1,288 research outputs found

    Data mining based cyber-attack detection

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    Towards Effective Network Intrusion Detection: A Hybrid Model Integrating Gini Index and GBDT with PSO

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    In order to protect computing systems from malicious attacks, network intrusion detection systems have become an important part in the security infrastructure. Recently, hybrid models that integrating several machine learning techniques have captured more attention of researchers. In this paper, a novel hybrid model was proposed with the purpose of detecting network intrusion effectively. In the proposed model, Gini index is used to select the optimal subset of features, the gradient boosted decision tree (GBDT) algorithm is adopted to detect network attacks, and the particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is utilized to optimize the parameters of GBDT. The performance of the proposed model is experimentally evaluated in terms of accuracy, detection rate, precision, F1-score, and false alarm rate using the NSL-KDD dataset. Experimental results show that the proposed model is superior to the compared methods

    A hybrid intrusion detection system

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    Anomaly intrusion detection normally has high false alarm rates, and a high volume of false alarms will prevent system administrators identifying the real attacks. Machine learning methods provide an effective way to decrease the false alarm rate and improve the detection rate of anomaly intrusion detection. In this research, we propose a novel approach using kernel methods and Support Vector Machine (SVM) for improving anomaly intrusion detectors\u27 accuracy. Two kernels, STIDE kernel and Markov Chain kernel, are developed specially for intrusion detection applications. The experiments show the STIDE and Markov Chain kernel based two class SVM anomaly detectors have better accuracy rate than the original STIDE and Markov Chain anomaly detectors.;Generally, anomaly intrusion detection approaches build normal profiles from labeled training data. However, labeled training data for intrusion detection is expensive and not easy to obtain. We propose an anomaly detection approach, using STIDE kernel and Markov Chain kernel based one class SVM, that does not need labeled training data. To further increase the detection rate and lower the false alarm rate, an approach of integrating specification based intrusion detection with anomaly intrusion detection is also proposed.;This research also establish a platform which generates automatically both misuse and anomaly intrusion detection software agents. In our method, a SIFT representing an intrusion is automatically converted to a Colored Petri Net (CPNs) representing an intrusion detection template, subsequently, the CPN is compiled into code for misuse intrusion detection software agents using a compiler and dynamically loaded and launched for misuse intrusion detection. On the other hand, a model representing a normal profile is automatically generated from training data, subsequently, an anomaly intrusion detection agent which carries this model is generated and launched for anomaly intrusion detection. By engaging both misuse and anomaly intrusion detection agents, our system can detect known attacks as well as novel unknown attacks

    Review on Intrusion Detection System Based on The Goal of The Detection System

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    An extensive review of the intrusion detection system (IDS) is presented in this paper. Previous studies review the IDS based on the approaches (algorithms) used or based on the types of the intrusion itself. The presented paper reviews the IDS based on the goal of the IDS (accuracy and time), which become the main objective of this paper. Firstly, the IDS were classified into two types based on the goal they intend to achieve. These two types of IDS were later reviewed in detail, followed by a comparison of some of the studies that have earlier been carried out on IDS. The comparison is done based on the results shown in the studies compared. The comparison shows that the studies focusing on the detection time reduce the accuracy of the detection compared to other studies
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