7 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh kemajuan teknologi IT dibidang pendidikan dan kurangnya media berbasis IT yang dikhususkan sesuai dengan karakteristik anak autis. Dikarenakan anak autis merupakan anak yang memiliki karakteristik tersendiri sehingga media interaktif yang digunakan harus sesuai dengan karakteristik anak autis. Oleh karena itu tujuan pemelitian ini adalah merancang dan mengimplementasikan media interaktif pembelajaran, mengamati dan menganalisis respon anak autis terhadap media interaktif pembelajaran dengan menggunakan metode Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS). Dalam merancang media tersebut mempertimbangkan berbagai aspek yaitu RPP, karakteristik multimedia untuk anak autis, prinsip membaca dan berhitung permulaan, soal evaluasi dan metode pembelajaran khusus untuk anak autis salah satunya PECS. Media yang dirancang merupakan media interaktif pembelajaran membaca dan berhitung sesuai dengan kurikulum 2013. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut maka metode waterfall digunakan sebagai acuan dalam pembangunan media pembelajaran. Eksperimen dilakukan di SLB Prananda dengan subjek penelitian sebanyak 4 orang siswa berusia 11 sampai 13 tahun. Kemudian, hasil dari eksperimen diolah dan dianalisis berdasarkan metode kualitatif. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa perolehan nilai, respon siswa, serta durasi rata-rata fokus siswa selama menggunakan media sangatlah baik. Media pembelajaran yang telah dibangun terbukti memberikan dampak positif untuk anak autis namun, ada hal penting yang harus dilakukan selama mengimplementasikan media yaitu adanya bimbingan serta arahan di semua tahapan pembelajaran.-- This study is based on advances in IT technology in the field of education and the lack of IT-based media that is specifically tailored to the characteristics of children with autism. Because children with autism is a child who has its own characteristics so that the interactive media used must be in accordance with the characteristics of children with autism. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to design and implement interactive learning media, to observe and analyze the response of autistic children to interactive learning media using Picture Exchange Communication System (PECS) method. In designing the media consider various aspects of RPP, the characteristics of multimedia for children with autism, the principles of reading and early counting, the question of evaluation and specific learning methods for children with autism one of them PECS. Media designed is an interactive medium of reading and counting learning in accordance with the curriculum 2013. To achieve these goals then the waterfall method is used as a reference in the development of learning media. The experiment was conducted in SLB Prananda with the subject of research as many as 4 students aged 11 to 13 years. Then, the results of the experiment were processed and analyzed based on qualitative methods. The results show that the acquisition of grades, student responses, as well as the average duration of student focus during media use are excellent. Learning media that have been built proved to have a positive impact for children with autism, but there are important things to do during implementing the media that is the guidance and direction in all stages of learning

    The design principles of edutainment system for autistic children with communication difficulties

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    The number of children with autism is increasing worldwide. Children with autism face three major problems; socializing, communicating, and behaviour. Approximately 50% of all individuals with autism have difficulties in developing functional language owing to communication deterioration. Mobile devices with installed educational games help these individuals feel more comfortable and relaxed doing such activities. Although numerous mobile applications are available for individuals with autism, they are difficult to use; particularly in terms of user-interface design. This study analysed the existing apps in order to determine the design principles applicable to the Edutainment App being studied. Five applications were involved in this analysis. As outlined in the objectives of this study, identifying these design principles is important in designing the app. The analysis identified fifteen suggestions for the design principles. These suggestions addressed, simple interfaces; image size; number of pictures; home page icon; colour; having images identical to real life objects; the use of caregivers; navigation; password-protection; audio appropriate to the images; the app language used; evaluating parameters to measure the child’s growth; option for photo loading; PECS-based communication; and sentence pronunciation function. These recommendations are offered by this study towards designing and developing a prototype app for autistic children. This study introduces an edutainment-system design principle formulated to help develop the communication skills of children with autism-spectrum disorders. This study also describes the design, implementation, and evaluation of the ICanTalk app-a mobile edutainment app that can be used to improve users’ understanding and communication skills and help them to connect with society and the surrounding environment particularly for autistic children with communication difficulties. This app allows caregivers to create personalized content using pictures and audio on their mobile devices (tablets). The evaluation of the app by teachers suggests that it is useful and easy-to-use. In conclusion, based on the evaluation results, it is found that the ICanTalk app is effective in helping autistic children with communication difficultie

    Autismo y rol del docente en el aula de motricidad en educación infantil

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    Estudios recientes nos dicen que aproximadamente 1 de cada 68 niños ha sido identificado con Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA), siendo su presencia cada día más habitual en las clases de Educación Infantil. Este estudio tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión bibliográfica sobre las publicaciones y documentos sobre autismo infantil en los últimos diez años. Se realiza una revisión por palabras clave en tres importantes bases de datos. Se recuperan un total de 615 artículos científicos, seleccionando 67 y descartando 96. Los resultados indican un hilo de unión común de los autores y sus publicaciones en referencia al autismo infantil: alteraciones en las relaciones sociales, comunicación, lenguaje e inflexibilidad mental y comportamental. Observamos cómo el docente juega un papel fundamental en la inclusión del alumnado con estas características, siendo necesario el desarrollo de programas de intervención individualizados, donde la palabra interacción debe ser el eje sobre el que focalizar el trabajo en el aulaS

    Evaluación de la incidencia de una unidad didáctica de juegos cooperativos en las necesidades psicológicas básicas en alumnado de educación primaria

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    El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar qué ocurre con las necesidades psicológicas básicas (NPB) al aplicar una unidad didáctica de juegos cooperativos. Se aplicó un diseño cuasi-experimental pre-post test con un grupo control, en el que participaron 194 escolares gallegos (104 niños y 90 niñas) con edades comprendidas entre los 10 y 12 años (M = 10,51 ± 0,61). El grupo control y el experimental estuvieron constituidos por 102 y 90 alumnos, respectivamente. Los resultados indicaron efectos positivos del programa sobre las NPB en el grupo experimental: competencia (COMP) (p = .004) y relación con los demás (RELAC) (p<.001). En la comparación Pre-Post intervención por género en el grupo experimental, se observó una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en COMP (p= .009) y RELAC (p=.001) en las niñas. Los datos obtenidos sugieren que la aplicación de unidades didácticas o programas basados en los juegos cooperativos podrían incidir de manera positiva en la satisfacción de las NPB de los escolares de educación primaria en las clases de EF, hecho que debe llevar al docente a reflexionar sobre la programación de las tareas y la metodología empleada en esta etapaS

    Recent Developments in Smart Healthcare

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    Medicine is undergoing a sector-wide transformation thanks to the advances in computing and networking technologies. Healthcare is changing from reactive and hospital-centered to preventive and personalized, from disease focused to well-being centered. In essence, the healthcare systems, as well as fundamental medicine research, are becoming smarter. We anticipate significant improvements in areas ranging from molecular genomics and proteomics to decision support for healthcare professionals through big data analytics, to support behavior changes through technology-enabled self-management, and social and motivational support. Furthermore, with smart technologies, healthcare delivery could also be made more efficient, higher quality, and lower cost. In this special issue, we received a total 45 submissions and accepted 19 outstanding papers that roughly span across several interesting topics on smart healthcare, including public health, health information technology (Health IT), and smart medicine