm and 200 µm respectively. For the actuation of the quadristable micro-actuator,laser heated SMA elements with deposited Si02 layer were used to realize the optical wireless actuation. With the help of a laser beam steering micro-mirror, both inner row and outer row were successfully actuated. ln order to further reduce the stroke, a bistable actuator with stroke reducing structure was designed and a prototype eut from MDF was tested. Bistability was validated and a stroke of 1µm was experimentally achieved. Based on this bistable module, a multistable nano-actuator, which contains four parallel coupled bistable modules,was designed and simulated. The simulated result have indicated that it was capable of outputs 16 discrete stable positions available from 0 nm to 150 nm with a step of 10 nm between two stable positions.Cette thèse traite le sujet du micro-actionnement multistable employant des radiations optiques pour atteindre les différentes positions offertes par le micro-actionneur. Dans le cadre des travaux réalisés, un mécanisme bistable reposant sur un principe de doubles poutres préformées situées en position antagoniste est proposé, et, sur cette brique élémentaire, un micro-actionneur quadristable a été conçu. Afin de valider le principe de fonctionnement de micro-actionneur, des procédés de fabrication Laser (sur le matériau « médium - MDF») puis DRIE (sur un wafer SOI de silicium) ont été utilisés. Sur le prototype en silicium, permettant une réduction des courses du rang interne et du rang externe du micro-actionneur, celles-ci ont été fixées à 300 µm et 200 µm respectivement. L’actionnement à distance de ce micro-actionneur a été prouvé en utilisant le chauffage laser d’un élément actif en Nitinol structuré par un dépôt de SiO2, ceci générant un effet « deux sens » de l’élément actif permettant d’annuler la charge sur les poutres du micro-actionneur une fois celui-ci déclenché puis en position stable. L’utilisation d’un banc expérimental incluant une membrane MEMS de balayage laser a permis de démontrer la quadristabilité du micro-actionneur sur 90 000 cycles. Afin de réduire davantage la course de ce micro-actionneur, des concepts de dispositifs de réduction de course ont été développés pour démontrer, à partir de prototypes fabriqué en MDF par usinage laser, la capacité à atteindre une course de 1 µm. Enfin, à la suite de ces travaux de réduction de course, un concept de nano-actionneur multistable a été proposé. Ce nano-actionneur est composé de quatre modules bistables liés et disposés en parallèle pour offrir 16 positions discrètes sur une course rectiligne. Les simulations de cet actionneur montrent la possibilité d’atteindre les 15 positions espacées de 10 nm sur une course de 150 nm

    Análise da morfagem de winglets utilizando ligas com memória de forma

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    The use of shape memory alloys (SMA) as actuators allows to build adaptive structures and to develop the concept of morphing. In the aeronautical industry, the morphing of aircraft is inspired by the flight of birds, as for the flaps and ailerons. Nowadays, the wing tips may have a static device called winglet that has an important aerodynamic function in cruise flight, but generates lift losses during take-off and landing. This work aims to analyze the winglet’s morphing using SMAs actuators. Two alternative models in bias configuration are presented: spring-pulley system and torsion springs system. Both models aim to represent conditions for application of a smallscale wing. This study shows a proof of concept and designs two prototypes for experimental verifications. Several parametric investigations evaluate the influence of air flow speed and the sensitivity of SMA wire diameter and spring index. The results show the conditions to obtain the desired geometric variation of the winglet and the feasibility of the actuation using SMA springs.A utilização das ligas com memória de forma (SMA) como atuadores possibilita a construção de estruturas adaptativas e o desenvolvimento do conceito de morfagem. No contexto aeronáutico, as morfagens em aeronaves são inspiradas no voo de aves, como é o caso dos flapes e ailerons. Atualmente, as pontas de algumas asas apresentam um dispositivo estático chamado de winglet, que possui uma função aerodinâmica importante no voo de cruzeiro, mas que ocasiona perdas na sustentação durante a decolagem e a aterrissagem. Este trabalho busca analisar a morfagem de winglets utilizando atuadores com SMAs. Apresentam-se dois modelos alternativos de atuação em configuração bias: sistema mola-polia e sistema com molas torcionais. Os dois modelos conceituais representam as condições de aplicação da asa em escala reduzida. O estudo apresenta duas provas de conceitos e constrói dois protótipos para verificações experimentais. Diversas investigações paramétricas avaliam a influência do escoamento do ar e da sensibilidade do diâmetro do fio SMA e índice de mola. Os resultados mostram as condições em que é possível obter a variação desejada da geometria do winglet e a capacidade de atuação a partir de molas SMA
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