1,214 research outputs found

    Ingress of threshold voltage-triggered hardware trojan in the modern FPGA fabric–detection methodology and mitigation

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    The ageing phenomenon of negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) continues to challenge the dynamic thermal management of modern FPGAs. Increased transistor density leads to thermal accumulation and propagates higher and non-uniform temperature variations across the FPGA. This aggravates the impact of NBTI on key PMOS transistor parameters such as threshold voltage and drain current. Where it ages the transistors, with a successive reduction in FPGA lifetime and reliability, it also challenges its security. The ingress of threshold voltage-triggered hardware Trojan, a stealthy and malicious electronic circuit, in the modern FPGA, is one such potential threat that could exploit NBTI and severely affect its performance. The development of an effective and efficient countermeasure against it is, therefore, highly critical. Accordingly, we present a comprehensive FPGA security scheme, comprising novel elements of hardware Trojan infection, detection, and mitigation, to protect FPGA applications against the hardware Trojan. Built around the threat model of a naval warship’s integrated self-protection system (ISPS), we propose a threshold voltage-triggered hardware Trojan that operates in a threshold voltage region of 0.45V to 0.998V, consuming ultra-low power (10.5nW), and remaining stealthy with an area overhead as low as 1.5% for a 28 nm technology node. The hardware Trojan detection sub-scheme provides a unique lightweight threshold voltage-aware sensor with a detection sensitivity of 0.251mV/nA. With fixed and dynamic ring oscillator-based sensor segments, the precise measurement of frequency and delay variations in response to shifts in the threshold voltage of a PMOS transistor is also proposed. Finally, the FPGA security scheme is reinforced with an online transistor dynamic scaling (OTDS) to mitigate the impact of hardware Trojan through run-time tolerant circuitry capable of identifying critical gates with worst-case drain current degradation

    Flash-based security primitives: Evolution, challenges and future directions

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    Over the last two decades, hardware security has gained increasing attention in academia and industry. Flash memory has been given a spotlight in recent years, with the question of whether or not it can prove useful in a security role. Because of inherent process variation in the characteristics of flash memory modules, they can provide a unique fingerprint for a device and have thus been proposed as locations for hardware security primitives. These primitives include physical unclonable functions (PUFs), true random number generators (TRNGs), and integrated circuit (IC) counterfeit detection. In this paper, we evaluate the efficacy of flash memory-based security primitives and categorize them based on the process variations they exploit, as well as other features. We also compare and evaluate flash-based security primitives in order to identify drawbacks and essential design considerations. Finally, we describe new directions, challenges of research, and possible security vulnerabilities for flash-based security primitives that we believe would benefit from further exploration

    Leveraging CMOS Aging for Efficient Microelectronics Design

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    Aging is known to impact electronic systems affecting performance and reliability. However, it has been shown that it also brings benefits for power saving and area optimization. This paper presents highlights of those benefits and further shows how aging effects can be leveraged by novel methods to contribute towards improving hardware oriented security and reliability of electronic circuits. We have demonstrated static power reduction in complex circuits from IWLS05 benchmark suite, reaching a noticeable 7S% of reduction in ten years of operation. In hardware oriented security, a novel aging sensor has been proposed for detection of recycled ICs, measuring discharge time Tdv of the virtual power (VV dd ) network in power-gated designs. This sensor utilizes discharge time of VV dd network through leakage current that is much more sensitive to aging than path delay, exhibiting up to 15.7X increment in 10 years. Furthermore, we show how frequency degradation caused by aging is used for online prediction of remaining useful lifetime (RUL) of electronic circuits. Results show an average RUL prediction deviation of less than 0.1 years. This methodology provides node calculations rather than a mean time to failure (MTTF) of the population. The set of techniques that are presented in this paper takes advantage of aging effects, having a positive impact in various aspects of microelectronic systems

    Techniques for Improving Security and Trustworthiness of Integrated Circuits

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    The integrated circuit (IC) development process is becoming increasingly vulnerable to malicious activities because untrusted parties could be involved in this IC development flow. There are four typical problems that impact the security and trustworthiness of ICs used in military, financial, transportation, or other critical systems: (i) Malicious inclusions and alterations, known as hardware Trojans, can be inserted into a design by modifying the design during GDSII development and fabrication. Hardware Trojans in ICs may cause malfunctions, lower the reliability of ICs, leak confidential information to adversaries or even destroy the system under specifically designed conditions. (ii) The number of circuit-related counterfeiting incidents reported by component manufacturers has increased significantly over the past few years with recycled ICs contributing the largest percentage of the total reported counterfeiting incidents. Since these recycled ICs have been used in the field before, the performance and reliability of such ICs has been degraded by aging effects and harsh recycling process. (iii) Reverse engineering (RE) is process of extracting a circuit’s gate-level netlist, and/or inferring its functionality. The RE causes threats to the design because attackers can steal and pirate a design (IP piracy), identify the device technology, or facilitate other hardware attacks. (iv) Traditional tools for uniquely identifying devices are vulnerable to non-invasive or invasive physical attacks. Securing the ID/key is of utmost importance since leakage of even a single device ID/key could be exploited by an adversary to hack other devices or produce pirated devices. In this work, we have developed a series of design and test methodologies to deal with these four challenging issues and thus enhance the security, trustworthiness and reliability of ICs. The techniques proposed in this thesis include: a path delay fingerprinting technique for detection of hardware Trojans, recycled ICs, and other types counterfeit ICs including remarked, overproduced, and cloned ICs with their unique identifiers; a Built-In Self-Authentication (BISA) technique to prevent hardware Trojan insertions by untrusted fabrication facilities; an efficient and secure split manufacturing via Obfuscated Built-In Self-Authentication (OBISA) technique to prevent reverse engineering by untrusted fabrication facilities; and a novel bit selection approach for obtaining the most reliable bits for SRAM-based physical unclonable function (PUF) across environmental conditions and silicon aging effects

    Advances in Microfluidic Technologies for Energy and Environmental Applications

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    Microfluidics have aroused a new surge of interest in recent years in environmental and energy areas, and inspired novel applications to tackle the worldwide challenges for sustainable development. This book aims to present readers with a valuable compendium of significant advances in applying the multidisciplinary microfluidic technologies to address energy and environmental problems in a plethora of areas such as environmental monitoring and detection, new nanofluid application in traditional mechanical manufacturing processes, development of novel biosensors, and thermal management. This book will provide a new perspective to the understanding of the ever-growing importance of microfluidics
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