1,217 research outputs found


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    Email is an economical facet of communication, the importance of which is increasing in spite of access to other approaches, such as electronic messaging, social networks, and phone applications. The business arena depends largely on the use of email, which urges the proper management of emails due to disruptive factors such as spams, phishing emails, and multi-folder categorization. The present study aimed to review the studies regarding emails, which were published during 2016-2020, based on the problem description analysis in terms of datasets, applications areas, classification techniques, and feature sets. In addition, other areas involving email classifications were identified and comprehensively reviewed. The results indicated four email application areas, while the open issues and research directions of email classifications were implicated for further investigation

    Hacking Smart Machines with Smarter Ones: How to Extract Meaningful Data from Machine Learning Classifiers

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    Machine Learning (ML) algorithms are used to train computers to perform a variety of complex tasks and improve with experience. Computers learn how to recognize patterns, make unintended decisions, or react to a dynamic environment. Certain trained machines may be more effective than others because they are based on more suitable ML algorithms or because they were trained through superior training sets. Although ML algorithms are known and publicly released, training sets may not be reasonably ascertainable and, indeed, may be guarded as trade secrets. While much research has been performed about the privacy of the elements of training sets, in this paper we focus our attention on ML classifiers and on the statistical information that can be unconsciously or maliciously revealed from them. We show that it is possible to infer unexpected but useful information from ML classifiers. In particular, we build a novel meta-classifier and train it to hack other classifiers, obtaining meaningful information about their training sets. This kind of information leakage can be exploited, for example, by a vendor to build more effective classifiers or to simply acquire trade secrets from a competitor's apparatus, potentially violating its intellectual property rights

    Detecting change points in the large-scale structure of evolving networks

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    Interactions among people or objects are often dynamic in nature and can be represented as a sequence of networks, each providing a snapshot of the interactions over a brief period of time. An important task in analyzing such evolving networks is change-point detection, in which we both identify the times at which the large-scale pattern of interactions changes fundamentally and quantify how large and what kind of change occurred. Here, we formalize for the first time the network change-point detection problem within an online probabilistic learning framework and introduce a method that can reliably solve it. This method combines a generalized hierarchical random graph model with a Bayesian hypothesis test to quantitatively determine if, when, and precisely how a change point has occurred. We analyze the detectability of our method using synthetic data with known change points of different types and magnitudes, and show that this method is more accurate than several previously used alternatives. Applied to two high-resolution evolving social networks, this method identifies a sequence of change points that align with known external "shocks" to these networks

    An intelligent auto-response short message service categorization model using semantic index

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    Short message service (SMS) is one of the quickest and easiest ways used for communication, used by businesses, government organizations, and banks to send short messages to large groups of people. Categorization of SMS under different message types in their inboxes will provide a concise view for receivers. Former studies on the said problem are at the binary level as ham or spam which triggered the masking of specific messages that were useful to the end user but were treated as spam. Further, it is extended with multi labels such as ham, spam, and others which is not sufficient to meet all the necessities of end users. Hence, a multi-class SMS categorization is needed based on the semantics (information) embedded in it. This paper introduces an intelligent auto-response model using a semantic index for categorizing SMS messages into 5 categories: ham, spam, info, transactions, and one time password’s, using the multi-layer perceptron (MLP) algorithm. In this approach, each SMS is classified into one of the predefined categories. This experiment was conducted on the “multi-class SMS dataset” with 7,398 messages, which are differentiated into 5 classes. The accuracy obtained from the experiment was 97%


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    In recent years, the widespread adoption of Machine Learning (ML) at the core of complex information technology systems has driven researchers to investigate the security and reliability of ML techniques. A very specific kind of threats concerns the adversary mechanisms through which an attacker could induce a classification algorithm to provide the desired output. Such strategies, known as Adversarial Machine Learning (AML), have a twofold purpose: to calculate a perturbation to be applied to the classifier's input such that the outcome is subverted, while maintaining the underlying intent of the original data. Although any manipulation that accomplishes these goals is theoretically acceptable, in real scenarios perturbations must correspond to a set of permissible manipulations of the input, which is rarely considered in the literature. In this thesis, two different problems are considered related to the matter of generating effective perturbations in an AML attack.First, an e-health scenario is addressed, in which an automatic system for prescriptions can be deceived by inputs forged to subvert the model's prediction.Patients clinical records are typically based on binary features representing the presence/absence of certain symptoms.In this work it is presented an algorithm capable of generating a precise sequence of moves, that the adversary has to take in order to elude the automatic prescription serviceSecondly, this thesis outlines an AML technique specifically designed to fool the spam account detection system of an Online Social Network (OSN). The proposed black-box evasion attack is formulated as an optimization problem that computes the adversarial sample while maintaining two important properties of the feature space, namely statistical correlation and semantic dependency

    Self-organizing maps in computer security

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    Imbalanced data classification and its application in cyber security

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    Cyber security, also known as information technology security or simply as information security, aims to protect government organizations, companies and individuals by defending their computers, servers, electronic systems, networks, and data from malicious attacks. With the advancement of client-side on the fly web content generation techniques, it becomes easier for attackers to modify the content of a website dynamically and gain access to valuable information. The impact of cybercrime to the global economy is now more than ever, and it is growing day by day. Among various types of cybercrimes, financial attacks are widely spread and the financial sector is among most targeted. Both corporations and individuals are losing a huge amount of money each year. The majority portion of financial attacks is carried out by banking malware and web-based attacks. The end users are not always skilled enough to differentiate between injected content and actual contents of a webpage. Designing a real-time security system for ensuring a safe browsing experience is a challenging task. Some of the existing solutions are designed for client side and all the users have to install it in their system, which is very difficult to implement. In addition, various platforms and tools are used by organizations and individuals, therefore, different solutions are needed to be designed. The existing server-side solution often focuses on sanitizing and filtering the inputs. It will fail to detect obfuscated and hidden scripts. This is a realtime security system and any significant delay will hamper user experience. Therefore, finding the most optimized and efficient solution is very important. To ensure an easy installation and integration capabilities of any solution with the existing system is also a critical factor to consider. If the solution is efficient but difficult to integrate, then it may not be a feasible solution for practical use. Unsupervised and supervised data classification techniques have been widely applied to design algorithms for solving cyber security problems. The performance of these algorithms varies depending on types of cyber security problems and size of datasets. To date, existing algorithms do not achieve high accuracy in detecting malware activities. Datasets in cyber security and, especially those from financial sectors, are predominantly imbalanced datasets as the number of malware activities is significantly less than the number of normal activities. This means that classifiers for imbalanced datasets can be used to develop supervised data classification algorithms to detect malware activities. Development of classifiers for imbalanced data sets has been subject of research over the last decade. Most of these classifiers are based on oversampling and undersampling techniques and are not efficient in many situations as such techniques are applied globally. In this thesis, we develop two new algorithms for solving supervised data classification problems in imbalanced datasets and then apply them to solve malware detection problems. The first algorithm is designed using the piecewise linear classifiers by formulating this problem as an optimization problem and by applying the penalty function method. More specifically, we add more penalty to the objective function for misclassified points from minority classes. The second method is based on the combination of the supervised and unsupervised (clustering) algorithms. Such an approach allows one to identify areas in the input space where minority classes are located and to apply local oversampling or undersampling. This approach leads to the design of more efficient and accurate classifiers. The proposed algorithms are tested using real-world datasets. Results clearly demonstrate superiority of newly introduced algorithms. Then we apply these algorithms to design classifiers to detect malwares.Doctor of Philosoph


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    In 2020, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) found phishing to be the most common cybercrime, with a record number of complaints from Americans reporting losses exceeding $4.1 billion. Various phishing prevention methods exist; however, these methods are usually reactionary in nature as they activate only after a phishing campaign has been launched. Priming people ahead of time with the knowledge of which phishing topic is more likely to occur could be an effective proactive phishing prevention strategy. It has been noted that the volume of phishing emails tended to increase around key calendar dates and during times of uncertainty. This thesis aimed to create a classifier to predict which phishing topics have an increased likelihood of occurring in reference to an external event. After distilling around 1.2 million phishes until only meaningful words remained, a Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) topic model uncovered 90 latent phishing topics. On average, human evaluators agreed with the composition of a topic 74% of the time in one of the phishing topic evaluation tasks, showing an accordance of human judgment to the topics produced by the LDA model. Each topic was turned into a timeseries by creating a frequency count over the dataset’s two-year timespan. This time-series was changed into an intensity count to highlight the days of increased phishing activity. All phishing topics were analyzed and reviewed for influencing events. After the review, ten topics were identified to have external events that could have possibly influenced their respective intensities. After performing the intervention analysis, none of the selected topics were found to correlate with the identified external event. The analysis stopped here, and no predictive classifiers were pursued. With this dataset, temporal patterns coupled with external events were not able to predict the likelihood of a phishing attack
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