34 research outputs found

    Mathematical optimization and signal processing techniques for cooperative wireless networks

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    The rapid growth of mobile users and emergence of high data rate multimedia and interactive services have resulted in a shortage of the radio spectrum. Novel solutions are therefore required for future generations of wireless networks to enhance capacity and coverage. This thesis aims at addressing this issue through the design and analysis of signal processing algorithms. In particular various resource allocation and spatial diversity techniques have been proposed within the context of wireless peer-to-peer relays and coordinated base station (BS) processing. In order to enhance coverage while providing improvement in capacity, peer-to-peer relays that share the same frequency band have been considered and various techniques for designing relay coefficients and allocating powers optimally are proposed. Both one-way and two-way amplify and forward (AF) relays have been investigated. In order to maintain fairness, a signal-to-interference plus noise ratio (SINR) balancing criterion has been adopted. In order to improve the spectrum utilization further, the relays within the context of cognitive radio network are also considered. In this case, a cognitive peer-to-peer relay network is required to achieve SINR balancing while maintaining the interference leakage to primary receiver below a certain threshold. As the spatial diversity techniques in the form of multiple-input-multipleoutput (MIMO) systems have the potential to enhance capacity significantly, the above work has been extended to peer-to-peer MIMO relay networks. Transceiver and relay beamforming design based on minimum mean-square error (MSE) criterion has been proposed. Establishing uplink downlink MSE duality, an alternating algorithm has been developed. A scenario where multiple users are served by both the BS and a MIMO relay is considered and a joint beamforming technique for the BS and the MIMO relay is proposed. With the motivation of optimising the transmission power at both the BS and the relay, an interference precoding design is presented that takes into account the knowledge of the interference caused by the relay to the users served by the BS. Recognizing joint beamformer design for multiple BSs has the ability to reduce interference in the network significantly, cooperative multi-cell beamforming design is proposed. The aim is to design multi-cell beamformers to maximize the minimum SINR of users subject to individual BS power constraints. In contrast to all works available in the literature that aimed at balancing SINR of all users in all cells to the same level, the SINRs of users in each cell is balanced and maximized at different values. This new technique takes advantage of the fact that BSs may have different available transmission powers and/or channel conditions for their users

    Cognitive Radio Systems

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    Cognitive radio is a hot research area for future wireless communications in the recent years. In order to increase the spectrum utilization, cognitive radio makes it possible for unlicensed users to access the spectrum unoccupied by licensed users. Cognitive radio let the equipments more intelligent to communicate with each other in a spectrum-aware manner and provide a new approach for the co-existence of multiple wireless systems. The goal of this book is to provide highlights of the current research topics in the field of cognitive radio systems. The book consists of 17 chapters, addressing various problems in cognitive radio systems

    Resource allocation and optimization techniques in wireless relay networks

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    Relay techniques have the potential to enhance capacity and coverage of a wireless network. Due to rapidly increasing number of smart phone subscribers and high demand for data intensive multimedia applications, the useful radio spectrum is becoming a scarce resource. For this reason, two way relay network and cognitive radio technologies are required for better utilization of radio spectrum. Compared to the conventional one way relay network, both the uplink and the downlink can be served simultaneously using a two way relay network. Hence the effective bandwidth efficiency is considered to be one time slot per transmission. Cognitive networks are wireless networks that consist of different types of users, a primary user (PU, the primary license holder of a spectrum band) and secondary users (SU, cognitive radios that opportunistically access the PU spectrum). The secondary users can access the spectrum of the licensed user provided they do not harmfully affect to the primary user. In this thesis, various resource allocation and optimization techniques have been investigated for wireless relay and cognitive radio networks

    Performance study of an underlay cognitive radio network in the presence of co-channel interference

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    PhD ThesisMassive innovation in all aspects of the wireless communication network has been witnessed over the last few decades. The demand for data throughput is continuously growing, as such, the current regulations for allocating frequency spectrum are not able to respond to this exponential growth. Cognitive radio (CR), has been proposed as a solution to this problem. One of the possible scenarios of the implementation of CR is underlay cognitive radio. In this thesis the performance of an underlay cognitive radio network (UCRN) in the presence of the co-channel interference (CCI) is assessed. Firstly, the impact of CCI on the dual-hop cooperative UCRN is investigated over Rayleigh fading channels. In order to do this, the exact outage probability (OP), average error probability (AEP) and the ergodic capacity (EC) are studied. In addition, simple and asymptotic expressions for the OP and AEP are derived. Furthermore, the optimal power allocation is investigated to enhance the network performance. Moreover, the performance of a multi-user scenario is studied by considering the opportunistic SNR-based selection technique. Secondly, the effect of both primary network interference and CCI on the dual-hop UCRN over Rayleigh fading channels are studied. The equivalent signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) for this network scenario is obtained by considering multi-antenna schemes at all receiver nodes. The different signal combinations at the receiver nodes are investigated and compared, such as selection combining (SC) and maximum ratio combining (MRC) techniques. Then, the equivalent probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the network’s equivalent SINR are derived and discussed. Furthermore, expressions for the exact OP, AEP, and EC are derived and reviewed. In addition, asymptotic OP expressions are obtained for different case scenarios to gain an insight into the network parameters. Thirdly, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) UCRN is investigated under the influence of primary transmitter interference and CCI over Rayleigh fading channels. The transmit antenna selection and maximum ratio combining (TAS/MRC) techniques are considered for examining the performance of the secondary network. At first the equivalent SINR for the system is derived, then the exact and approximate expressions for the OP are derived and discussed. Fourthly, considering Nakagami-m fading channels, the performance of the UCRN is thoroughly studied with the consideration of the impact of primary network interference and CCI. The equivalent SINR for the secondary system is derived. Then, the system equivalent PDF and CDF are derived and discussed. Furthermore, the OP and AEP performances are investigated. Finally, for the cases mentioned above, numerical examples in conjunction with MatLab Monte Carlo simulations are provided to validate the derived results. The results show that CCI is one of the factors that severely reduces the UCRN performance. This can be more observable when the CCI power increases linearly with the transmission power of the secondary transmitter nodes. Furthermore, it was found that in a multi-user scenario the opportunistic SNR-based selection technique consideration can improve the performance of the network. Moreover, adaptive power allocation is found to give better results than equal power allocation. In addition, cooperative communication can be considered to be an effective way to combat the impact of transmission power limitation of the secondary network and interference power constraint. The multi-antenna schemes are another important consideration for enhancing the overall performance. In fact, despite the interference from the CCI and primary user sources, the multi-antennas scheme does not lose its advantage in the UCRN performance improvementHigher Committee for Education Development in Iraq (HCED). I am also grateful to the Ministry of Transportation and Communication, Kurdistan Regional Government-Iraq

    Enabling Technologies for Internet of Things: Licensed and Unlicensed Techniques

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) is a novel paradigm which is shaping the evolution of the future Internet. According to the vision underlying the IoT, the next step in increasing the ubiquity of the Internet, after connecting people anytime and everywhere, is to connect inanimate objects. By providing objects with embedded communication capabilities and a common addressing scheme, a highly distributed and ubiquitous network of seamlessly connected heterogeneous devices is formed, which can be fully integrated into the current Internet and mobile networks, thus allowing for the development of new intelligent services available anytime, anywhere, by anyone and anything. Such a vision is also becoming known under the name of Machine-to-Machine (M2M), where the absence of human interaction in the system dynamics is further emphasized. A massive number of wireless devices will have the ability to connect to the Internat through the IoT framework. With the accelerating pace of marketing such framework, the new wireless communications standards are studying/proposing solutions to incorporate the services needed for the IoT. However, with an estimate of 30 billion connected devices, a lot of challenges are facing the current wireless technology. In our research, we address a variety of technology candidates for enabling such a massive framework. Mainly, we focus on the nderlay cognitive radio networks as the unlicensed candidate for IoT. On the other hand, we look into the current efforts done by the standardization bodies to accommodate the requirements of the IoT into the current cellular networks. Specifically, we survey the new features and the new user equipment categories added to the physical layer of the LTE-A. In particular, we study the performance of a dual-hop cognitive radio network sharing the spectrum of a primary network in an underlay fashion. In particular, the cognitive network consists of a source, a destination, and multiple nodes employed as amplify-and-forward relays. To improve the spectral efficiency, all relays are allowed to instantaneously transmit to the destination over the same frequency band. We present the optimal power allocation that maximizes the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the destination while satisfying the interference constrains of the primary network. The optimal power allocation is obtained through an eigen-solution of a channel-dependent matrix, and is shown to transform the transmission over the non-orthogonal relays into parallel channels. Furthermore, while the secondary destination is equipped with multiple antennas, we propose an antenna selection scheme to select the antenna with the highest SNR. To this end, we propose a clustering scheme to subgroup the available relays and use antenna selection at the receiver to extract the same diversity order. We show that random clustering causes the system to lose some of the available degrees of freedom. We provide analytical expression of the outage probability of the system for the random clustering and the proposed maximum-SNR clustering scheme with antenna selection. In addition, we adapt our design to increase the energy-efficiency of the overall network without significant loss in the data rate. In the second part of this thesis, we will look into the current efforts done by the standardization bodies to accommodate the equirements of the IoT into the current cellular networks. Specifically, we present the new features and the new user equipment categories added to the physical layer of the LTE-A. We study some of the challenges facing the LTE-A when dealing with Machine Type communications (MTC). Specifically, the MTC Physical Downlink control channel (MPDCCH) is among the newly introduced features in the LTE-A that carries the downlink control information (DCI) for MTC devices. Correctly decoding the PDCCH, mainly depends on the channel estimation used to compensate for the channel errors during transmission, and the choice of such technique will affect both the complexity and the performance of the user equipment. We propose and assess the performance of a simple channel estimation technique depends in essence on the Least Squares (LS) estimates of the pilots signal and linear interpolations for low-Doppler channels associated with the MTC application

    Energy Harvesting Enabled Relaying network: Design System and Performance Analysis

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    The thesis deals with the design of new protocols and the analysis of wireless-powered communications networks’ performance. In order to bring the contribution to the science in field of my topic, this thesis starts with the study of wireless power supply policies, namely the separated power (SP) and harvested power (HP) techniques at the relay node in the full-duplex (FD) decode-and-forward (DF) relaying networks (RNs). In the second emphasis, the thesis deals with the factors degrading the system performance, i.e., channel state information (CSI) and hardware impairments (HWIs) using Hybrid time switching-based and power splitting-based relaying (HTPSR) protocol. Besides that, an optimization problem regarding time switching (TS) and power splitting (PS) ratios are solved in this thesis, where a genetic algorithm was used. In the third emphasis of this thesis, a two-way simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) network is considered to be an important technique, in which two new proposed protocols, namely power time splitting-based two-slot (PTSTW) and power time splitting-based three-slot (PTSTH) are deployed and compared with each other. The throughput performance is analyzed for both developed protocols. The following emphasis is the study of relay selection (RS) schemes. The three optimal RS schemes are proposed to examine the system performance, namely: * Half-duplex (HD) deploying maximal ratio combine (HDMRC), * FD deploying joint decoding (FDJD), * and hybrid FD/HD relaying transmission scheme (HTS). All of them operate in two optimal power supply policies - optimal power under the individual power constraints (OPIPC) and optimal power with energy harvesting ability (OPEHA). The simulation results show that the HTS outperforms HDMRC and FDJD, and OPEHA is better than OPIPC. Finally, Optimal time for transmitting power at source (OTPS) and Optimal time for transmitting power at relay (OTPR) are proposed to optimize the transmit power in a cognitive relaying network (CRN). For performance analysis, the outage probability, the rate-energy trade-off and the average energy efficiency are studied to enhance the successful data transmission.Tato dizertační práce se věnuje návrhu nových protokolů pro bezdrátově napájené komunikační sítě, jejichž efektivita je následně podrobena analýze. V této práci jsou probrány přístupy k bezdrátovému napájení komunikačních zařízení, a sice SP (Separated Power) a HP (Harvested Power), kdy energie je získána z okolí. Tyto techniky jsou zkoumány z pohledu tzv. relay uzlu R (Relay node) v plně duplexních sítích RN (Relaying Networks) pracujících v režimu DF (Decode-and-Forward). Mimoto, jsou v práci rozebrány i faktory snižující výkonnost a efektivitu bezdrátově napájených komunikačních systémů využívajících navržený hybridní protokol HTPSR (Hybrid Time Switching-based and Power Splitting-based Relaying). Pro tyto účely je využita zejména informace o stavu kanálu CSI (Channel State Information), přičemž detekovány a vyhodnoceny jsou i vlivy jednotlivých zařízení HWIs (Hardware Impairments). Pro zmíněný protokol HTPSR je v práci taktéž řešen problém optimalizace poměru mezi intervaly časového přepínání TS (Time Switching) a děleného napájení PS (Power Splitting), kde byl využit genetický algoritmus. Další oblastí, která je v této práci zkoumána, je síť umožňující současný přenos informací i energie pro napájení, pro niž byly v rámci této práce navrženy, nasazeny a vyhodnoceny dva protokoly, a to PTSTW (Power Time Splitting-based Two-slot) a PTSTH (Power Time Splitting-based Three-slot). Následně jsou v dizertaci zkoumány tři navržená schémata, ve kterých může být provozován uzel R a je provedena jejich výkonnostní analýza, konkrétně jde o režim: * poloduplexní využívající techniku kombinování maximálních poměrů HDMRC (Half-duplex Deploying Maximal Ratio Combine), * plně duplexní využívající sdružené dekódování FDJD (Full-duplex Deploying Joint Decoding), * a hybridní kombinující oba výše zmíněné způsoby v režimu HTS (Hybrid Transmission Scheme). Všechna tato tři schémata jsou provozována v optimalizovaných režimech provozu, přičemž v práci jsou rozebrány dva – optimální napájení s individuálními limity OPIPC (Optimal Power Under the Individual Power Constraints) a optimální napájení s možností využití získávání energie OPEHA (Optimal Power with Energy Harvesting Ability). Z následných simulací pak bylo zjištěno, že HTS svou efektivitou předčí jak HDMRC, tak FDJD a že režim OPEHA je výhodnější než režim OPIPC. Posledním přínosem této práce jsou dva navržené způsoby určení časových poměrů OTPS (Optimal Time for transmitting Power at Source) a OTPR (Optimal Time for transmitting Power at Relay) s cílem optimalizovat přenos energie v CR (Cognitive Relaying) sítích. Rovněž byly pečlivě zkoumány výkonnostní parametry jako pravděpodobnost výpadku, poměr mezi přenosovou rychlostí systému a dodanou energií a průměrná efektivita systému při přenosu energie, a to za účelem zlepšení vlastností datových přenosů.440 - Katedra telekomunikační technikyvyhově

    Joint transceiver design and power optimization for wireless sensor networks in underground mines

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    Avec les grands développements des technologies de communication sans fil, les réseaux de capteurs sans fil (WSN) ont attiré beaucoup d’attention dans le monde entier au cours de la dernière décennie. Les réseaux de capteurs sans fil sont maintenant utilisés pour a surveillance sanitaire, la gestion des catastrophes, la défense, les télécommunications, etc. De tels réseaux sont utilisés dans de nombreuses applications industrielles et commerciales comme la surveillance des processus industriels et de l’environnement, etc. Un réseau WSN est une collection de transducteurs spécialisés connus sous le nom de noeuds de capteurs avec une liaison de communication distribuée de manière aléatoire dans tous les emplacements pour surveiller les paramètres. Chaque noeud de capteur est équipé d’un transducteur, d’un processeur de signal, d’une unité d’alimentation et d’un émetteur-récepteur. Les WSN sont maintenant largement utilisés dans l’industrie minière souterraine pour surveiller certains paramètres environnementaux, comme la quantité de gaz, d’eau, la température, l’humidité, le niveau d’oxygène, de poussière, etc. Dans le cas de la surveillance de l’environnement, un WSN peut être remplacé de manière équivalente par un réseau à relais à entrées et sorties multiples (MIMO). Les réseaux de relais multisauts ont attiré un intérêt de recherche important ces derniers temps grâce à leur capacité à augmenter la portée de la couverture. La liaison de communication réseau d’une source vers une destination est mise en oeuvre en utilisant un schéma d’amplification/transmission (AF) ou de décodage/transfert (DF). Le relais AF reçoit des informations du relais précédent et amplifie simplement le signal reçu, puis il le transmet au relais suivant. D’autre part, le relais DF décode d’abord le signal reçu, puis il le transmet au relais suivant au deuxième étage s’il peut parfaitement décoder le signal entrant. En raison de la simplicité analytique, dans cette thèse, nous considérons le schéma de relais AF et les résultats de ce travail peuvent également être développés pour le relais DF. La conception d’un émetteur/récepteur pour le relais MIMO multisauts est très difficile. Car à l’étape de relais L, il y a 2L canaux possibles. Donc, pour un réseau à grande échelle, il n’est pas économique d’envoyer un signal par tous les liens possibles. Au lieu de cela, nous pouvons trouver le meilleur chemin de la source à la destination qui donne le rapport signal sur bruit (SNR) de bout en bout le plus élevé. Nous pouvons minimiser la fonction objectif d’erreur quadratique moyenne (MSE) ou de taux d’erreur binaire (BER) en envoyant le signal utilisant le chemin sélectionné. L’ensemble de relais dans le chemin reste actif et le reste des relais s’éteint, ce qui permet d’économiser de l’énergie afin d’améliorer la durée de vie du réseau. Le meilleur chemin de transmission de signal a été étudié dans la littérature pour un relais MIMO à deux bonds mais est plus complexe pour un ...With the great developments in wireless communication technologies, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have gained attention worldwide in the past decade and are now being used in health monitoring, disaster management, defense, telecommunications, etc. Such networks are used in many industrial and consumer applications such as industrial process and environment monitoring, among others. A WSN network is a collection of specialized transducers known as sensor nodes with a communication link distributed randomly in any locations to monitor environmental parameters such as water level, and temperature. Each sensor node is equipped with a transducer, a signal processor, a power unit, and a transceiver. WSNs are now being widely used in the underground mining industry to monitor environmental parameters, including the amount of gas, water, temperature, humidity, oxygen level, dust, etc. The WSN for environment monitoring can be equivalently replaced by a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) relay network. Multi-hop relay networks have attracted significant research interest in recent years for their capability in increasing the coverage range. The network communication link from a source to a destination is implemented using the amplify-and-forward (AF) or decode-and-forward (DF) schemes. The AF relay receives information from the previous relay and simply amplifies the received signal and then forwards it to the next relay. On the other hand, the DF relay first decodes the received signal and then forwards it to the next relay in the second stage if it can perfectly decode the incoming signal. For analytical simplicity, in this thesis, we consider the AF relaying scheme and the results of this work can also be developed for the DF relay. The transceiver design for multi-hop MIMO relay is very challenging. This is because at the L-th relay stage, there are 2L possible channels. So, for a large scale network, it is not economical to send the signal through all possible links. Instead, we can find the best path from source-to-destination that gives the highest end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). We can minimize the mean square error (MSE) or bit error rate (BER) objective function by sending the signal using the selected path. The set of relay in the path remains active and the rest of the relays are turned off which can save power to enhance network life-time. The best path signal transmission has been carried out in the literature for 2-hop MIMO relay and for multiple relaying it becomes very complex. In the first part of this thesis, we propose an optimal best path finding algorithm at perfect channel state information (CSI). We consider a parallel multi-hop multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) AF relay system where a linear minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) receiver is used at the destination. We simplify the parallel network into equivalent series multi-hop MIMO relay link using best relaying, where the best relay ..

    Performance Analysis, Resource Allocation and Optimization of Cooperative Communication Systems under Generalized Fading Channels

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    The increasing demands for high-speed data transmission, efficient wireless access, high quality of service (QoS) and reliable network coverage with reduced power consumption impose demanding intensive research efforts on the design of novel wireless communication system architectures. A notable development in the area of communication theory is the introduction of cooperative communication systems. These technologies become promising solution for the next-generation wireless transmission systems due to their applicability in size, power, hardware and price constrained devices, such as cellular mobile devices, wireless sensors, ad-hoc networks and military communications, being able to provide, e.g., diversity gain against fading channels without the need for installing multiple antennas in a single terminal. The performance of the cooperative systems can in general be significantly increased by allocating the limited power efficiently. In this thesis, we address in detail the performance analysis, resource allocation and optimization of such cooperative communication systems under generalized fading channels. We focus first on energy-efficiency (EE) optimization and optimal power allocation (OPA) of regenerative cooperative network with spatial correlation effects under given power constraint and QoS requirement. The thesis also investigates the end-to-end performance and power allocation of a regenerative multi-relay cooperative network over non-homogeneous scattering environment, which is realistic case in practical wireless communication scenarios. Furthermore, the study investigates the end-to-end performance, OPA and energy optimization analysis under total power constraint and performance requirement of full-duplex (FD) relaying transmission scheme over asymmetric generalized fading models with relay self-interference (SI) effects.The study first focuses on exact error analysis and EE optimization of regenerative relay systems under spatial correlation effects. It first derives novel exact and asymptotic expressions for the symbol-error-rates (SERs) of M -ary quadrature amplitude and M -ary phase-shift keying (M -QAM) and (M -PSK) modulations, respectively, assuming a dual-hop decode-and-forward relay system, spatial correlation, path-loss effects and maximum-ratio-combing (MRC) at the destination. Based on this, EEoptimization and OPA are carried out under certain QoS requirement and transmit power constraints.Furthermore, the second part of the study investigates the end-to-end performance and power allocation of MRC based regenerative multi-relay cooperative system over non-homogeneous scattering environment. Novel exact and asymptotic expressions are derived for the end-to-end average SER for M -QAM and M -PSK modulations.The offered results are employed in performance investigations and power allocation formulations under total transmit power constraints.Finally, the thesis investigates outage performance, OPA and energy optimization analysis under certain system constraints for the FD and half-duplex (HD) relaying systems. Unlike the previous studies that considered the scenario of information transmission over symmetric fading conditions, in this study we considered the scenario of information transmission over the most generalized asymmetric fading environments.The obtained results indicate that depending on the severity of multipath fading, the spatial correlation between the direct and relayed paths and the relay location, the direct transmission is more energy-efficient only for rather short transmission distances and until a certain threshold. Beyond this, the system benefits substantially from the cooperative transmission approach where the cooperation gain increases as the transmission distance increases. Furthermore, the investigations on the power allocation for the multi-relay system over the generalized small-scale fading model show that substantial performance gain can be achieved by the proposed power allocation scheme over the conventional equal power allocation (EPA) scheme when the source-relay and relay-destination paths are highly unbalanced. Extensive studies on the FD relay system also show that OPA provides significant performance gain over the EPA scheme when the relay SI level is relatively strong. In addition, it is shown that the FD relaying scheme is more energy-efficient than the reference HD relaying scheme at long transmission distances and for moderate relay SI levels.In general, the investigations in this thesis provide tools, results and useful insights for implementing space-efficient, low-cost and energy-efficient cooperative networks, specifically, towards the future green communication era where the optimization of the scarce resources is critical